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Chapter III

This chapter presents the research design, including who are local respondent of the

study, what are the data gathering procedure and Instrument, Questionnaires of the study,

treatment of the data and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study employ qualitative research design using ethnography approach to study, describe

and interpret the behaviors of the participants. The research is all about the Effectiveness of

closing the gate during class hours in Sablan National High School. Conducting observations

of students in their school, can help identify their behaviors.

Local and Respondents of the study

This study will be conducted at Sablan National High School which implementing the

Effectiveness of closing the gate during class hours. The respondents will be students and


Data Gathering Procedure

To gather reliable data researcher have developt processes that ensure the collection of

relevant. In this procedure there are ensure the collectioIn our study we randomly select 15

participants from Senior high. In every participant we explain our topic and our questions to

them and also we might use native languages to more elaborate their answers\opinion in our


Data Gathering Instrument

The data gathering instruments we used was to gather the randomly participants from Senior

High School. The researcher use interview to the participants to know what are their ideas or

opinion about our topic closing the gate during class hours. This research used this method

also open-minded to them to express and elaborate their ideas to answer our questions. It is

also encouraged the participants to be more cooperative due to the fact, more comfortable to

responds and much open to options like using native language to more explainable their ideas

but still related to our research.

Treatment Data Gathering

In analyzing qualitative data from interviews will be using thematic analysis to identify

common theme, topics ideas and patterns. A thematic analysis is a method in qualitative

research used to examines the data to identify, ideas and patterns to meaning that come up

repeatedly. Thematic analysis is very powerful analysis technique that often conducted on

data derived from interviews, open ended survey responses, social media post and

conversations. The purpose of thematic analysis is to identify themes, patterns in data that are

important or interesting, and use this themes to address the research. It is good approach to

research where you’re trying to find something about people’s knowledge, opinions,

experience, values from a set of qualitative data.


This chapter present the result and discussion that the researchers have gathered data through

the process of conducting interview of the study about effectiveness of closing the gate

during class hour at SNHS.

The advantage of closing the gate during class hour at Sablan National High School is to

avoid skipping classes, to have fun and doing their vices outside the school campus, prevent

students for accidents or to make sure that they are safe until the classes end.

The disadvantages of closing the gate during class hours at Sablan National High School are

students cannot go out to buy any of they want like foods/snacks, school supplies because in

other canteen they don’t have enough supply or materials that they use for activities and they

cannot search or to use internet because inside the school campus has a poor signal.

The effect to the students by closing the gate during class hours would be awesome. Because

they can no longer go outside to do unnecessary things.

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