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T.P 2023 / 2024

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : _____________

Hari / Tanggal : _____________ Kelas : V (Lima)
Waktu : 90 menit SDIT : PERSIS Koja
A. Choose and Cross (x) a, b, c, or d to the right answer !
1. The car is ... expensive than bike and motorcycle.
a. most c. good
b. more d. better
2. An elephant is the ... than horse and bird.
a. big c. biggest
b. bigger d. more big
3. My grand father is ... than my father and my uncle.
a. old c. older
b. oldest d. more old
4. Look at the picture!
Based on the picture a good sentences is ...
a. The snake is the most dangerous of all
b. The snake is dangerous of all
c. The lizard is most dangerous of all
d. The frog is dangerous of all
5. “ Most beautiful “ in Indonesian is ...
a. cantik c. paling cantik
b. tercantik d. cantik aja
6. Look at the picture !
Based on the picture, the fastest animal is ...
a. dog
b. chiken
c. snake
d. horse
7. The tallest animals in the zoo is ...
a. horse c. giraffe
b. elephant d. snake
8. The candy is ... than cake and pizza.
a. small c. smaling
b. smallest d. Smaller
9. Farhan has 10 oranges, Rita has 8 oranges, Silvi has 12 oranges. So, Silvi
has ...
a. the most oranges of all c. few oranges of all
b. the same oranges as Rita d. less oranges that Farhan
10. Complete the dialogue, based on the picture!
Rina : look this picture, can you make sentences based on the picture?
Larry : yes, i can. Ruler A is the ... than ruler B and ruler C.
Rina : Yes, you’re right
a. long c. longer
b. longest d. longing

Read the following text carefully, for number 11 – 15

I am in a planetarium. I am watching some planets in our solar system.
Jupiter is a biggest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the smallest and hottest.
Neptune may be the coldest. Venus is the brightest seen from the earth. Mars is
the nearest planet from the earth. I think Saturn is the most beautiful, but still the
earth is the best place for us to live.
11. Based on the text that Jupiter is a ... planet.
a. biggest c. big
b. bigger d. most big
12. The brightest planet in solar system is ...
a. Jupiter c. Mercury
b. Venus d. Earth
13. In solar system, we live in ...
a. Mercury c. Earth
b. Venus d. Jupiter
14. The nearest planet from the Earth is ...
a. Venus c. Earth
b. Mercury d. Mars
15. In Solar system, they have ... planets.
a. eight c. six
b. seven d. nine
16. The sixth month is ...
a. June c. July
b. August d. May
17. Kartini day falls on ... April.
a. twenty one c. two one
b. twenty first d. twonty one
18. Seventy second in numberic is ...
a. 72 c. 72th
b. 72rd d. 72nd
19. In a year it has ... month.
a. twelfth c. twelve
b. twelveth d. twelfe
20. May is ... month.
a. Fifth c. Sixth
b. Seventh d. Nineth
21. We have a ... on 17th August.
a. annual festival c. flag caremony
b. anniversary d. commerate
22. Complete the dialogue!
Asri : When is birth of Pancasila ?
Welas : It is on the ...
The answer is ...
a. tenth November c. seventeenth August
b. twenty second December d. first June
23. Look at the picture!
Based on the date in the picture, we celebrate ...
a. Kartini’s c. The new year
b. Our education d. Hero’s
24. Complete the dialogue
Teacher : When is our independence day?
Student : Our independence day is on ...
a. seventeenth of July c. seventeenth of June
b. seventeenth of September d. seventeenth of August
25. The student of SDS Persis ... (merayakan) Kartini’s day on April. 21st
a. commemorate c. calendar
b. anniversary d. leap year

Read the following text carefully, for number 26 – 30!

Moslem use the hijr calendar for most of their religious purpose. This is a
lunar calendar consisting of twelve lunar months, such as Muharram, safar, Rabbi
al -Awwal, Rajab, Ramdhan, Shawwal, and Dhu-aj-hijjah. It uses the phases of
the moon to count the passage of time. The year has 12 month is called with 29 or
30 days. It last a total of 354 or 355 days. The first month is called Muharram. The
first month is called Muharram. Dzulhijjah is the last month of the year.
The calendar is to determine Islamic holidays or events. For example, the
fasting month begins on the 1 st of Ramadhan. Eid al-fitr falls on 1 shawwal. Eid
ad-adha falls on 10 Dzulhijjah.
26. The month is the Hijr calendar are ...
a. eleventh c. thirteenth
b. twelfth d. fourteenth
27. The first month is called …
a. Muharram c. Safar
b. Rabbi al -Awwal d. Rajab
28. Dzulhijjah is the last month of the year. It means Dzulhijjah is … month
a. tenth c. nineth
b. eighth d. twelfth
29. A moslem comemerate Eid al-fitr falls on …
a. 1 Dzulhijjah c. 1 Safar
b. 1 Rabbi al-Awwal d. 1 shawwal
30. Every month of Ramadan, Muslim residents usually carry out activities...
a. puasa c. eid al-fitr
b. eid al-adha d. new year

B. Fill this question with right answer!

31. Cheetah is the … Fastest (fast) animals in the world.
32. My mother has a gold, silver and iron. The most expensive is …gold
33. Monument National is the …Highest (high) tower in DKI Jakarta.
34. Jupiter is the … biggest planet in our solar system.
35. My brother has dictionary, book and paper. The thickest is …dictionary
36. Hero’s day is on … tenth November.
37. The numeric fifty fifth is …55th
38. My father’s birthday is on …fifteenth december (15 Desember)
39. Look at the picture!
It is ... Twenty fifth

40. We ...celebrate (perayaan) mother’s day on 22nd December.

C. Answer the question correctly!

41. Read this, and answer the question!
My mother is 45 years old
My sister is 15 years old
I am 9 years old
Which one is the oldest ? (Make it the complete answer) !
Answer : … my mother is oldest than my sister and I
42. Between Sun, Earth and Moon. Where is the smallest? (Make it the complete
Answer : ... the moon is the smallest than all / the moon is smallest than sun
and earth
43. When do we celebrate National education days?
Answer : is second may
44. How many months in a year ? Mention it !
Answer : ...twelve , January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December
45. Read the dialogue!
Ari : When does your mother’s birthday?
Alfi : (Ulang tahun Ibu saya tanggal 31 Mei)
Translate the underline in English language!
Answer : ...My mother’s brithday is Thirty first May

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