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Kisi-kisi B.

Kisi serta contohnya:
1.Answer 4 questions based on the graph provided.
Contoh pertanyaan :
-Which item recorded the biggest difference in costs between 2001 and 2002?
-What was the amount spent on fuel in 2001?

2.Answer 4 questions based on the email provided.


-Parts for an E-mail Message:

3.Read a business letter and identify parts of it.
-Types of Business Letter:

Letter for placing Letter of reply to an

Letter of inquiry
orders inquiry

Letter promoting
new Letter of application
product/special for a job

-Format of Business Letter:

• Letterhead
• Date
• Inside address
• Greeting
• Subject line
• Body
• Complimentary close
• Signature block

-Writing Business Letter:

4. Based on the business letter in No. 3, write down 2 prepositions, 2
adjectives and 2 adverbs you can find.
-Prepositions(Kata depan).
Preposition adalah kata yang berfungsinya untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara objeknya
dengan bagian lain di dalam kalimat. Kata depan bahasa Inggris ini bersama objeknya
menerangkan verb (kata kerja), noun (kata benda), atau adjective (kata sifat). Object of
preposition dapat berupa noun, noun phrase (frasa kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti),
atau gerund (verb + -ing).

-Adjectives(Kata sifat).
Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda)
atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa orang (person), tempat (place), hewan
(animal), benda atau konsep abstrak (thing). Kata sifat bahasa Inggris ini merupakan satu
dari delapan part of speech.

• An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.

• It includes number, color, type, size, and other characteristics.
• Adjectives can be used in two positions:
- Before nouns:
Big class, handsome boy
- After verbs such as be, become, seem, appear and feel
She is bored.
You look tired.
-Adverbs(Kata keteranga).

Adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata

kerja), adjective (kata sifat), atau adverb lain. Sedangkan adverbial yang berarti
adverb atau konstruksi lain yang berperan sebagai kata tersebut, seperti: adverbial
phrase dan adverbial clause.

• Adverbs describe actions.

• The positions can be in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
• Some types of adverbs:
Adverbs of place : At school, in the market
Adverbs of time : At 8 p.m., on Monday
Adverbs of degree : Very busy, too arrogant
Adverbs of frequency : Once a week, every day
Adverbs of manner : She always studies seriously.
5.Look at a job vacancy and a CV. Do you think he/she fits the position offered?
State your reasons.
-I think that with that good experience he can be in that position, it will make
our company even better because he has skills like him.
- I don't think it's time for him to enter this position in this company, he has to
hone his skills a lot and increase his experience.

5.Answer the question in a job interview: “How would you describe

- Hello, I'm Hera Vira. I graduated from Bengkalis State Polytechnic majoring in
Information Engineering, I really like technology, I like designing or creating
simple websites and I am very active in campus associations. As a KOMINFO
member, I learned many things such as designing or making posters. This really
helped me feel comfortable, which is why I think I would be a good fit as a
designer at your company. I am a good multitasker. My co-workers say I am
friendly and loyal. I'm a shy person, but I'm learning to be more confident. I
met more people, and made new friends at this company.

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