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BAB.Se. (CBCS) W"Semester OF sCIENGE

(Regar Baekte
Code No 40016

Mathenmination, Junet Juy 2023

Paper.Vi uc
Time: 3 Hours Analytie Solid Geomstry
Note: Answer any eight questions. (8 x432 Marka)
1 Apoint moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances from the six foces of a
cube is constant Show that its locus ls a sphere
2 Find the equation of the sphere
which tDuch the sphere
+y²+ z-x + 3y + 2z-3= o at the point (1. 1 -) and passes through the
3 Find the equation of the tangent
plane to the sphere
3(r + y² +z*)- 2x-3y
-47-220 and the point (1,2,3)
rind the equation of a cone whose vertex is
(aR.y) and base y- 4ax i 2
Find the equation to the cone which natsee
well as t
ne wo lines
ihrmunh the three coordinate xes a
= -:-L-!
D. Find tne angle between the lines of intersection of y- 3y 4
Derive the equation of a
Þ. eircutar cone
Define the right circular cylinder.
Also find the egation of a right
9. Find the
equation to the right circular cone circutar Cyo
makes equai angles with the axis and whos vertex is p(2,-3,.5) axis PO which
10. Show that every line strmi-vertical angle is 30°.
meets a central conicoid in two
11. Find the equations to the points
through the line 7x - 6y +9=0; z= planes to 7r²-3y² -z+21 = 0
which pass
12. Find the condition that the
ax² + by² + cz2= 1, plane lx+my &nz =p should touch the
central conicoid
Note: Answer all the PART-B
questions. (4x12= 48 Marks)
13. a) Obtain the sphere having its
through the two points centre on the line Sv + 2z =0= 2x -3y and
(0,-2, -4):(2-1,-1) passing
(b)Prove that the (OR)
circles x² + y² + 22x + 3y +4-5=0 : 5y + 6z
and x* +y²+z²-3x-4y + 5z -60; x+ +1=0
2y -7z =0 lie on the same
sphere and find its equation.
14. (8) Find the equation of the cone with Vetex (5,4,3) and 3x* + 2y =6; y+z =0
as a base.
(b) Planes through 0X and 0Y include an angle a. Show that their line of
intersection lies on the cone z²(x² +y' +z') =x'y² tan² a.
Code No. E-1051e

n(1.1,1) whoe
through (
15 (a) Find the equation of right circular cane which passes with coordinate nxes
vertex is (1.0.1) and axis of cone nakes having for its ads
(OR)cylinder of radius 5 and
(b) Find the equation of the right circularor
the line x=y coordinate axes
+es 1 meets the
16 (a) Atangent plane to the +
concord axtcentroid of the triangie PQR0 9duo
locus of the
in P,Q and R. Find the
(OR) 1n with tts
cone of the sohece x² +y²+ z²-2x + 4z=
ind the enveloping
(0 vertex at (1,1,1)
B.AB.Sc.(CBCS) Sublect: MATHEMATICS Max.Marks.
Paper-V (C): Marks)
4 =32
Time:3 Hours PART -A (8x
O(0.0,0). A
any eight questions. the points
Note: Answer passing through Z
equation of the sphere
2x - 3y = 0 = 5yt
1 Find
0.8) on the line
B(06.0)and C(0. sphere having its centre
cquaton of the -1,-1)
tiie (0-2,-4) and (2.
2 Find
passing through the points
= 0 touches the sphere
and plane 2x- 2v +z + 12
find the point of contact. Curve is z=4
Show that the + 27 -3=0 and orIgin and base
- 4y the
xty+z -2x cone whose vertex is
equation of the cone
4 Find the
2wz + d 0represents a
x'+y? 48 = 0.
by² + cz' + 2ur + 2vy +
equation ar' +
3 the cone
then show that -= d +y-z = 0cuts the
equation to the lines in which the
Find the
r-y + 3z' = 0. vertex at the origin, with X = y= z
the right circular
cone with
Find the equation to
angle is 45
as axis and whose semi-vertical the line =9= about the
the cone generated by rotating
8 Find the equation of
=as axis
cylinder whose guiding curve is x*+y + z =
g Find the equation of the rigbt
andxy+z 3.
y-4 2-6
with the central conicoid
10 Find the points of intersection of the line 3
= =
7x'+ 8y't 92= 1. conicoid ax' + by² + cz'=I
+ nz = p touches the central
11fthe plane Irt my
then showthat m=p'. sphere t + y² + z'= 169 with the
2 Find the equation of the enveloping cone of the
vertex at point A(5,10,15).
(4 x 12 = 48 Mark
Note: Answer alI the questions.
the axes in A, B, C. Show
13 a) A plane passes through a fixed point (P.4. r) and cuts 4 2.
that the locus of the centre of the sphere OABC is r

y'+z' + 10y - 4z -8= 0.
b) Find the equation of the sphere having circle x+
xty+z = 3 as the great circle.
CodeNo: D-6616


=0 ao
44 a) Find the angle bDeween the lines of sections of the plane 3x + y+5z
the cone 6yz - 2zx + 5xy = 0,.
h) Find the reciprocal cone to the cone 4x + 5y + 72 =
.c abFind the equation of the cone formed by rotating the line 2+ 3y = 6.z = 0
about the Y-axis.
is and
b) Find the equation of the right circular cylinder whose ax1s
passing through A(0,0,3).
tangent plane to the conicoid ar' + by+ cz =l meets the POR.
16 a) A
P.Q. and R. Find the locus of the centroid of the triangle
axes in
enveloping cyl1nder of ax' + by² + cz² Iwith generators
bi Show the parabolas
Z-axis meet the plane z 0 in
perpendicular to

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