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Debate on the Topic: Cyrus as Messiah; for the motion.

Subject: The Life and Faith of the People of God: Old Testament.
Submitted by: Maitshaphrang, Maxter, Mebadonlang, Mangoulal, Lianchinmang.
Course Facilitator: Dr. E. Lyngdoh. Date: 16-08-2023.


Many people are anointed in the Hebrew, and many are referred as the anointed one.
The Persian Emperor Cyrus is the only foreigner or the Pagan King in the Bible to be
identified as the Messiah or anointed one of Yahweh, the Israelite God. the prophet Isaiah
mention that God refers to Cyrus as ‘My Shepherd’ in Isaiah 44:28, the Isaiah 45:1, Cyrus
was referred to as the Lord’s! ‘Anointed one’. This phrase ‘Anointed one’ translate the
Hebrew word ‘Mashiach’, from which the term ‘Messiah’ comes. The word ‘Mashiach’
meant, literally “The anointed one”. The Persian ruler Cyrus the great capture the city of
Babylon in 539 B.C. Unlike Babylonia rulers, King Cyrus had a noble and generous in spirit
and, he was the well – informed leadership quality. His conquest of Babylon led to the return
of exile Jews to their homeland, the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem and many other
restorations in the life of Israelites, Cyrus was sent by God although he does not know it, God
used King Cyrus for the restoration purpose even though he never realized what was God
doing in his life. King Cyrus is truly the anointed one or the Messiah of God who restored the
life of the Israelites. Amazingly, the Lord took His people back to the Promised Land through
a pagan king's edict, not David's line.
Religious aspect point of view:
After his conquest on Babylon and liberating the Jew from capacity, he allowed
various nations and groups to return to their homelands and practice their own religion. This
period earned him a reputation as a generous and a kind-hearted ruler and a liberator and a
Father of many, (Isaiah 45: 13). These verses highlight Cyrus role in rebuilding cities and
allowing exile to return, which contributes to a period of restoration of peace.

Cyrus the Liberator from an economic perspective:

Cyrus implemented Policies that promoted stability and prosperity. His emphasis on
religious tolerance and respect for other custom helped facilitate trade and economic growth
across diverse regions. In the Bible, Cyrus is mentioned in the Book of Isaiah and the Book
of Ezra, as he allowed the Jewish people to build the Temple of Jerusalem. This enabled
economic revival and cultural restoration among the Jewish community.

He also showed his economic interest in the project by sending back with them the
sacred vessels which had been taken from the first temple and a considerable sum of money
with which to buy building materials.

Cyrus as Liberator from social perspective:

Cyrus was also known as a social liberator due to his approach to governance and
respect for diverse culture. He established the Cyrus Cylinder, which is considered one of the
earliest declarations of human rights. He allowed conquered people to retain this customs,
language and religions fostering a sense of inclusivity. This earned him a reputation of a
reputation of a liberator who prompted a more tolerant and diverse society during his reign.

Biblical prophecies:
The book of Isaiah 45:1 refers to Cyrus as God’s anointed that state. This is what the
Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus that a divine purpose will be done to him by God. Many
interpret this as a prediction of Cyrus being chosen by God to serve a specific role, possibly
as a messiah.

Liberation of the Jews:

Cyrus is highly praise for his role in the liberation of Jewish from the long
Babylonian captivity. The act of freeing the exiled Jews and enabling them to return to their
homeland aligns in with the concepts of a Messiah delivering their people from oppression.

Instrument of God’s Plan:

Cyrus toleration of various religious practices and his support for the rebuilding of the
Jerusalem Temple reinforce the idea that he was an instrument of God’s plan. This action
demonstrates his role in restoring the spiritual and cultural identity of the Jewish people,
another characteristic often associated with the Messiah.
Scriptures display Cyrus: The study of scriptures displays Cyrus is God’s anointed
meant to fulfil the divine will by freeing the Jews. From exile and rebuilding the temple, with
further examination the assertion was supported with the narrative of Ezra 1:1-4, 6: 2-5, that
confirms Cyrus decrees and orders to allow the exile to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the
temple which can be seen in Isaiah 48:14 – 15, we also witness that Cyrus was loved and
specifically chosen by God even though he doesn’t know him.

Cyrus as God’s shepherd: In Isaiah 41: 43- 45 we can see Cyrus as the executor of
God’s will. The identity of Cyrus as messiah of God is undoubtful and not confusing when
measured against the whole of scripture. The Davidic theme of Victory for the anointed king,
of nations falling under his feet, are now applied to Cyrus.

Instead of the Davidic monarch as in Psalms 2,18,20, it is Cyrus, the newly anointed
king (Isaiah 45:1-3) who subdues nations. Instead of the Davidic monarch, it is now Cyrus
for whom YHWH subdues kings, for whom he makes their swords dust, their bows like
chaff. (Isaiah 41:2); He causes Cyrus to trample on rulers like mortar, like the potter treads
the clay (Isaiah:25) With the title ‘anointed’ Cyrus is called my shepherd the one whom
YHWH loves.

YHWH used Cyrus as a vessel for his will in a similar way that He used
Nebuchadnezzars II. Cyrus anointing denotes a covenantal agreement between him and
YHWH and his anointing possess many implication.
Lianchinmang Zou

God’s sovereignty:

God choose Cyrus to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armour so
that people will know he is the Lord and God of Israel (Isaiah44:28). God have said to
Mosses that he will have mercy, compassion on whom he wants that proved his sovereignty.
(Romans9:15). We further witness the supreme power of God that reveals in Isaiah 45:8-11,
proved the incapability of creation to doubt or question their creator. Just as it would be
foolish for clay to question the work of a potter, so would it be foolish for the Jews to
question God's use of Cyrus to redeem them from exile.

Executor of God’s plan:

Cyrus also proclaimed that he is called by God and given the authority over all the
kingdoms of the earth and to rebuild Jerusalem. Cyrus the great is famed as a triumphant
conqueror, a superb warrior, and the founder of the greatest empire the world has ever seen
which proved him as a benign and chosen ruler of God. The Cylinder describes the Great
king not as a conqueror, but as a liberator.

(a). Many sceptical historian and scholars cannot believe the idea that a great king like
Cyrus will not allow a conquered people like Jews to return to their homeland. Self -interest
was no doubts one reason for his actions, but not his main motives. The Cyrus cylinder and
alongside the Biblical and other historical statements substantiate the idea that Cyrus not only
allowed many of the nations he conquered to practice their various religious beliefs.

(b). Cyrus was the genuine Judean king, i.e., YHWH’s anointed, his messiah, because
he was able to do what a legitimate king must do: rebuilding temple, permission to worship
Zion God by Jews. God has the right to use the means of His choice to save His people
because He is the sovereign Creator of all. the Lord is truly sovereign. Nothing happens that
He has not foreordained, and He can do with His creation as He wills.

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