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Deni Saputra Bayu Sutrisno

English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Dusun III, Dukuhwaluh, Kec. Kembaran, Kabupaten
Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53182


Some factors are considered important in determining individuals to get a job after graduation, i.e.:
achievement motivation. Achievement motivation is achievement motivation is defined as an incentive that
directs an individual to behave in a given way with the goal of obtaining a certain level of performance, as
seen in diligent behavior, ready to learn, active, task completion and responsibility. This study aims to
determine the correlation between achievement motivation and job readiness of alumni English Language
Education Study Program students class of 2017. This study uses a correlational survey approach and uses a
data collection technique in the form of a questionnaire. The subjects in this study were alumni of the English
Language Education students with a population of 71 students and a sample of 61 students who had
graduated to fill out the questionnaire. Then the data analysis technique used in this study is product moment
analysis with the help of SPSS 25.0 for Windows. The results of this study revealed that there is a positive and
significant correlation between achievement motivation and job readiness in the English Language
Education. This is evidenced by the significance level of p=0.000, so the value of p<0.05 means that the
hypothesis proposed by the researcher is accepted. With a coefficient (rxy) of 0.638. So, based on the r table
with a significant level of 0.05 ( r table for 61 subjects level is 0.248). It is understood that rxy > r table
(0.638>0.248) There is a positive correlation between achievement motivation and job readiness.

Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Job Readiness, Students.

. INTRODUCTION human resources. Whereas,

Education is one of the according to the Big Indonesian

means of educating national life Dictionary (KKBI), education is

and improving the quality of the process of changing a person's

attitudes and behavior or groups

of people in an effort to mature develop their cognitive, affective,

human beings through teaching and psychomotor components

and training efforts. As Noor both directly and indirectly

(2018) said, National education through education.

goals ideally already pay attention However, education plays a

to three domains: affective, crucial role not only in the

psychomotor, and cognitive. development of the state and the

According to Utama and Heldisari nation, but also in the process of

(2021), the cognitive aspect is a developing the Source Human

domain that includes mental Resources (HR) of the nation.

activities such as knowledge, The English Language

comprehension, application, Education Study Program, Faculty

analysis, synthesis, and of Teacher Training and

evaluation; the affective aspect is Education, Universitas

the domain related to attitudes and Muhammadiyah Purwokerto is an

values and the affective domain institution that educates students

includes behavioral traits such as to become educators. It is

feelings, interests, attitudes, important for this program to

emotions, and values; the develop and impart the characters

psychomotor aspect is domain in its students to be an educators.

related to skills or abilities to act Uno (2012) cited in Sukmawati

aftersomeone receives a learning (2019), mentioned that an

experien cecertain. Learners will educator who possesses

professional competence must be motive is what motivates a person

proficient in the following areas: to act in a certain way or develop

1) Discipline of knowledge as a an inclination for specific

source of teaching materials, 2) behavior.

Knowledge of student In education, achievement

characteristics, 3) Knowledge of motivation is a concept applied in

philosophy and goals of the world of education. According

education, 4) Mastery of learning to Damanik (2020), someone with

methods and models, 5) high achievement motivation will

Knowledge of learning technology always try to achieve what they

principles, 6) Knowledge of want, even if they face obstacles

student assessment, and 7) and difficulties. With internal

Knowledge of planning and achievement motivation, students

managing the class to facilitate will strive to do everything well in

learning. Students need to be order to prepare for job readiness.

motivated to prepare for this since Etyaningsih (2016) cited in

being inspired and encouraged is Kusumasari and Rustiana (2019),

one of the motives. Motivation achievement motivation has a

becomes one of the most 41.50% positive and significant

influential factors in the process influence on job readiness.

(Suwartono, S., 2021). According According to Brady (2009) cited

to Kast and Rosenzweig (1985) in Muspawi and Lestari (2020),

cited by Acquah, et al. (2021), a job readiness focuses on personal

characteristics such as the nature applied in the world of education.

of workers and the defense The motive that has a relationship

mechanisms required not only to with education is achievement

get a job, but also to keep a job. motivation (Lailiana &

The research questions Handayani, 2017).

proposed are aligned with the There are five aspects of high

primary objective to know the achievement motivation according

students' achievement motivation to McClelland (1987) cited in

level of the 2017 ELE alumni, to Ringo (2022), as follows:

know the students' job readines

1. The Difficulty Level in Task
level of the 2017 ELE alumni, To
know the correlation between
2. Endurance and Perseverance
student’s achievement motivation
3. Responsibility
and job readiness of the 2017
4. Innovate Ability
5. Pay Attention to Feedback
Readiness is everything
Achievement Motivation
that is consistently studied or
theory was conceived and
trained by someone continuously
developed by names such as
so that it can become a soft skill
McClelland, Atkinson, Clark and
that is able to support the
Lowell in 1953. In the field of
individual in adapting. Readiness
education, Achievement
is an important thing for someone
Motivation is a concept that is
to do the work in order to get the correlational research examines
the level of relationship between
best results (Ringo, 2022). one variable and another under
examination (Sahir, 2021). The
Therefore, preparing everything is
respondents who will be taken in
very important for preparations this study are alumni of students
of the English Language
that will be faced in the future, Education Study Program batch
2017. There are 61 students of the
especially in preparing for work. ELE study program who have
completed their studies. In this
According to Brady (2009)
study, the instrument used was a
in Muspawi and Lestari (2020), questionnaire made through
Google forms and the
revealed that there are six aspects questionnaire was distributed by
researcher to alumni of the 2017
that influence someone's job English Language Education study
program. Suwartono (2014)
claims that questionnaires are
1. Responsibility frequently used in polls and
surveys involving large
2. Flexibility populations. The researcher used
close—ended questionnaires with
3. Skills
a five—point Likert scale. The
analysis using categorization and
4. Communications
pearson product moment using
5. Self-view SPSS into three categories: low,
medium, and high.
6. Healthy and Safety
1. The result of The achievement
motivation scale consists of 13
A Correlational method is items with five alternative
to investigate the extent to which answers, which are given a
variations in a variable are related score of 1 to 5. Thus, the
to variations in one or more other possible score obtained by each
variables, based on correlation subject ranges from 13 to 65.
coefficients. Based on the The lowest score is 13 (the
correlation coefficient, result of 1 x 13) and the highest
score is 65 (the result of 5 x The table shows that some
13). The highest score indicates
a high level of achievement alumni of the 2017 English
motivation and the lowest score
Language Education class have a
indicates a low level of
achievement motivation. With level of achievement motivation
a broad distribution of a range
of 65 – 13 = 52, thus each in the high level category, namely
standard deviation unit is SD =
52/6 = 8,6 and the theoretical as many as 42 people with a
mans is M = (65+13) / 2 = 39.
percentage of 68.9%.
Categ Score Num
2. The job readiness scale consists of
ory ber
22 items with five alternative
Low X < (M-1SD) X<
30 answers, which are given a score
Moder (M- 30 <
of 1 to 5. Thus, the possible scores
ate 1SD)<X<(M X<
obtained for each subject ranged
+1SD) 48
High X> X> from 22 to 110. The lowest score
(M+1SD) 48
is 22 (the result of 1 x 22) and the

highest score is 110 (the result of

Result of Respondents on
Achievement Motivation 5 x 22). The highest score

indicates a high level of job

Category Frequency Percentage
Low 1 1.6% readiness. With a broad

Moderate 18 29.5% distribution of a range of 110 – 22

High 42 68.9%
= 88, thus each standard deviation
Total 61 100%
unit is SD = 88/6 = 15 and the

theoretical mans is M = (110+22) /

2 = 66.
Catego Score Numb and the homogeneity test.
ry er
An assumption test is done before
Low X < (M-1SD) X<
testing the hypothesis.
Moder (M- 51 < a. Normality Test
ate 1SD)<X<(M+1 X< The normality test
SD) 81
results, it can be seen that the
High X > (M+1SD) X>
81 significant value for
Result of Respondents on achievement motivation and
Achievement Motivation
job readiness is 0.200 (p>0.05).
Category Frequency Percentage
So it can be concluded that
Low 1 1.6%
Moderate 22 36.1% these variables are normally
High 38 62.3% distributed.
Total 61 100%
b. Linierity Test

The results of X and Y

The table shows that
linearity. The data showing the
some alumni of the 2017 English
significant value of X and Y is
Language Education class have a
p Df Linearity > 0.05 to 0.435
level of job readiness in the high
> 0.05. Because the
level category, namely as many as
significance is greater than
38 people with a percentage of
0.05, it means that the data
from these variables have a
The assumption test includes the
linear relationship. Also, the
normality test, the linearity test,
acquisition of significance F
Linearity = 0.00 p <0.05. Thus, readiness from the sixty-one

the assumption of linearity of English Language Education

the relationship is fulfilled. alumni who were taken as a

c. Homogeneity Test sample, the researcher continued

The results of the homogeneity to analyze the results of

test above, it is known that the achievement motivation and job

significance value is 0.110 (p > readiness. then researcher

0.05) so it can be concluded that analyzed the level of correlation

job readiness has a homogeneous between them by IBM SPSS

data distribution. Statistics 25 using Product

Moment Pearson.

3. The correlation between

achievement motivation and job

readiness using pearson-product

moment correlation analysis.

Motivasi Kerja Kinerja Guru

fAchievement Pearson Correlation 1 ,638**


t Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 61 61
e Readiness
Job Pearson Correlation ,638 **
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 61 61

the researcher obtained all the

achievement motivation and job

Based on the above data, results of data analysis using
SPSS 25 for the Pearson product-
hypothesis testing can be carried
moment correlation test. The
out by comparing the significance
obtained significance value
level with the error. (0.000) is less than 0.05. Based on
the correlation coefficient (rxy) of
a. If the significance is
0.638, it can be concluded that
<0.05, then it is correlated
there is a correlation between
b. If the significance is > achievement motivation and job
readiness in the English Language
0.05, then it is not
Education alumni class of 2017
Based on the results above, the DISCUSSION

rxy = 0.638. So, based on the r Based on the categorization

table with a confidence level of
results using empirical statistical
0.05 (r table for 61 subjects with a
methods, it was found that from
5% confidence level is 0.248), it is
understood that rxy > r table 61 alumni English Language
(0.638> 0.248) then Ha is
Education Study Program class of
accepted. Therefore, there is
2017 at the Universitas
posititive and significant
relationship between achievement Muhammadiyah Purwokerto who
motivation and job readiness, that
filled out the questionnaire 1.6%
is 0,638 which lies between 0,60 -
(1 alumni) has low achievement
0,79 in the classification table. It
is possible to conclude that there motivation, 29.5% (18 alumni)
is a significant correlation
moderate, and 68.9% (42 alumni)
between achievement motivation
high achievement motivation.
and job readiness based on the
Based on the job readiness significant correlation on the level

variable, the results of the of job readiness.

categorization using empirical This study also found that

statistical methods obtained data graduates are aware that

that alumni English Language achievement motivation

Education Study Program students influences their job readiness, as

class of 2017 at the Universitas well as academic achievement

Muhammadiyah Purwokerto who motivation is not the only factor

filled out the questionnaire 1,6% that influences job readiness so

(1 alumni) has low job readiness, that other skills are needed in

3.61% (22 alumni) moderate, and preparing mature job readiness.

62.3% (38 alumni) have high job

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