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Question Bank (Unit 1 to 9)

1. Define Economics. What is the nature and scope of Economics?

2. Differentiate between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
3. What do you mean by ‘Demand’? Explain law of demand along with
4. What do you mean by ‘Supply’? Explain law of demand along with
5. Explain the concept of elasticity of Demand.
6. Define and explain: (i) Price Elasticity of demand (ii) Income Elasticity of
demand (iii) Cross Elasticity of demand
7. What do you mean by production? Which are the factors affecting
8. Explain the Law of Variable Proportion with graphical presentation.
9. Explain the Law of Returns to Scale with graphical presentation.
10. Explain short run and long run costs.
11. BEP sums.
12. What is market? What are the different types of market?
13. Explain perfect competition with its characteristics and suitable example.
14. What is monopoly? What are the characteristics of monopoly explain with
15. Explain: National Income with stock and flow concept.
16. Explain following terms (i) GNP (ii) GDP (iii) NNP (iv) Personal Income
(v) Disposable Income
17. Explain the concept of poverty. Also explain poverty line.
18.What are the causes of poverty?
19. Discuss poverty and its types.
20. Explain the concept of unemployment. What are different types of
21. Explain the concept of Inflation. What are major causes and remedies of
22. Explain the term ‘money’ and types of money.
23. What do you understand by monetary policy? What are its objectives?
24. Explain the term banking. Which different activities are performed in the
25. Define: (i) CRR (ii) Bank Rate (iii) Repo Rate (iv) Reverse Repo Rate (v)
26. Define management. What are the objectives of the management?
27. ‘Management is an art or science’- Justify the statement.
28. Differentiate between “Administration and Management”.
29. Explain different levels of management.
30. Explain the principle of F.W. Taylor’s of scientific management.
31. Explain: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
32. What are the different functions of management?
33. Write short note on Centralization and Decentralization.
34. What do you mean by organization structure? On which basis organization
structure can be classified.
35. Discuss different types of organization structure.
36. Explain formal and informal organization structure within organization.
37. What do you understand departmentalization? Explain departmentalization
on the basis of functions.
38. What is organizational culture? Explain the characteristics and types of
organizational culture.
39. What is CSR? Explain the importance of CSR.
40. Explain business ethics in brief. Explain the importance of business ethics.

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