Real No, Polynomial AK Quarterly Rev Ws

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If X=28+(1×2×3×4×.....×16×28)andY=17+(1×2×3×......×17)thenXYis a

(a) Prime
(c) 0
(d) 1
2. If the zeroes of quadratic polynomial x2 + (a +1) x +b are 2 and -3 ,then
(a) a = -7 , b = -1
(b) a = 5 ,b = -1
(c) a = 2 ,b = -6
(d)a = 0 , b = -6
Assertion and reasoning
In question 3 and 4 an assertion(A) and statement is followed by a
statement of Reason ( R ). Select the correct options out of the following :
(a) both assertion(A) and reason ( R ) are true and Reason (R ) is correct
explanation for Assertion(A)
(b) both assertion(A) and reason ( R ) are true and Reason (R ) is not
correct explanation for Assertion(A)
(c) Assertion(A) is true but reason(R ) is false
(d)Assertion(A) is false but reason(R ) is true
3. Assertion (A) : The perimeter of ∆ ABC is a rational number
Reason ( R ) : The sum of the squares of two rational numbers is always
rational .
D Assertion(A) is false but reason(R ) is true

4. Assertion (A ) : If the graph of the polynomial f(x)= a x 2 +bx +c , a¿ 0

touches x- axis at its lowest point , then its zeroes are equal to 2 a .
Reason ( R ) : If the graph of quadratic polynomial touches x -axis , then
its zeroes are equal
5. The ratio of two numbers is 15 : 11 and their HCF is 13 . Find the
Let the required numbers be 15x and 11x.
Now, 15x = 15 × x ...(i)
And, 11x = 11 × x ...(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we can say that x is the highest common factor for both 15x and 11x.
∴ x is the H.C.F. of 15x and 11x.
It is given that the H.C.F of the numbers is 13.
∴ The numbers are 15×13 and 11×13 i.e., 195 and 143
6. Find the greatest number which divides 85 and 72 leaving remainders 1
and 2 respectively.
Let us assume that x be greatest number divides 85 and 72 leaving
remainders 1 and 2 respectively.
X divides 85 -1 =84
X divides 72 -2 =70
Hcf(84 ,70) =14
7. So 14 is greatest number which divides 85 and 72 leaving remainders 1
and 2 respectively.
8. Find the least number which should be added to 2497 so that the sum is exactly
divisible by 5, 6, 4 and 3?

9. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 – 3x -m(m+3).

10.Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeros are 2 +√❑ and 2 -√❑ .

11.If α ∧β are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = x2 – 4x +3, find
relation the value of (1) α 4 β 2 +α 2 β 4 . (2) α 3 + β 3
f(x) = x2 – 4x +3
sum of roots( α + β ¿ = 4
product of roots (α β ¿= 3
1 ¿ α β +α β =α β (α + β ) = (αβ ) ¿
4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2

= 9(16-6)
= 90
2) α 3 + β 3=( α + β )¿+ β 2+ αβ ¿
= (α + β)¿
=4(16-3) =4x13=52
12.Find the value of k such that the polynomial x2 – (k+6)x + 2(2k – 1) has
sum of its zeroes equal to half of their product

13. Obtain the zeros of the quadratic polynomial √ ❑ and verify the relation between its
zero and coefficients
√ ❑= √ ❑
α =2 √❑
α + β=2 √❑
αβ =( 2 √ ❑ )

14. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial f(x)= 4x2 -8kx +8x -9 is negative of the other ,
then find zeros of kx2 + 3kx +2.
f(x)= 4x2 -8kx +8x -9= 4x2 -8x(k-1) -9
α =−β ; α + β=0
α + β=8 ( k −1 ) /4 → 0=2 ( k−1 ) → k=1
Substituting k value
kx2 + 3kx +2 = x2 + 3x +2
x2 + 3x +2=0
x2 + 2x+x +2=0
α =−2 ; β=−1
15. If x + a is a factor of the polynomial x2 +px +q and x2 +mx + n prove that a =
m− p
16. (a)Prove that √ ❑ + √ ❑ is irrational, where p and q are primes
Let us suppose that √ ❑ + √ ❑ is rational.
Again, let √ ❑ + √ ❑ =a, where a is rational.
Therefore, √ ❑=a−√ ❑
On squaring both sides, we get
q= a2+p−2a√ ❑ [ (a−b)2=a2+b2−2ab]
Therefore, √p=(a2+p−q)/2a.
This contradicts our assumption, as the right-hand side is a rational number
whereas √ ❑ is irrational.
Hence, √ ❑+ √ ❑ is irrational.

(b) if √ ❑ is an irrational number, prove that ¿) is an irrational number

Let ¿) be rational number
¿) = r squaring on both sides
¿) 2 =r2 a + b +2√ ❑ = r2
r 2 – (a+ b)
2√ ❑= r2 – (a +b) √❑ =
√ ❑ is in p/q form
√ ❑ is rational number which contracts the fact that √ ❑ is irrational
Our assumption is wrong
¿) is an irrational number
17. Prove that √ ❑ is an irrational number and hence prove that 2 – 3 √ ❑ is also
Let us assume that √ ❑ is rational. Then, there exist co-prime positive
integers a and b such that
⟹a=b/7 Squaring on both sides, we get a2=7b2
Therefore, a is divisible by 7 and hence, a is also divisible by7
so, we can write a=7p, for some integer p.
Substituting for a, we get 49p2=7b2⟹b2=7p2
This means, b2 is also divisible by 7 and so, b is also divisible by 7.
Therefore, a and b have at least on nhçe common factor, i.e., 7.
But, this contradicts the fact that a and b are co-prime.
Thus, our supposition is wrong.
Hence, 7 is irrational.
Let us assume that 2 – 3 √ ❑ is rational
2 q− p
2 – 3 √ ❑ , 3 √ ❑ √ ❑=
√ ❑ is rational number from above
But we proved its irrational
Hence our assumption is wrong
2 – 3 √ ❑ is an irrational
Case study
18. In a pool at an aquarium, a dolphin jumps out of the water travelling at 20 cm per
second. Its height above water level after t seconds is given by h= 20t -16 t2.

Based on the above, answer the following questions :

(i) Find zeroes of polynomial p(t) =20 t -16t2
i.e. either t=0 or t=5/4=1.25
(ii) Which of the following types of graphs represents p(t)?

Ans: (a)
(iii) How much distance has the dolphin covered before hitting the water level
Distance =speed x time
= 20 x 5/4 =25 cm
19. To enhance the reading skills of grade X students, the school nominates you and
two of your friends to set up a class library. There are two sectons- section A and
section B of grade X. There are 32 students in section A and 36 students in
section B.

1. What is the minimum number of books you will acquire for the class library, so
that they can be distributed equally among students of Section A or Section B?

2. If the product of two positive integers is equal to the product of their HCF and
LCM is true then, then find HCF(32,36)

3. If p and q are positive integers such that p = a and q= b, where a , b are prime
numbers, then what is LCM (p, q)

LCM (p, q) =pq

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