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Lesson Plan for Grade 3 IB PYP Curriculum

Learning Engagement: Students will be learning vocabulary about jobs nowadays and
in the future

Unit Overview:

This unit will introduce students to the vocabulary related to different jobs in the present and
future. They will explore various professions, understand their roles, and imagine future job

Key Concepts:

1. Form: What are different jobs and their roles?

2. Function: How do jobs contribute to society?
3. Connection: How might jobs change in the future?

Related Concepts:

 Occupation
 Society
 Technology

Learner Profile Attributes:

 Inquirer
 Knowledgeable
 Thinker


 Research Skills: Gathering information about different jobs

 Communication Skills: Learning and using new vocabulary
 Thinking Skills: Making predictions about future jobs

Lesson Plan

Meeting 1: Introduction to Jobs Nowadays

Objective: Introduce students to various jobs and their roles in society.


1. Discussion:
o Brainstorm different jobs students know and discuss their roles.
o Talk about why jobs are important in society.
2. Video:
o Watch a short video showcasing different jobs.
3. Vocabulary Introduction:
o Introduce basic job-related vocabulary (e.g., 医生 (yī shēng) - doctor, 老师
(lǎo shī) - teacher, 工程师 (gōng chéng shī) - engineer).
4. Matching Game:
o Match job names to pictures of people performing those jobs.


 Video about different jobs

 Job pictures and word cards


 Oral participation in discussion

 Accuracy in the matching game

Meeting 2: Exploring Present-Day Jobs

Objective: Learn more about specific jobs and their daily tasks.


1. Guest Speaker:
o Invite a professional (e.g., doctor, teacher, engineer) to talk about their job.
2. Q&A Session:
o Students ask questions about the guest speaker’s job.
3. Vocabulary Practice:
o Practice job-related vocabulary through a worksheet or flashcards.
4. Drawing Activity:
o Draw a picture of a job they are interested in and write a sentence about it in


 Guest speaker
 Flashcards
 Drawing materials


 Participation in the Q&A session

 Completion and accuracy of the drawing activity

Meeting 3: Imagining Future Jobs

Objective: Explore how jobs might change in the future and learn related vocabulary.

1. Discussion:
o Talk about how technology is changing jobs today.
o Predict what jobs might look like in the future.
2. Storytelling:
o Read a simple story about a future job (e.g., a space farmer, a robot mechanic).
3. Vocabulary Introduction:
o Introduce future job-related vocabulary (e.g., 太空农民 (tài kōng nóng mín) -
space farmer, 机器人修理师 (jī qì rén xiū lǐ shī) - robot mechanic).
4. Creative Writing:
o Write a short paragraph about a future job they imagine, using new


 Storybook
 Writing materials


 Participation in discussion
 Creativity and use of vocabulary in the writing activity

Meeting 4: Research and Presentation

Objective: Research a specific job and present findings to the class.


1. Research Activity:
o In pairs, students research a job of their choice (using books, videos, or simple
internet resources).
2. Vocabulary Review:
o Review job-related vocabulary learned so far.
3. Presentation Preparation:
o Prepare a short presentation about their chosen job, including its role, tasks,
and importance.
4. Presentation:
o Each pair presents their findings to the class.


 Research materials (books, internet access)

 Presentation materials

 Quality and completeness of research
 Clarity and use of vocabulary in the presentation

Meeting 5: Reflection and Future Exploration

Objective: Reflect on what they have learned and explore their own future job interests.


1. Reflection Activity:
o Reflect on the different jobs they have learned about and which ones interest
them the most.
2. Career Day:
o Students dress up as the job they are most interested in and share why they
chose it.
3. Vocabulary Review Game:
o Play a review game to reinforce job-related vocabulary (e.g., bingo, flashcard
4. Discussion:
o Talk about how they can prepare for their future dream jobs.


 Costumes or props for Career Day

 Flashcards for review game


 Participation in Career Day

 Accuracy in the vocabulary review game
 Quality of reflection and discussion

Teacher Reflections:

 Evaluate the effectiveness of each lesson in helping students understand different jobs
and their future possibilities.
 Reflect on student engagement and language development throughout the unit.
 Consider adjustments for future iterations of the unit to enhance learning outcomes.

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