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First scene: HOUSE

*Lumapit si mother sainyo

Mother(Sheila): Good morning, my children! It's time for breakfast. Come on, let's eat first.
Children(Alyssa and James): Good morning, mom!
*Sabay sabay pumunta sa table (si Alyssa dala dala parin ang laptop)
While eating inaayos yung research paper…./
Alyssa: Oh my God! What time is it? */sighs
It's 7:00 a.m. already ( worried na si anteh)
*Napansin ni mother
Sheila: Is there a problem with you, Alyssa?
Alyssa: Yes, mom. I'm need to go for our defense later. */smiled
Sheila: Okay, take care , darling
Alyssa : Thanks mom

Sheila: How about you, James? How's your work?

James: It's all good, mom. As I have said yesterday, I just got a promotion (masaya itez ha,
parang nagcecelebrate).
Sheila: Wow! That's great. Keep it up my son
James : Awwee, I love you, mom. I’m late I have to go
Sheila: Take care!! (Pahabol na sabi)

Second scene: SCHOOL

*Teams of Alyssa preparing for the defense.

Alyssa: Where is Stephanie?
Zina: She's not here. She is sick.
Princess: Here's the excuse letter that her mother gave me.
Alyssa: Okay, okay, let’s proceed, we can do this. */Humingang malalim
Thesis Defense........
*//panelist enter the room
Alyssa:Before we start , we would like to inform you that one of our member is unable to be
here now due to her illness
Zina: Here's the excuse letter, sir. (Pagtapos tingnan ipinasa rin kay Hannah)
Panel 1(Hannah): Okay, if that’s the case we understand therefore you may start now
*Tumayo na sa harapan mga defender and biglang isasara yung curtain then after ibukas ulit
kunyari tapos na like nafast forward ganun
Panel 2( Ernest):That’s great! Congratulations on successfully defending your study! We have
no further questions, and your work has made a valuable contribution to your field.
All( Alyssa, Zina, Princess): Thank you very much, ma'am, sir.
*/Nagclap all
Third scene: OFFICE
/* Everyone is doing their job and minding their own business
Felix: Attention everyone. May I call on Mr. Miranda
James: Yes, sir? */stand up agad
Felix: Here, take this. This is the memorandum for our upcoming meeting tomorrow. Make
some copies of it and might as well distribute it to everyone and please the lead the meeting
because I have an important agenda tomorrow.
James: N-noted sir.
*Umalis na manager and bumalik na sa kanyang table si james*
James: Urghh, how can I finish all of these?? (stressed na)

Fourth scene: HOUSE

*pagod na papasok sa bahay ang magkapatid*
Mother: Welcome back! Prepare yourselves for dinner. (nagaayos ng dining table)
Allysa: Okay, mom.
James: *walang kibo and pagod na pagod*
*lumipas ang ilang minutes*
Mother: Allysa, James! Come on let’s eat!
*nagsipuntahan na sa dining table*
Sheila: So how’s your day, children? Looks like both of you had a rough day .
Allysa: It’s just a normal and stressful day, as usual.
James: It’s more stressful than school, Mom. ‘Cause look, I have a lot of paperworks to do and
I am also appointed to lead the meeting tomorrow.
Sheila: My children, I know you all can do it just believe in yourself and remember I’m always
here to support *pat sa likod*
James & Alyssa: Thanks mom, I really need that right now
/* Group Hug

…………..The End…………

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