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Name of the book: Small Stories 6,7

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : A THIRSTY CROW

It was hot day. A crow was thirsty. It looks for water. It didn't find water anywhere. At
last she saw a pot near a house. It flew down and sat on the pot. There was some
water in the bottom. It couldn't reach the water. The crow looked around. It saw some
small stones nearby. It picked up a stone and dropped it into the pot, one by one.The
water in the pot came up. The crow drank the water and flew away happily.

Moral : Where there is will there is way

Name of the book: Small Stories

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : The Fox and the Grapes

One day a fox was walking through the fields. He saw a grape garden with plenty of
grapes. Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes.
Again the fox took a few steps back and tried to reach them but still failed. Finally, giving
up, the fox turned up his nose and said, "They're sour," and went away

Moral : It is easy to get despise what you cannot get

Name of the book: Small Stories 6,7

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : AN ANT AND THE DOVE

A dove and an ant lived on a tree near the pond. One day the ant fell into the pond. It
couldn't swim. The dove saw it. She dropped a leaf near the ant. The ant stepped on the
leaf and reached the bank. One day a hunter saw the dove on the tree and aimed it. The
dove didn't saw. The ant saw this and bit the hunter's foot. His aim missed. The dove
thanked the ant and flew away.

Moral: If we do good to others, others also do good to us.

Name of the book: Small Stories

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : The hare and the tortoise


A hare and a tortoise were good friends. The hare was proud.The tortoise was humble.
One day tortoise and rabbit ran a race. When the race began, the hare ran very fast. He
returned back and saw that the tortoise was far behind. He was very confident that he
would win. So, he stopped for a while and went to sleep. All of a sudden the hare woke
up. He saw the tortoise reached target. The tortoise won the race. The hare was
ashamed of his over confidence.

Moral: Slow and study wins the race.

Name of the book: Small Stories 8,9

Name of the publishers: Kiran Publishers

Number of pages: 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story: A THIRSTY CROW


One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, it could not
find any. It saw a pot some water inside. The crow tried to push her head into the pot, sadly
could not reach the water. The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, it saw
some pebbles. It suddenly had a good idea. It started picking up the pebbles one by one,
dropping each into the pot, the water level kept rising . Soon it was high enough for the crow to
drink. Its plan had worked!

Moral: If you try hard enough, you may soon find a solution to your problem.

Name of the book: Small Stories

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : The Lion and the Mouse


Once a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened
the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him and opened his big jaws to swallow him."Pardon, O
King!" cried the little Mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and Ishall never forget
your kindness." The Lion was lifted up his paw and let him go. Some days later a hunter captured
the lion in a trap. The lion roared and roared. The little mouse ran up to him and soon gnawed
away the ropes. The lion was soon free.

MORAL: Little friends may prove great friends.

Name of the book: Small Stories 8,9

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40

Name of the story : FOUR BULLS


There were four bulls and they were very close friends. They always lived close by and grazed
together. In the same forest, there lived a lion. This lion used to watch them from a distance and
wanted to eat them all.Since the bulls were always grazing together, the lion knew all four of
them would hit him back. So he was waiting for the right time to attack them. As the days
passed by, a small problem started between the bulls. The problem got bigger and bigger and as
a result, the bulls fought among themselves. Each bull went in their ways and lived a lonely life.
The lion was waiting for a moment like that. He attacked and killed the bulls one by one.

MORAL: Unity is strength

Name of the book: Small Stories

Name of the publishers : Kiran Publishers

Number of pages : 30

Price of the book: 40



A farmer had a duck. The duck would lay a golden egg everyday.He sold the golden egg and
became rich.One day he thought that there would be more golden eggs in the stomach. "If cut
the stomach, I should take all the golden eggs and became very rich" So, he took a knife and cut
the duck. But he found only one golden egg in the stomach. The duck died. He felt very sad.

Moral: Greedy leads to heavy loss

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