HeightMaxxing (1)

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Height Maxxing

What’s heightmaxxing?
• Basically, Height maxxing is providing your body with enough resources such that it can help
you reach your maximum height potential as decided by your DNA or genetics.
• Albeit many say there is a way to calculate it, there has been no evident proof, so here is a
simpler way to understand how tall you could be.

Understanding Max height potential

• If you’re from the sub-continent: You’re pretty aware that your ancestors (unless you’re from
a well of lineage) have starved in the famines caused by the civilized collonizers. Now if you see
that they were pretty tall or had decent height, you will ad extra 2-3 inches to their height to have
an “assumption” of your potential height. This is mostly due to the availability of better nutrition
and resources for maxing your height. Again, i’m not saying its guarenteed but hey, you have
something to look out for.
• If you’re from the civilized world: Still, you could assume your max potential is close or a
little bit more than your father as there is proper flow of nutrition.

Understanding height
• Growth happens in your growth plate of your bones that allow your bones to grow. When these
plates fuse, you stop growing. For those who have early puberty, this may happen fast. For
those who’re late bloomers, it’s happening late
Peak Time for Height maxxing: 14-16 y/o
• I am saying this is a peak time because studies show that your growth continues till age of
18-20. And studies further show that a person can grow upto 4 inches a year.

Factors in Growth:
• 60-70% Genetics
30-40% Lifestyle Ex: Nutrition, physical activity, sleep & stress.
Factors in height maxxing:
• Hormones
• Food/Nutrition
• Physical activity
• Sleep
• Nature/Sunlight

Non-Medical Route:
• 30-40% Non Genetic Factors: Hormones Low Estrogen Level (Not 0 but low and optimal. High
Estrogen is counterintuitive) High Growth hormone Level (Having high growth hormone allows
us to have more of it transform into the powerful IGF-1 which further boosts growth) Optimal
Thyroid Level
• LifeStyle changes for growth:
1) Deep Uninterupted Sleep (wake up on your own) (Best 8-9 hours at early night eg. at 9-10
2)Food/Diet: BULK * protein (grass fed beef and bison, Pasture raised chicken and whole eggs,
Wild fish,etc)
* ! Avoid soy protein (reduce thyroid level and produce estrogen)
* organic carbohydrates (insulin + thyroid + growth hormone = IGF max level)
Vegetable, fruits, white rice, yam and legumes*
Fats (Important as produce many important hormones)
Good fat (whole eggs, mono-unsaturated fat like macademia , coconut oil, olive oil, MCT oil.
Small amounts of grass fed butter. Flax seeds, nuts (wallnut & almond), avocado and fish oil.
Bad fat (seed oils, soybean etc.) Avoid Ultra processed foods and sugar. •
3)stay away from drugs •
4) away from caffeine, energy drink and packaged or processed foods
• 5)Workout: It'll provide muscular support to your bones which'll help you get taller cause the
bones need muscular support so that the taller body can get the support. Working out produces
a lot of HGH to repair microtears in your muscles.
6) Get Enough Sunlight ( Vit.D produced which helps retain Calcium and phosphorus necessary
for growth in bones)
• 7)Sprinting {Produces High Level of HGH(Upto 770%)}
• 8)Jumping sports

Growth Nutritents: Calcium:- Source: Milk Vit. D:- Source: Egg Yolk, Fatty fish, Mushroom
Magnesium:- Oats,Milk,Pumpkin seeds, Almonds Zinc- Red Meat Vit. C & Vit. B complex

• Cardivit(Vitamin C, Vitamin D & Folic Acid)
• Zilvit (Folic Acid+Zinc+Vit.B)
• Filwel® Gold (Multivitamin & Multimineral)
If you are really interested or desperate to grow taller. I really suggest you check out the
The skyscraper Method!!
I have found the method on sale for just 30$
So, take a leap and get the skyscraper method and start improving today!


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