question on digital thinking

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Describe the main phases and sub-phases in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
that can be adopted to plan and manage a project for the Fancy Accessory.
Ans: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that is used by various software
development teams to design, develop, test and deploy high quality software that meets or
exceeds the consumer expectation, which is delivered on time and within budget, and can be
easily maintained and upgraded.

The main phase and sub-phase in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that can be
adopted to plan and manage a project for the Fancy Accessory are:

Main Phase:
Planning: It is starting phase of (SDLC) in which the analyst perform
investigation to evaluate business opportunity, problems and
the objective of the system.
Problem Statement: The analyst first define the problems in a paragraph or more.
The paragraph contains the series of issues or major
independent piece of problem. At last, the analyst defines the
objective of Fancy Accessory.
Preliminary investigation: it this sub-phase the analyst study the system request
recommend the specific action also analyst gathers facts
the problem or opportunity, project scope and constraints,
project benefits and estimated development time and cost of
the Fancy Accessory.

2. Identify all important deliverables for each main phase of SDLC for this project.
Ans: The important deliverables for each main phase of SDLC for this project are
a. Preliminary investigation report for Planning phase
b. System requirement document for Analysis phase
c. System design specification and System prototype for Design phase
d. Functioning System for Implementation phase
e. Fully operational system for Security and Support phase

3. Discuss the THREE (3) importance of systems development methodology that can be
applied by your development team to develop a new system for the Fancy Accessory.
Ans: The three importance of systems development methodology that can be applied by my
development team to develop a new system for the Fancy Accessory are:
a. Structural Approach: My development team uses different Methodologies to track
progress and manage resources. Allocate task and responsibility to all the team
member for smother and effective development process.
b. User friendly design: it is very important for the system to be user friendly to
ensure user involvement so, my team ensure the system to be user friendly for
user to adapt the new system and also implement the review, rating and feedback
c. Risk Management: my development team identify the risks that cause the delay or
failure of the system Such as Budget Issues, time delays, requirement changes,
Security risk and so on also mitigate all the risks before it hamper the Project.

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