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A story is an itinerary of events that have occur that don’t have any relations to one
A plot is a series of events linked casually to one another.

Freytag’s Pyramid
⁃ Exposition : beginning of a story that introduces
⁃ Rising action : Events before the climax, character attempt to solve the problem
but fails.
⁃ Climax : The turning point, the point of greatest suspense or action
⁃ Falling action : Event happens after the climax
⁃ Resolution : End of the story where the conflicts or problems are solved
⁃ Denouement : Character become someone else because of their journey

ABDCE Structure : All stories are organized around the basic structure. A structure is
how to sequence the events in your plot to help maximize your own storytelling abilities.
⁃ Action : what draws the readers in, something specific and concrete
⁃ Background : is essentially context, what was happening to the character before
the story started
⁃ Development : where the character deals with rising action, where the plot in story
⁃ Climax : the biggest rising action happens in your story
⁃ Ending : becoming

Action : In the kingdom named Adrendell, 2 sisters are Elsa and Anna share a close bond.
Elsa possesses the ability to control ice and water. In her coronation day, she freezes the
whole kingdom because she does not know how to control the power.
Background : In their childhood time, Elsa freezes the a part of hair of Anna, Anna must
be delete her memories about Elsa’s power. Because of her regret, Elsa isolates herself in
room. Anna spent the childhood time with the loneliness

Development : Anna sets out the journey with her friends too. She want to find out where
the power come from and know why Elsa keep distance with her all the time.
Climax : Elsa inaccdentallly traps Anna heart. They come to the trolls and know the only
cure is act of love. Anna thinks Hans can help her, but it turns out that he is a villain. Elsa
knows the true meaning of love and sacrifice herself to save Anna before she become ice
statue, thawing the Adrendell

Ending : The relationships bw 2 sisters reconcile, reliazing love is the key to control the
Narrator of voice
Points of view is often written as a manuscript of POV Kinds of point of view
⁃ 1st person : the viewpoint character is “I” ( the narrator speak about them)
⁃ 2nd person : use pronouns you or your
⁃ 3rd person : which is he she it they (the narrator tell the story, but it isn’t in the

Voice of narrative
Have a lots of chance to tell a story, you are allowed to move

The pyramid of language

⁃ Meaning : A write’s word must mean what they say and say what they mean
⁃ Sense : the boy ate watermelon, the watermelon ate the boy does not
⁃ Clarity
⁃ Sense evoked : It’s about evoking sensory experiences that everyone has
⁃ Voice, mood : when the writer personality come out, where the reader remember
them as a write
⁃ Subtext, metaphor and fancy stuff.
Scenes are the building blocks of storytelling which require 5 things
⁃ An action
⁃ Dialogue
⁃ Intimate details
⁃ Inner point of view
⁃ Starting point and stopping point

Action : In the magical kingdom named Adrendelle, 2 sisters are Elsa and Anna which
share a close bond. However, Elsa has ability to control ice and snow. In the coronation
day, because of her emotions spiral out of control, freezing the whole kingdom.

Background : Feeling guilty about her mistake, she isolates herself in the ice castle which
she creates in mountain. Anna which her friends, include ice harvester named Kristoff,
Seven and a snowman Olaf set out on journey to bring back the summer.

Development : In the journey, Anna and her friends meet many challenges and obstacles.
Along the way, they learn about Elsa’s power, she scared of hurting people, and the
importance of love in overcoming such fears.

Climax : In the dramatic confrontation, Elsa incidentally traps Anna’s heart in ice. The
only cure is an act of true love. Anna believes a kiss from Hans, a prince she met earlier,
will save her life. However, Elsa discovers true meaning of love and sacrifices herself to
save Anna., thawing adrendell and Elsa’s heart.
Ending : The sisters reconcile, realizing love is the key to control the power. The
relationship bw sisters grows stronger, ensuring a future fill with love and warmth.

Voice of narrator
➔ Point of view is often written in a manuscript as POV
➔ Kinds of points of view :
- First person - the viewpoint character is “ I ” ( the narrator speak about himself /
herself )
- Second person - use pronouns you and your ( the narrator speak directly to the reader )
- Third person - which is “ he ” , “ she ” , “ it ” or “ they ” ( the narrator watches the story
- but isn’t in it )

A story is an itinerary of events that have occurred that don't have any relation to one
another. A plot is a series of events linked causally to one another

Plot : The structure or organization of events that make up a fictional story.

Freytag’s Pyramid :
⁃ Exposition : Beginning of the story that introduces (conflict, character, setting)
⁃ Rising action : Event before the climax, Character’s attempt to solve the problem,
but fails.
⁃ Climax : The turning point, the point of greatest suspense or action
⁃ Falling action : Action and events that occur after the climax
⁃ Resolution : End of the story where the conflicts or problems are solved
⁃ Denouement : on the other end of the pyramid

ABDCE Structure : All stories are organized around a basic structure. A structure is how
to sequence the events in your plot to help maximize your own storytelling abilities.
⁃ Action is what draws the reader in. Sth specific and concrete. An action sth
physical that involves a character doing something
⁃ Background is essentially context, or what was happening to these characters
before the story started
⁃ Development where the plot of your story happen because it’s in this arena where
character deal with rising action you throw their way
⁃ Climax : where the biggest rising action happens in your story
⁃ Ending : where we learn that the character we thought we knew who becomes so
else because of their journey
Scene : Scenes the building blocks of storytelling. Your scenes require five things in
order for a reader to feel that you're showing them something as opposed to telling them
Show don’t tell :
⁃ An action : specific, involves your character standing up and doing something
⁃ Dialogue : deepen our understanding of the character, speaking that dialog or
advance the plot or both
⁃ Intimate details : that a reader will not be able to see or notice by themselves
without your help
⁃ Inner point of view : what r u thinking, feeling and processing?
⁃ Starting point and stopping point

5 keys when creating a great dynamic character

⁃ What do they want
⁃ What are their weakness
⁃ Where are they from
⁃ Where are they going
⁃ What can your characters do to surprise you

*Voice of narrator
➔Point of view is often written in a manuscript as POV
➔Kinds of points of view :
-First person - the viewpoint character is “ I” ( the narrator
speak about himself / herself )
-Second person - use pronouns you and your ( the narrator
speak directly to the reader )
-Third person - which is “ he ” , “ she ” , “ it ” or “ they ” ( the
narrator watches the story - but isn’t in it )
The process of exploration :
- Who do you want to tell the story?
- What is the story you most want to tell?
- Which of your characters is most able to tell the story?
- Who can tell the story ?
- Who should tell the story ?
- What will the story become in the voice and the eyes of that
character ?

The pyramid of language

⁃ Meaning, sense, clarity
⁃ Sense evoked
⁃ Voice, mood (connotation)
⁃ Subtext
⁃ Metaphor
⁃ Fancy Stuff

Meaning : A writer’s words must mean what they say and say what
they mean.

Sense : Conroy on sense: “The boy ate the watermelon makes sense.
The watermelon ate the boy does not”

Clarity : The writer can achieve clarity regardless of style. Clarity has
aesthetic value all by itself.

Then the last three layers deal with subtext, metaphor, and fancy stuff.

These parts are culturally dependent, and they are the parts that distinguish ingenious
works of fiction from basic good writings.

These raw senses are voice, mood, and connotation. This is where the writer’s personality
comes out, and where the reader remembers them as a writer.

At the second level, it’s about evoking sensory experiences that everyone has. (that these
senses are culturally

Action : In the magical kingdom named Adrendelle, 2 sisters are Elsa and Anna which
share a close bond. However, Elsa has ability to control ice and snow. In the coronation
day, because of her emotions spiral out of control, freezing the whole kingdom.

Background : Feeling guilty about her mistake, she isolates herself in the ice castle which
she creates in mountain. Anna which her friends, include ice harvester named Kristoff,
Seven and a snowman Olaf set out on journey to bring back the summer.

Development : In the journey, Anna and her friends meet many challenges and obstacles.
Along the way, they learn about Elsa’s power, she scared of hurting people, and the
importance of love in overcoming such fears.

Climax : In the dramatic confrontation, Elsa incidentally traps Anna’s heart in ice. The
only cure is an act of true love. Anna believes a kiss from Hans, a prince she met earlier,
will save her life. However, Elsa discovers true meaning of love and sacrifices herself to
save Anna., thawing adrendell and Elsa’s heart.
Ending : The sisters reconcile, realizing love is the key to control the power. The
relationship 1`Write a scene of 250-350 words featuring a character with:
•One concrete want (a table, a moose, a toothbrush, anything physical is fine!) and
•One weakness.
•Set up the story where every other sentence is a rising action, using one word from
the following list of twelve words in each sentence that has a rising action.

Tôi chơ vơ trong góc xó của tủ quần áo, không một le lói nào sáng lên cho một hy vọng
không tên. Dẫu tháng năm có thêm bao nhiêu muộn phiền cay đắng thì cuộc đời tôi trôi
qua vẫn nhạt nhẽo như thế, nằm gọn gàng ngoan ngoãn như một con hổ cô độc đang bị
nhốt trong cái chuồng hiu quạnh, nó còn chẳng xác định được cuộc đời nó sẽ trôi dạt về
đâu. Tôi lặng lẽ nhìn ngắm từng bộ quần áo khác được lấy ra rồi cất vào với một mùi
hương thơm phức sau những lần giặt ủi, tiếp theo đó là quá trình xếp gọn ngay ngắn. Tôi
thầm ước mình cũng được như thế khi tôi đã từng được như thế. Nhưng đâu phải ai cũng
dễ dàng nhìn mình bị che đậy và vùi lấp đâu, đâu đó trong cái niềm tin mãnh không cho
phép tôi để điều đó xảy ra. Tôi luôn cố gắng gây sự chú ý cho anh mỗi khi anh nhập
ngừng trước cửa tủ khi anh đang băn khoăn chẳng biết lựa món đồ nào nhưng hết lần này
đến lần khác, cái hoodie màu đen tuyền làm bằng chất liệu nhung tâm vẫn luôn là sự lựa
chọn hàng đầu, còn tôi thì vẫn nằm gọn đó. Việc nhìn ngắm ánh mắt trời với tôi luôn là
một thứ xa xỉ. Mùa thu trôi nhè nhẹ qua lời buông đôi tám chuyện của bọn quần áo và
hôm đó cũng là đầu đông, trời lạnh bất thường bởi những cơn gió bấc đầu mùa.

Điều làm tôi ngỡ ngàng khi anh chẳng còn ngập ngừng nơi cửa tủ mà nhanh chóng khoác
tôi lên rồi thốt lên câu nói mà tôi chưa từng nghe khi anh mặc những bộ quần áo trước
đây : “Ấm quá”. Cách anh nhẹ nhàng thở hơi vào làn sương sớm đầu đông làm tôi sướng
gan hết cả người. Từ tận đáy lòng, nó bùng lên một ánh lửa nồng cháy khi được bao phủ
cho tấm thân ngọc ngà, được mơn trớn trên từng thớ thịt nóng ấm và đôi khi còn được
anh thơm nhẹ trước khi ôm vào lòng, điều mà biết bao nhiêu lâu nay tôi vẫn luôn thầm
mơ ước. Anh đem tôi đi khắp nơi, từ những quán cà phê đông tít cho đến những buổi tề
tụ bạn bè gần xa trong những câu chuyện và nụ cười nối đuôi không hồi kết. Và mỗi lần
được khen mặc đẹp, anh chẳng ngần ngại mà đáp : “Cái áo yêu thích của tao đó !”. Phải
thôi, những gì tươi đẹp luôn được chờ đến cuối cùng, và tôi thì cũng chẳng phải ngoại lệ.

Ngoài những ngày tất bật chuyện công việc không giây nào để thở, anh đưa tôi đi đây đi
đó trong những ngày cuối tuần, trong những buổi rong ruổi khắp con ngách cái ngõ.
Nhưng những gì tươi đẹp thì chẳng bao giờ kéo dài mãi mãi và những gì chóng tàn của
mùa đông thì cũng sẽ sớm trôi. Như cách mà Peter Pan đã dễ dàng đánh mất Wendy, anh
đánh mất tôi khi mẹ thiên nhiên báo hiệu trời vào xuân bằng những cơn mưa phùn lách ta
lách tách cùng thứ không khí khô ráo khiến tôi ứa đến cả người. Điều đó cũng chín là tín
hiệu cho việc tôi sẽ phải trở về cái chốn cũ, ngắm nhìn những cái quần chiếc áo thay thế
vị trí của mình. Đôi khi lướt dọc tủ quần áo, anh chợt thấy tôi nhưng giả vờ đánh mắt
sang vị trí khác, giả vờ rằng tôi chẳng nằm ở đó. Nếu tôi biết khóc thì chắc những cơn
mưa acid rơi dọc xuống trên má đã dễ dàng đốt cháy lấy đôi mắt này. Nhưng anh nào biết
tâm trí tôi vẫn mang đậm hình bóng anh, như một làn hương khói bao phủ, mùi hương
anh vẫn còn vương trên từng tấm len của chiếc Cardigan sờn cũ trong hy vọng xa xôi anh
sẽ gặp lại tôi và tôi thừa hiểu anh sẽ sớm dành trọn tấm chân tình này cho một thuở tình
thơ, thêm lần nữa.

I languished in the corner of the wardrobe, with no glimmer of hope. No matter how
many bitter months and years pass by, my life still flows monotonously, as orderly as a
solitary tiger locked in a desolate cage, unable to determine where it will drift. I silently
observed each set of clothes being taken out and neatly folded, carrying a fragrant scent
after each wash, followed by the meticulous folding process. I secretly wished to be like
that again, as I once was. However, not everyone can easily look at themselves being
concealed and buried, somewhere within the strong belief that prevents me from allowing
that to happen. I always tried to grab his attention every time he stood in front of the
wardrobe door, pondering what to wear. But time and time again, the black velvet hoodie
remained his top choice, while I remained tucked away. Gazing at the sky has always
been a luxury for me. Autumn gently passed through the conversations of the clothes, and
that day marked the beginning of winter, with unusual coldness due to the early-season
northern winds.
What surprised me was that he no longer hesitated by the wardrobe door but quickly put
me on, saying words I had never heard before when he wore other clothes: 'It's warm.'
The way he gently exhaled into the early winter mist made me feel ecstatic all over. From
the depths of my heart, a burning fire blazed when covered in his warm embrace,
caressed by his breath before he held me close, something I had secretly dreamed of for
so long. He took me everywhere, from bustling cafes to gatherings with friends in endless
stories and laughter. And every time he received compliments on his outfit, he proudly
replied, 'My favorite shirt!' Beautiful things are always worth waiting for, and I am no
Except for the busy workdays with no time to breathe, he took me out here and there on
weekends, wandering through the narrow alleys. But beautiful things never last forever,
and the fleeting moments of winter would soon pass. Just as Peter Pan easily lost Wendy,
he lost me when Mother Nature signaled the arrival of spring with drizzles and dry air
that made me shiver. It was also a sign that I would have to return to my old place,
watching as other clothes took my spot. Sometimes, while browsing the wardrobe, he
suddenly noticed me but pretended to look away, pretending that I wasn't there. If I knew
how to cry, the acid rain would easily burn these eyes. But little did he know that my
mind still bore his image, like a lingering scent, his fragrance still lingering on every
thread of the old, worn cardigan, hoping he would meet me again in the distant future,
and I understood that he would soon devote this sincere love to a time of youthful
romance, once again.
A - Attention/Introduction:
In the kingdom of Arendelle, we meet Elsa and Anna, two princesses with a close bond.
Elsa possesses magical ice powers, which she struggles to control. The story begins with
Elsa's coronation, but her powers are accidentally revealed, leading to her isolation in an
ice palace. Anna, determined to bring her sister back, sets out on a journey.
B - Background/Body:
As Anna ventures into the icy wilderness, the story delves into the sisters' past, revealing
the origin of Elsa's powers and the emotional distance that grew between them. The
kingdom is plunged into eternal winter due to Elsa's accidental curse. Along the way,
Anna teams up with Kristoff, his loyal reindeer Sven, and the comical snowman Olaf.
C - Contrast/Comparison/Challenge:
The contrast between Elsa's self-imposed isolation and Anna's determination to save their
kingdom becomes a central theme. Elsa, fearing her powers and the potential harm they
could cause, struggles with self-acceptance. Meanwhile, Anna faces external challenges
such as the harsh winter, dangerous creatures, and the revelation that her newfound love
interest, Hans, has deceitful intentions.
D - Development/Data:
The narrative develops as Anna and her friends encounter mystical trolls who provide
insight into Elsa's powers. Elsa learns to embrace her abilities and discovers that love is
the key to controlling them. The bond between the sisters becomes a driving force for
change. Elsa, realizing the importance of love and connection, saves Arendelle from
eternal winter.
E - Ending/Conclusion:
In the climactic ending, Elsa's sacrifice for Anna, an act of true love, breaks the curse.
The kingdom is restored, and Elsa and Anna rediscover the strength of their sisterly love.
The story concludes with Elsa finding a balance between her responsibilities as queen
and her magical abilities, and the sisters rebuild their relationship, fostering a new era of
warmth and love in Arendelle.

Action : In the kingdom named Adrendell, 2 sisters are E and A share a close bond. E
possesses a magical power which she can control ice and water. Begin the coronation
day, E inaccidentally freeze the whole kingdom and isolates in the moutains cause her
regret 4 her mistake.

Background : Anna set out the journey to bring Elsa back. She find out where the power
come from and know the reason why her sister alsa keep distance with her when they
were child

Development : Elsa’s isolation and attempt is a central topic. Elsa is afraid of her power,
do not know how to control, pose a harm with people while Anna meet challenges
Climax. Elsa inaccdentally traps Anna heart. They come to the trolls, find out how can
cure. And the only cure is the act of love. Anna think that Hans - a prince she met can
help. Elsao know the true meaning of love an sacrifile herself to save Anna before she
become ice statue, thawing

The relationship of 2 sisters reconcile, reliazing love is the key to control the power

Three Phases of Research (3 kinds of research)

1. Functional research: includes a range of real-world ways any of us find things out.
These days, though we still go to the library, we may also be using a number of databases
and Internet sites to locate information.Nghiên cứu thực tiễn: bao gồm một loạt các cách
trong thế giới thực mà chúng ta tìm hiểu thông tin. (vd: search gg, wikipedia, đọc
2. inspirational research (nghiên cứu truyền cảm hứng): This is research that helps
you uncover and discover. It gives you a healthy sense of competition with those who
write better than you do. Nghiên cứu truyền cảm hứng: Đây là loại nghiên cứu giúp bạn
tìm tòi và khám phá. (vd: nghe nhạc thì nhớ lại chuyện cũ, tìm lại đồ vật cũ,..)
3. Imaginative research (nghiên cứu sáng tạo). This is just the time that you spend
knowing and planning your story world. Đây chỉ là thời gian mà bạn dành để hiểu và lập
kế hoạch cho thế giới câu chuyện của mình.

whirlwind courtship

Exposition : beginning of the story that introduces

Inciting action : event that occur to change the life of character
Rising action : before the climax, attempt to solve but fail
Climax : turning point
Falling action : before the climax, deal with rising action
End ; become

The beginning : when you set up a character, their goal, their wants, their desires
Middle : deal with rising action
End ; is solved

Sences is the building blocks of the storytelling, require 5 things

⁃ Action ; sth special an concrete, involves standing and doing sth
⁃ Dialogue : deepen our understanding of character when they speaking dialog or
advance the plot
⁃ Intimate details : specific ab yourself, surroundings people u r writing ab, reader
will be
⁃ Inner point of view : feeling, thinking, processing
⁃ Starting : all scenes need action scenes and are solved in some ways

The look : important, use all senses when you beginning imagine your characterThe
inner’s life : what are they worry about ? What are their goals
Refine and develop :hear, see, select through observation and goals

Illuminate : reavel aspest character

Advance the story : provide relevant ìnfor
Creating interéting sentences : should be crafted to be egnaging and captivationg on its

2. Can reflect how engaing to your manuscrips is to broader audiencs á they potential

The shift from first person to omniscient POV introduces a broader perspective. In the
first person, the focus is on the individual's emotions, sensations, and immediate
experiences. In omniscient POV, it providing insights into the thoughts and feelings of
multiple characters and even the environment.

The omniscient POV allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the events,
emphasizing the interconnectedness of characters and the world around them.
Additionally, the emotional intensity of the adventurer is somewhat diluted in the
omniscient POV, as the narrator takes on a more observational role.

Những câu lý thuyết chưa được thi

Exposition : beginning of the story

Inciting action : event or issue occur to change the life of the character
Rising action : happen before the climax, attempt to solve but fail
Climax :the turning point, point of greatest suspense or action
Falling action : problems are solved
Ending : becomes so else

3 Act structure
The beginning : this is where you set up a character, their relationship, their wants, their
The middle : where the plot reaches its climax
The end : is solved

Scene is the building block of the storytelling, requires 5 things

⁃ Action : specific and concrete, involves character standing up and doing
⁃ Dialogue : deepen our understanding of character speaking that dialog or advance
the plot
⁃ Intimate details : specific about yourself, your surroundings the people you are
writing ab, reader will not be able to see without your help
⁃ Inter point of view : what r u thinking, feeling, processing?
⁃ Staring point and ending point : all scenes start with action scene and has been
solved in some ways.

The Iceberge theory : cut everything out except the most essential details.

To build a character :
⁃ The look : important, use all the senses when you are beginning to imagine a
⁃ Character’s inner life : what the character worries about? What the character
thinks about? What they want, what they are going for.
⁃ Refine and develop : Hear, see and select through observations and empathy.

3 main goals of dialogue

⁃ Illuminate character : reveal aspect character’s personality, emotions and
⁃ Advance the story : provide relevant information that keeps the reader engaged
and curious what happens next
⁃ Create interesting sentences : dialogue should be crafted to be engaging and
captivating on its own.

The pyramid of language :

⁃ Meaning : A writer’s words must mean what they say and say what they mean
⁃ Sense : The boy ate watermelon makes sense. The watermelon ate the boy does
⁃ Clarity : The writer can achieve clarity regardless of style, clarity has aesthetic
value all by itself
⁃ Sense evoked : It’s is about evoking sensory experiences that everyone has.
⁃ Voice, mood and connotation : where the writer’s personality come out, reader
remember them as a writer
⁃ The last 3 layers deal with subject, metaphor and fancy stuff
=> These part are culturally dependent, distinguish ingenious works of fiction from basic
good writing.
The Reader-Writer Arc
•is divided in three parts: the reader (closet to the reader), the middle zone and the writer
(closet to the writer)
•Three possibilities
•The writer can go far to reach the reader's zone. It is the case of morning newspaper.
•There is case such as writing diaries when the writer does not try to get the reader.
•In the middle zone (most splendid), the writer "implies" and the reader "infers“

Three Phases of Research (3 kinds of research)

Research helps you build your setting, the time, place, and situation in which your story
occurs. Three kinds of research:

⁃ Functional research: includes a range of real-world ways that any of us find

things out. These days, though we still go to the library, we may also be using a number
of databases and Internet sites to locate information.Nghiên cứu thực tiễn: bao gồm một
loạt các cách trong thế giới thực mà chúng ta tìm hiểu thông tin. (vd: search gg,
wikipedia, đọc sách…)
⁃ inspirational research (nghiên cứu truyền cảm hứng): This is research that helps
you uncover and discover.
⁃ It gives you a healthy sense of competition with those who write better than you
do. Nghiên cứu truyền cảm hứng: Đây là loại nghiên cứu giúp bạn tìm tòi và khám phá.
(vd: nghe nhạc thì nhớ lại chuyện cũ, tìm lại đồ vật cũ,..)
⁃ Imaginative research (nghiên cứu sáng tạo). This is just the time that you spend
knowing and planning your story world. Đây chỉ là thời gian mà bạn dành để hiểu và lập
kế hoạch cho thế giới câu chuyện của mình.

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