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Interview Questions
1. What exactly is SAP ABAP?

SAP is a kind of software, most often called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). It is implemented
and applied by major data processing organizations. To supervise their day-to-day operations. The
phrase ABAP denotes Advanced Business Application Programming. Similarly, it represents a coding
language for Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing (SAP).
Components of ABAP
❖ ABAP Dictionary
❖ ABAP Editor
❖ Repository Browser
❖ Screen Painter
❖ Repository Information System
❖ Test and Analysis Tools
❖ Function Builder
❖ Data Modeler
❖ Workbench Organizer
Basic Types in ABAP Dictionary
The basic types in ABAP Dictionary are as follows −
❖ Data elements describe an elementary type by defining the data type, length, and possibly
decimal places.
❖ Structures with components that can have any type.
❖ Table types describe the structure of an internal table.

2. Explain SAP ABAP 3-Tier Architecture.

The Presentation layer consists of any input device that can be used to control SAP system. This
could be a web browser, a mobile device and so on. All the central processing takes place in
Application server. The Application server is not just one system, but it can be multiple instances of
the processing system. The server communicates with the Database layer that is usually kept on a
separate server, mainly for performance reasons and for security.

3. Can you tell us about the several ABAP editors?

SE38 and SE80 are 2 recognizable ABAP editors, with SE38 being used to generate the program.

4. What are the data classes used in ABAP?

In ABAP programming, data grades are used; accordingly, data kinds such as:
❖ Transaction data is the data that transforms often.

❖ Data that can change gradually is called master data.

❖ System data: This is data that the R/3 system needs for itself.

❖ Organization data: This is the data that is fed into the system when it is put together and
then replaced over time.
5. Mention the difference between pool tables and transparent tables?

Transparent tables were those that have an interrelated relationship with the database tables. Its plan
is based on a single database.
Pooled tables: The tables that have only a single connection with the tables in the database and are
saved at the database level.

6. What do you mean by internal tables?

Internal table is a temporary table, which contains the records of an ABAP program that is being
executed. An internal table exists only during the run-time of an SAP program.

7. Can you tell us which functional modules are used in sequence in BDC?

Three functional modules are used in the order in BDC to construct the data transport flawlessly.
These are:

8. What are Smart Forms in SAP ABAP?

SAP ABAP Smart Forms are employed to initiate and preserve forms in case of mass printing in SAP
Structure by using a graphical design aid. The output medium that is used in SAP smart forms is a
fax, printer, e-mail, etc.

9. Can you elaborate on the difference between table and structure in the data dictionary in SAP

One can stock the data physically in the tables, the same is not feasible in the structure. Meanwhile
one can maintain the technical features in the tables. Nevertheless, it is not achievable in structure.

10. Can you tell the significant difference between an SAP ABAP Template and an SAP ABAP

One can find the table to be dynamic, meanwhile, the template is fixed in SAP ABAP.

11. What do you mean by table buffer?

Table Buffering in SAP ABAP is a theory in ABAP Tables to develop performance from 10 to 100 times
and shorten the time of processing (accessing) the table. A Buffer is a connection between the
Database layer and the Application layer.
12. Can you explain how a script form can be debugged?

To remove the errors from the script form in SAP ABAP, you should do the following:

❖ SE71 – name the form – utilities – start the debugger.

13. Can you tell us about the benefits of employing the modularization technique?

The modular construction technique can be implemented to avert replication, in a particular case, a
program that holds a similar order of code.

14. Can you tell us the types of events that are related to screen programming?

There are four events associated to screen programming, they are:

❖ Process after Input or PAI: This event is implemented during the interactivity of operators
while the screen executes.

❖ A process on Help or POH: This event gets implemented on appeal by the users only after
clicking the key F1.

❖ Process Before Output or PBO: This event performs long-only before it exhibits on the

❖ Process On Value or POV: This event performs just by pressing F4 by operators.

15. Explain the use of INSERT and APPEND statement in SAP ABAP?
Append statement is used to add a record at the end of internal table in work area.
Insert statement is used to add a record at specified location.
16. What are the different types of ABAP reports in SAP?
There are 7 ABAP report types in SAP and are available in reports attributes screen.

❖ Executable program
❖ Interface pool
❖ Function groups
❖ Include
❖ Class pool
❖ Module pool
❖ Subroutine pool
17. What is SAP memory and ABAP memory?
SAP memory is a global memory whereas ABAP memory is local memory.
18. What are the events in the Reports?

ALV Download Report Events


Events associated with Interactive Reports are:

AT PF<key>

19. Explain the concept of BADIs?

BADI is called Business Add-in. There are two types of BADIs – Classical BADI and New BADI.

❖ BADI is reusable.
❖ BADI can be implemented many times.

Components created when you define BADI as follows:

• Interface
• Generated Class

20. How many types of Views are there?

• Database View
• Help View
• Projection View
• Maintenance View

21. What is Locking?

When two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchronized by a
lock mechanism.

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