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Cussent Electsic pPP- 4 The net resistance of a voltmeter should be | {a) it does not get overheated (b) it does not draw excessive current (dit can measure large potential differences ‘I (d) it does not appreciably change the potential difference to be mea: $ large to ensure that ured . 90, 10mA © ‘Amiliammeter of range 10 mA and resistance 9°Q is joined in a circuit as shown. The metre gives full-scale deflection for current Iwhen A and B are used as its terminals, i. current enters at A and leaves at B (Cis left isolated). The value of lis (a) 100 mA (b) 900. ma a (ota (d) 1.14 a When a galvanometer is shunted with a 40 resistance, the deflection is reduced to one-fifth. If the galvanometer is further shunted with a 20 wire, determine current in galvanometer now if lly current in galvanometer is /p (given main current remain same). lo lo fe bo by! fa) is (b) 5 (© 3 (d) osa Bi cl ® Agalvanometer has a resistance of 20 © and reads full-scale when 0.2 Vis applied across it. To convert it into a 10 A ammeter, the galvanometer coil should have a {a)0.01 Q resistor connected across it (b) 0.02 Q resistor connected across it (01200 Q resistor cjannected in series with it (a) 2000 0 resistor connected in series with it Agalvanometer cgil has a resistance 90 Q and full scale deflection current 10 mA. A910 Q resistance is connécted in series with the galvanometer to make a voltmeter. If the least count of the voltmeter is 0.1 V, the number of divisions on its scale is &s0 (by 94 (100 (4) None of these In the circuit, a voltmeter reads 30 V when its connected across 400 Q resistance. What the same voltmeter will read ‘when itis connected across the 300.0 resistance? (a)20v (b) 22.5V ()25Vv (9) 325 ev 3000 4000 © Inthe circuit shown the resistance of voltmeter is 10000 9 and 9 that of ammeter is 20 Q. The ammeter reading is 0.10 A and voltmeter reading,is 12 V, then Ris equal to 1220 (b) 140. ; (91162 {d) 100.2 Oo salvanometer deflection, when key K, is closed but K,. is Open, equals 89 (see figure). On closing, also and adjusting, 05, the deflection in galvanometer becomes °°. The © 5 fesistance of the galvanometer is gi ir i iven by (Neglect th tesistance of battery) ee ey Hi § (129 {b) 25.9 (52 (d) 220, ‘Wo scales on a voltmeter measure vi ov 1 oltage up te is ess " H ige up to 20.0 V and 30.0 V. The resistance connected : 1680 0 for the 20.0 V scale and 29300 f Tesistance of the galvanometer and the full scale current respectively are een sale (a3; ‘ fon (b) 70 2, 10 ma (c) 820.9, 10 ma (d) 820.0, 8 ma ving coil galvanometer has 150 ivi a equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is 10 divisi ampere and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per milli volt. In der ita Keath antachen ane I that each divisi p ince in ohm needed to be ies, wil i nsion reas ae e connected in series, with th i 9995 (b) 9995 (c) 1000 ase (d) 10000 ‘The ammeter has range 1 A without shunt. The range can be varied by using different shunt resistances. The graph between shunt resistance and range will have the nature shunt (ae (wa OR @s (fo) The reading of ammeter A, in figure is 2.4 A Ammeter Ay is ideal while the resistances of the aq) ammeters A, and A, are 1 and3 2.» soa respectively. The reading of ammeter A will be 1a sa (a) 368 (b) 484 (5A (5.44 Voltmeter shown reads 18 V. The resistance of voltmeter, is [ (a) 750 (b) 1200 oe 800 300 oOa ( Po 20 By error, a student places moving col voltmeter V (nearlyideal) inj, series with the resistance in a circuit in order to read the current, as [e=tay -<0n shown in figure. The voltmeter reading will (ao 5 (b) av “a (av (@) 12 Li =3—_@- ‘Acellof internal resistance 19 is connected ‘across a resistor. A voltmeter having variable an —o— resistance G is used to measure potential vf sow! difference across resistor. The plot of voltmeter ' sy! Fa] reading V against G is shown. What is value of L, external resistor R? oa aw 18 (5a (4a (39 (aia (is reading ofthe ideal voltmeter in the adjoining diagram will be A \ \ tov: od y) 1 eZine | ov \ nyc (a4v (b)8Vv (o12v Inthe circuit shown, the galvanometer shows zero current. The value of resistance Ris (19 4 (22 A (94a (9a (uv tev 4 Bre diagram besides shows a circuit used in G, a an experiment to determine the emf and : internal resistance of the cell C. A graph was plotted of the potential difference V between D J \ the terminals of the cell against the current i, which was varied by adjusting the rheostat. fae Ls, The graph is shown on the right; x andy are e ** Kamgeres) the intercepts of the graph with the axes as shown. What is the internal resistance of the cell? (ax (oy ~ @z (a € s (Bon ammeter and a voltmeter are initially connected in series toa we battery of zero internal resistance. When switch S, is closed, the @ ee) reading of the voltmeter becomes half of the initial, whereas the reading of the ammeter becomes double. I now switch S, is also closed, then reading of ammeter becomes ev (2) 3/2 times the intial value (b) 3/2 times the value after closing 5, (0) 9/4times the value after closing S, __(d) 3/4 times the intial value 1d Bot emf 1 wo cells A an 3V and 1.5V respecti ® gpownin figure. The voltmeter reads 1.45 yer oY ae atranged as Eft 1.45, The voltmeter is assumed tobeideal. Find the ratio of internal resistances| Jor the cell 7 Jot the cells, . ied by a resistance of 50 © gives a deflect ¥f resistance 40 @, shunte ion of 5p Oagercromete ste in series with a resistance of (1000/9) £2 and 2V battery. What iste current senstivity of galvanometer (in div/mA)? 1a: Whatistould be the vas i vanometer is 1A. What should be the value of shunt Full scale deflection current for galvanontt te deflection. resistance (in Q), so that galvanomete 200 A=180 a ——8 108 s LWW 9) mo snmetes 4 and 2have different intemal resistances r, (known) and rp (unknown). Each ~ ammeter has scale such that the angular deviation of the needle from zero is proporti proportional to the current. Initially, the ammeters are connected in series and then to a source of constant voltage. The deviations of the needles of the ammeters are®, and@,., respectively, The ammeters ey then connected in Parallel and then to the same. voltage source. This time, the ‘deviations ofthe needles are 8’, and@’,., respectively. r, in terms of r,,04,03.0", and’, is 6,0; Oy ‘ 0,0; Na, One, 0,8", ‘ (ne 8,0, ‘ee, anger @r ammeter of resistance 10 Q and a voltmeter of resistance 20 0 are connected in acrcuit ‘shown in figure. Reading of ammeter and voltmeter are respectively * 100 100 toa | 7 150 150. 202 200 a AWW 1, 100, 100 @ In the circuit shown, when keysK; andK, both are closed, the ammeter reads/,. But whenK, is open and, is closed, the ammeter reads |,/2. Assuming that, ammeter resistance is much less than R,, the values of r and R, are (2) 259,509 (0) 25.9,100 Ly _@-——— (0, 1002 (d) 0,502 Er & Inthe figure shown, two ideal voltmeters and an @- 100 ammeter which are connected across the various Ne Grcuit elements. If the voltmeter connected across 9 Q 3a 120 "esistance reads 4.5 V, then ea om 150 {@)the current through 12 @ resistance is 0.5A (tthe reading of the voltmeter connected across 202 C1 Fesistance, is 20 V (Clthe reading of the voltmeter connected across 202 @ 200 resistance, is 15 V | lithe reading of the ammeter is 2.25 A Gy sristake, a voltmeter is placed in sertes and an ammeter is parallel with -—@_ sistance i i in series. a resistance in an electric circuit, with a cel : el {a) I the devices are ideal, ammeter will read zero current and voltmeter will > read the emf of cell () the devices are ideal, a large current will low through the ammeter and = itwill be damaged. (€) The main current in the circuit will be very low and almost all current will flow through the ammeter i resistance of ammeter is much smaller than the resistance in parallel (d) The devices may get damaged, if emt ofthe cell is very high and the meters are non-idea. ‘An ammeter and a voltmeter are connected in series to a batt e n fry with an emf of 10V. When @ certain resistance is connected in parallel with the voltmeter, the reading ofthe voltmeter _ x {228es three times, whereas the reading ofthe ammeter increases the two times. (a the voltmeter reading after the connection of the resistance. iv (b)2v (a3av (av () resistance of the ammeter is 2 Q, then resistance of the voltmeter is a (20 (3a (aa @) izstance ofthe ammeteris 2, then esstanceof thereto whichis added in parallel o 3, a wie 8a (4) None of these e? The power dissipated in resistor Ry shown in the figure is = 15 W. The reading on the ammeter is 500 mA and the Aynton aoe reading on the voltmeter is 10V. Ammeter, voltmeter Mv “5, and battery are ideal. L_) The resistance R, is (a)109 {b) 15 a “3 {) 202 (d)25Q C8) the emte ofthe supply batteryis v (a)10v (b)1isv (c) 20V (d)25v The resistance, is (109 (150 (9209 (25a 99)* galvanometer of coil resistance 1. is converted into voltmeter by using a resistance of 5Q in series and another identical galvanometer is converted into ammeter by using |_ AM a shunt of 12. Now, ammeter and voltmeter are connected 180 iad a incircuit as shown, the readings of voltmeter and ammeter 24.50 120 respectively, are nail ] (@)3V,3A (b) 6v, 3A Te ()2V, 2A (a) 4v, 24 galvanometer can be used as a voltmeter or an ammeter. vrime it was used as a voltmeter, a resistance of 72 © was used to increase its range to n times. While using it as an ammeter, a shunt resistance of 2 Q was used which increased its range to n times. (a)Resistance of galvanometer is 1202 —_(b) Resistance of ammeter is 1.72 (@)Resistance of voltmeter is 84 Q (d) Resistance of ammeter is 3.4.2 29) Two resistances are connected in the two gaps of a meter bridge. The balance point is 20 cm from the zero end. When a resistance 15 Q is connected in series with the smaller of two resistances, the null point shifts to 40 cm. The smaller of the two resistances has the value (3a (b) 6a (992 (d) 120 fo) meter bridge is set up as shown to determine end corrections at A and B, When a resistance of 15 is used in left gap and of 20 Q in right gap, then null point comes ata distance 42 cm from A. When these resistances are interchanged, null point comes at a distance 57 cm from A. Values of end corrections are (a) 10m, 2m (03cm, 4m (b)2em,3cm (d) 3m, 2em it xXeaa y ©. shows a meter bridge, wire AC has uniform cross-section, The length of wire AC is 100 cm. Xis @ standard resistor of 4 and ¥ is a coil. When ¥ is , immersed in melting ice, the null point is at from _ | Point A. When thé coil Y is heated to 100°C, a 78. ‘a jhe Tesistor has to be connected in parallel with ¥ ifforder to. “| 100 om keep the bridge balanced at the same point. Temperature (efficent of resistance of the coil is (163 x10-# K- (083 x10- K-* (b) 43x10" 4K~* (a)23 x 10-4 K" @ @ which one of the following is an incorrect statément? (a) The Wheatstone bridge is most sensitive, wheh all the four resistances are of the same order. (0) Sensitivity of a potentiometer is directly proportional to its potential gradient. (q Potentiometer is a better device than voltmeter for measuring potential difference. (d) Rheostat can be used as a potential divider. i nom The diagram shows @ modified meter bridge, which is wea Nor ai measuring two unknown resistances at the same time, Whol) 5 7 the frst gal ter is used for obtaining the balance point, it nda point CI rometer is removed and __ 5 isfeund at point c. Now the fist galvanometey SrereNe NN \ i the second galvanometer is used, which Biv pan 2 Using the details gven Inthe diagar, a out the values | Ry and, AB=l; AC =, and AD="5 . wo %,% C) OS 5/4 ols (a) 58 4k 3 hasa resistance 12. If the raging isic eter jrcuit shown, voltmeter is ideal but amme a then find value oft ‘ammeter and voltmeter are x A and yV respectively, * Consider two identical galvanometers and two identical resistors with resistance R. If the internal resistance of the galvanometers R, Oy @3 the galvanometer shows no deflection for! = +. when the switch SL 2 s,yisclosed, the galvanometer shows no deflection for! = =, - internal resistance Their ~ mele of 6 V cell and the emf of the other 30.8 ()29,12v wea (@)39,22v @Bveiertente, =12 Vis connected across a 4m long wire having resistance 4€2/m. Te cells of small emt ‘=2Vande, = Vhaving internal resistances 20 n602 ly, are connected as shown inthe figure. q Shows no deflection atthe point thedisance | -—J-—ay ‘Print from the point A Is equal to ta? to) tm AN ” wi; [ l2Sey (a) 300m CPN 10m long potentiometer wire has a resistance of 200. It is connected in series with a battery of emf 3V and a resistance of 10.2. The internal resistance of cel is negligible. ifthe length can beread accurately up to 1 mm, the potentiometer can read voltage with an accuracy 8 mV. ‘Then, what is the value of B? ‘potent itis arranged as shown in figure. ABs a nglodasignd iometercicuit i Aa 7 — tentiometer wire of length 1m. Internal resistances of cells are losdd, balanced length min fi when only key; ch a ised cma nhen only K closed, balanced ength A! becomes }“j-—/* 55cm, Find the balanced length AJ incr) when both the Keys are [_,_e seg, Two potentiometer wires, andw, of equal length, wr connected to a battery of emfep and internal resistance 192 ‘5, and opening 5, the balancing length onw; is found to be : Si through two switches 5, and S,.A battery of emfe __—_| balanced on these potentiometer wires one by one. 7 ia Potentiometer wire w, is of resistance 22. When only 5, is ° closed and S, is open, balancing length is /2 on it. On closing rai wo 3 Find the resistance (in Q) of potentiometer wire w 2. ‘The circuit diagram given in the figure shows the experimental 6) mesuenenstomomrenee remmecetmtiicptte connected between the points P and Q has non-uniform resistance such that resistance per unit length varies directly as the stance from the point P. Null int s obtained with the jockey J with, and, in the given position. On| q interchanging the positions R, and R, in the gaps, the jockey has to be isplaced through a distance D from the previous position along the wire to establish the nul point. the rato of 8-9, nd the vale of Dn cm. Ignore any end corrections. (Take, «3 = 1.7) @ sma meter brie the wie of length 1m has agon-unform ss-ecN SHEN hat, hy 13 so eau resistances ace coy Gr ete rato orasresaonetoat gf shown inte gure. The galvanometer has zero detection when the fckey sa point p.ypy isthe length AP? _ Rr F Wi oes 5 A Rp Radius of wire AB of length 10 m changes from rto 2r. At what distance from A, a jockey be contacted to give no deflection in the galvanometer? (a)2m (b)4m (5m 6m $¢ Ina potentiometer wire experiment, the emf of 4 7 : . a battery in the prima 4 Creuits20V ands interal resistance i 5 2. There isa resistance on series with the te andthe potentiometer we) whos restance canbe vate frm 12020 702. Resistance! the potentiometer wre 75£2.Thefolowing potential diferences can be messed sre (sv ()6v o7v (av (CD) te circuit ofa carbon arc lamp is shown in the igure (to ignite the lamp the carbon electrodes are touched together, then they are slowly drawn apart). The voltage across the gat ‘carbon t . 3p between the. function of the current can be given by the following formula V = A+ B/I, where A and B are cnet _—si Standard 10 0 resistor. The galvanometer shows null point when tapping key is at $2 cm mark ‘he end-corrections are 1 cm and respectively for the ends A and B. The determined value of Xis 4) ‘ameter bridge is set-up as shown in figure, to determine an unknown resistance X using a {10.20 (b) 10.60 (1082 (a) 11.19 in the given circuit of potentiometer, the potentiai uifference E across AB (10 m length) is larger than, andE, as well. For key K, (closed), the jockey is adjusted to touch the wire at point 4, so that there is no deflection in the galvanometer. Now, the first battery (E, )is replaced by second battery (E, for working by making, open and K closed. The galvanometer gives E, then null deflection at J. The value of = is. where a= 2 ae-—— 1m —> To verify Ohm's law, a student connects the voltmeter across the battery as shown in the figure. The measured voltage is plotted as a function of the current and the following graph is obtained {Vo is almost zero, then identify the correct statement. (2) The emf of the battery is 1.5 V and its internal resistance is 1.5. (b) The value of the resistance R is 1.5.2 (6) The potential difference across the battery is 1.5 V when it sends a current of 1000 mA (@) The emf of the battery is 1.5 V and the value of Ris 1.5.0 During an experiment with a meter bridge, the galvanometer shows a null point when the Jockey is pressed at 40.0 cm using a standard resistance of 90 2, as shown in the scale usedit the meter bridge is 1 mm. The unknown resistance is -—-— x, 900 ol ‘aoon (a) 60+0.15)0 (b) 195 + 0.56) 0 (0) (6040.25) ) (a)(125 +090,

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