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1. Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 6 and -3

a) -x2 +3x+18 b) x2 +3x- 8 c) x2 - 3x- 18 d) x2 -9x+18
2. If ‘α ’ and ‘ β ’ are the zeroes of the polynomial x2 - 6x + 8, then the value of
2 2
α β
+ is
β α
a) 8 b) 6 c) 12 d) 9
3. The solution of the pair of equations x + y= a + b and ax-by= a2 – b2
a) X= b, y= a b) x= -a , y= b c)x=a , y =b d)x =a, y= -b
−5 5
4. Assertion: - x2 + 4kx +25 =0 has no real roots if 2 < k < 2

Reason: - quadratic equation ax2 + bx +c =0 ,a ≠ 0 has real roots

if b2 – 4ac ≥ 0
a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct
explanation for Assertion
b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct
explanation for Assertion.
c.) assertion is true but the reason is false.
d.) both assertion and reason are false
5. If the equation (a2 + b2) x2 – 2( ac + bd) x +c2 +d2 =0 has equal roots then
show that ad=bc
2 11 2
6. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 7 x − 3 x− 3 and verify the

relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients.

x y
7. Solve the pair of linear equation ax + by =a2 + b2 , a + b =2
8. Find the value of k such that the polynomial x2 –( k +6)x +2(2k-1) has sum
of its zeroes equal to half of their product.
9. If α ∧β are the zeroes of polynomial p(x) = 3x2 + 2x + 1, find the polynomial
whose zeroes are 1+ α .
1+ β
10.A cyclist takes 2 hours less to cover a distance of 200 km, if he increases his
speed by 5 km/hr. Then find his original speed.
11.Determine the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation
3 x −4 √ 3 x +4=0

12.If α and β are zeroes of the polynomial 3x2 – 6x +4 find the value of
α β 1 1
2 β + α +2( α + β )+ 3 α β
13.A train covered a certain distance at uniform speed. if the train had been
5km/hr faster it would have taken 3 hours less than the scheduled time. and
if the train were slower by 4 km/hr ,it would have taken 3 hours more than
the scheduled time .Find the length of the journey.

14.Solve the quadratic equations by factorization method

a) √ 2 x 2 +7 x +5 √2=0 b) 9x2 – 9(a+ b)x + (2a2 +5ab +2b2)=0

15. On selling a tea se at 5% loss and a Lemon set at 15% gain, a crockery
seller gains₹7. If he sells the tea set at 5% gain and the lemon set at 10%
gain, he gains ₹13. Find the actual price of each of the tea set and lemon set.

16.Draw the graph of following equations 2x+y=2 and 2x +y =6 find the

coordinates of the vertices of the trapezium formed by these lines and also
find its area.

17.Find the value of k for which the roots are real and equal in the following
equation 4x2 -2(k+1)x +(k+4)

x−1 2 x+ 1 1
18.Solve for x: 2 x +1 + x−1 =2 , x ≠− 2 , 1

19.While designing the school yearbook, a teacher asked a student that the
length and the width of a particular photo are increased by x units each to
double the area of the photo. the original photo is 18cm long and 12cm wide.
Based on the above information answer the following questions
a) Write an algebraic equation depicting the above information.
b) Write the corresponding quadratic equation in standard form
c) What should be the dimensions of the enlarged photo.

20.A test consists of ‘True’ or ‘False’ questions. One mark is awarded for every
correct answer while ¼ mark is deducted for every wrong answer. A student
knew answers to some of the questions. Rest of the questions he attempted
by guessing. He answered 120 questions and got 90 marks.
a) If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong, then how
many questions did he answer correctly?

b) how many questions were wrong?

c) If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong and

answered 80 correctly, then how many marks he got?

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