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Tutorial 2 - Chapter 3

1. The first personality issue faced by Seridani is neurocitism. Neurocitism is a personality

trait which experiences emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness and sadness. For
example, Seridani’s behaviour became worse when she was unable to fully concentrate at
work. Her colleagues noticed how easily irritated and withdrawn she was. This will
eventually cause Seridani to be more pressured or stressed.

The next personality issue is extraversion. Extraversion means having high amount of
emotional expressiveness but in this case, there is negative extraversion especially in
Seridani’s social life and marriage. For example, Seridani is more willing to stay home
and watch TV programmes or sleep in rather than going out to socialise with her
colleagues and friends. Besides that, Seridani refuses to confide her troubles to her
husband who is supposed to be her most trusted person. Due to this, Seridani will bottle
up her feelings because she cannot fully express her feelings and troubles.

2. To help Seridani cope with personality issues she is facing is the social method. A social
(helper) person prefers activities that involve helping, healing and developing others.
They are also cooperative, friendly, sociable and understanding. Examples of this
profession include counsellors. For instance, Seridani can seek a psychologist or
counsellor to unveil her condition while providing necessary assistance to help stabilize
her emotions again step by step.

Next, investigative method. An investigative (thinker) person prefers working with theory
and information, thinking, organizing and understanding. These traits include being
analytical, curious and independent. Because Seridani’s job as a medical resident at a
well-known hospital happens to be too heavy or stressful, Seridani can change her job
department or job type instead of avoiding and totally not doing anything.

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