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Development of a Basic E-Commerce Website

1. Title:

Development of a Basic E-Commerce Website

2. Objective:

The primary objective of this project is to design and implement a simple yet functional e-commerce

website. This project aims to provide an online platform where users can browse products, view

product details, and simulate an e-commerce experience.

3. Scope:

The scope of this project includes:

1. Designing a user-friendly interface for browsing products.

2. Implementing a backend system to manage product information and user interactions.

3. Utilizing a database to store product details.

4. Integrating basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for product management.

4. Tools and Technologies:

1. Front-end:


- CSS3

- JavaScript

2. Back-end:

- Node.js

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Development of a Basic E-Commerce Website

- Express.js

3. Database:

- MongoDB

4. Additional Libraries:

- Mongoose (for MongoDB interaction)

- Body-parser (for handling form data)

- EJS (Embedded JavaScript for templating)

5. Functional Requirements:

1. Home Page: Display a list of products with their names and prices.

2. Product Detail Page: Display detailed information about a selected product.

3. Admin Panel: (Optional for extended scope) Manage products - add, update, delete products.

4. User Authentication: (Optional for extended scope) Implement user login and registration.

6. Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Usability: The website should be easy to navigate with a clear layout.

2. Performance: The website should load quickly and handle user requests efficiently.

3. Security: Basic measures should be taken to secure the application from common vulnerabilities.

4. Scalability: The system should be designed in a way that allows for easy scaling in the future.

7. Project Plan:

1. Requirement Analysis: Identify and document detailed requirements.

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Development of a Basic E-Commerce Website

2. Design:

- Create wireframes for the user interface.

- Design the database schema.

3. Implementation:

- Set up the project environment.

- Develop the front-end interface.

- Implement the back-end logic and database interactions.

4. Testing: Perform unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

5. Deployment: Deploy the application on a local or cloud server.

6. Documentation: Create user and technical documentation.

8. Timeline:

| Phase | Duration |


| Requirement Analysis | 1 week |

| Design | 1 week |

| Implementation | 3 weeks |

| Testing | 1 week |

| Deployment | 1 week |

| Documentation | 1 week |

9. Expected Outcome:

Upon completion, the project will result in a functional e-commerce website that allows users to

browse products and view their details. The project will demonstrate the ability to integrate front-end

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Development of a Basic E-Commerce Website

and back-end technologies to create a cohesive web application.

10. Future Enhancements:

1. Implement user authentication for secure access.

2. Add a shopping cart and checkout process.

3. Integrate payment gateway for transactions.

4. Enhance the admin panel for better product management.

5. Improve the UI/UX with advanced front-end frameworks like React or Angular.

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