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Estimado Aplicante a Beca Vive México:

Algunos de los organismos internacionales a los que estas solicitando una beca nos han pedido
que envíes una carta específica de motivos a una o más de las becas que solicitas.

La razón de esto, es porque los organismos internacionales en algunos proyectos dada su

naturaleza requieren de conocer un poco más de ti para poder aceptarte en el programa

Cuando para solicitar la participación en un programa se solicita esta carta es de SUMA

IMPORTANCIA para la respuesta positiva a tu solicitud, debes llenarla con cuidado y mandarla
rápidamente ya que de ello depende tu aceptación.

Debes redactar una carta de motivos para cada proyecto que la requiera.

Las cartas por lo general se deben llenar en ingles

Para generar tu carta de motivos debes usar la siguiente guía, la forma de usar la es la siguiente:

1. Redacta tu carta en inglés respondiendo a la guía de exposición de motivos que de damos

a continuación y consultando tambien la descripción del proyecto al que aplicaste la cual
esta en la parte final del presente documento.
2. Escribe tu carta de motivos de la manera que te represente mejor como persona, debe
tener tu personalidad y plasmar tu interés en el proyecto en el extranjero asi como
comunicar el porque te motiva participar y serias un participante positivo para el mismo.
Estas cartas las leen con mucho cuidado asi que es importante lo que transmites en ella.
3. Imprime la carta de motivos y fírmala
4. Escanea en PDF la carta de motivos y mándala de regreso al correo
Listo esto es todo!

Estas list@?... empecemos!


Puntos a desarrollar en tu carta de motivos

1. Inicia con tu nombre completo y de donde eres

2. Explica cual fue la razón que te hizo decidirte a aplicar al programa que requiere la carta
3. Explica que es lo que te parece interesante y te llama la atención de participar en el
4. Explica de que manera tu puedes ayudar al programa y sus actividades
5. Termina con un agradecimiento

Children support & Senior care/TOCHIGI | CIEEJ1713 | 2017-08-13 - 2017-08-26 | CULT,KIDS |

Age: 18 - 40

NPO MAINICHI Christmas is dedicated to help the elderly and children in a broad range of ways in
their daily lives. At a day care service facility, they help seniors with the daily tasks; bathing, food
preparation, basic medical care and entertainment. They also offer service for people who do not
have family members or people who just want to have a chat or some activities. Friendly staffs
(about 20 in total) also look after children, playing a role of “Afterschool” so that they provide some
activities and comfortable places until the evening. MAINICHI means “Everyday” in Japanese, the
founder hopes that their residents can spend “Everyday like a Christmas holiday”. Host organization
also work closely with NPO international nature school Nikko, UNESCO world heritage
environmental survey group and Dokkyo Medical University Nikko to provide a variety of activity and
stimulate the community and accelerate the communication among international members and local
Japanese. CIEE Japan started STV with MAINICHI Christmas last year and it is going to be 4th
time hosting this year. NPO MAINICHI Christmas(JAPANESE)

Work: - With day care service stuff, volunteers help seniors do their activities (art, dance, songs,
talk in Japanese) - Support children at an after school and local school (playing and mingling)
During the project, volunteers also help Children at NPO international nature school (play sports,
games, songs and fitness along riverside to the mountains) Nikko UNESCO association
(environmental survey at the temples which is registered as a World Heritage, join exchange event
with local high school students) Dokkyo Medical University Nikko (Interact with Japanese-German
association medical staff and eat together for intercultural communication)

Accomodation and food: Accommodation: Traditional Japanese house that MAINICHI Christmas
staff owns Facilities: 2 rooms (Japanese and western) sleep on FUTON mattress, 2 kitchens,
bathroom with bathtub, Western-style restroom, laundry, Free-wifi and Karaoke are available.
Convenience store is nearby. Supermarket is 10 minutes away by car. Meals: Volunteers take turns
and cook by themselves for breakfast and dinner. Lunch will be provided by the host organization.
Sometimes, volunteers eat dinner together with MAINICHI Christmas staff.

Location: Tobunikko, Tochigi

Location and Leisure: Nikko city is located in northwestern of Tochigi Prefecture. There is a
famous shrine, Nikko-Tosho-gu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu
administerd Japan in Edo era(1603-). Beautiful nature such as Kegon waterfall, Senjōgahara and
spiritual power spots such as Nikko mountain Rinnoji temple attract tourists around the world. There
are also theme (amusement) park such as Edo mura, Monkey Park, Tobu world square, art
museum you can enjoy before/after workcamp. A volunteer needs at least 20,000 JPY in cash if
she/he wants to go sightseeing on free-day. Nikko Toshogu Shrine (UNESCO World Heritage) in
Nikko city (ENGLISH) RINNOJI Temple (UNESCO World Heritage)
in Nikko city (JAPANESE) Nikko City official website (ENGLISH),eCR-

Train/Bus station: Domestic airport: Fukushima Airport Train station: Tobu Nikko Station

Requirements: 1. Conversational Japanese is welcomed to communicate with local children and

adult. 2. Smoking is prohibited in the facility. 3. Do not have any strong belief against Christianity
because the local host is a Christian organization 4. can not accept a volunteer who is allergic to
dog 5. A motivation letter (more than 5 sentences long) is required. Please include your interest,
motivation, experience and strength of yourself in English or Japanese. Bring something you
introduce your home country (oral presentation or using Power point is fine. Please finish your
preparation BEFORE coming to workcamp), work clothes should be conservative (long pants, long-
sleeve shirt, No short pants nor mini skirt are allowed), sports shoes, swimwear, medicine that you
usually use in your country, insect repellant, ingredients or snacks of your country, rain gear (you
can buy on your first day of the program)

Language: eng,jap

Extra Fee: 0

There are many opportunities for volunteer to interact with people who only speak Japanese. You
don’t need any special talent but people expect volunteers to be flexible and adaptable to new
environment. We recommend each volunteer to study some greetings and idioms in Japanese
before you start the workcamp.

Yunodake 2 (Fukushima) | NICE-17-102 | 2017-08-29 - 2017-09-11 | ENVI | Age: 18 - 99

Organized together with Iwaki no Mori ni Shitashimukai(IMS) since 2016 (First time!) . IMS start on
October 3, 2001 at Mt. Yunodake in Iwaki city. IMS is a NPO maintaining forest and organizing
activities in forest (kids camp etc.) around there. They aim to revive satoyama(local forest) by
citizen s hands and people enjoy satoyama safely and freely. IMS think it is necessary to know the
forest and the soil for understanding roots of the environmental problem. In order to do that, people
firstly need to get in touch the nature and know attractiveness.

Work: Volunteers will 1) maintain abandoned chestnut forest. IMS already planted maple trees and
acer there. volunteer will cut grass around these trees, 2)maintain footpath we call Yunodake nature
walking course. IMS organize nature tour and nature game there.

Accomodation and food: Yunodake-sanso(it means Yunodake moutain cottage). Shared room
(male and female are separated). Cooked as a group by turns. All basic facilities are provided.
Volunteers need to bring sleeping bags.

Location: Iwaki, Fukushima

Location and Leisure: It is located Iwaki city(south part and near shore) in Fukushima pre.. Iwaki-
city is most huge land and highest population number in Fukushima.

Train/Bus station: The nearest international airport is in Tokyo. From Tokyo to the meeting point, it
takes 3 hours by bus. You need to arrive at Tokyo (Narita/Haneda) airport by 06:00 AM on 29th
August. You can leave there 13:00 PM on 11th September.

Requirements: Interest to protect nature and to exchange with people.

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 0
Other activities; Communicating with member of IMS and local university students.

Taishi-Tonda (Osaka) | NICE-17-105 | 2017-08-31 - 2017-09-14 | ENVI | Age: 18 - 99

This project has been organized together with local NPOs, ‘Association to protect nature in
Tondabayashi’ and ‘Hamuro club’ since 2009. 67% of land in Japan is covered with forest and 40%
of them is human-made planted forest called SATOYAMA, where people used to get many things to
live such as foods and energy. SATOYAMA need to be taken care of to maintain its biodiversity and
to keep water adjustment function. Our ancestors had protected and utilized the forest in ecological
and sustainable way, which was neglected by modernization. We will try to revive it by global
voluntary power!! Most of the members of local groups are aged 50-70, so they expect our
participation of youth and foreign vols. to activate both mentally and physically.

Work: In the morning, volunteers will work in the forest to maintain it. Cutting woods, pealing skins,
cutting bamboos, sometimes chopping firewoods. In the afternoon, volunteers will have acticities
such as discussion about environmental issues, bamboo craft, having a lecture about SATOYAMA.

Accomodation and food: Very simple renovated house and a log house constructed by local
people. Cooking with firewood. Meals will be cooked by volunteers by turns. Sleeping bag is

Location: Tondabayashi, Osaka

Location and Leisure: Takidani fudo, Tondabayashi city in Osaka. 60 km south of Osaka city.

Train/Bus station: The nearest international airport is Kansai int l airport in Osaka. To the meeting
point, it will take about 1 hour by train. You need to arrive at Kansai airport by 10:00 AM on 31st and
can leave there after 18:00 PM on 14th.

Requirements: Interest in nature conservation. Adaptability to enjoy a simple lifestyle is needed!

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 0

Other activities: Exchange parties, experiencing Japanese culture, home stay, etc.

Miyashi (Tokushima) | NICE-17-120 | 2017-09-28 - 2017-10-11 | FEST,SPOR | Age: 18 - 99

Organized together with NPO, ‘Bizan Daigaku’ since 2015. Tokushima Miyoshi city owns the torrent
”Yoshino gawa river” of the world level. About 40 000 people come to this river for rafting in
annually. Many people enjoy the torrent and river trip. In October 2017, the top athletes of the world
will gather in Yoshino gawa river. It will determine the world s best race rafting. They want to
activate this city though having this events with volunteers, so they need many volunteers to run this
Championship festival.

Work: Prepare and support for the festival “World Rafting Championship 2017” with local people to
activate the area and communication with local people. Interpretation to athletes and their family.
Picking and separating rubbish during/after the festival.

Accomodation and food: Local empty house in Tokushima city. Breakfast will be prepared by
volunteers. Lunch and dinner will be served. Sleeping bag is necessary.

Location: Miyoshi, Tokushima

Location and Leisure: Miyoshi city, Tokushima pref.

Train/Bus station: The closest airport is Takamatsu airport. To get the meeting point, You need to
arrive by 10:00 on 28th, and can leave there after 17:00 on the 11th. You can also come from
Kansai internatinal airport in Osaka. It will take for 5 hours by train. You need to arrive by 7:00 on
the 28th.

Requirements: Japanese and English speaking skills(everyday conversation level). Positive

attitude to working hard, communication with Japanese local people.

Language: eng,jap

Extra Fee: 0

Other activities: Joining the festivals, Exchange parties, experiencing Japanese culture, etc.

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