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FP a ee a ee Lectiaey | i he Gocial Forces t JF is an element of sociely that is capable of cawsing *change in cultural jdeas € influence pecple Ey Education Religion; Econamic dTatus , Social Medic, Friends & 0 0n. > Development of Sociological Theosy French Revdution i] [ndushvial Revolution ii Rise of Socialism Colonialism a Feminism J Usbentaction vil Religious Change Tfaench Revel lont- The fesiods in which when french people overthsew the monuschy & fool confyol ef the goverment The French sevelition lasted te yeas Prom 1184 tong #) |t highlighted tensions blu the sich €, Hoot, lecding to social ugheval 9 Emphasize the impartince of individual Preedems & sights fos all citizens } lt promoted the ideals of equaltty, likevty § fatesniby KH \t led to sefosms in laws & legal systems § charged, cultusal nowms & yalues in society cl ai > Andustuial sestulan stasts from ate 17 cent Rg —! : th i | 4 ra net et yond» Aftesin_beginning. im Britein ia the lol {Tao's th spseed_—te weds lg was__ast_ a single —evert bul many intesselate eve lined with tf aor ® nductsial evolution divided. into__two phases LU iss. | —~4-—Second__phase) : ae /a Fest phase ested Fao late _[oos to the mid. \@oes §< this phase textiles inductsies ese installed # Ste Second Phase. lected. fsom the mid |Zoos to eaxly Ioos in this phase world Faces the techelogica) advencement sda a Waals 2 Th lnductsiel goueletion is need as very important event in histesy | Colonialism: jit is conticled by one power over c dependent axea at people wD Colonizess often imposed. theis cul here longuege 2 custom fy Lt led_ tothe mmiting g conf lit of culluye d Colonizeds contselling sesotrices. § govesance d {mbalance. of powes blu colonies §,wulers 4 Use of colonies Pox lahos % zesourcesy wealth exhvedtlan— fos colonia! power f _ I we a cmaney —| sueyed ooo acaganse to the ineyucldign ¢ | capitelict economies. __beliewed tect the skate shauld py a0 atiag | J " in vay the economy. puowiding. social senvice ensue fait lobos paadtices_ [ They challenged the capitalict ideslogies e Nee nes 7 ale esanamle system, . the “igi of pasa tan Sais wages ete 4 pall Feminism rn git abott oll gendew’s heudng eyualt nae i : apportunities sel #8 [thigh light equal sights i : oa iz t- apes form _wamen....f he ‘emagoweane ms rot fchallenged the _male- dominated. pawes ada | It fog fore legal sefosms. benefiting women Blt challenged traditional gender aoles£-nsttas— Uhbeniza'tton It focuses on \ife-styles & cultuses cites OR : “ 4) The papicla ejion shift yurd _aiees the changes 6 adagtationsi fia ceux 05. ole bo \uctsializelion m yusal of es fo DW happened. due ie Mere. & move people's moving feo apeas Pog better employer Dit happened because of cocial benef i Vike Bettes Education, Rettes ‘Healthenses usbun fe, Benelits teansp% ele | Religious Change BF fu complex, pesied guocess taPluenced by vasious factess such as social, cul tusals political § individual belie? €, experience ie Ht oe shifts in veligioes beliefss practice & “ln aS = exchanges blw diffeverst webegtms /D People of diffesent Feiths con practice Vheix xeligioyas freely, leading to a sich vieiely of xeligious divessity &, cultusal exchange: Lech #2 Intellectual Foxces Enlight ments & change in Philosophical thought sotiona\ HiKing auee tradition g veligious authosity a It wes @ period of semaw lable intellectual develope ) Emeaged 7 roan: duting the a ig ig centuries 0) Enlight mest thinles emphasized the powes af Ui gon f : alban the —authosity. _ of Monaxchs. Ciinaehy 4 |b Adusesting- Soy individual iy Boekt ak ea a he hich promoted. cbsewation, expevimertation the, oe “—, {fa wlan das na