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The Lost Child

- Mulk Raj Anand

I. Glossary:

a. lagged behind- to go too slowly

b. alleys- narrow passages
c. receding- to move backwards
d. bustling- moving here and there
e. dizzy- unable to balance

II.Answer the following in 30 to 40 words:

a. Exemplify the statement- ‘Parents were in a hurry to reach the fair but
the child was delaying them’
Keywords – many distractions, mustard field, dragon flies, flower
petals, pause and call

a. The child was getting tempted by the many distractions on way to the fair.
Sometimes he would stop by the toy shops while at other times he would start
gather the petals of falling flowers. He entered the mustard field and saw
colourful dragon-flies with gaudy purple wings, black bee and butterflies. He
gazed at them as they flew in the air. The parents had to pause frequently and
call him to walk beside them.

b. The kind-hearted stranger tried his best to calm down the lost child but
failed. Justify.
Keywords – feel agony, offered ride, buy sweets, balloons, failed,

b. The stranger who noticed the lost child was a kind-hearted man. He had the
heart that could feel the agony of a lost child. He lifted him up in his arms. He
tried to distract his attention by offering a ride on the roundabout and making
him hear the music of the flute. He offered him to buy sweets and balloons to
soothe him. He failed in his attempt because the lost child had nothing in his
mind except his parents.

III. Answer the following in 80 to 100 words:

a. "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand revolves around the theme of
innocence, longing, and the conflict between desire and duty. The
story follows a young child who gets separated from his parents in a
crowded fair while chasing a balloon. As he searches for his lost
parents, he experiences various emotions and encounters different
people who try to help him.
Keywords – loss of innocence, harsh realities, conflict between desire
and duty, societal expectations, vulnerability, familial bonds

One of the central themes of the story is the loss of innocence. The child's
journey through the fair exposes him to the harsh realities of the world
outside the protective embrace of his parents. He faces fear, uncertainty,
and loneliness as he navigates through the crowd, longing to be reunited
with his loved ones.

Another significant theme is the conflict between desire and duty. The child
is torn between his desire to hold onto the balloon, which symbolizes his
innocence and freedom, and his duty to obey his parents and stay by their
side. His internal struggle reflects the broader tension between individual
desires and societal expectations.

Ultimately, "The Lost Child" highlights the vulnerability of innocence in a

complex and crowded world. It serves as a poignant reminder of the
importance of familial bonds and the need to cherish the fleeting moments
of childhood before they are lost forever.

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