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UNSW Global "THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 2014 ICAS ee eerie and Assessments for Schools SCIENCE Educational Assessment Australia ence 1. The diagram presents the surface of Iq ineise a bute, Burtos are used to dispense accurately measured volumes of aus. mat i the reading on this burt? (423m. (4am (c) 436m. (0) s7m. For questions 2 and 3 us the information below. “The photographs show seeds rom four diferent plans next to aul marked in centimetes. Photo 3 “Tho table gies a description ofthe seeds [Rane tpt | Toxire [otetrtnm [our [shape] ‘Siverbeet rough a4 brown round Chinese eabbape ‘smooth 12 Back rune English spinach ‘moat 2s on round ‘Sweet bail ‘oath 12 Back eal 2. Which photo shows he seeds ofthe English ernach pant? @)Photot (8) Proto (© Protos ©) Protos 3. Which fetre must be used to dstngush between the Chinese cabbage seeds and the sweet balsas? (texte ©) diameter (©) colour ©) save awe sarosee 2 For questions 4 and $ use the information below. Nicotine san adie rug. Scientsts ae tying to ec a vaccine tht may help pecpe give up smoking by ‘sing the body's own defences The vacene woud make te body prea anos that stop the nico rom reaching the ban ‘The cvgrams shows the efecto ating onthe bran and how the vaceine may work. Hl Weotne enters the Bood om the lungs Vaccine injects ino body dopamine, which provides pleasurable sensations | othe brain Nicotine can entorthe brain becauseitis a | El The body oneratns antibodies that indo ‘smal molecule eae molecules [Bre ricatne binds to ocoptors,rotasing 1B The nictne-antibody partici to big to cross Key + ooting anibedy ‘ynat causes ncatne to become a rug of adeicon? (8) Cigarette smoke easly enters the biodstream. (8) Niotne sat enor he bloodstream. (C) Nicotine binding with anoodes gives a pleasant feng (0) Nicotine causes dopamine to be released, whic give a pleasant feeling. “The stops inthe vacsnaton process ae listed, bur they ate NOT inthe come order: “The body produces aniboes. Antbodies bin othe letne molecules 2 3. Molecules are too big © oss int the bain 4. Vaccine ontars the blood by using an injection, ‘nich ofthe folowing its he stops inthe comet era? ates () se12 (1238 o For questions 6 and 7 use the Information below, _Aclae ea grouping of organisms thatincudes @comrion ancestor and athe dascendans (hing and ‘itn oat ancoter. “The dagram represents group of ergarss faring 2 clade [— brown boar 1 — en bear spectacied bear jant panda lesser panda L_____—<éog so 8 a0 ay —— rilons of years age 16. Which ofthese statements ie supported bythe information in his gram? (8) Bears evoled fom dogs (6) __ Bears snd doge stare a common ancestor {C) Tre spectoclod bear andthe gant panda share al the same ancestors. {8} The gan pando andthe lesser panda nave more in common thn the lesser panda athe raccoon. 7. Wie shaded group on he sigram does NOT form a cade? “ W|}) MU " 7 '8. The photograph shows a microscopic organism cle a catom, enlarged more than a tousand tines. The rumbored marker are 10 icons apart nat the approximate rea. length of ‘he ctor, measure tom X10 Y7 (&) so merons (8) s0merons (©) TO merons (©) scm 8. Ecolgits can estima the number of organisms vig in an e2osystom by counting the number of ‘xan within quadrats A quaat sa sal measured area of ound marked of a random. “Te ecologists used ve quadrats that each had an area of mand applied he formula tt whore isthe average number of an organism por quarat {isthe total numberof the organism na quadrats ‘nls the numberof quadrats “Te diagram shous the reuls of n investigation in an area. Totalarea: 300m? ~~ Area ofeach quadrt 4 Using the data provided, what the best estimate ofthe ota numberof ees nthe ecosystem being Investigate? 2 @ 9% () s30 ©) 450 3 sess s0 10. Wana sold substance asove in vata, the bons between the partes nthe sold ae broken. This involes a vate f energy, cle tho heat of soliton energy I feleacedin th process, he process is ‘Shido Be exctherme and the iid heals. Usa had four beskers that contained equal amounts of water. The tamperatur ofthe warn ach beaker ‘wae 22°C. Sha had four diferent sate Ste dsoWed equal amounts of he salts separately, one ach Deaker and record the final fompertue ofthe water in oach beaker. Te graph represents her resus. Final temperature of solution 36. a Kev ee —— I cote na in Bi ttm roe Bis Bi estimentese 5 ol potassium chorate Bs ° nic of he sats undergoes an exothermle procoss whan schng in water? (A) tsum bromide only (8) um bromide and sodlum enone (6) ammonium nate and potassium chorale (©) potassium crate onty “1. Chemical reactons canbe represented by aquatons. Fr example, the reaction between hydrogen (H,) and ‘oxigen (0,0 form water (H,0} can be opreseios by he equation 2H, +0, 9240 “The coon in ont of hydrogen and war are used to balance the number of atoms on each sie of the ‘equation Where no cooficient ls shown, is takon fo be 1 ‘hvstina woes chemi auton to represent the reaction between hope sie (HS) ar suc 220 (50) HS+H,S0, > 50,+H0 ‘She batnced by adsing ooefents X92 WHj8+xH,80, > y60,+2H,0 he comec vas forthe oetens? stesso re 6 For questions 12 and 13 use the information below. Unda was canying out an Investiatin using ferent elcrodes and en acs. Sh ook tree boaksrs and outed 100 mo cae sulfuric alt nto aac beaker. Next she placed a prof lactodes m each beak, ‘She conectad electrodes othe terminals ofa contezor elite, each pain um. “The alograms show te eodngs she obtained Beaker t 12, Which ofthese ranks the beakers in ote of th amount of vatage produced rom smallest to gratast? (8) Beaker, Beaker, Bosker 3 (8) Beaker2, Beaker 3, Beaker 1 (@)Beater3, Beaker, Beaker 1 (0) Besker3, Beaker 1, Beaker 2 18, Which ofthese od Linda NOT need to keep the same rc to make this fa test? (A) the shape of the container (8) the concentration of the ald (©) the ype of acd used (0) the temperature of he chemicals 14. An oxoplanet ia planet tha orbits a star otter han the Sun, ‘Te ciagram shows some of those exoplanes and Earth drawn ote same scale, ‘These exoplanets have eon named Kepler 4b, Kepler Sb, Keper Bb and Kepler 7, ee vn won neceenrsrnenanes ee 16. For questions 15 and 16 use tho information below. “The pt ofa substance fs 2 measure of how actor akan itis. A substance such as pure wale, whieh Jus a MET, 8 neal The move aod a subeanoo i, the lover ts pH, The more alkaline a substance is the rear its pH “The dagram shows 2 numberof ebstances with the pH Which statements corect? (8) Maxis more sci than baking soda, {8} Bananas are more ace than tomatoes but less acc han pure weer. {@)___Thelevelof eckty grapes tho sare as to vel of akalnty bleach, {0} Bananas have alower than tai, ‘men 100 mi of waters mixed wih 1 mL ofeach, tho pH vale ofthe mitre becomes about 10 ‘0 ml of stomach acide med with 100 mo wate. Whats the pH valu of he modure doses 0? wo ® 1 © 2 o 7 Haemophilia is 2n Yl rcessive casa, Women possessing bth recessive alles ofthe gene OC) ‘ha eho the symptom ofthe disease, Wornon wh have oly one of he recessive ails (OX) wil not ‘Show the symptom, but ae led carr othe disease, Man can receive the recessive all ther mother shows the symptoms ofthe disease o if she is & caries, “The pedigree shows tree generations ofthe Adams fay and the Philp fami “The Adams daughie marie the Philp sn, who showed symptoms of the disease. ‘dems Phiips Kev tt. bch. = ES fit) ” ‘nat the probability that acid ofthis mariage wll show symploms ofthe disease? ao 25% © mm 0) 100%, ees aw OO 8 18, The dagram shows an eect meter that has more than one scale on it. The meter has been connected Ina orautand a euent is towing. When tis wed in aero the negate (-) terminalis aay Used. The maximum curont {hat ean be measure wit the meter cane 5, 50.0" 500 millamps (mA) depending on which potve (+) trial suse, ‘yma ith racing (in mA) shown onthe mater? w 1s ® 2s © 6 25 19, Tworesstor in an electric rut canbe connected in series orn parle Tho table shows example of ‘asltr in srs and reseor in parate and he way to calc tho foal resistance (Rn each case. Chery! wired up tre resistors into the uit shown nthe agra R, Winch of nase gives nett esistance ofher crcl? e oscar een 120, When wo or more foros at onan objet, they combine to produce one sng fre. ‘Ann ples a compass ona horizontal sue ‘The noadi pintod north, de tothe force of art's magnetic fe. ‘Sho placed a magnet near the compass. The ‘compare need polriad in the cecton shown. ‘Ann tumed the magnet around ot pointed in he (opposta dracon and paced Ital he same dance from te compass as before, Inwhich drecon di the compass needlepoint as a resut? “ ® © © su pietoe nee 0 For questions 21 and 22 use the information below. ‘Photovopsm sth name forthe way plants gow towards ight Light anes on seedings rom one side and tho seedings aro served for soveral hous. They repeated ‘he experiment with a vary of teatments as sou contro! w x y z ‘Wen the tp was exposed toh, a substance was transmitod om the ip of he seeing only down the ‘de way fom te ight source. 21. This statement isan example of (A) concision (& anmypomesis (c)snintrene, (0) snoboervaton, 22. Which diagram canbe use withthe conto to support the te parts of the sitement? a supported by W supports by ® supported by W supported by X © supported byZ suppared by o supporiod byZ supported by rm ecient For questions 28 and 24 use the information Below. Its bated that Mayan Indians used deop caves, cae concise measure time. They recoded the tdays on which he Sun rect ovethead a oon, Ths happens just twice 8 year “Te rat agra represents he Heltun cate, The second dlagram represents he rit of Earth around tha Sun, 23. Which of thse isthe most kay obsewvaton the Mayans made to determine that the Sun was dec over the osole? (8) The cenoe went dark curing an ecto. {8} The ight covered tho ont surtace of the lake, {C)___ The ightrelcted by te watr was aligned with the incoring ight {) Thevignt stuck me water at the came angle at which was reflected ‘26. OnMarch 21 and September 21, the Sun scree over he equator which hes a latude of 0" On June 21 the Sun rect over afte of about 23" “The tw dats on which the Sus rays srk the water inthe Hoon ceote versely sare ay 23 and uly 1. -Asprximatly how for nar of the equator isthe Hluncenote? (a) mere han 38 degrees (B) between 23 and 33 dogroos © 14.23 dogrees o 2ar0 and 12 dogres soccer 2 ‘The dlagram ilustates the change in drecton of ight ray when it a passos om ato a more donde sustanee (wate) and backint a. = Jack held up aspheric! ask and looked at his nd Jl hough the ask. “Thi what he saw, "Not, ck filed the Nas wth clean tp water and looked at J tough the Rack again Wich of hese strates what Jack saw tis tne? ° “ ® © & @ a When a eustance mised wih water th deny of he miu depends on what substance hasbeen ‘ised wi the wale and how much of thas been added othe water Jose made four erent matures by ming thancl and aca ai in cfret proportions wih wat t 20° “The table shows the censes ofthe mistures she produced. The density of wat at 20°C 0.9962 gon ‘ 30% ethanol = 70% water 0.9558. 2 [7% ethane = 30% water 0.676 ‘3 | 30% seote ada 70% wsior | 1.0360 “4 | 70% seote aad 30% water | 1.0673 ‘Based onthe inormation nthe tle what could be the dent of pure (100%) ean? (™) o7e89 () ostor (c) to«77 (©) tan 18 een en 00 For questions 27 to 28 use the information below. “The pH scale ie uted to compare the scty of substances, Substances tht are neutal have a pH of 7. ‘Addl subslancos have a plas than 7, whe subtanoes that ae basic havea pl greater han 7. “Te graph shows past changes and predicted changos in the pH of ocean water and in he concentration ‘tthe dascived carbon Gewde (CO,,,], and the conconvaton of soWed carbonate ens, (CO, eon wae. PH Ocean water acidity (Pv) (P%/1 8 38° 300 e2|_e 30 fas arf POT laos 20 Spee 0. 1! (C0, 1 (Cn) of 18. s fo 18. a lo "e50 19o0 1950 2000 2060 2100 Yeer 21. By what amount ibe concentaton of carbon ose csstved in oosan war change between 1850 dhe yoo 20007 ()Coaymaing —(@)-—-2A pat CC) okg ©) zymes 28. Which satomentis supported bythe data nthe graph? (A) The oceans ae now aise {8} The oosane are expected to be ace by th year 2100 {6} The concenvation of carbonate ona is expected fo 09 to abou 13 by 2100. {0} The pH ot ocean waters expects to have dropped Dy sbout 0.4 fram 1800 to 2100. 28, Body Mass Index (EMI) i one indleator hat doctors uso to assess the heath of pains, The Bl shows the elaonehip beeen the mass and hight of @porson as olous ul= where: w= mass inklograms ka) ‘b= heightin mets (m) “The cograme show the mas and aight of four paints (A,B,C and D) A e @ a ea Key A & * a S 7 pet aie xe ry mM cieny | ratte 38 ao a yr [ABM above 90 inate that a patient sa grestr risk of dveloping betes and heart seas ‘Bose on the BMI atone, which patent i most risk of developing diabetes or her cease? (A) patint ©) patent (©) pation ©) patient sienna 1« 30, Tho table summarises the hierarchy of cons that used to minis the rskof nur uring hazardous acivtes, suchas experiments, 29. throw out Used chemeals tise the Seer) uses era z atardous chemical 129, lock chomicas away Ina secure room 9. spreating ofthe chemicals hack and service ‘equipment regulary ee 29.00 plugs, satel olastes, Serene ts orth unt you nove» beter method af contra. Sos is a highly reactive meta treet vient with cold wer, omring hydtogen gas which may be ignite by he hoa produced by te reacon and explode ‘science tachor waned his ass to observe a sina racton of metal reacting with water. He to his students o use alum metal and to wear sat lastes, Wien controls dhe taacar use? (8) removal an replacement (8) replacoment and personal protection (C) removal an porconalprotacton (0) barricade and personal pretscton 16 For questions 21 and 32 use te information below. [Ahacksa blade can osciate when one en exe in plaoe and he other ise fee to move, The part of tho blade that can move is ald the fe length hacksaw bade ‘reo fnath ary atachod ferent masses to @ hacksaw blade, one atte. For each mess, he measured the ime {or 5) oscatons, and ton dad tus bythe number of oxlatons to calouste he pero, “Tne graph reeset is ost. os 08 Peri of osciliation(e) Mass () S51, Hany attached an unknown mass othe hacksaw blade and the bade ta make 80 oscllatons, His result was 94.1 it voating, He measured the te it ook How hea wes the unknown mass? «09 ®) 980 (©) 09 ©) 409 52 What woud be the mos! fet part of he expect? (8) attaching masses tothe blade {B) holding ane ond of bade st {€)__ealelating the tm for one period {8} counting te rumeer of osciations intesas on 16 a. For questions 33 and 84 use the information below. “The spoectime graph ofan abject shows the speed ofthe object at ferent mes. ‘The ares under a section ofthe graph represents tha dstanco tho object travel during that timo ‘ea = Amis «188 =60m oro. For example, is speed-ime graph shows {hat acarravelng ata speed of 4 mis raveted a ‘stance of 0 rates in 15 seconds - 2 -Jack and Jil are in separate cars on long straight } ‘stretch of road. The graph shows the speed oftier a over a period of 60 seconds ° 3 D 18 time(s) speed (mis) (ee time(s) Ahich pont in te ack nd Ji travel athe same speed as each ther? ® t=108 @e 28 (©) 12908 0) t= Who traveled fur durng tho 60 seconds and whats the diflornce inthe dstnce they tavaled? @ i 2 ® oa 25 © sok 75 © i 160 7 i eer 35. An estmtion ofa population sizeof active notumal animals can be made by the capturerecapure mathe, ‘Ania numberof anal ie capured, tagged (marked) and hon elated. After these tagged animals ha ie to max th the esto he population, a second capture is perormes. “The fotoning equation i used to estinae total population me R " sta of ot population sizo otal numberof animals captured an tagged on the st ocasion (C= Total number af animals captured onthe second cozasion R= Number of animals captures on the st ozcaston and rapture onthe sacond ‘A study was peromed ona species of bat. The otal numba of bas captured and tagged onthe frst ‘ceasion was 250, The total numberof bats daplired on the second cecaion was 75 and Included ‘*Staggedbats “This bat species abl te brad and double ts population ppraximatly very 3 years ‘wnat would be te best estimate ofthe bat popuiaton fir 6.5 yours? (1250 (5800 (@) 7500 (ats 36, When cbjects accelerate as thy ol down a ramp, the graviatonal potential energy changes ito Knee nara. Roling objects have wo ypee of netic energy anslatenal (maving forward) and otaonl (pining) ‘Dov cared out an experiment using tees diferent objets: 8 soll sphere, across anda hop. [Altos had the sme mass and the same dame, shee 8° hoop ‘vid tthe cbjocts ol down a ramp. Ha released them fom the same height onthe ramp and measured tha tine ook each object to reach the Bottom ofthe ramp. \Wnat was the independent vara in Davis's experiment? (8) thetength ofthe amp (@) _thoredus ofthe objects {C)__ the dstrouton of mass in tho objects {0} the tne each object ook i reach the Dot ofthe mp steiner 18 37. The denaty ofan objects given by the equation density = es A sold bject wi at ona qui ifithas a donsty thats los than the deny of the qui. The Heating Sl esplcas an arcunt of water wih a mags eau! os cum, Ihe golds deny greater han that of the igus, wl sink nthe gu, “The donsy of watris 1 glen. Jeckhas @ wooden spore in a up, feating in @ beaker of wate, as shown the aiagram. sm. 100— | —beakor | ap sphere ‘The mass of he cup 20 grams and tha fhe spheres 8 grams. The volume ofthe spheres 10 on Wien ofthese best ows the new wate lve inthe basker? ° GGL Jacks te cup out ofthe war, shakes of any water and places the wean sper in the beaker of water amount of energy that needs to be aed to he system 138, The activation nee for a reactions the minimum pe used to lower the activation Toft tnereacbon wl tat n ame chara reactions acaliyst can ‘energy forthe reaction “The enhalpy change ofthe reaction isthe difrence Baten the energy ofthe products and the eneray of the acini ‘Beso on th Information nth graph, which Corey represents the achvaon energy ant the onnaby change ot catalyse reaction? we 8) ee, Ee, penes Te ee ee | * © Ee | +9, The potential energy af system made up of two hydrogen atoms depends on he cstance betwoen them Faerie oe dese. the nuceus ofeach stom sats to atrac the electron ofthe other, decreasing the aon onary of to system, When the potent energy reaches a imum value, the to atoms share {fetma sacs and frm a siable molecule This i represented nthe areoh Lich point on the graph represents the detance between two hydrogen stems when they for a state rmoleeaia? «0. 4 For questions 49 and 41 uss the information below. ‘locos it 2 chemical reaction caused bypassing @ dec curen trough a chemical substance, ‘The éagram shows a votaeter that Jose had boon using fr tho elactoysis of water. Cynder YI opan atthe top. ‘Witt power supply swiched on, electrons ener he water through one elated (in ender X) and leave the water trough te oer electrode in inde 2). This produces we gases, one at each electrode. ‘Te gases are rapped nthe Lubes and canbe leased though aap. The die aid aces to to war haps the flow of aoc. An tap water + lute “src ao ‘lecrode power supay edie “The reactions that tke place at the locos canbe summarised 440, 440 2H + KOH, 20, + Oy #4 dat osl sched onthe equipment and bubbles start to form In ubes X and Z ich eagram repesents what the clades looked Ske sometime itor? , ® © o ellie - | |. | | le Wich of te folowing matches esc cyfinder wih its ole inthe process and the gas tal wl bo produced in the cyiner? (W) [source ofetecrons. | oygen | craintorelecrons. | __hysrogon (©) | source af slecrons.| hydrogen | ean or elecrons: ongen (C)| arainferetecrons. | oygen | source afetecrons. | __fydrogen (0) | eran fer electrons. | —_hyrogan ‘ogen a seers 42. Airbags ave designed to protect he occupants of carding 2 colision. They use the decomposition of ‘uum asda, NaN, Three cherie reaction occur reply ator mpac and produce nitrogen 98s (N) ‘ithe abog “The equatons summarise the overall prooss that takes place x 4. BAN 928, #3Nyp 2. 10Naq* 2KNO,, -» KO # N80, * Nay 8. K0,,* Na Oy #28044 KOS, * NOS, What se rato between the number of sedum azide (NON, molouls used and the numberof rogen (W,,)Melecuospreducos in the overall process? BY NAN N= 2:3 ©) Nay Nay 8:8 (©) NON Net: ©) Nan Nye t8 43. When a sphere role dow aramp, the gravistoal potent energy ofthe sphere is converted ino era ‘foto kines anergy). The geatar he height ofthe amp, the greater the speed of he sphere when ‘actos te botem of Be rao. Harry ult etre ramps shown, : bh. Eee so A tee ramps ave the same eight, Harry released tres small stool spheres X,Y and Z) tthe same tie, one fom the top of each ram, ich sphere reached tha end ofthe ramp rst an whats the reason fortis? [i | They al gst threat the sare ime | Th spheres al have the same fa peed. @ a Travels the shortst tance. © Y Ths the greatest average speed, ©) z is ramp has a secon wi he tospes slope ties 00 2 For questions 44 and 45 use the Information below. “The dlagram lustrates the Sun, Earth andthe Moon at il mon, lcking down on Earth's North Poe Inte Earth eperoxmately 385 days ogo around the Sun ence and approxinatay 24 hours to pla ‘trough one compete revaiton on sas “The Moon takes 28 days to complete one abit around Eat. The same side of the Moon alae faces Ea, Esco Moon's ob, Moon @ ‘Approximately how long oes the Moon ake to pln through one evoluten on ts axe? (A) The Moon doas nt spin on sale (8) 2hous, (c) 2adays (0) 365 cays Wich of thse itusratos the approximate location of Earth and the Moon eave to eachother and tothe ‘Sun, exact one day ator to fal moon shown above? 2 sees 0

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