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re ion1s; Urban sp~ wl; Slums and problems; Town planning;

--.....~c~m-.s~o::-r.u~r~ a~n isation Kn3 remedies . ... -

s. Regional Develop ment and Planning: Experienc of relj.lonal plawiing in India; Five Year
Plans;_ Integrate d rural developm ent programm es, anchayal l Raj and decentralised
planning ; Cbmmand area developm ent; Watershe d managem ent; Planning fo~ ward
- -.-esert, dro ght-pron e, hill tribal
_W,iiWMiii&,end deve opment of im nd territorie s.
2;velopm ent; Multi-level planning; Regional
Political Aspects : G ra hical basis of Indian federalism; State reo rga nisation;
Em nee of new states; Re I na · ess and inter-stat e issues; International
boundar y of lndl a and related issues; Cross-bo rder terrorism ; India's role in world affairs;

sia and Indian Ocean realm.
10. ontemporary lssu : Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides, earth ua
s and droughts, ef idemlcs; Issues related to env: ;ental pol ion;
Changes in patterns of i~ e; Principles of environmental impact assess m nt and
environm ental managem ent; Population explosion and f~pd security; Environmental
degradat ion; Deforesta tion, desertification and soil erosion; Problems of agrarian and
industria l unrest; Regional disparities in economic development; Concept of sustainab le
growth and developm ent; Environmental awareness; Linkage of rive_rs; Globahsati?n and
. Indian economy .
NOTE : Candida tes will be required to answer one compuls ory map question pertinen t
to subjects covered by this paper.

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