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मराठी व इं ग् रजी


Shaswat Academy, Pune Office: 7820847350/ 7415248787

1. ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ AmoiIm.
A) G, b¥, L², Äm² - ho dU© Ho$di g§ñH¥$V (VËg‘) eãXm§VM ¶oVmV.
~) g§ñH¥$V dm ‘amR>r ì¶mH$aUmV XrK© "b¥' Zmhr.
H$) XrK© "G' hm g§ñH¥$VmVhr ’$ma H$‘r d ‘amR>rV OdiOdi Zmhr.
S>) L², Äm², U², i hr 춧OZo ‘amR>rV eãXma§^r ¶oV ZmhrV.
n¶m©¶ CËVao …
(1) ’$³V ~, H$ (2) ’$³V ~, H$, S> (3) ’$³V A, ~, S> (4) darb gd© n¶m©¶ ~amo~a

2. ‘¥Xÿ dUmª‘ܶo H$moUmMm g‘mdoe Ho$bm OmVmo.

(1) ñda (2) ñdamXr (3) ‘¥Xÿ 춧OZo (4) darbn¡H$s gd©

3. "VoOmo{ZYr' - hr g§Yr H$er gmoS>dbr OmB©b?

(1) VoO + {ZYr (2) VoO… + {ZYr (3) VoOmo + {ZYr (4) VoOg² + {ZYr

4. OmoS>çm Owidm.
a) {H«$¶m{deofU i) ‘ZmVrb d¥ËVr qH$dm ^mdZm 춳V H$aVmV.
b) {deofU ii) XmoZ eãX qH$dm XmoZ dm³¶m§Zm OmoS>VmV
c) Ho$dbà¶moJr A춶 iii) Zm‘m~X²Xb A{YH$ ‘m{hVr gm§JVo
d) C^¶mÝd¶r A춶 iv) {H«$¶mnXm~X²Xb A{YH$ ‘m{hVr gm§JVo.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) ( i)
(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) ( i) (ii) (iii)

5. "~mam n§Yam H$aUo' - ¶m åhUrMm AMyH$ AW© {ZdS>m.

(1) Vmi‘oim{edm¶ ~mobUo (2) ‘wX²¶mbm Yê$Z ~mobUo
(3) ~Zdm~Zdr H$aUo (4) EH$mMo KodyZ Xþgè¶mbm XoUo

6. A) Á¶m Zm‘mZo OmVrMm ~moY hmoV ZgyZ ˶m OmVrVrb EH$m {d{eï> 춳VrMm, àmʶmMm qH$dm dñVyMm ~moY hmoVmo, ˶mg
"gm‘mݶZm‘' Ago åhUVmV.
~) EH$mM OmVrÀ¶m nXmWm©Vrb g‘mZ JwUY‘m©‘wio ˶m dñVybm gd©gm‘mݶ Zmd {Xbo OmVo, ˶mg "{deofZm‘' Ago åhUVmV.
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) ’$³V A ~amo~a (2) ’$³V ~ ~amo~a (3) A d ~ XmoÝhr ~amo~a (4) A d ~ XmoÝhr MyH$

7. OmoS>çm Owidm.
a) V¥Vr¶m i) A{YH$aU
b) MVwWu ii) AnmXmZ
c) n§M‘r iii) g§àXmZ
d) gßV‘r iv) H$aU
darb {d^³Vr d H$maH$ ¶m§À¶m OmoS>çm bmdm.

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) ( i)
(4) (iv) ( i) (ii) (iii)

8. dmH²$àMma d ˶mMm AW© ¶m§À¶m ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm.

a) H$mirO H$mTy>Z XoUo i) ‘‘©^oXH$ eãX ~mobyZ Xþ…I XoUo
b) H$mirO nmR>r‘mJo AgUo ii) ’$ma-’$ma OnUo
c) gmV H$miOmÀ¶m nbrH$S>o R>odUo iii) Amnbr AmdS>Vr dñVy XoUo
d) H$mirO ’$moS>Uo iv) H$emMrM ^rVr ZgUo
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) ( i)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) ( i) (ii) (iii)

9. "H$merg ^mJraWr ZoUo' - ¶m dmH²$àMmamMm AW© gm§Jm?

1) OoWo Or dñVy {dnyb Amho VoWo Vr ZoUo
2) OoWo Or dñVy {dnyb Zmhr VoWo Vr ZoUo
3) nwʶ H$aUo
4) àm¶[íMV H$aUo

10. {d^³Vrà˶¶ qH$dm eãX¶moJr A춶 bmJyZ V¶ma Pmboë¶m Zm‘mÀ¶m ê$nmg ------ åhUVmV.
(1) {d^³Vr (2) gm‘mݶê$n (3) gm{YV eãX (4) g§Yr

11. Imbrb dm³¶mVrb gd©Zm‘m§Mm àH$ma AmoiIm?

A) VwiOm^dmZr hr ‘hmamï´>mMr AmB© Amho.
~) Vmo C§M nd©V MTy>Z Jobm.
(1) Xe©H$, nwê$fdmMH$ (2) nwê$fdmMH$, Xe©H$ (3) g§~§Yr, Xe©H$ (4) nwê$fdmMH$, gm‘mݶ

12. ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ AmoiIm.

A) Zm‘mÀ¶m {R>H$mUr g§»¶m gwM{dʶmMm Omo EH$ Y‘© Amho ˶mbm dMZ Ago åhUVmV.
~) Zm‘mÀ¶m ê$nmdê$Z Ooìhm EH$m dñVyMm ~moY hmoVmo, Voìhm Vo AZoH$dMZ AgVo.
H$) Zm‘m§À¶m ê$nmdê$Z Ooìhm EH$mnojm A{YH$ g§»¶oMm ~moY hmoVmo, Voìhm Vo EH$dMZ AgVo.
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) ’$³V ~ (2) ’$³V A (3) darbn¡H$s gd© (4) EH$hr Zmhr

13. "nagmVrb ^mOr' - ¶m Ab§H$m[aH$ eãXmMm ¶mo½¶ AW© Agbobm n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
(1) ‘m¡ë¶dmZ dñVy (2) A{Ve¶ {චdñVy
(3) Ho$ìhmhr d ghOJ˶m àmßV hmoUmar dñVy (4) A{Ve¶ Xþ‘ui dñVy

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

14. "Aíd'- ¶m eãXmgmR>r g‘mZmWu Agboë¶m Zm‘m§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.
(1) KmoS>m, h¶, CaJ (2) dmOr, Añn, dmê$ (3) Vwa§J, nÝZJ, ^wO§J (4) Vwa§J‘, ì¶mi, ’$Ur

15. "Mmar ~mOy§Zr nmʶmZo doTbobm àXoe>' - ¶m eãXg‘yhmgmR>r ¶mo½¶ AW© Agbobm n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
(1) ~oQ> (2) {ÛnH$ën (3) nmU§X (4) nmUWi

16. "JUoeQ>monr KmbUo' - ¶m dmH²$àMmamMm AW© gm§Jm?

(1) ‘XV H$aUo (2) ZH$ma XoUo (3) ’$g{dUo (4) gËH$ma H$aUo

17. "Vgm, Vgbm, {VVH$m, VodT>m, V‘H$m' - ¶m {deofUm§Mm àH$ma emoYm.

(1) Zm‘gm{YV {deofU (2) gmd©Zm{‘H$ {deofU
(3) YmVwgm{YV {deofU (4) A춶gm{YV {deofU

18. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ ¶mo½¶ CËVa {bhm.

A) {H«$¶mnXmVrb à˶¶a{hV ‘yi eãXmbm YmVy Ago åhUVmV.
~) {H«$¶mnX åhUOo dm³¶mMm AW© nyU© H$aUmam {H«$¶mdmMH$ eãX hmo¶.
H$) YmVybm {d{dY à˶¶ bmJyZ ~ZUmè¶m d nwar {H«$¶m XmI{dUmè¶m eãXm§Zm YmVwgm{YVo Ago åhUVmV.
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) ’$³V H$ MyH$ (2) ’$³V ~, H$ MyH$ (3) ’$³V A, H$ MyH$ (4) gd© ~amo~a

19. A) ~mi, EdT>m bmSy> ImD$Z Om.

~) ~mi, EdT>m bmSy> ImD$Z Q>mH$.
H$) ˶mZo gd© Zmai XoD$Z Q>mH$bo.
darbn¡H$s H$moU˶m dm³¶mVrb {H«$¶mnX g§¶w³V {H«$¶mnX Amho?
(1) ’$³V A, ~ (2) ’$³V A, H$
(3) ’$³V ~, H$ (4) gd© {dYmZo ~amo~a

20. Imbrbn¡H$s boIZ{Z¶‘mZwgma AMyH$ eãX {ZdS>m?

(1) gy³Vmgy³V (2) gw³Vmgw³V (3) gw³Vmgy³V (4) gy³Vmgw³V

21. "‘r Kar nmohmoMʶmnyduM gm§Omdbo.' - ¶m dm³¶mVrb AYmoao{IV eãXmMm àH$ma H$moUVm?
(1) e³¶ {H«$¶mnX (2) à¶moOH$ {H«$¶mnX
(3) AH$V¥©H$ {H«$¶mnX (4) A{Z¶{‘V {H«$¶mnX

22. "‘Yy bmSy> ImV OmB©b.' - ¶m dm³¶mMm H$mi AmoiIm.

(1) ar{V dV©‘mZH$mi (2) ar{V ^{dî¶H$mi (3) ar{V ^yVH$mi (4) nyU© ^{dî¶H$mi

23. "Vmo Zoh‘rM C{eam ¶oVmo.' - ¶m dm³¶mMm H$mi AmoiIm.

(1) ar{V dV©‘mZH$mi (2) ar{V ^{dî¶H$mi
(3) ar{V ^yVH$mi (4) ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr

24. "dmè¶mer ^m§S>Uo' - ¶m åhUrMm AMyH$ AW© emoYm?

1) H$‘Omoa ‘mUgmer ^m§S>Uo 2) e³Vrembr ‘mUgmer ^m§S>Uo
3) ñdV…er ^m§S>Uo 4) H$maU ZgVmZm ^m§S>V gwQ>Uo

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

25. A) {VWo H$a ‘mPo OwiVr.
~) ¶oWyZ ZXr Odi Amho.
H$) na‘oída gd©Ì AgVmo.
darbn¡H$s H$moU˶m dm³¶mVrb {H«$¶m{deofU ñWbdmMH$ Zmhr.
(1) ’$³V H$ (2) ’$³V ~
(3) darbn¡H$s gd© (4) gd© MyH$

26. nwT>rb {dYmZo dmMyZ ¶mo½¶ CËVa {bhm.

A) eãX¶moJr A춶 ho Zm‘m-gd©Zm‘m§Zm bmJVmV.
~) eãX¶moJr A춶m§À¶m {R>H$mUr {d^³Vr à˶¶ Am{U {H«$¶m{deofUmMo JwU AgVmV.
H$) eãX¶moJr A춶m‘wio Zm‘mMo qH$dm gd©Zm‘mMo gm‘mݶê$n hmoVo.
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) ’$³V ~ ~amo~a (2) ’$³V A Am{U H$ ~amo~a
(3) ’$³V A Am{U ~ ~amo~a (4) A, ~ Am{U H$ ~amo~a

27. OmoS>çm Owidm.

a) ñdê$n~moYH$ C^¶mÝd¶r A춶o i) ¶mH$[aVm, ¶mgmR>r, åhUyZ, g~~
b) H$maU~moYH$ C^¶mÝd¶r A춶o ii) H$maU, H$m H$s, H$maU H$s
c) CX²Xoe~moYH$ C^¶mÝd¶r A춶o iii) åhUOo, H$s, åhUyZ, Oo
d) g§Ho$V~moYH$ C^¶mÝd¶r A춶o iv) Oa-Va, Oar-Var, H$s, Va, åhUOo
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) ( i)
(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(3) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

28. "Vmo åhUo doS>m Pmbm' - ¶m dm³¶mVrb Ho$dbà¶moJr A춶mMm àH$ma AmoiIm.
(1) hf©Xe©H$ A춶 (2) ì¶W© CX²Jmadm¶r A춶
(3) g§~moYZXe©H$ A춶 (4) àe§gmXe©H$ A춶

29. åhUr d ˶m§Mo AW© ¶m§À¶m ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm.

a) ^a H$aUo i) KoVm ¶oB©b {VVHo$ nyU©nUo KoUo
b) ^a KoUo ii) ݶyZVm ^ê$Z H$mT>Uo
c) ^a XoUo iii) CËVoOZ XoUo qH$dm MoV{dUo
d) ^a nS>Uo iv) OmoS> {‘iUo
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iv) ( i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

30. nwT>rb d¡{eîQ>ço H$moU˶m à¶moJmMr AmhoV.
A) ¶m à¶moJmVrb {H«$¶mnXmMm AW© {H«$¶m H$aʶmMr BÀN>m, Anojm, e³¶Vm, gm‘϶© Agm AgVmo.
~) ¶m à¶moJmV H$Vm© hm MVwWu qH$dm g{dH$aUr {d^³VrV AgVmo.
H$) ¶m à¶moJmV H$‘© ZgVo.
S>) ‘yi YmVyg d, Ad, Add ho à˶¶ bmdyZ e³¶{H«$¶mnXmMr ê$no gmYbobr AgVmV.
(1) àYmZH$V¥©H$ ^mdo (2) nwamU ^mdo
(3) g‘mnZ ^mdo (4) e³¶ ^mdo

31. "‘§XmMo nwamU dmMyZ Pmbo.' - ho H$moU˶m à¶moJmMo CXmhaU Amho.

(1) ZdrZ H$‘©Ur (2) H$‘©H$V©ar
(3) nwamU H$‘©Ur (4) g‘mnZ H$‘©Ur

32. A) MmVw‘m©gmV d«Vo H$aVmV. ~) ZdamÌmV XodrMm CËgd AgVmo.

H$) Aer ‘mUgo {Ì^wdZmV ZgUma. S>) am‘M§Ð n§MdQ>rV amhV hmoVo.
darb dm³¶m§‘ܶo H$moUVm g‘mg Ambobm Amho?
(1) {ÛJy g‘mg (2) ‘ܶ‘nX bmonr g‘mg
(3) BVaoVa Û§Û g‘mg (4) d¡H$pënH$ Û§Û g‘mg

33. A) ¶m g‘mgmV n{hbm eãX àYmZ AgVmo.

~) hm gm‘m{gH$ eãX {H«$¶m{deofU A춶 AgVmo.
H$) ¶m g‘mgmV n{hbm eãX hm CngJ© AgVmo.
darb d¡{eï>¶o Agbobm g‘mg AmoiIm?
(1) A춶r^md g‘mg (2) VËnwê$f g‘mg
(3) Û§Û g‘mg (4) ~hþd«rhr g‘mg

34. A) gm‘m{gH$ eãXmMo qbJ ho eodQ>À¶m eãXmÀ¶m qbJmà‘mUo AgVo.

~) na^mfoVyZ Amboë¶m eãXm§Mo qbJ ˶mM AWm©À¶m ‘amR>r eãXmÀ¶m qbJmdê$Z gm‘mݶV… R>a{dVmV.
H$) {ZOud dñVy§À¶m ~m~VrV ˶m dñVy§À¶m Zm‘m§À¶m ‘mJo hm-hr-ho, Vmo-Vr-Vo ho eãX dmnê$Z AmnU qbJ R>a{dVmo.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ / {dYmZo A¶mo½¶ Amho?
(1) ’$³V ~ (2) ’$³V H$
(3) ’$³V ~, H$ (4) H$moUVoM Zmhr

35. Imbrbn¡H$s A§emä¶ñV eãXm§Mm JQ> AmoiIm.

(1) hmbhmb, nwT>onwT>o, hiyhiy (2) H$S>H$S>mQ>, JS>H$S>, Vwê$Vwê$
(3) Cabmgwabm, AYm©‘wYm©, JmoS>YmoS> (4) EHo$H$, hm¶hm¶, {Vi{Vi

36. H$mhr eãXmV EImÚm Üd{ZdmMH$ eãXmMr nwZê$³Vr gmYbobr AgVo, ˶m§Zm ....... åhUVmV.
(1) nyUm©ä¶ñV eãX (2) AZwH$aUdmMH$ eãX
(3) A§emä¶ñV eãX (4) ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr

37. ‘yi eãXmÀ¶m qH$dm YmVyÀ¶m ‘mJo EH$ qH$dm A{YH$ Ajao bmdyZ H$mhr "gm{YV eãX' ~Z{dVmV, ˶m Ajam§Zm H$m¶ åhUVmV?
(1) à˶¶ (2) CngJ©
(3) {gÓ eãX (4) à˶¶K{Q>V eãX

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

38. A) dm³¶mVrb {H«$¶mnXmÀ¶m AWm©dê$Z A‘wH$ Ho$bo AgVo, Va A‘wH$ Pmbo AgVo Aer AQ> qH$dm g§Ho$V Agm AW© {ZKV
Agob Va ˶mg "{dܶWu dm³¶' Ago åhUVmV.
~) dm³¶mVrb {H«$¶mnXmÀ¶m AWm©dê$Z {dYr åhUOo H$V©ì¶, e³¶Vm, ¶mo½¶Vm, BÀN>m ¶m Jmoï>tMm ~moY hmoV Agob Va ˶mg
"g§Ho$VmWu dm³¶' Ago åhUVmV.
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) ’$³V A ~amo~a (2) ’$³V ~ ~amo~a
(3) XmoÝhr ~amo~a (4) XmoÝhr MwH$

39. "H${nbmfð>rMm ¶moJ' ¶m Ab§H$ma¶w³V eãXmMm AW© H$moUVm?

(1) nwîH$i H$mimZo ¶oUmar g§Yr (2) bdH$a ¶oUmar g§Yr
(3) A{Ve¶ lr‘§V 춳Vr (4) {Zê$n¶moJr bmoH$m§Mm ^aUm

40. "lrH¥$îUmZo AOw©Zmbm JrVm gm§{JVbr.' ¶m dm³¶mVrb Aà˶j H$‘© ........ Amho.
(1) JrVm (2) AOw©Zmbm
(3) lrH¥$îUmZo (4) AH$‘©H$ dm³¶

41. "H$m{bXmg H$dr hmoVm.' ¶m dm³¶mVrb {dYo¶nyaH$ AmoiIm?

(1) H$m{bXmg (2) H$dr
(3) hmoVm (4) {dYo¶nyaH$ Zmhr

42. {H«$¶m{deofU A춶m§Zr OmoS>boë¶m dm³¶mg ..... åhUVmV.

(1) Ho$dbdm³¶ (2) g§¶w³Vdm³¶
(3) {‘ldm³¶ (4) g§Ho$VmWu dm³¶

43. ho H$iH$sMo OrU© ‘moS>Ho$ Xma

H$a H$a H$a dmOo ’$ma
ho Xþ…ImZo H$Êhþ{Z H$Wr bmoH$m§bm
Xm[aж Amnwbo ~mim!
darb AmodrVrb Ab§H$ma AmoiIm.
(1) ñdê$nmoËàojm (2) hoVyËàojm
(3) ’$bmoËàojm (4) ‘mbmoËàojm

44. "ÌogîQ>Mm AmH$S>m AgUo' - ¶m dmH²$àMmamMm AW© gm§Jm.

(1) ‘¡Ìr AgUo (2) {damoY AgUo
(3) eÌyËd AgUo (4) YmñVr YaUo

45. A) EH$mM OmVrMo AZoH$ eãX bmJmonmR> Amë¶mg dmnaVmV.

~) g§~moYZ Xe©{dVmZm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo.
H$) "ho', "H$s', "Ago'-$ ¶mgma»¶m eãXm§Zr XmoZ dm³¶o OmoS>VmZm dmna.
darb d¡{eîQ>ço H$moUmbm bmJy hmoVmV?
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) nyU©{dam‘ (2) AY©{dam‘
(3) ñdën{dam‘ (4) AnyU©{dam‘

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

Imbr {Xbobm CVmam dmMyZ ˶mImbrb àíZ H««$‘m§H$ 46 Vo 50 Mr CËVao {bhm.
gm{h˶mMr {Z{‘©Vr "ñdmÝV…gwIm¶' H$am¶Mr H$s "~hþOZ {hVm¶' H$am¶Mr ¶m àíZmMo CËVa g§VH$dtZr
{Z…g§{X½YnUo {Xbo Amho. gm{h˶ hm ˶m§À¶m Ñï>rZo ~wpÓ{dbmg ZìhVm. AmË‘m{dîH$mamMo Vo EH$ gmYZ hmoVo. nU g§Vm§Mr
AmË‘m{^춳Vr g‘mOmgmR>r hmoVr. "Oo H$m a§Obo Jm§Obo' ˶m§Zm Amnë¶m ào‘gyÌmV Jw§’$yZ ¿¶m¶Mo Am{U ˶m§À¶m OrdZmVrb Xþ…
ImMm {Zamg VÎd~moYmZo H$am¶Mm hoM g§Vm§Mo à‘wI C{X²Xï> hmoVo. H$bmZ§XmgmR>r g§VH$dr {bhrV ZìhVo. gm¢X¶©{Z{‘©Vr ho gm{h˶mMo
à¶moOZ AgVo ho Iao, nU gw§Xa H$bmH¥$Vr {Z‘m©U H$aʶmV g§V H$Yr a‘bobo {XgV ZmhrV. ˶m§À¶m H$mì¶mV ^mdgm¢X¶mªÀ¶m
bmQ>m AZoH$ {R>H$mUr CM§~iyZ Amë¶m Agë¶m Var Amnë¶m H$bmMmVw¶m©Zo a{gH$m§Zm ‘§Ì‘w½Y H$amdo, Amnë¶mVë¶m H$bmd§Vmbm
g§Vwï> H$amdo hr ˶m§Mr ^y{‘H$mM ZìhVr. g‘mO Am{U na‘oída ¶m XmoZ q~Xÿda bj R>odyZ ˶m§À¶m gm{h˶mMr J§Jm ^³VrÀ¶m
d à~moYZmÀ¶m dmQ>oZo dmhmV Jobr Amho. g˶, {ed Am{U gw§Xa ¶m§À¶m AmamYZoVM g§V gm{hp˶H$ {Z‘½Z Pmbo hmoVo.
g¥ï>rgm¢X¶m©À¶m ‘wimer Agbobm na‘oídar e³VtMm Anyd© {dbmg nmhÿZ Am{U AZw^dyZ Vo ^mamdbo hmoVo. ^m¡{VH$ gw§XaVoÀ¶m
‘mohmV ‘Zwî¶mZo Jwa’$Qy>Z OmD$ Z¶o. ˶mZo Amnë¶m R>m¶r Agboë¶m AmpË‘H$ gm¢X¶mªMo qMVZ H$amdo. H¥$VmW©VoMm AZw^d ¿¶mdm
Am{U na‘mËå¶mÀ¶m ^³VrV a§JyZ Omdo ¶m {dMmamMm CËH$Q> nwañH$ma gd©M g§Vm§Zr Ho$bobm Amho.
g§V gm{h˶mMo gm‘϶© ˶mÀ¶m à~moYZ e³VrV Amho. X¡Ý¶Xþ…ImÀ¶m A§YmamV MmMnS>Umè¶m ‘mUgmbm
EH$ Zdm àH$me XmIdʶmÀ¶m D$‘uVyZ g§Vm§Zr ˶mÀ¶mer Omo gbJrMm g§dmX Ho$bm ˶m‘wio ¶m gm{h˶mbm ‘hËVm Ambr. ˶mV
^mfoMo, Ame¶mMo Am{U ^mdZoMo gm¢X¶© Va AmhoM nU OrdZ‘yë¶m§Mm ¶m gm{h˶mZo Omo g‘W©nUmZo doY KoVbm ˶mda ˶mMr
loð>Vm Adb§~yZ Amho. ^moù¶m ^m{dH$m§gmR>r ho gm{h˶ Amho, Aer Q>rH$m H$aUmè¶m Q>rH$mH$mam§Zr ¶m gm{h˶mÀ¶m bmoH${à¶VoMr
ahñ¶o ZrQ> OmUbobr {XgV ZmhrV. H$maU ^m{dH$m§~amo~aM {M{H$ËgH$m§Zr, g§emoYH$m§Zr, a{gH$m§Zr ¶m gm{h˶mMr agmZw^yVr
KoVbobr Amho. ho gm{h˶ OrdZmMm Imobda OmD$Z emoY KoUmè¶m Am{U g‘mOmbm CÝZV ‘yë¶m§À¶m gm‘϶m©Mr OmU H$ê$Z XoUmao
Amho. Agm {ZîH$f© {H$˶oH$ Aä¶mgH$m§Zr {dMmanyd©H$ H$mT>bm Amho. Oo dmL²‘¶ ~wÓrbm Am{U A§V…H$aUmbm CÔr{nV H$aVo Vo
gm‘mݶ Agy eH$V Zmhr. kmZoída, Zm‘Xod, EH$ZmW Am{U VwH$mam‘, MmoIm‘oim Am{U gmdVm ‘mir, gmo¶am~mB© Am{U OZm~mB©
¶m§À¶m ^mdmoËH$Q> Amoì¶m-A^§Jm§Zr AmOhr ‘amR>r ‘mUgmMo ‘Z amo‘m§{MV hmoVo. eVHo$ CbQ>VmV. gm{h˶mÀ¶m joÌmV ZdZdrZ
àdmh {Z‘m©U hmoVmV. nU g§VH$mì¶mÀ¶m gm‘϶m©bm AmohmoQ>r bmJV Zmhr, ¶mMm AW© ho gm{h˶ g‘mOmÀ¶m ^md{ZH$ Am{U
d¡Mm[aH$ OrdZmer Amnbr Zmi OmoSy>Z Amho. A§J^yV gm‘϶m©{edm¶ bmoH$‘ZmV H$moUVohr gm{h˶ XrK©H$mi BV³¶m gwpñWanUo
C^o amhÿ eH$V Zmhr.
46. g§V gm{h˶mMo gm‘϶© H$emV Amho?
A) bm¡{H$H$ Jmoï>r ZmH$maʶmV ~) à~moYZ e³VrV
H$) Abm¡{H$H$mMm emoY KoʶmV S>) ¶mn¡H$s H$emVhr Zmhr
nm¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) A, H$ d S> (2) ’$³V ~ (3) A, ~ d H$ (4) A, ~, H$ d S>

47. gm{h˶mMr J§Jm H$moU˶m q~Xÿda bj R>odVo?

(1) g˶ d gw§Xa (2) g‘mO Am{U na‘oída (3) ^³V d gm{h˶ (4) g§V d {dÇ>b

48. g§Vm§Zr H$moU˶m Jmoï>tMm nwañH$ma Ho$bobm Amho?

(1) ^m¡{VH$ Jmoï>tMm (2) EH$‘oH$m§er gbJr gmYʶmMm
(3) AmpË‘H$ gm¢X¶m©Mo qMVZ H$aʶmMm (4) bmoH${චhmoʶmMm

49. g§V H$mì¶mÀ¶m gm‘϶m©bm AmohmoQ>r H$m bmJV Zmhr?

(1) H$maU g§VH$mì¶ ’$³V X¡ddmXmer Zmi OmoSy>Z Amho. (2) H$maU g§VH$mì¶ ’$³V ^mfoer Zmi OmoSy>Z Amho.
(3) H$maU g§VH$mì¶ OrdZmer Zmi OmoSy>Z Amho. (4) ¶mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr.

50. darb CVmè¶mbm ¶mo½¶ erf©H$ Úm.

(1) g§V gm{h˶mMo gma (2) g§V d g‘mO (3) gm{h˶ d Q>rH$m (4) g§V d OrdZ

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

51. Identify the underlined clauses in the following sentences:
a. Our host showed us his garden which grew some remarkable shrubs.
b. We installed automatic cameras where the birds nested.
c. What the minister most feared now happened.
Answer option:
1) Noun clause, Adjective clause, Adverb clause
2) Adjective clause, Adjective clause, Adverb clause
3) Adjective clause, Adverb clause, Noun clause
4) Adjective clause, Adjective clause, Noun clause

52. In which of the following sentence does the ‘infinitive’ work as a complement.
a) To read poetry gives me special pleasure.
b) They agreed to discuss our proposals.
c) Her dream is to become an actress.
Answer options:
1) c only 2) a only 3) None 4) b only

53. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) Fish and chips are not my favourite meal.
b) Pen and ink has been displaced by the ballpoint.
c) Bread and water was the vagrant’s staple diet in prison.
Answer options:
1) c only 2) b only 3) b and c only 4) a only

54. Give synonyms of the following words:

Knotty, Luscious, Jaded
Answer options:
1) complicated, palatable, tired 2) arduous, monotonous, renewal
3) defend, knave, linger 4) loiter, liberal, listless

55. Match the following:

a) Give a wide berth i) To give credit to worthless person
b) Give the devil his due ii) To make publicly known
c) Give up the ghost iii) Pass away
d) Give currency iv) To avoid
Answer options:

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

56. Which of the given options carries the meaning of the underlined idiom?
Politicians generally follow a Fabian policy in order to keep everyone satisfied.
Answer options:
1) Keep distracting 2) Oppose the ideas
3) Delay the work 4) Talk in a flourish manner

57. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

a) He acceded ________ my request.
b) You should abide _______ the rules laid down by the committee.
c) Suhani was annoyed ______ the misbehavior of her friend.
Answer options:
1) to, by, at 2) with, with, with
3) to, with, with 4) to, with , at

58. Which word/s is/are opposite in meaning to the words respectively?

Quaint, Precarious, Reverence
a) Peril, Opaque, Irrelevant
b) Nonchalant, Lavish, Jovial
c) Intrigue, Homely, Heinous
d) Familiar, Assured, Disrespect
Answer options:
1) d only 2) a only 3) b only 4) c only

59. Choose the correct pair of words to fill in the blanks:

a) The ________ leaders are bane of Indian polity.
b) The fault is so slight that it is thought to be __________.
1) venal, venial 2) venial, venal
3) venal, venal 4) venial, venial

60. Very few batsmen are as dependable as Virat Kohli.

Select the correct form of superlative degree of the above sentence.
1) Virat Kohli is one of the most dependable batsmen.
2) Virat Kohli is the most dependable batsman.
3) Virat Kohli is the most dependable batsman than any other.
4) Virat Kohli is not the most dependable batsman.

61. Identify the sentences having abstract noun/s in them:

a) There are nearly two hundred components in that kit.
b) The bad weather dispersed the shoals.
c) As a player, his sportsmanship was outstanding.
Answer options:
1) b only 2) c only
3) a and b only 4) b and c only

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

62. Match the following:
a) Cacographist i) Place where pigs are kept.
b) Heretic ii) A paradise with perfect bliss.
c) Elysium iii) Act against religion
d) Sty iv) Bad in spelling
Answer options:

63. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) It is I who am to blame.
b) The fleet after it had served its purpose were withdrawn.
c) Besides he, many other voted in my favor.
Answer options:
1) c only 2) none 3) a only 4) b only

64. Identify the transitive and intransitive verbs in the given sentences:
a) I was lying down when the telephone bell rang.
b) The workman has lain two hundred bricks already.
c) Lie your wet coat down.
1) Intransitive, Intransitive, Transitive
2) Intransitive, Transitive, Transitive
3) Intransitive, Intransitive, Intransitive
4) Transitive, Intransitive, Transitive

65. Choose the incorrect sentence/s:

a) Because he is kind-hearted, therefore he is very popular.
b) Neither the boy is a fool nor a knave; he is just simple.
c) Scarcely he had taken the medicine when his headache vanished.
d) I asked him that whether he was willing to accompany me to Mumbai.
1) a, b and d 2) b, c and d
3) a and c 4) All of the above

Identify the odd sentence/s:
a) You must take a balanced diet to remain healthy.
b) Take another step at the risk of your life.
c) He was honest hence I was pleased with him.
Answer options:
1) b only 2) a only
3) c only 4) a and c only

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67. Match the following pairs:
a) Thou i) Possessive adjective
b) Thee ii) Possessive pronoun
c) Thine iii) Subject pronoun
d) Thy iv) Object pronoun
Answer options:

68. Choose the correct idiomatic expressions:

a) Bring down the home.
b) Chip of the old clock.
c) Cool one’s heels.
Answer options:
1) b and c only 2) a and c only
3) c only 4) b only

69. Select the correct alternative that transforms the following sentences into indirect narration:
i. My sister said, “They will contact you as soon as they finish the job.
ii. He said, “Megha, Do you want to buy a house in Delhi?”
a. i. My sister said that they would contact me as soon as they would finish the job.
ii. He asked Megha if she wanted to buy a house in Delhi.
b. i. My sister said that they would contact me as soon as they finish the job.
ii. He asked Megha if she wants to buy a house in Delhi.
c. i. My sister said that they would contact me as soon as they finished the job.
ii. He asked Megha if did she want to buy a house in Delhi.
Answer options:
1) None of the above
2) a only
3) b only
4) c only

70. Point out the sentence that is not passive.

1) The child was kidnapped on way to school.
2) The entire staff of our office respects Mr. Sinha.
3) By whom will the survey report be prepared?
4) Our surroundings ought to be kept clean.

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71. Match the pairs:
a) All religions teach that God is truth. i) Adverb clause of place
b) He was welcomed wherever he went. ii) Noun clause
c) The exact time when the theft took place is unknown iii) Adverb clause of time
d) As soon as he arrives, we will have lunch. iv) Adjective clause
Answer options:

72. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) She asked me what had I brought for her.
b) Do you think will she return my money?
c) What kind of a man he is?
Answer options:
1) b only 2) a only
3) c only 4) None

73. Fill in the blank with the appropriate ‘articles’:

a) _______ producer and _________artist of this movie has been honored.
b) _______ English are a disciplined nation.
Answer options:
1) the, the, the
2) the, an, the
3) the, no article, the
4) the, no article, no article

74. Choose the correct sentence/s:

a) He is more cleverer than his cousin.
b) No less than fifty boats were destroyed by the storm.
c) The climate of Mumbai is more pleasant than that of Delhi.
Answer options:
1) c only 2) a and c only 3) b only 4) a and b only

75. Find out the correct form of conjunction in the following sentence:
Hardly had I arrived when trouble started.
The underlined words are example of:
Answer options:
1) co-ordinate conjunction 2) subordinate conjunction
3) compound conjunction 4) correlative conjunction

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions from 76 to 80:
For the past several decades organizations all over have been trying different
approaches to involve employees in decision making processes with limited degree of
success. Attempts have been made to initiate employee participation at board level as well
as at different lower levels in organizations. In all these experiments, failure experiments,
failure experiences outnumber successful one's. Research studies on the other hand, have
time and again, proved that employee involvement in decision making is a viable concept
and can bring about positive returns to individual employees and organizations. However,
in practice it has not been able to sufficiently demonstrate its viability. This suggests that
there is something wrong in the application of participative management concept into
organizational reality. As a contrast to this, quality circles in recent years, have amply
demonstrated that the concept of participation can effectively function if it is properly
implemented. Let us very briefly examine quality circles with a view to understanding what
it is and how is it different from the earlier approaches to participative management.

76) Attempts have been made.........

1) to involve employees at important levels.
2) to involve employees at board level.
3) to involve employees at lower levels.
4) 1 and 2

77) Research studies proved that.........

1) employees participation can bring positive returns.
2) employees participation can bring negative results.
3) employees participation can not bring any type of result.
4) none of these.

78) Study and practice about employees involvement at various levels.....

1) is one and the same.
2) are different.
3) very difficult to say.
4) none of these.

79) Employees involvement in decision making proved.........

1) fully successful.
2) limited degree of success.
3) fully unsuccessful.
4) none of these

80) The tone of the passage is.........

1) optimistic 2) pessimistic
3) practical 4) None of the above

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

81. Q>mo{H$¶mo Am°bpånH$ 2021 {df¶r A¶mo½¶ {dYmZ {ZdS>m....
A) Bñbm{‘H$ [anpãbH$ Am°’$ BamU, ~ob{O¶‘ Am°ñQ´>r¶m d ^maV ¶m§Mm Rank by Total EH$M Amho Vmo åhUOo H«$‘m§H$ 33.
~) A‘oarH$m 40 Gold medals qOHy$Z ñnY}V àW‘ H«$‘m§H$mda hmoVm, Va OJmda amÁ¶ H$aUm-¶m {~«Q>oZMm 22 Gold medals
qOHy$Z 4 Wm H$‘mH$ hmoVm.
H$) ¶m Olympic Mo emblem (àVrH$) Harmonised chequeredOmo OmnmZr B{VhmgmV icthiatsu maya åhUyZ
à{gÜX Amho. VgoM mascot åhUyZ miraitowa ¶mMr {ZdS> H$aʶmV Ambr.
S>) '{‘am~mB© MmZy 49 {H$bmo H°$a{Jar‘ܶo aOVnXH$ qOH$bo VrZo EHy$U 102 {H$.J«m‘ dOZ CMbyZ aOV nXH$ qOH$bo Amho.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(1) A, ~ (2) ’$º$ H$ (3) A, S> (4) ~, S>

82. XoemVrb n{hbo ao~rO ‘wº$ amÁ¶ H$moUVo ??

(1) Vob§JmZm (2) Am§YàXoe\
(3) Jmodm (4) Ho$ai

83. 2015 Am§Vaamï´>r¶ Am°{bpånH$ g{‘VrZo H$moU˶mhr Q´>m§gO|S>a W{bQ>bm ¶m AQ>rda ‘{hbm åhUyZ ñnY}V ^mJ KoʶmMr nadmZJr
{Xbr hmoVr, H$s ñnY}V ^mJ Koʶmnydu ~mam ‘{hݶmH$aVm ˶m 춺$sMr Q>oñQ>oñQ>oam°Z nmVir 10 Z°Zmo‘mob à{V{bQ>a BVH$s H$‘r
Agbr nm{hOo. ¶m AQ>rda Q>mo{H$¶mo Am°{bpånH$‘ܶo ^mJ KoUmar OJmVrb n{hbr {H$Þa/Q´>mÝgO|S>a Athlete åhUyZ H$moUmMr
{ZdS> Pmbr ??
(1) ñQ>o’$s bmo’$Ho$Q> (Am°S>r¶m) (2) ‘hr‘ O‘mb (BamU)
(3) bm°aob h~©S> (ݶyPrb§S>) (4) ear¶m gwPwH$m (OnmZ)

84. ------ ¶m§Zm ¶§XmMm A{^Zd emoYnÌH$m[aVoMm "nw{bËPa nwañH$ma' Omhra H$aʶmV Ambm Amho?
(1) S>mZ©bm ’«o$Pa (2) Om°O© âbm°B©S>
(3) ‘oKm amOJmonmbZ (4) {ZYr Cnmܶ

85. {MÌnQ>g¥ï>rVrb gdm©V ‘ZmMm 51dm XmXmgmho~ ’$miHo$ nwañH$ma 2021 dfm©gmR>r gwnañQ>ma aOZrH$m§V ¶m§Zm XoʶmV Ambm.
XmXmgmho~ ’$miHo$ nwañH$mam{df¶r ¶mo½¶ {dYmZ AmoiIm ?
A) {MÌnQ> joÌmVrb hm gdm}ƒ nwañH$ma Amho.
~) hm nwañH$ma n{hë¶m§Xm Xo{dH$m amUr ¶m§Zm XoʶmV Ambm.
H$) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting V’}$ XoʶmV ¶oVmo.
n¶m©¶r CÎmao:
(1) A, ~ (2) A,~,H$ (3) ’$º$ A,~ (4) ¶m n¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

86. nrE‘ Ho$Ag© ’§$S>mÀ¶m g§X^m©V Imbrb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿¶m:

A. PMO Zwgma, PM² CARES ’§$S> RTI H$m¶Xm, 2005 À¶m H$b‘ 2 (h) À¶m H$joV gmd©O{ZH$ àm{YH$aU Amho.
~. n§VàYmZm§Mo ZmJ[aH$ ghmæ¶ Am{U AmnËH$mbrZ n[apñWVrV ‘XV (PM² CARES) {ZYr XoU½¶m ñdrH$maVmo Am{U H$mo{dS>
-19 ‘hm‘mar Am{U BVa VËg‘ AmnËH$mbrZ n[apñWVrV ‘XV XoVmo.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVr {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV/AmhoV?
(1) ’$º$ A (2) ’$º$ ~ (3) A Am{U ~ XmoÝhr (4) Zm A qH$dm ~

87. H$moamoZmìhm¶ag ‘hm‘marda Cnm¶ {dH${gV H$aʶmgmR>r MHRD Am{U AICTE À¶m BZmoìhoeZ gobZo gwê$ Ho$boë¶m {dÚm϶mªgmR>r
Am°ZbmBZ challenge Mo Zmd H$m¶ Amho?
(1) g‘¥ÜXr (2) g‘mYmZ (3) gmoMZm (4) MwZm¡Vr

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

88. ‘hmamï´>mMo ZdrZ bmoH$m¶wº$ åhUyZ H$moUmMr {ZdS> Pmbr ?
1) M. L. Q>h{b¶m§Zr 2) V. M. H$mZS>o
3) amOoe ewŠbm 4) AaqdX Kmof

89. OJmVrb n{hbm bmH$S>r CnJ«h H$moUVm Xoe gmoS>Uma Amho ?

1. ^maV 2. MrZ 3. Zmgm 4. ݶyPrb§S>

90. å¶wH$a‘m¶H$mogrgr/ black fungus AmOmambm, gmWrMm amoJ åhUyZ Kmo{fV H$aUmao ^maVmVrb nm{hbo amÁ¶ H$moUVo ?
1. V{‘iZmSy> 2. Vob§JUm
3. amOñWmZ 4. ‘ܶàXoe

91. ‘hmamï´> bmoH$godm h³H$ A{Y{Z¶‘ - 2015 H$b‘m§Mr ¶mo½¶ OmoS>çm Owidm.
a) H$b‘ - 18 i) {Z¶‘ H$mb‘¶m©{XV bmoH$godm XoʶmMr g§ñH¥$Vr {dH${gV H$aUo.
b) H$b‘ - 20 ii) gX²^mdZoZo Ho$boë¶m H¥$Vrg g§ajU
c) H$b‘ - 25 iii) Am¶moJmMo A{YH$ma d H$m¶©
d) H$b‘ - 16 iv) Am¶moJmH$S>o Anrb H$aUo
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) ( i)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iv) ( i) (ii) (iii)

92. "‘hmamï´> amÁ¶godm h³H$ A¶moJ' H$b‘ - 13 A§VJ©V amÁ¶nmb, nwT>rb 춳VtZm {‘iyZ ~Zboë¶m g{‘VrÀ¶m {e’$maerZwgma
‘w»¶ Am¶w³Vm§Mo Am{U Am¶w³Vm§Mr {Z¶w³Vr H$aVrb.
A) amÁ¶nmb ~) ‘w»¶‘§Ìr H$) {dYmZ n[afY {damoYrnj ZoVm
S>) EH$ H°${~ZoQ> ‘§Ìr B©) {dYmZg^m Aܶj
n¶m©¶r CËVao …
(1) A, ~, H$, S>, B© (2) A, ~, B©
(3) A, ~, H$, B© (4) A, ~, S>

93. ‘m{hVr A{YH$ma A{Y{Z¶‘ 2005 {df¶r ¶mo½¶ OmoS>r Owidm.

a) H$b‘ - 13 i) A{YH$ma d H$m¶©
b) H$b‘ - 14 ii) amÁ¶ ‘m{hVr Am¶moJ
c) H$b‘ - 15 iii) nX‘w³Vr qH$dm nXmoÝZVr
d) H$b‘ - 18 iv) nXmdYr d eVu
n¶m©¶r CÎmao :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) ( i)
(2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787 PTO

94. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶m {Xder ‘m{hVr A{YH$ma A{Y{Z¶‘mbm amï´>nVtZr ‘Oy§ar {Xbr?
(1) 15 Am°JñQ> 2005 (2) 26 OmZodmar 2005
(3) 15 OwZ 2005 (4) 15 Owb¡ 2005

95. OZ ‘m{hVr A{YH$mè¶mZo dmOdr H$maUm{edm¶ ‘m{hVrg ZH$ma {Xë¶mg. ""emñVr'' ‘m{hVr XoB©n¶ªV à˶oH$ {Xdgmbm............
ê$ emñVr Agob?
(1) 350 ê$. à˶oH$ {Xdgmbm
(2) 150 ê$. à˶oH$ {Xdgmbm
(3) 450 ê$. à˶oH$ {Xdgmbm
(4) 250 ê$. à˶oH$ {Xdgmbm

96. "{S>OrQ>b B§{S>¶m H$m°anmoaoeZ' (Ministry of electronics and information and Technology) ¶m dfu ""AmOmXr Ho$
A‘¥V ‘hmoËgd'' A§VJ©V ""AmOmXr H$m Digital mahotsav'' gßVmh celebrating the Iconic week of :
(1) gßQ>|~a 29 Vo 5 Am°³Q>m|~a 2021
(2) Am°³Q>m|~a 29 Vo 5 Zmoìh|~a 2021
(3) Zmoìh|~a 29 Vo 5 {S>g|~a 2021
(4) {S>g|~a 29 Vo 5 OmZodmar 2022

97. Industrial 4.0 Revolution (4IR) H$emgmR>r AmoiIë¶m OmUma Amho?

(1) Mechanization
(2) Mass production
(3) Electronic and it systems, automation
(4) Cyber physical system

98. WWW (World wide web) V¶ma H$aUmè¶m emñÌkmMo Zmd AmoiIm?
(1) {~bJoQ>g©
(2) Q>r‘ ~Z©g br
(3) A°ÝS´>¶y Q>oZZ~‘
(4) Ooåg JmoñbtJ

99. IPv 4 Am{U IPv 6 ¶m XmoZ Web Address ‘ܶo ‘wb^yV ~Xb H$moUVm?
1) IPv4 ho 32 bit Mo Amho Va IPv 6 ho 64 bit Mo Amho.
2) IPv4 ho 64 bit Mo Amho Va IPv 6 ho 132 bit Mo Amho.
3) IPv4 ho 32 bit Mo Amho Va IPv 6 ho 128 bit Mo Amho.
4) IPv4 ho 64 bit Mo Amho Va IPv 6 ho 128 bit Mo Amho.

100. ISCII (BñH$s) g§JUH$m‘ܶo ^maVr¶ ^mfm§gmR>r dmnaë¶m OmUmè¶m {b߶m§‘ܶo {bImZ H$aʶmgmR>r BñH$s H$moS> V¶ma H$aʶmV
Ambm Amho. ˶mV Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶m ^mfobm (Script) ISCII support H$aV Zmhr?
(1) JwOamVr
(2) ‘amR>r
(3) VobJy
(4) Jwa‘wIr (Gurmukhi)

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nmVirn¶ªV {eH$dUmam ‘hmamï´>mVrc n{hcm d EH$‘od ³cmg

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Topic wise ñnï rH aU.

àË`oH àíZmVrc àË`oH dmŠ`mMo ñnï rH aU. Covered Exams :

ñnï rH aUm_Ü`o UPSC,CDS,SSC amÁ`godm, PSI/STI/ASO
B. narjm§À`m àíZm§Mm g_mdoe. Agri, Forest,Engineering

Cancelled Pmcoë`m àíZm§Mo Combined B, C Group
H maU d Ano{jV CÎmamMo {dícofU.

Vocabulary À`m Mmahr Analyst : Mahesh Patil
n`m©`m§Mo _amR r d M.A. (English)
B§J«OrVyZ ñnï rH aU.
emídV npãcHo eZ hmD g, nwUo
Combined Test Series 2022
Test - 01
Answer Key

à.H«$. CËVa à.H«$. CËVa à.H«$. CËVa à.H«$. CËVa

1 4 26 4 51 3 76 4
2 4 27 2 52 1 77 1
3 2 28 2 53 4 78 2
4 3 29 3 54 1 79 1
5 1 30 4 55 4 80 1
6 4 31 4 56 3 81 4
7 3 32 1 57 1 82 3
8 2 33 1 58 1 83 3
9 1 34 4 59 1 84 3
10 2 35 3 60 1 85 2
11 1 36 2 61 2 86 2
12 2 37 2 62 3 87 2
13 3 38 4 63 3 88 2
14 2 39 1 64 2 89 4
15 1 40 2 65 4 90 3
16 3 41 2 66 3 91 4
17 2 42 3 67 1 92 4
18 1 43 2 68 3 93 1
19 3 44 1 69 1 94 3
20 1 45 3 70 2 95 4
21 3 46 2 71 3 96 3
22 2 47 2 72 4 97 4
23 1 48 3 73 3 98 2
24 4 49 3 74 1 99 3
25 4 50 1 75 4 100 2

emídV AH°$S>‘r, nwUo. Office No - 7820847350 / 7415248787

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