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Pooen nchon o ho clivectov

G Pouocnc o dieolos is coexkensivo oit te coepoe
dieclorscan do Ony 0ct haB a comho
o do hio astic not abcolute ocd neunoahonr
con be inpoced ba the ack h u l e o he AaA
R PoLn 0 divecl.ors n bood meekia To
weistalo and t boad nebo.t To
0uctrooe boyboak oR ananta To nuet a n
d d

To bOrod mo To HL dp
CoAuO vacan
Ci) Povsea o the koond aio concet o the Con Sale
leao o_dispore og nedoole Or gubstan hal hw wole
o t mder Hakia otheco nuet OThenuise
in rucE geconhea -_borwoo mono ib tho money
DOoed xcooco 0g0p80pale o ik Poid ohho
abila nepoa o
debt debt due doo diecho
Poo oß ohoaholdesg to inteoa
0 Okorm th divock ou aot ogolnc he intenest o cop
Gokoa dh diookov ad nullified
Gu) ou teboand ic incopent io ak_
G)okuo tana is a deodlack in_ Manag@Do

Dobes o diveclocc QAoholoLoloilub

A)Misgkotemsaa in rocpockus
I ) Follove do otovn ho obpiahom moey
ii) Iregulon ollohat oß ghane
C nducigod
)Liahilily o ulhro vieg ad
Pcovisionc o ndepowde Diecws
Evo lisled Compon muc howe atleot Vs vo o
the folal mube oß_dieclor O
indepondeu- diedtos
Pobic Cowapowie kosigon Qhare Copilo ofR I 10 Ovov
tumave 0 loo Ovoves Or
ouig A Outctonding loan ox deboutoven
Pxeedna 50 Oroea muc kaus aleaa
Indepewdlaa iectore
Appoinhst C_ Indehaudaet Nueclos
Aoc ndebaados dveakos 0 qsnal sedeckoc! by h
COmo Krom th dala nointadedby CA
CDckalnd e delodlg onc he gelechoo ie abhoavein
he oho meehg
lee oa abbointed on enw a bYean and
be tmeaphoinkd oothan dtn o o0
but aßke he Cmanple.oa d enm ang
be heaphoinledL 0gain
Renahiae He ic onited do aima nahon includa hh e
Qhaaes bat not onhHed to 9tack ophon
Dcoakicono ndepode. diecto d is Snelokvo nuc mat be
a roolen o comto nelaBed to a proalen ,
blayee kMP o hosuing tecunia ndenes

9jaala n thr o Rckadasle N o t Cohaie

Qeaiia CodeCode o Proksasáovear Gduct
indefamdem ieckoes-

Ka Hovagesiad Cecoa Sbo 9(5L)_

Kup dodea the ohie eK ecohre oceCE0), CEO,
hole veclor monnodadiro ckoy monooe
CS oc O O ocen msF len tnon an manl
beloo eov
hlowaa Divecto Qea Iua C)
Qm oe hsa publuc Comow
Eua uChed oopo
Oi S e Posc o I00 CMo O Ove
3O0 Ovoven Ov noe ougt nve
Hot ndv o
atleo Cme oman dieclor

denenal MechinQ9

Escohia0 Peavea o voDid

) Rropn outhos to e o tho meehrg BaD
mequihoaict Cchoholdencand he NCLT
G) Noliceo dhe meehgA toce o a hHed
the eeg onus be e d wth the rohee athenuoise
emeeb COn be invalid oled T once oatoing
e dale hue þla o t oegbaa00ndo docoas
Lk te noue mop xplonalo
be hos S9 pox orw o o oKoe murt be
ot atleat dcleaa dayg ba meahga
nn doeA a sluda daie odisholch ofnche
48aMs haalo rogt ord he dole og he waah
Te Aong oice must be Cot 5 doa beoe t een
A moise ile ho96 don is ellechua 95
the oenbehs 2aake nnled lo odsad te mmeaiue
ok Qo ei Contoat a onten Nofie Co
be Senws b pos nema Fed hodsheeshos Couieh

hd Quoeu eh Aiwdaup nubs o waasbea

-ivalecompo wwwbec esowe a
-HiUc omo Na o wdoas oun hencoua
b o r c ithnl leadvee, 10 00 5 enbess

vohaa higw Hoao5000

ooo len ton 5006

o ove on 5000 30 abeas

oru quowAiMgt
meehug- Sn io_30 winute
rAO e hua glandh odjaued lo
JA900k ng O d l oblaoo16 t quov UM
nono esent o he odjcure m e e h e o h o H e
nes nis disaluaAL disohbed ho choiwan
oban laoiy to Covduct he mee h
os tha allouoiga
wodwain decose On Ovolen at e weh
intonhnet he nuls oß the meeh
decide on e piesn oR tHhe Oheake
decide m te helesanag o8 ahien oal Ona
corn vake in oa o o he

Minotes 90ww.a ohe aehua oatoiig tne

a h o n abou- ad Hos Aaluhoee Ow
YDncao ho of te maehq i s book owch
oeqtelfe o ha thenes
O lee dhose eheniua
Tic book g t be
waat ach noe murt be cotoun
ihioo o Ooivma Otonotoo om

o neqa keaedd Ocein e COs hodu oe

CS Okoous towne tho wnsfe book is
pumishable oita pnSonwan

Type o neoluhos gdi hesaluio.a lcauple

is thon
Note eot og0na heaio Renalahoe
91 clea doennOh oeexplosmadora datowen
Noten Cowt in ovOUr o nenluneis 3
ohe Cot 00 ong


Dienenc belwrea AGM
ond_EGM bomd ocn
who aona Coll EGM 2
By the Bob Call rrarisiongAGM d la brallowd
) B ha Bab oanQuicihon o mbens ao wld rok
lese tharn o h o thehoid u dha0nila or
i) Athe ihequisihonick them.ce.lvesithe Bob
la callr the netha woithin 3 meahc K he
dale o nequieihon oe neaquisihonis hemcelves
CoO call nemech
) Byhe Tnbunad dils
ahhlicanoo made bu direcdo Or o ghanehaldon

Resenh.oo O Openahon &


lacta o Cose loo inod Qhaneholdeg allged hot
the director hnchod o hlat o lond in thi oum cone
ond 2old iE lb the Corp0 a 0 cnice cousing cousing
loco to he coenpa The oion ghanekaldes in e
Qpra meehaadecided_nab te a ake any ochoo
Qg0indthe drocknuo bu ha uoo inoa gonehode
led On opplicah.aa a0ainol thetwintevo9
he couet dä at intnuain iequlont
ih t8 can be rahliod by onho thraual i
Oun_oceRd Moo la said lox to Ahe
Tis a p l e o
ole o
Covspa wn _centoin druenahon
weinabic applicaldle o Indho
OA dheced in he Commbanhea Oc
Mis monag Rmon

Oho a Kle an ophlacaho againg Openonoe Xwis wowosna

Aleout too mmbeng or 10 the olad no o
mebeas klcheue is leM- COenpomd ith ghona
Vs th o He lolod no. o msbar fo copanils
witou Oro cahila
ho conba ot

Regulahioo o Hha conddook g ohai od m

RD Reahicho on He oaa o la oohanta

Tenwinah orn x ge a oAide o wadikcahom of
ony Oaemn
) Renoval oo diecto o wmonaa oo opaia

Codoale Qcio Repoaibi

Ta do Coag e b osociey lexplai

OCHsiitundentaka by C e n buraua 0
e hecoaLnd aha o SR Coai hee
Acisihe unde CSR

Cpout baud undatoki CSR Proiec

hawma aoctn o 500 OvoveOv ane
pro o 5 Oro duopthe imealiael
Acnaunso be sbo 9 oR tho Ovano n
rop o A co. lot 3 bcel

C9R Corowithee
CSA Comnitre oi th 3 wdoos Ou o sioh
i indepodot diveoto hublic co wse
wi diealo
G) Reap.o aibiio coteo lo ovwslake and secow.
o Aho boond he baliou la he alloas.d h

90ciey Oc Qeako R nepo

C Dnsho wt the boond aleer musnalec
a meonono ot Ohenoias spoca

w unchast mo mD be hromedehnedtoongho
CSR accou itlio G.oAHoc O eae
Otn Opi oloalond wothin 30 doun

NoaNo0 Ooonpiovnaoeodh le huoishssdbu

woyooy O
och On xkerd lo

lngiden roding
Commeched bANS Om
uodisclasad hdne 9ogih o
ho tmelad lo ingides ro-cla
Rmishwwa 5 ovon Orr we O
Co d

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