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S.Y. 2023-2024


Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Date/ Time: May 2, 2024 / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Room and Building: RH 09
Grade and Section: 8-Andalusite

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of probability.

Performance Standard: The learner is able to is able to formulate and solve practical problems
involving probability of simple events.

Most Essential Learning Competency: Finds the probability of simple event. (M8GE-IVh-1)


1. Define probability of simple events.

2. Solve the probability of simple events.
3. Collaborate actively in discussion and group activities associated with probability.


Topic: Finding probability of simple event.

a. [Angelika Magan]. Probability of Simple Events [Video]. YouTube.
b. Grade 8 – DepEd Cavite. (n.d.).
c. Toppr. (2022, September 5). Define a simple event-. Toppr Ask.

Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, manila paper, marker, TV, chalk, chalkboard, Picture of
Fiesta Games, Activity Sheets, and Visual Aids


1. Daily routine (2 minutes)

A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of cleanliness
D. Checking of attendance

2. Review (5 minutes)

Guess the jumbled word/words: A friend of Donny invites him to a place in Santa Cruz,
Laguna where he may play lots of entertaining games. Donny became excited, but his
friend told him that he should guess some hidden words before he could join the games. If
he guesses it all, then he would surely join his friends. Guess the correct word/words by
arranging the letters, using the provided definitions as clues. Show your answer after
fifteen seconds.

1. Procedure that can be infinitely repeated and has a well-defined set of results.
2. These are the possible results of an experiment. EOUMTSOC
3. The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment. PSMALE PCAES
4. Something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence especially one of
some importance. TVENE
5. It is the chance that an event will happen. LPORBBIAYIT
3. Motivation (5 minutes)
Santa Cruz Fiesta!
Since Donny was able to solve all the jumbled words that his friends asked him, they
are now in the town plaza of Santa Cruz, Laguna. They started to roam around and saw some
familiar games. The teacher will present some pictures of some games seen at the town plaza
where Donny and his friends are. The students are going to determine which events in Santa
Cruz include those games and what are the objects used in each game presented.

These are the following games:

1. Ask the following questions:

a. Are you familiar with the following games?
b. What are the objects used in the games?
c. What event in Santa Cruz, Laguna include the games presented?
2. Discuss short trivia about Santa Cruz, Laguna’s Fiesta.

4. Priming (5 minutes)
Show me board!
Three objects from the games presented will be used in the next activity. The cube in
the color game, a coin in coin throwing, and a dice in beto-beto. Transform the pictures
presented in fraction form and express them in lowest terms if possible. Write your answer in
a 1/8 illustration board.

1. 3.

2. 4.
1. How many possible outcomes do we have in a one multi-colored cube in a color game?

2. How about if we throw a die?

3. How about if we toss a one-peso coin?

3. Is there anything that could change if we throw the dice and play the color game three

5. Activity (15 minutes)

For Group 1-3

Do it Yourself

Materials: Activity Sheet, cartolina/manila paper, pentel, and tape

Direction: Each group will be given an activity sheet. Do the following tasks written on it
then answer the guide questions.

Do it yourself:

1. Hold the die and list the number of dots shown in each face.
2. List down the even numbers on the die.
3. What are the numbers less than 3?

Guide Questions:

1. What are the possible outcomes when throwing a die?

2. What is the total number of all possible outcomes when you throw a die?

3. If you throw a die once, what is the chance that you will get a number 6?

4. If you roll a die once, what is the chance that you will get an even number?

5. If you roll a die once, what is the chance that you will get a number less than 3?

6. If you roll a die once, what is the chance that you will get a number 7?

For Groups 4-6

Do it Yourself

Materials: Activity Sheet, cartolina/manila paper, pentel, and tape

Direction: Each group will be given an activity sheet. Do the following tasks written on it
then answer the guide questions.

Do it yourself:
1. Hold one multi-colored cube used in the color game and write the colors of in each
2. List down the primary colors in the multi-colored cube.
3. What are the colors that is not red?

Guide Questions:

1. What are the possible outcomes when you pull the string in the color game using one multi-
colored cube?

2. What is the total number of all possible outcomes when you pull the string once in the color
game using one multi-colored cube?

3. If you pull the string once in the color game using one multi-colored cube, what is the
chance that you will get color blue?

4. If you pull the string once in the color game using one multi-colored cube, what is the
chance that you will get the primary colors?

5. If you pull the string once in the color game using one multi-colored cube, what is the
chance that you will get a color that is not red?

6. If you pull the string once in the color game using one multi-colored cube, what is the
chance that you will get color violet?

(Each group will be graded using an analytic rubric below.)

Expert (5) Average (4) Beginner (3)

Cooperation The group members Not all of the members Most of the members
worked together and cooperated, but some are don't work together
exchanged ideas. exchanging ideas. and don't share ideas.
Organization Students listened to one Students listened to one Students do not listen
another and did not another, but sometimes to each other and very
disrupt other groups. disrupt other groups. chaotic.
Time management Finish on or before the Finish the activity 1 Finish the activity 2
given time. minute after the given minutes after the given
time. time.
Accuracy Students got all the Students got 1-3 incorrect Students got more than
correct answer. answers. 3 incorrect answers.

6. Analysis (6 minutes)

1. How did you solve the probability for each event?

2. Aside from fraction do you think is there any other possible way to write the probability of
simple event?

3. Do you think the probability of simple events only lies between 0 and 1?

4. Were you able to formulate and solve practical problems involving probability of simple

7. Abstraction (5 minutes)
Probability - tells how likely an event is to happen. The more likely an event is to occur, the
higher its probability. The less likely an event is to occur, the
lower its probability.

Simple events - are the events where one experiment happens at a time and it will be having a
single outcome. The probability of simple events is denoted by P(E) where E is the event.

number of favorable outcomes

total number of all possible outcomes

Probability Rules:

1. The probability of any event is a number from 0 to 1.

2. If an event will never happen, then its probability is 0.

3. If an event is sure to happen, then the probability is 1.

4. The sum of the probabilities of all the outcomes in the sample space is 1

8. Application (5 minutes)
Work by pairs and solve the given problem.
Donny and his friends decided to play spin the wheel with 10 sections. On the
spinning wheel, colors red and white have five sections. Each section is marked with single
digit from 1-10. If Donny and his friends will spin the wheel, what is the probability that they
will get:

1. a number 8?

2. an odd number?

3. not a number 7?

4. a color red?

5. a color white?
IV. Evaluation (10 minutes)
Answer the following questions. Read and analyze the given problem.

Before finally going home from the fiesta, Donny and his friends also tried the
balloon dart throw. It is where the players throw darts at balloons attached to a wall. There are
3 blue, 3 pink, 1 green, 2 orange, 3 yellow, and 2 red balloons.

1. What is the total number of all possible outcomes in the balloon dart throw?

a. 14 b. 13 c. 12 d. 11

2. If Donny tried to pop a balloon, what is the probability that he will pop a blue balloon?
5 3 1 3
a. b. c. d.
14 13 4 14
3. What is the probability that he will pop a primary color?
5 6 7 8
a. b. c. d.
14 14 13 14

4. What is the probability that he will pop not a color red?

5 6
a. b. 1 c. d. 2
6 7
5. If he tries to pop a balloon once, what is the probability that he will pop a pink balloon?
3 2 8
a. b. c. d. 3
14 9 9

V. Assignment (2 minutes)
List down at least three situations from your experiences, where probability is applied. Find
the probability of its event.

Example: Wearing uniform

S= { P . E . Uniform , School Uniform }

P(School Uniform) =


Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Master Teacher I


Master Teacher I

Master Teacher II


Field Study Coordinator

Activity Sheets

Group 1-3 Group 4-6

Rubric for group activity

Expert (5) Average (4) Beginner (3)

Cooperation The group members worked Not all of the members Most of the members
together and exchanged cooperated, but some are don't work together and
ideas. exchanging ideas. don't share ideas.

Organization Students listened to one Students listened to one Students do not listen to
another and did not disrupt another, but sometimes each other and very
other groups. disrupt other groups. chaotic.

Time management Finish on or before the given Finish the activity 1 minute Finish the activity 2
time. after the given time. minutes after the given

Accuracy Students got all the correct Students got 1-3 incorrect Students got more than 3
answer. answers. incorrect answers.
Evaluation Sheet

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