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• Muscles supplied by Median Nerve
In cubital fossa : flexor digitorum superficialis
flexor carpi radialis
Palmares longus
In forearm: flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator Quadratus
In Palm:/Hand: muscles of thenar eminence
Ist & Ind Lumbricals

structures present in Bony Orbit

- Eyeball
- extrinsic muscles of eye: Recti & 2 oblique
- optic Nerve
- 3 divisions of ophthalmic Nerve
Trochlear N., Oculomotor N., Abducent N.
- ophthalmic A.
ophthalmic Vein
Lacrimal gland
- orbital part of fat
ciliary ganglion
structures in Radial Groove
- Brachial Artery
- Radial Nerve

Extensor Retinaculum
- modification of Deep fascia
Attachments: Laterally: Lower part of Sharp Ant-border of Radius
Medially: Triquetoal & Pissiform
structures: Post.Interosseous Nerve
Ant. " Artery
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi ulnaris Brevis
Abductor Pollicis longus + Diagram
Extensor Pollicis longus
Extensor Digitiminimi

→ organ for production of sound or phonation
Location → Anterior midline of neck
Extends from root of tongue to trachea
MT (30
Ft (i-Cy

→ Thyroid → arytenoid
→ cricoid → cuneiform
→ Epiglottis (Dhakkan) corniculate
Intrinsic muscles: - Aryepiglotticus
- thyroepiglottious
→ crico arytenoid
→ posterior crico arytenoid
→ lateral crico arytenoid
→ Thyro arytenoid → Go thyroid (outside the
Transverse arytenoid
→ oblique arytenoid
Blood supply: upto vocal folds → Sup. Laryngeal Artery
Below vocal folds → Inf. Laryngeal Artery
veins → same as artery

Nerve supply: Motor → ReEcxuterrrneanlt LLaarryynnggeeaall NNerevreve(o(nl↔yMÉÉthyroid)

sensory →
upto vocal folds → Internal laryngeal Nerve
below vocal folds → Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Applied: Lesions of L. Nerves: External Laryngeal Nerve- Weakness of phonation
vocal nodules: swelling in the vocal cords at the junction of Ant 43ʳᵈ & Post 2/3ʳᵈ
laryngitis: Inflammation of Larynx

Flexor Retinaculum
strong fibrous band which bridges Ant-concavis of the carpels &
converts it into a tunnel Kla carpel tunnel

Attatchments: Medially: Pissiform, hook of Hamate

laterally: Tuberdeof scaphoid, crest of Trapezium
either side: deep slip & superficial slip.
✓Relations: superficial → Palmar cutaneous branch of Median N, G-ulnar N
→ Tendon of Palmares longus .
→ Ulnar vessels, Ulnar Nerve
Deck → Median nerve
→ 4 Tendon of flexor digitorum Profundus & Superficiatis
→ Tendon of flexor Pollicis longus, flexor carpiradiates
→ ulnar Bursa
→ Radial Bursa
Applied → Carpel Tunnel syndrome

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