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1. Graphically, the pair of equations given by 6 x−3 y +10=0 ; 2 x− y+ 9=0 represents

two lines which are
a. Intersecting at exactly one point
b. Parallel
c. Coincident
d. Intersecting at exactly two points

2. If the quadratic equation x 2+ 4 x +k =0has real and equal roots, then

a. k < 4 b. k > 4 c. k = 4 d. k ≥ 4

3. ASSERTION (A) : The system of linear equations 3 x+ 5 y−4=0

¿ 15 x+ 25 y−25=0 is inconsistent.
REASON (R) : The pair of linear equations a 1 x +b1 y +c 1=0 and
a b c
a 2 x +b2 y +c 2=0 is inconsistent if 1 = 1 ≠ 1
a2 b2 c2
a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

4. ASSERTION (A) : if the equation y 2 +4 my+n=0 has equal roots, then m =
2 2
REASON (R) : if the quadratic equation a x +bx +c=0 , a ≠ 0 has b −4 ac=0 then
−b b
x= ,− .
2a 2a
a. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
b. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
c. Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d. Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

5. If 254 x +309 y=−55 , 309 x+ 254 y=55 , then find the value of x and y.
Solution: 254 x +309 y=−55 ……(i)
309 x+ 254 y=55 ……..(ii)
Adding: 563 x+ 563 y=0
x + y=0 ……(iii)
Subtract: −55 x+ 55 y=−110
−x + y=−2 ……(iv)
2 y=−2

y=−1 & x=1

2 ab
6. Solve : ax +by =1; bx + ay= 2 2
a +b
Solution: ax +by =1× b
2 ab
bx +ay = 2 2 × a
a +b
abx +b y=b
2 2a b
abx +a y = 2 2
a +b

b a
On solving y= 2 2 ,
x= 2 2
a +b a +b

7. Find out whether the pair of linear equations are consistent, or inconsistent:
3 5
x + y=7 , 9 x−10 y=14
2 3
3 5
Solution: a1 2 1 b1 3 −1 c 1 −7 1
= = , = = , = =
a2 9 6 b2 −10 6 c 2 −14 2

a1 b1
≠ so consistent.
a2 b2

8. Solve: 4 √ ❑
Solution: 4 √ ❑
4 x ( √❑ )

2 2
9. If one root of the quadratic equation 3 x + px +4=0is , then find the value of p and
the other roots of the equation.

() ()
2 2 3
Solution: x= , 3 +p + 4=0
3 3 2
On solving , p=−8
3 x −8 x+ 4=0
3 x −6 x−2 x+ 4=0
3 x (x−2)−2(x−2)=0
(3 x−2)( x−2)=0
3 x (x−2)−2(x−2)=0
x=2 , x=
10. A shopkeeper gives books on rent for reading. She takes a fixed charge for the first
two days, and an additional charge for each day thereafter. Latika paid Rs. 22 for a
book kept for six days, while Anand paid Rs.16 for the book kept for four days. Find
the fixed charges and the charge for each extra day.
Solution: let the fixed charge by Rs. x and additional charge by Rs. y per day
Number of days for Latika = 6 = 2+4 and for Anand = 4 = 2+2
Charge for Latika , x +4 y=22 ……..(i)
Charge for Anand, x +2 y=16 …….(ii)
On solving , y=3∧x=10

11. The sum of the square of three positive numbers that are consecutive multiples of 5
is 725. Find the three numbers.
Solution: let the numbers be 5x, 5x+5,5x+10
ATQ, ( 5 x )2+ (5 x +5 )2 + ( 5 x+ 10 )2=725
On solving , 75 x 2+150 x +125=750
x + 2 x−8=0
On solving x=2∧x=−4 (rejected )
The numbers are 10,15,20

12. For what value of p, will the following system of linear equations represent parallel
lines? −x + py=1∧ px− y =1.
Solution: −x + py=1
px− y=1.
a1 b1 c1
For parallel lines, = ≠
a2 b2 c2
−1 p −1
= ≠ =1
p −1 −1
p =1


Since p = – 1 does not satisfy the equation for parallel lines

Therefore p = 1 is the required value.

13. If the roots of the equation ( a−b ) x 2 + ( b−c ) x + ( c−a )=0 are equal, then prove that
2a = b+c.
Solution: a=( a−b ) , b=( b−c ) ,c= ( c−a )
b −4 ac=0
(b−c ) −4 ( a−b ) ( c−a )=0
2 2 2
b +c −2 bc−4 ac +4 a +4 bc−4 ab=0
2 2 2
4 a +b + c −4 ab+2 bc−4 ac=0
(−2 a+ b+c )2=0
−2 a+b +c=0
2 a=b+c
14. A motor boat whose speed is 18km/h in still water takes 1 hour more to go 24km
upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the
Let the stream be xkm/hr
Speed of upstream (18 – x )km/hr
Speed of downstream (18 +x) km/hr
24 24
− =1
18−x 18+ x

On solving x 2+ 48 x−324=0
x = – 54(rejected) and x = 6
speed of stream = 6km/hr

15. A small scale industry produces a certain boxes of candles in a day. Number of boxes
prepared by each worked on a particular day was 2 more than thrice the number of
workers working in the industry. The number of boxes produced in a particular day
was 85.
a. If the number of workers working in the industry is x. what was the number of
boxes of candles prepared by each worker on that particular day?
b. Write the quadratic equation for the given case.
c. Find the number of workers working in the industry.

Let the workers are x, Number of boxes prepared by the workers = 2 + 3x
According to the question,
x(2 + 3x) = 85
⇒ 3x2 + 2x – 85 = 0
⇒ 3x2 + 17x – 15x – 85 = 0
⇒ x(3x + 17) – 5(3x + 17) = 0 ⇒
⇒ (3x + 17)(x – 5) = 0
Number of boxes = 17

16. A coaching institute conducts at Mathematics classes in two batches I and II and fee
for rich and poor children are different. In batch I there are 20 poor and 5 rich
children, whereas in batch II, there are 5 poor and 25 rich children. The total monthly
collection of fees from batch I is Rs. 9000 and from batch II is Rs. 26000.
Assume that each poor child pays Rs.x per month and each rich child pays Rs. y per
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
a. Represent the information given above in terms of x and y.
b. Find the monthly fee paid by a poor child
c. If there are 10 poor and 20 rich children in batch II, what is the total monthly
collection of fees from batch II?
a. For batch I , 20 x+ 5 y=9000 for batch II , 5 x+ 25 y=26000
b. Solving these two equations x= 200 and y = 1000
c. Rs. 22000

17. Solve graphically: 3 x−4 y +3=0∧3 x+ 4 y −21=0 . Find the co – ordinates of the
vertices of the triangular region formed by these lines and x – axis. Also, calculate
the area of this triangle.

These lines intersect each other at point (3, 3). Hence x = 3 and y = 3.
The vertices of triangular region are (3, 3), (-1, 0) and (7,0)
( ) ( )
2x 2x
18. Solve for x : +5 −24=0 , x ≠ 5.
x−5 x−5
Solution : let =p
p +5 p−24=0

On solving p=−8∧ p=3

2 x −8∧2 x
= =3
x−5 x −5

2 x=−8( x −5) 2 x=3(x−5)

x=4 x=15

19. Solve the following system of linear equations by the method of substitution.
ax +by −a+b=0∧bx−ay −a−b=0
Solution: ax +by −a+b=0 ……(1)
bx−ay−a−b=0 …….(2)

Substituting x in eq 2
b ( a−b−by
a )−ay=a+b
2 2 2
ab−b −b y−a y =a ¿)
− y ( a2 +b 2 )=a2+ ab−ab+b 2
2 2
a +b
− y= 2 2
a +b


Substituting y = -1 in x
x= =1

x =1

x−1 2 x+ 1 1
20. Solve: + =2; x ≠1 ,−
2 x +1 x−1 2
x−1 2 x+ 1
+ =2
2 x +1 x−1

( x−1 )2+ ( 2 x +1 )2
(2 x +1)(x−1)

2 2
x + 1−2 x+ 4 x + 1+ 4 x=2(2 x +1)(x−1)
On solving equation

x + 4 x + 4=0
x=−2 ,−2

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