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2D Motion Set L 0 Velocity vector of a particle is given a i +3], " pa sv = 4ti +3], Att = 0, position of the particle is gi Find the position vector of the particle att oe i + 4) (o)r=4i +4] @) (d)r=4i +8 @s Particle moves in the xy-plane and its coordin: i : ates are given by x =ksinoot and 11 cosent), where k and i itude of acele yok are constants. What is the magnitude of acceleration of the (a)2er0 ue (kw? ko @ ‘Apoint moves in the xy-plane according to the law x = 3t andy = 3€ (I-, £ here x, yarem ) econd) after which velocity makes an angle a! metre and tis in second, What is the time( in s withthe acceleration? @ From point A located on a highway (figure) one has to get by car as soon as possible to point located in the field at a distance/ = 34/2 km from the highway. It is known that the car moves! the field 3 times slower than on the highway. ‘At what distance (in km) from point D one must turn off the highway? Ac D a eee 0) moves in xy-plane, so that its velocity is y) m. What is the value of y when x= 3? 9 A particle projected from the origin (x = v=(2i +4xj) m/s, when it is at the point (x, Apoint moves in the xy-t " © “Plane according to the law x =at andy =a: t(1Bt), where a and B are positive constants. The time after whi F which the velocit x a w? ity makes an angle F with the acceleration is : B s a? a @ A particle moves uniformly with speed v along the parabolic path - is i y =kx?, where k iti constant. The acceleration of the particle at x = 0 is given by oe (a)2kv? (by kv? tye (o 34v (a) 2kv +2}, Fit passes through the A particle moves in xy-plane with a velocity given by ¥ =(8t -2) point (14, 4) att = 2, then find equation of the path. (a) (b)x=y? -¥42 (y= (d)y=x-10 ‘The velocities in x and y-direction of a particle moving in xy-plane is given by Ve Aot.v, where ag and 2 are some constants, tis time and xis ‘the displacement in x-direction at an: time t. The trajectory of the particle will be 2? me fa)y? = 0)with a constant speed v. Att =0, itis at} origin and about to enter the first quadrant of xy-axes. At some time latert > 0, v, =v At this moment, (a, -a,)is 2 v v — as b) ee f YK? Ke ak? ‘A point moves in xy-plane according to the law x =3 cost andy =3(1- sin 4t). The distanc® travelled by the particle in 2 s is (where x andy are in metre) (a) 48m (b) 24m (0) 482m * © ‘Aparticle moves in the xy-plane and at time tis at the point (t?, t® -2t). Then, {a) at t= 2/3 s, directions of velocity and acceleration are perpendicular (b) at t= 0, directions of velocity and acceleration are perpendicular 2 eee (datt= £ Ss, particle is moving parallel to X-axis (a) 24V2m, le when it is at point (4, 4) is 28+ 24), (@) acceleration of the pa © A particle of mass m moves along a curvey = x”. When particle has x-coordinate as 1/2 and x-component of velocity as 4 m/s and x-component of acceleration as 8 ms~*, then {a) the position coordinate of particles are (1/2, 4) {b) the velocity of prtce wile along the ine #4 4y-1=0 {@) the magnitude of velocity at thet instant is 4/2 m/s {(d) the acceleration is a = (Gi + 40}) ms * @® Two balloons are simultaneously released from two buildings A and B. Balloon A rises with constant velocity 10 m/s, while the other one rises with constant velocity of 20 m/s. Due to the 2. wind, the balloons gather horizontal velocity v, = 0.5y, where y a is the height from the point of release. The areata distance of 250 m and after some time t, the balloons collide. Then, (at=5s (b) difference in heights of buildings is 100m =a (€) difference in heights of buildings is 50 m (d)t=10s E =a- , where a is int moves in xy-plane according tothe law x=asinat andy =a-acosat, pastve constant and tis the time. paloe magni Jocity of the body at any instant of time t oe v= a cae (b) ao () aosinat (4) None of the (a) awcose © The trajectory represents F 7 (ax=2ay (b)x=4, 7 (a) None of these (Oxey? One position vector of a particle changes with time according to the relation rit) =15t7i +(4-20t*)j. What is the magnitude of acceleration at t = 1s? 2s (b) 100 (40 (¢)50 |Aparticle is moving with a velocity v =k(yi +xj), where k i is a constant. The i forits path is fant. The general equation (aly? =x? + constant (0)¥=x2% constant (ay? =x-+ constant (ally somcita @i) Aparticle moves in xy-plane, starting from A, along straight line paths AB and then BC, as shown in the graph. When it is at point P, angle between directions of its average velocity and 3 instantaneous velocity is| tan 37° = 7 (a) 90° (b) 82° (c) 98° (d) 74° Aparticle which is initially at rest at the origin, is subjected to an acceleration with x and y-components as shown. After time t = 5 , the particle has no acceleration What is the magnitude of velocity of the particle at t = 2s? (2)10v5 mvs (b) 510 m/s (5V5 m/s (d) None of these What is the magnitude of average velocity of the particle between t = O and t=4s? (38 mvs wiva7 m/s ()30m/s (@) None of these When is the particle at its farthest distance from the Y-axis? (3s (b)2s (4s (d)1s Set 2 The horizontal range of a projectile is 43 times its maximum height. Its angle of projection will be fa) 45° (b) 60° (0) 90° (d) 30° cet ball is hit at 30° with the horizontal with kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the —* highest point is (a) zero (b) K/4 (Ke (a) 3K/4 @ A body is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower of height 5 m. It touches the ground at a listance of 10 m from the foot of the tower. The initial velocity of the body is (take, g =10ms~*) (a)25ms™* {b)5ms™* ()10ms* ‘An aeroplane moving horizontally with a speed of 720 km/h drops a food pocket, while flying at ‘a height of 396.9 m. The time taken by a food pocket to reach the ground and its horizontal range is (take, g =9.8 ms"*) (a) 3sand 2000m (b) 5s.and 500m (c) 8s and 1500 m (d) 9s and 1800 m Aball is rolled off the edge of horizontal table at a speed of 4 m/s. It hits the ground after 0.4 s Which is statement given below is true ? {a)It hits the ground at a horizontal distance 2.6m from the edge of the table. (b) The speed with which it hits the ground is 4.0 m/s. (c) Height of the table is 0.8 m. (a) It hits the ground at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. ‘Accricketer hits a ball with a velocity of 25 m/s at 60° above the horizontal. How far above the ground it passes over a fielder 50 m from the bat? (Assume the ball is struck very close to the ground) ()8.2m (b) 9.0m ‘The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h. The greatest distance to which he can throw it, will be we (oh (ah (¢)20ms* {c) 11.6 m (4) 12.7 m. (a) 3h A body of mass 0.5 kg ji ; @ the horizontal. a oe Lunder gravity with a speed of 98 m/s at an angle of 30° with ground is of change in momentum of the body by the time it hits the perenne cok (b) 49.0Ns () 98.0N-s (0) 50.0N-s cauation fo the wajecton ohne” OF 29 m/s making an angle of 45° with horizontal. The —Bx?, whi i i are constants, The ratio A: Bis(take,g 10 ma is height, x is horizontal distance and A & B an ae (o)a:40 (¢) 40:4 10 Ja stone is thrown horizont: " ally from a tower. In 0.5 s after i it eel the stone neni value of its velocity was 1.5 times its initial velocity. If the hana veloclya one ip m/s, find the value of p. [Take, g =10 m/s?] , ial velocity of stone is @ Aball is projected upwards from the top of tower with a velocity 50 ms“* making an angle 30° with the horizontal. The height of tower is 70 m. After how many second from the instant of throwing will the ball reach the ground? (a)2s (b)5s (7s () 9s A stone is projected from the ground with velocity 50 m/s at an angle of 30°. It crosses a wall iter 3 How far beyond the wall the stone wil strike the ground? (Take, g = 10 m/s") (2) 90.2m (6) 89.6m (0) 86.6m (¢)70.2m A projectiles fred from level ground atan angle above the horizontal The elevation angle or the highest point as seen from the launch points related t0® by the relation ()tang=ttano ——_(b) tang=tand (eitang= Fane (d)tang=2tand 4 A i bird from a point at a horizontal distance of 100 m . The gun can impart a (C) aeons to the bullet. At what height above the bird must he aim his gun in order velocity of 500 ms ~ it? | = " piled ov i 40cm (50cm (4) 100em = ; igh. For maximum horizontal distance, the angle a which the ball become ooh ty e bande 74 ms without hitting the ceiling ofthe hal is oe thrown with a ~ ‘0° (45° (a) 60° From the top of a tower 19.6 m high, a ball is thrown horizontally. If the line joining the point projection to the point where it hts the ground makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal, the, the initial velocity of the ball is (a) 9.8ms™ {b) 4.9 ms“* (14.7 ms* (d) 2.8 ms“* @ ‘At what angle with the horizontal should a ball be thrown, so that its range R is related tothe time of fight as R=5T?? (Take, g = 10 ms~*) (@)30° (0) 45" (0) 60° (a) 90° One second after projection, a stone moves at an angle 45° with horizontal. 2s after projection, it moves horizontally, its angle of projection is take, = 10 m/s*] (a) tan (v3) (b) tan“ (4) (c) tan (3) (a) tan (2) (Ds particle is projected with a velocity u making an angle @ with the horizontal. At any instant velocity v is at right angles to its initial velocity u, then vis (a)ucos@ (b)u tan “(ucot® (d)usec® Gdn object is projected so that it just clears two vertical walls each of height 7.5 m and ‘separation 50 m. If time of passing between the two walls is 2.5 s, then find horizontal range of the object. {a)70m (b) 75m (c) 105 m. (4) 150m yD) Aball is thrown at an angle 0 with the horizontal. Its initial kinetic energy is 100 J and it becomes 75 J at half the maximum height. The angle of projection is (3 4 (ayase (b) 30° (cos (3) (d) tan“* (3) Three projectiles A, B and C are thrown from the same point in the same plane. Their trajectories are shown in the figure, then which of the following statement is true? Drrvie projected at an angle o: (> 45°) with an initial velocity u. The time (t) at which its vertical component of its velocity will be equal to the horizontal component of its velocity is tS tcosa-sine) (8) (cosa+ sina) (J (sina — cos.) (a) & (sin? a. cos? @) (4) If4 be the time in which a projectile reaches a point P of the its path and 5 s the time from P till it reaches the horizontal plane through the point of projection. The height of P above the + horizontal plane will be [take, g = 9.8 m/s?) (98m (b) 49m (196m (a) 147m Gren the ground level, a ball is to be shot with a certain speed. Graph shows the range R it will have versus the launch angle ®. The least speed the ball will have during its flight, if is chosen “such that the flight time is half of its maximum possible value, is equal to (take, g = 10 m/s) Rim) 250m 200m 100m @(in degree) (a) 250 m/s (b) 50V3 m/s (2) 50. m/s (d) 25V3 mvs @&) From the to). cf . tower, two balls are thrown horizontally with velocities u, and, in opposite directions. | thew velocities are perpendicular to each other just before they strike the ground, then find the height of tower. uu, Duy Agus yu a (bo) =2 (b) (ye 4g @ Projectile is thrown with speed u making angle @ with horizontal at t = 0. It just crosses the two points at equal height at time t = 1s and =3 s, respectively. Calculate maximum height attained by it. [Take,g = 10 m/s?] ° jected it it jth the vertical. ic je ards with a velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 60° wit G2) perint oe e itearon [Take, g =10 m/s?) (9) ¥22.5° with horizontal from ground as is proj h speed 30 m/s at angle of 22.5° with om sound partie Prec (ani Bis the highest point of trajectory of the ED az in igure. AB and CD are parallel to Y-axis and B i particle. Find the ratio of 7 69) is the highest point on the path of a projectile and average velocity of the projectile between Oand Ais8i +3]. If tan cis given by = then calculate the value of n. y oA ° B Cc * Acylinder is placed on a horizontal surface. A particle is projected with speed.u and it crosses the cylinder by just touching it at two points as shown in figure. Then, the initial speed with which the mass projected is 5x m/s. Find the value of x. Projectile of mass 2 kg has velocities 3 m/s and 4 Df mi k ™/s at two poi ing its flight ir : a Sravitational field of the earth. If these two velocities sapere reaches the minimum kinetic energy of particle during its fight is oe (a)75 : (b) 255 (c) 16.325 (a) 5.761 Speed of ground-to-ground projectile at height h from ground is half of its speed at height” from ground. Find the maximum range possible for the projectile with the same speed, 1m mm am, (4) None of to) we oF lone of these For a projectile launched upwards from level ground, with initial velocity u and angle of projection 30° with vertical, height of projectile above ground will be greater than horizonta distance covered upto time (a (b) 4 {W3- rE O% ows 2 (d) None of these GS)aparice is projected from point A. A fly is sitting at a tower at point B as shown in the figure. When particle passes from B, fly starts fiying in horizontal direction with constant speed of 2 m/s. Both will meet at the same horizontal level at point C, then (take, g = 10 m/s*) = am (2) angle of projection is tan~* () (b) angle of projection is tan“ (2) (d) None of these (©) angle of projection is 45° Sots are fwd from the top ofa ower and from bottom smuttaneously at angles 45° and lt as shown in the figure. If horizontal distance of the point of collision is at a diate (15 sD mtrom the fewer, then find height h of tower (in metre). em (1m (b)2m (03m am ¢ 3) Acannon fires a projectile as shown in figure, The dashed ine shows the alec nite absence of gravity. The points M, N, O and P correspond to time att =0, 1, 2s and 3s, respectively. Find the sum of lengths of X, Vand Z. (Take, g = 10 ms 53)" tation of trajectory of a particle moving in xy-plane is given byy = 10x ~2x? (x and y are in meters). Assume acceleration of. Bravity as 10 m/s? in negative y-direction. Choose correct statement(s). ie (a) Maximum height of the particle is 12.5 m. (b) Range of the particle is x = 5m. (c) Atx = 225 m, particle is moving at an angle of 45° with X-axis % (d) Initially particle is projected at an angle of 53°, Choose the correct statements). (a) ifthe greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h, then the greatest horizontal distance upto which he can throw the stone is 2h. (b) The angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range Ris n times the maximum height is tan™* (4/n). (c) The time of flight T and the horizontal range R of a projectile are connected by the equation gT =2Rtan®, where Gis the angle of projection. (4) A ball is thrown vertically up. Another ball is thrown at an angle O with the vertical. Both of them “3 remain in air for the same period of time, then the ratio of heights attained by the two balls is ak na projectile motion assuming no air drag lett, =t, andt,, =. The horizontal displacement from 0 to A is, and from A to BisR, . Maximum height is H and time of flights T. Now if air drag isto be considered, then choose the correct alternative(s). Y ()t; will decrease while, will increase (b) H will increase (C)R; will decrease while R, will increase (a) T may increase or decrease {ball is thrown up with a certain velocity at an angle @ to the horizontal. The kinetic energy (KE) of the ball varies with horizontal displacement x as. t 1 @ ® KE ° = ° x T d o ° = o° 7 @, a pipe fixed to the ground at an inclination of 37°. A ball is projected from point O at a speeyy u=20 m/s at an angle of 53° to the horizontal and it smoothly enters into the pipe with its velocity parallel to the axis of the pipe. (Take, g = 10 m/s”) u S of > @ Find the length of the pipe. 175 337 150 125 pial b) 237, cad (d) = {a)——m oon aan asm ® Find the distance of end B of the pipe from point O. 175 337 150 125 ae) b) 397 — ak i-m wm asm oan projectile is thrown from the origin in xy-plane, where X-axis is along the ground and Y-axisis the Nertically upwards. The vertical velocity and the horizontal velocity vary with respect to time according to the graph shown. Acceleration due to gravity is 3. wes) 1q vrs) bey) 10 K : ae @ What is the value of t,? a2 w2 02 a2 a g What is the value of k? (2)10 (o)-10 (20 (@) -20 ) What is the initial angle of projection? (a) 45° (b) 75° (060° (a) 30° |A projectile is given an initial velocity of (i +2]) m/s, long the ground and j is along , where i is along i the vertical. If g = 10 m/s”, the equation of its trajectory is (a)y=x-5x? (b)y=2x —5x? (o)4y=2x 5x? (6) 4y =2—25x? 2D Motion Ser 3 0 Find range of projectile on the inclined plane which is projected perpendicular to the inclined plane with velocity 20 m/s as shown in figure. ball thrown down the incline strikes at a point on the incline 25 m below the horizontal x ‘shown in the figure. if the ball rises to a maximum height of 20 m above the point of projection, the angle of projection o. (with horizontal X-axis) is y elem 25m 7m——> a4 43 3 (a)tan* 4 (b) tan“ 3 8 12 5 (b) a (¢) tan 5 (d) tan’ ; @ ‘Aplane is inclined at an angle of 30° with respect to the horizontal. A particle is projected wits ‘a speed of u =2 m/s from the base of the plane making an angle of 15° with respect to the plane as shown in figure. The distance from the base at which the particle hits the plane is close to (a) 18cm (b) 14cm (d) 20cm @ what angle should a body be projected with a velocit oy t4mbigh at a distance of 24 m? [Take, g 10 ney ity 24ms~* just to pass over the obstacle (a) tan (38) (b) tan (1) (o) tan (82) (d) tan (2) © Aparticle is projected from point A with velocity uv/2 at angle 45° to horizontal as shown in diagram. It strikes the plane BC at right angle. What is the ‘velocity of particle at the time of impact? we =f A 3 vu u 2u > wo oF (@u Inabove question, calculate time after which particle strikes the plane. V3+1)u u iu ( 8 | u (by S = @ = ( v3 Js De g 3-18 Q@ Astone projected at an angle of 60° fro 1m the ground level stri of a building of height h , then the spee; er level strikes at an angle of 30° on the roof 'd of projection of the stone is @ (a) y2gh (b) Jégh (©) ¥3gh (@) Jah Aball is thrown eastward across level ground. A wind blows horizontally to the east and ‘assume that the effect of wind is to provide is constant force to the east, equal in magnitude to the weight of the ball. The angle @ (with respect to horizontal) at which the ball should be Projected, so that it travels maximum horizontal distance is fa) 45° (b) 37° (0) 53° (a) 67.5° @ A shot is fircc, at sn angle @ to the horizontal such that it strikes the hill while moving horizontally. ‘ina initial angle of projection 8. (a) tan@ = (©) tano= (4) None of these Nie Aprojectile is fired at an angle 6 with the horizontal. Find the condition under which it lands perpendicular on an inclined plane of inclination o. as shown in figure. , Lx 0s (0 - &) (b) cos a= sin (@ - a) cot @- a) (a)sin. (c) tan@ = cot (@ - a) (d)2 tan, ree stones A, B and C are projected from Meds and diferent angles of projection as chase one” 2 clined plane with equal zontal IfHq,Hs and He are maximum height atta refined plane, then (neglect ar fiction) tained by He (aH, +He =He. (b)HA +H? =H} (OH, +He=2H, = (dH +H? [particle is projected from surface of the inclined plane with speed u and at an angle @ with the horizontal. After sometime, the particle collides elastically with the smooth fixed inclined plane for the first time and subsequently moves in vertical direction. Starting from projection, find the time taken by the particle to reach maximum height. (Neglect time of collision) Ball A is projected from tower of height 30 m and Bis projected horizontally at 6 m/s from tower of height 60m. If A and B collide in air, then find the separation d between the towersin meters. —8 7 30 ms a sf Joon hollow right angle cone whose axis is vertical. It collides at Q normally, find the time of the flight (in s) of the particle. @y) A particle is projected from point P with velocity 5V2 ms~* perpendicular to the surtace of a td Pera css x ) A projectile is launched from point A with the initial conditions shown in figure. BC part is circular with radius 150 m. Determine the x and y-coordinates of the point of impact. vy (a) x = 373m, y = 18.75m (b) ()x=350m, y =15m (@) incined planes OA and OB having inclinations 30° a , . wo ne Meach other at O, as shown in figure. A particle i pretest tonal respectively ‘with velocity is m/s along a direction perpendicular to plane i sage slong a detonpependly OA. Ifthe particle strikes plane OB @ ‘The time of flight from P to Qis 5s (b)2s (1s (4) None of these The speed with which the particle strikes the plane OB is (a) 10m/s (b) 20 mvs, (c) 30s (6) 40 ms © tre height h of point P from the ground is (2)10V3 m (b) 10m (5m (4) 20m The distance PQis (10m (a) 5m {2120 (b)10¥3m @ ‘he projectile collides perpendicularly with the inclined plane. (Refer the figure) 2 D Ba Column as ene one eee (A) Maximum height attained by the projectile from the ground (P) u?cos?B 2g sina (8) Maximum height attained by the projectile from inclined plane (Q)_3u* cos*B 8g sina (0 Displacement along the inclined pla achieves maximum height from the inclined plane 2 by ‘the time the projectile (R)_ u’sin?B 2g cosa (©) Displacement along the inclined plane (3) u?sin? (+B) 23 (J&) Aparticte is projected with a velocity ‘u’ in horizontal direction as shown inf i 1 Find mm/s), 0 that the particle collides orthogonally with the inclined plane ofthe fxed wedge. Fixed wedge = 100m ~~ (9), train is moving along a straight line with a constant acceleration a. A body standing in the train throws a ball forward with a speed of 10 m/s, at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. The boy has to move forward by 1.15 m inside the train to catch the ball back at the initial height. The ‘acceleration of the train in m/s?, is v J SSC ax%ol< << wis woas Her Raa ga <1 x a < ol Si | Ww alo lulolw DB) e 99 95 3/2 OX S vie =| Oz Ye eatin Dhow tame Q viv Yi alg 9-9 DBS vis|y is -— A > bse oe & Hawn r hwo oo SA Bb We Bo NA werebd 27 20 35a 138 @)abbE 2% 20 2, 4b 29 y 27-70 30 3 BB abe 316 2% abcd BL oh Yo ok Set3 1/257, io d Ts 214 Wie 2 a 2 Cc Y ab 133° Sb MM | bic ie Re Ib @bbae@- 4) GA IF A>S, BR,C98,D?P 9c 18 20

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