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Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume 2022, Article ID 3207456, 8 pages

Research Article
An Efficient Resource Management Optimization Scheme for
Internet of Vehicles in Edge Computing Environment

Anqing Zhu and Youyun Wen

Management School, South China Business College Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou,
Guangdong 510000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Anqing Zhu;

Received 2 April 2022; Revised 26 April 2022; Accepted 11 May 2022; Published 28 May 2022

Academic Editor: Le Sun

Copyright © 2022 Anqing Zhu and Youyun Wen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

The contradiction between limited network resources and a large number of user demands in vehicle environment will cause a lot
of system delay and energy consumption. To solve the problem, this paper proposes an efficient resource management opti-
mization scheme for Internet of Vehicles in edge computing environment. Firstly, we give a detailed formulation description of
communication and computing cost incurred in the resource optimization process. Then, the optimization objective of this paper
is clarified by considering the constraints of computing resources, and system delay and energy consumption are considered
comprehensively. Secondly, considering dynamic, random, and time-varying characteristics of vehicle network, the optimal
resource management scheme of Internet of Vehicles is given by using distributed reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize
total system overhead to the greatest extent. Finally, experiments show that when bandwidth  40 MHz, the total system cost of the
proposed algorithm is only 3.502, while that of comparison algorithms is 4.732 and 4.251, respectively. It is proved that the
proposed method can effectively reduce the total system overhead.

1. Introduction physical location of vehicles and cloud servers, the backhaul

link capacity is limited. Such a high content demand of the
In recent years, the automotive industry has developed Internet of Things will bring a huge burden to the core
rapidly, and intelligence and networking have become an network [9]. At the same time, they also pose a major
important trend in the future development of automotive challenge to support massive content delivery and meet the
industry [1]. On the one hand, these technologies enable low-latency requirements of IoT [10–12].
communication and information exchange between Vehicle The introduction of mobile edge computing (MEC)
to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), technology makes up for the network instability and delay
helping to build safe, collaborative, and intelligent trans- limitations of cloud computing in IoT scenario and is more
portation systems. On the other hand, this in turn generates suitable for low-latency, high-reliability task computing on IoT
a large amount of data, and at the same time, the demand for requirements [13–18]. The cloud server located in core net-
computing, communication, and content increases signifi- work is far away from vehicles, and vehicles need to rely on a
cantly [2–4]. With the development of Internet of Vehicles large base station for multi-hop transmission to offload tasks to
(IoV) and intelligent connected vehicles, in-vehicle info- the cloud server for processing. However, it is prone to network
tainment applications such as road safety, intelligent navi- fluctuations and transmission interruptions and is unreliable
gation, autonomous driving, and in-vehicle entertainment for in-vehicle applications, especially safe driving applications
continue to emerge. This promotes the development of [19, 20]. Therefore, using distributed MEC services to replace
intelligent transportation and brings a great improvement to traditional cloud computing services can effectively solve the
driving experience [5–7]. Due to the particularity of the resource management optimization problem in IoT [21].
2 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

The main factors that affect the decision of computing MEC MEC
offloading are the execution delay and energy consumption RSU RSU
of task. Thus, optimization goals usually include solutions
such as reducing delay, reducing energy consumption, and
weighting between delay and energy. Reinforcement
learning can capture the hidden dynamics of environment Figure 1: IoT system model.
well, so it is often used to optimize resource allocation al-
gorithms. Liu et al. [22] proposed a resource allocation
tasks are denoted by L. b represents the size of input data, w
strategy based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Zhan
represents the task computation amount, and tmax represents
et al. [23] designed a strategy optimization method based on
the task deadline. If the task processing exceeds the time limit,
DRL by using game theory. Huang et al. [24] studied the
it means that the task processing fails, and RL represents MEC
wireless charging MEC network and proposed an online
cell carried by vehicle-mounted terminal to which the task
decision-making method based on DRL. Hui et al. [25]
belongs. ω represents the importance of computing task to
proposed a content dissemination framework based on edge
distinguish the task is a secure computing task and a common
computing. Combining the selfishness and transmission
computing task. Therefore, the computational task can be
ability of vehicles, the authors designed a two-level relay
denoted as L � 􏼈b, w, ω, tmax , RL 􏼉. Let i represent the number
selection algorithm to reasonably select relay vehicles to
of onboard terminals offloading the computing task to MEC
meet different transmission needs. Su et al. [26] used the
server, and x � 0 indicates that the task is executed locally.
vehicles parked around the street and the vehicles driving
The offloading strategies of N computing tasks constitute the
along the road to communicate the vehicle social commu-
offloading strategy vector set X � 􏼈x1 , x2 , . . . , xN 􏼉.
nity through V2V and used the content cached in the parked
vehicles to reduce the delay of content download. Zhao et al.
[27] proposed a caching strategy in V2V scenario with 2.2. Communication Model. When task i chooses to perform
information as the center and designed a dynamic proba- computing offloading, a corresponding offloading decision
bilistic caching scheme. Zhang et al. [28] proposed a MEC needs to be made to decide which MEC server to offload to
scenario computing resource allocation scheme based on and which channel to select to upload data. When the
DRL network, which avoids falling into the disaster of di- offloading decision vector d of all users is given, data
mensionality. Zhang et al. [29] proposed a joint optimization transmission rate Rm
n (d) on the n channel between user ui of
scheme of IoT content caching and resource allocation based offloading decision d0n > 0 and the j RSU can be obtained.
on MEC in high-speed free-flow scenario, which reduced The maximum information transfer rate V is
data acquisition latency. Li [29] proposed a resource allo-
cation strategy for computing unloading in vehicle Internet V � W log2 (1 + SNR), (1)
based on DRL. However, in the case of limited network
resources and a large number of user demands, the above where W is the channel bandwidth and SNR is the ratio of
research has the problems of excessive resource delay average power of signal transmitted in the channel to noise
consumption and large energy consumption. Therefore, the power in the channel, that is, the signal-to-noise ratio. Its
optimization of IoT resource management in the MEC calculation is
system scenario is a challenging problem. pi ghi
Based on the above analysis, in view of delay and energy SNR � (2)
c2 + 􏽐 pi ghi ,
consumption caused by the contradiction between limited i∈V
network resources and a large number of user needs in
vehicle environment, this paper proposes an efficient re- where pi represents the transmission power of users, that is,
source management optimization scheme for IoT in edge the transmit power of user equipment; ghi represents the
computing environment. This method takes minimizing the channel gain of communication channel selected by users;
weighted sum of system delay and energy consumption as and c2 represents the white Gaussian noise power.
the optimization goal and constructs a communication The data transfer rate Vhi,j (d) is
model and task offloading optimization model in IoT edge
computing scenario. Moreover, a solution algorithm based ⎜
⎛ pi ghi ⎟

Vhi,j (d) � B log2 ⎜

⎝1 +
⎜ ⎟

⎟.⎠ (3)
on distributed reinforcement learning is used to optimize the c +􏽐 2
pi ghi
total system overhead. i∈V

2. System Model and Problem Modeling

2.3. Computing Offloading Model
2.1. System Model. The system model is shown in Figure 1. J
road side units (RSUs) are evenly distributed on the road, and 2.3.1. Local Computing. Assuming that task i is only cal-
all have MEC services configured, denoting MEC server as culated locally, only the calculation delay is considered. eloc
mecj , j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , J}. Each of C randomly distributed ve- represents the computing capability of vehicle terminals. The
hicles performs multiple computing tasks. Suppose the sum processing delay of local tasks and the energy required for
of computing tasks of all vehicles is N, and the computing local computing are expressed as
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3

wi N J
ti � tloc � , ⎝τt +(1 − τ) 􏽘 t ⎞⎠
eloc tall � 􏽘 ⎛ i ij . (10)
(4) i�1 j�1
Ei � ti Ploc .
The total energy consumption is
When MEC server resources are insufficient, the system N J
unloads the task to other servers. ⎝τC +(1 − τ) 􏽘 t ⎞
call � 􏽘 ⎛ ⎠
i ij . (11)
i�1 j�1

2.3.2. Local Server Computing. When the vehicle commu- Considering delay and energy consumption, the total
nicates directly with the local server, the vehicle will unload cost of local calculation is
the computing task to the server in the cell. After the server Call � ctall +(1 − c)call , (12)
completes the execution, the result will be returned to the
vehicle immediately. The total task delay includes upload where c is the weight.
delay, server calculation delay, and return delay. Let tmec i,j The optimization problem can be formulated as
denote the task execution delay, emec i,j denote the computing
resources, and vi,j denote the wireless transmission rate: min Call 􏼁. (13)
wi In order to ensure that the task is completed on time, the
i,j � mec ,
eij calculation task is required to complete the task before the
(5) vehicle leaves the MEC unit, and the following conditions
trans bi shall be met:
ti,j � .
vij stay s
ti � i ,
Since the return rate is much higher than the upload rate,
the return delay of the calculation result can be ignored. The wi stay
total time delay of unloading calculation is t + mec ≤ min􏽨tmax , ti 􏽩.
ti,j � ttrans mec
i,j + ti,j . (6)
Computing tasks unloaded to other servers should meet
The energy consumption for unloading calculation is the following conditions:
wi max stay
Ei,j � Ploc 􏼐ttrans mec
i,j + ti,j 􏼑, (7) 2ctw + ttrans
i,j + mec ≤ min􏽨t , ti 􏽩. (15)
where Ploc represents the energy consumption per unit cycle
The computing resources required to complete com-
of local CPU.
puting tasks are

⎧ wi wi ⎬

i,j ≥ max⎩ trans , trans ⎭ .
2.3.3. Other Server Computing. When the MEC server in the min􏽨tmax stay max stay
, ti 􏽩 − ti,j min􏽨t , ti 􏽩 − 2ctw − ti,j
cell where the vehicle is located is overloaded, the computing
task is unloaded to other cell servers. Communication be-
tween MEC servers is generally performed through wired The total computing resources required for computing
communication links such as optical fibers. Assuming that tasks are
the average task transmission delay on the wired link is tw N
and c represents the number of wired link hops between ej � 􏽘 􏽐 emec
i,j . (17)
computing tasks offloaded to other servers, the task pro- i�1 xi �j
cessing delay at this time is expressed as
The constraints are as follows:
toi,j � 2ctw + ttrans
i,j + mec . (8) C1: xi ∈ 􏼈0, 1, 2, . . . , j􏼉, ∀i ∈ N,
C2: yi ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i ∈ N, (18)
Then, the energy consumption of other servers’ off-
C3: ej < Ej , j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , J}.
loading computing is
C1 indicates that a computing task can only be offloaded
Eoi,j ⎝2ct + ttrans + w
� Ploc ⎛ i ⎠
⎞. (9)
to one edge server and cannot be offloaded to two or more at
w i,j
the same time. C2 means that the computing task adopts
binary offloading, which can choose not to offload or offload
entire task at the same time, that is, the task is indivisible. C3
indicates that computing resources required by computing
2.4. Problem Modeling. τ is the calculated weight, and the tasks offloaded to edge server cannot exceed the total re-
weighted sum of the total delay is sources of edge servers.
4 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

3. Solutions Based on Reinforcement Learning where c is the discount coefficient, rt+i represents the instant
reward, and V(st ) is obtained through critic network.
3.1. Problem Solving Based on Distributed Reinforcement Taking the parameter δ as a variable, differentiate the
Learning. In view of dynamic, random, and time-varying policy loss function to obtain
nature of in-vehicle networks, artificial intelligence algo-
rithms are more suitable for resource management and task ∇δ fπ (δ) � ∇δ log π at ||st ; δ􏼁A at , st 􏼁 + β∇δ H π st ; δ􏼁􏼁,
scheduling than traditional mathematical methods. In (22)
comparison, Q-learning needs to maintain Q-table and is not
suitable for networks with many states. Deep deterministic where H is the entropy of policy and β is the coefficient.
policy gradient algorithms need to use an experience replay For the value loss function, there are
mechanism to eliminate the correlation between training 2
f v δ v 􏼁 � R t − V st ; δ 􏼁 􏼁 . (23)
data. For experience playback mechanism, the agent con-
sumes more resources for each interaction with the envi- Based on RMSProp algorithm, the gradient estimate can
ronment. The off-policy learning method adopted can only be be expressed as
updated based on the data generated by the old policy.
Therefore, consider using the actor-critic algorithm to reduce g � ag +(1 − a)Δδ2 , (24)
the overhead required for algorithm execution, while pro- where a represents momentum and Δδ represents the cu-
viding optimal offloading decisions and resource manage- mulative gradient of loss function.
ment based on real-time network environment. Modeling the The update parameters of RMSProp algorithm are
environment of system with an actor-critic algorithm requires
determining its state space, action space, and reward function. Δδ
δ←δ − η √����. (25)
The state space, S, consists of computing resources and g+ε
cache resources of in-vehicle network, S � 􏼈F1 , F2 , . . . ,
FM , S1 , S2 , . . . , SM }, where Fi and Si represent the computing
capacity and storage capacity of road side unit i, respectively. 3.2. Algorithm Flow. The proposed offloading strategy flow
The action space consists of offloading decisions of based on distributed reinforcement learning is shown in
vehicles, caches of road side units, and computing resource Algorithm 1.
management, A � (xi , wi , fi ), where xi � 􏼈xi0 , xi1 , . . . , xiM 􏼉,
wi � 􏼈wi1 , wi2 . . . , wiM 􏼉, and fi � 􏼈fi1 , fi2 . . . , fiM 􏼉 repre- 4. Example Verification and Result Discussion
sent the set of vehicle i offloading decision, road side unit
storage, and computing resource management, respectively. 4.1. Simulation Settings. This section uses Python to simulate
and verify resource management optimization scheme for
Reward Function. The goal of reinforcement learning IoT and evaluate the pros and cons of different algorithms by
training is to maximize long-term cumulative reward. comparing the impact of each algorithm on the total system
According to the objective function of this paper, the reward overhead with the number of vehicles, the number of tasks,
function is designed as and the bandwidth. The simulation parameters are set as
Ci,j shown in Table 1. Due to the existence of small-scale fast
ri, t � 1 − . (19) fading and the mobility of mobile devices in established
max􏽮Ci,j 􏽯 model, the results of each run are random. Therefore, the
The public neural network in actor-critic algorithm mathematical method of statistical averaging is used to
consists of multiple threads, and each thread has the same 2 obtain average value as the final result. The computer
modules as public neural network: the policy (actor) net- configuration information used for the simulation is Win-
work and the critic (critic) network. The actor network is dows Server 2019, Intel(R) Xeon(R) 2.6 GHz processor, and
used to optimize the policy π(at |st ; δ) with parameters δ; the 16 GB RAM.
critic network tries to estimate the value function V(st ; δ)
with parameters δv . At time t, the actor network performs 4.2. Convergence Performance Analysis. Figure 2 describes
action at based on current state st , gets a reward rt , and the convergence of algorithm in this paper under different
enters the next state st+1 . learning rate scenarios. It can be found from the figure that
Use the advantage function A(at , st ) to represent the when the learning rates of actor and critical networks are La
difference between the action value function Q(at , st ) and � 1×10−3 and Lb � 1×10−2, respectively, although the
state value function V(st ): learning speed of algorithm is very fast, it will degrade the
A at , st 􏼁 � Q at , st 􏼁 − V st 􏼁. (20) final convergence performance of system. When the learning
rate is too small (La � 1×10−3, Lb � 1×10−2), the learning
To speed up convergence, approximate Q(at , st ) with k speed will drop sharply. Therefore, the learning rate is set to
step sampling: La � 1×10−4, Lb � 1×10−3 in the follow-up experiment.
Q at , st 􏼁 ≈ 􏽘 ci rt+i + ck V st+k ; δv 􏼁, (21) 4.3. Comparison of Accumulated Average Rewards under
i�0 Different Schemes. Compare the average reward value of the
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 5

Input: actor network, actor target network, critical network and critical target network, learning rate α, discount rate c, attenuation
factor λ.
Output: computing task offloading policy π′ .
Initialize the critical network parameter δc and actor network parameter δa .
Initialize the status of experience playback pool and task vehicle s0
For t ≤ T do
Observe the environment status st and select actions at based on the current policy
Execute the action at , get the reward rt , and transfer to the state st+1
Save array (st , at , rt , st+1 ) to experience playback pool
If the memory bank is full, but the stop condition is not met, a small batch of arrays (s, a, r, s′ ) is randomly sampled from the
experience playback pool.
Update critical network parameters, actor network parameters, and target network parameters

ALGORITHM 1: Resource management algorithm based on distributed reinforcement learning.

Table 1: System parameters. 2.80

Parameter Value
Number of concurrent tasks of a single 2.40
2∼7 Average reward value
Number of vehicles 5∼15 2.00
Calculation capability of onboard terminal 5 MHz
Vehicle transmission power 1.5 W 1.60
Vehicle speed 30–80 KM/h
Gaussian white noise power -80 dB
[2 × 108, 9 × 108] 1.20
MEC computing power
System bandwidth 10∼50 MHz 0.80
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
All_local All_mec
2.40 Random Proposed algorithm
Reward value

Figure 3: Comparison of average rewards under different schemes.


average. All-local strategy behavior is not encouraged, so the
1.20 reward value is the lowest. Because the proposed algorithm
needs to consider the road conditions of adjacent areas,
0.80 increases the dimension of system state, and improves the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
complexity, it has poor performance at the beginning of
training and obtains the highest average reward value after
La=10-3, Lc=10-2 convergence. Therefore, the proposed resource optimization
La=10-4, Lc=10-3 management scheme for IoT can make full use of com-
La=10-5, Lc=10-4
munication resources and effectively improve the effec-
tiveness of the system.
Figure 2: Performance comparison under different learning rates.

4.4. Performance Comparison under Different Algorithms.

proposed scheme with the following schemes: (1) all-local In order to prove the advantages of the proposed algorithm,
strategy; (2) random strategy; (3) all-MEC policy. During the algorithms in [28–29] are compared with the proposed
DDPG training, there will be violent shocks. Thus, this algorithm under the same experimental conditions. Figure 4
section observes the convergence of neural network by shows the impact of the number of vehicles on the delay. It
calculating the cumulative average value of system reward. can be found that the delay of system task processing in-
Figure 3 shows the comparison of cumulative average re- creases with the increase of the number of vehicles. This is
wards for different caching schemes. With the increase of mainly due to the increase of processing tasks and the
training times, it can be seen that all-MEC and random limitation of computing resources. Among all algorithms,
schemes can gradually converge to a stable cumulative The reference [29] algorithm has the largest delay.
6 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

2.5 8.0

2.0 7.0

Total system overhead

1.5 6.0
Delay (s)

1.0 5.0

0.5 4.0

0 3.0
N=20 N=30 N=40 10 20 30 40 50
Number of vehicle Bandwidth (MHz)

Ref. [28] Ref. [28]

Ref. [29] Ref. [29]
Proposed algorithm Proposed algorithm

Figure 4: Influence of vehicle number on delay of different Figure 5: Variation of total system overhead with bandwidth under
algorithms. different algorithms.

Compared with the reference [29] algorithm and the pro- 7.0
posed algorithm, the vehicle will undertake more tasks. Due
to the limitation of the vehicle's own computing resources, 6.0
Total system overhead

processing tasks alone will cause greater delay. Due to the

limitation of vehicle computing resources, processing tasks
alone will cause large time delay. The proposed algorithm
considers the cooperation of terminal, edge, and cloud,
improves the utilization efficiency of resources, and mini-
mizes the system delay.
The change of total system overhead with bandwidth
under different algorithms is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5
shows that with the increase of bandwidth, the total system 5.0
10 20 40 50 60 70
overhead of three algorithms shows a downward trend, but Number of tasks
the total system overhead of the proposed algorithm is always
lower than that of other two algorithms. When band- Ref. [28]
width � 40 MHz, the total system overhead of the algorithm in Ref. [29]
[28] is 4.732, and the total system overhead of the algorithm in Proposed algorithm
[28] algorithm is 4.251, while the total system overhead of the Figure 6: Changes of total system overhead with the number of
proposed algorithm is only 3.502. Further analysis shows that tasks under different algorithms.
when the cloud computing ability of comparison algorithm is
relatively weak, most of computing tasks will be completed at
the edge node, which cannot make good use of the cloud edge the multi-vehicle game increases the energy consumption,
system. Therefore, it produces high total system overhead. resulting in the increase of the total cost of the system.
Compared with the other two algorithms, the proposed al-
gorithm can achieve the lowest total system overhead because 5. Conclusion
the proposed algorithm considers the dynamic, random, and
time-varying characteristics of vehicle network to optimize Aiming at the problem of delay and energy consumption
system performance to the greatest extent. caused by the contradiction between limited network re-
The change of total system overhead with the number of sources and a large number of user needs in vehicle envi-
tasks is shown in Figure 6. With the increase of the number ronment, this paper proposes an efficient resource
of tasks, the total cost of the three algorithms shows an management optimization scheme for IoT in edge com-
upward trend. However, the total system overhead of this puting environment. The proposed algorithm builds a
algorithm is less than that of the algorithms in [28, 29]. This communication model and task offloading optimization
is because the algorithm can collect the state and action model in IoT edge computing scenario and solves them
information of the whole system and make better decisions based on distributed reinforcement learning to maximize the
according to the global information, so the total cost of the system performance.
system is low. The comparison algorithm does not fully In the future, we will study the content acquisition
analyze the state and action information of the system, and decision combined with micro-traffic data and the
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 7

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