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Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi – 110005

CBSE-CST-1B-Foundation-Class IV

Complete Syllabus Test - 1

M.M.: 80 Time Limit: 180 Min.

Topics Covered:
Environmental Science: Complete Syllabus of “Looking Around”, Force & Pressure, Sound, Speed, Pollution of Air and
Water, Important terms of Chemistry, Moles, Temperature, Microorganisms, Crop Production & Management, Soil,
Conservation of Natural Vegetation & Wildlife, Digestive System, Plant Kingdom, Growth, Some Questions from NSEJS,
Some questions from NSO and iOS.
Mathematics: Complete Syllabus of “Math Magic”, Number System, Algebra, Simplification & Problem, Indices
(Exponents) & Surds, Unitary Method, Fraction, Decimal Fraction, Square Root & Cube Root, LCM & HCF, Ratio and
Proportion, Average (Arithmetical Mean), Percentage , Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Speed,
Distance & Time, Area & Perimeter of Plane Figures, Measurement, Time, Clock & Calendar, Geometry, Statistics
(Graph), Probability, Quadrilaterals, Triangles, Polygons, Some Questions from IOQM/ PRMO/ RMO, Some questions
from IMO and iOM.
Mental Ability: Series, Mathematical Operations, Dice, Analogy, Coding Decoding, Direction Test, Ranking , Missing
Character, Blood Relation, Number & Alphabet Test, Non Verbal Reasoning
General Knowledge: Current Affairs, NEWS, GK, Some questions from KBC

1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. There are 60 questions in all. There are 2 sections in all- Science with 30 questions, Mathematics with 30
3. The marks distribution is that Science carries 100 marks, Mathematics carries 100 marks.
4. For every correct answer +2.0 / + 3.0 / +4.0 / +5.0 / +6.0 marks will be provided, for every incorrect answer -1.0
marks will be given and for leaving the answers +0.0 marks are granted.
5. Use of mobile phones, smart phones, ipads, calculators, programmable wrist watches is strictly prohibited.
6. Incompletely, incorrectly or carelessly filled information may disqualify your candidature.
7. Rough work must not be done on the answer sheet. Rough work must be done on the blank pages of the
answer sheet.
8. Answer sheet will be provided to the candidate.
9. There are a total of 17 total printed pages. PASSING MARKS: 20%, i.e. 50 marks.


1. Which of the following vegetable brings tears while cutting it?

1) Tomato 2) Onion
3) Carrot 4) Gourd

2. Identify this tourism area.

1) India Gate 2) Chowpatti Beach
3) Gateway of India 4) Elephanta Caves

3. Identify the following bird using the following hints.

A: It does not know to make its own nest.
B: It is black in colour and has red eyes.
1) Crow 2) Tailor bird
3) Eagle 4) Koel

4. Which of the following statements are true?

A: Karnam Maleshwari was a weight lifter.
B: She won 39 medals in the field of weight lifting international events.
C: Now she can lift a weight of 100 kilograms.
D: Maleshwari started lifting weights when she was 10 years old.
1) All A, B, C, and D 2) B, C
3) A, B, C 4) A

5. Bishnois were the people living in the village

1) Khejadi 2) Bikaner
3) Karauli 4) Dhaulpur

6. What was the arrival time of the train to Udupi station?

1) 12:05 PM 2) 12:06 PM
3) 12:07 PM 4) 12:08 PM

7. At what age, Chetandas left Dera Gazikhan?

1) 7 2) 8
3) 9 4) 10

8. Food items of all kinds are necessary for the human body to function properly. The table below gives the names of a
few food items under three different categories. Which of the following food items should be placed in the category of
energy giving foods?

1) Meat 2) Drumstick
3) Leafy vegetables 4) Sugar

9. How many weeks does onion crop takes to be cultivated?

1) 2-3 weeks 2) 6-7 weeks
3) 3-4 weeks 4) 5-6 weeks

10. Match the following and choose the correct option.

(a) Oldest female elephant (i) Blue colored dye
(b) Saina Nehwal (ii) Two generations
(c) Indigo (iii) Badminton
(d) Nuclear Family (iv) Leader of the herd
1) (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)- (i); (d)- (iv) 2) (a)-(i); (b)-(iii); (c)- (ii); (d)- (iv)
3) (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)- (iii); (d)- (ii) 4) (a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)- (i); (d)- (ii)
11. Assertion (A): The number of tigers in India is eventually falling down.
Reason (R): This is due to increase in activities such as hunting and poaching.
1) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
3) A is true but R is false.
4) A is false but R is true.


[Very Short Answer Type Questions] [07 x 02 = 14M]

12. Answer the following sub units of assessment:

(i) What is the currency of United Arab Emirates? [01]
(ii) Name one spice which is applied on wounds for healing them. [01]
What kinds of bees a beehive is composed of? Who lay eggs in Beehive? [02]

13. Give reason that why there was so much smoke and noise from the vehicles at the level crossing? [02]
14. What are the different ways in which water gets polluted? [02]
15. Around you, where all do you observe the use of pulley? List two of these. What is Vallam? [02]
Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 = 02]
(i) Identify this artwork. [01]
(ii) What is Uruka? [01]

16. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 = 02]

(i) What is the literacy rate of Kerala? [01]
(ii) Who is the current ruler of United Arab Emirates? [01]
Why was cow dung mixed with mud applied on the walls of the new home by Amma and Gudiya? [02]
17. What was the meaning of the word ‘Prism’ in Navy officer Wahida’s name as per her reply? [02]
18. Differentiate between cemented bridge and Bamboo Bridge. [02]
Explain that how ORS Solution can be prepared at home. [02]

[Short Answer Type Questions] [06 x 03 = 18M]

19. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 + 01 = 03]

(i) Define mammal. Also give one example. [01]
(ii) In which village does Basva reside? [01]
(iii) Name some games in which it is very important to touch the players? [01]
Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 + 01 = 03]
(i) What do elephants do to cool themselves? [01]
(ii) "Plants and animals can survive without us, but we cannot survive without them.” Justify. [01]
(iii) Why do you think there was no water in the bathroom of the train? [01]
20. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [02 + 01 = 03]
(i) Omana travelled by different kinds of transport after she got down from the train. What were they? [02]
(ii) What was the reason for changes in Nimmi’s Family? [01]
Draw a diagram of water cycle and explain it briefly. [03]
21. Observe this image carefully and describe it. [03]

Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 + 01 = 03]

(i) Why do you think Akshay’s grandmother warned him not to drink even water in Anil’s house? [01]
(ii) How Khejadi village did have its name? [01]
(iii) Babuji sells the previous day’s vegetables first. Why do you think he does this? [01]
22. Fill in the blanks. (Attempt any Three) [01 + 01 + 01 = 03]
(i) Many huts are lined up in narrow streets, such places are called _____________.
(ii) Vani and Prasad live in a village called _____________.
(iii) They made a plan so that Chuskit could bring her _____________ by road to school.
(iv) _____________ comes from a very large family.
(v) The Assamese use ______and _______rice during Bihu.
(vi) RTE Act was introduced in the year_______,
23. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 01 + 01 = 03]
(i) Nowadays, do we drink river water directly? Why? [01]
(ii) What do you mean by pollution? [01]
(iii) Name the substances that pollute the water? [01]
[Long Answer Type Questions] [05 x 04 = 20M]

24. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [02 + 01 + 02 = 05]

(i) How do beak and claws help a bird? [02]
(ii) How is boarding school different form day school? [01]
(iii) Why did Pilloo Aunty pay for seven kulfis when only five were eaten? [02]
Answer the following sub units of assessment. [01 + 02 + 02 = 05]
(i) How does Ritu’s teacher help her overcome her fear of speaking up in class? [01]
(ii) Describe the following image in two sentences. [02]

(iii) In the story “Chuskit Goes to School”, who stops Chuskit from dreaming, and why? [02]
25. Answer the following sub units of assessment. [02 + 01 + 02 = 05]
(i) If 1 Dirham equals to 22.5 Rupees, then what would you have to pay total in rupees for two packets of chips
going for 2.5 Dirham each and A toy costing 7 Dirham? [02]
(ii) Write the name of the bird’s feet and its function. [02]

(iii) Given below are nests of some birds. Write the Names of the birds to which these nest belong: [01]

Complete the following table by putting a tick mark in blank spaces. [05]

Sl.No. Things Dissolved in Did not dissolve Color of water Color of water does
water in water changes not change
a) Sugar
b) Salt
c) Lemon juice
d) Turmeric
e) Soap water
f) Flour
g) Pulses
h) Sherbet
i) Cooking Soda
j) Oil
26. Answer the following sub units of assessment.
(i) Fill in the blanks. One has been already done for you.





3. 4.

(ii) What are Rabi crops, Kharif crops and Zaid crops? Give one example of each.


Q. Identify the labeled areas marked on the political map i.e. A and B of India using the given hints:
A – Itr is made here.
B – The valley of flowers is located here.


Q. Label any 3 of the following:

(i) Bihar
(ii) Uttarakhand
(iii) Ladakh
(iv) Telangana
(v) Karnataka
(vi) Maharashtra
(vii) Assam
(viii) Gujarat
(ix) Chhattisgarh
(x) Jammu and Kashmir

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