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150 Jansen Werkstoffe und Korrosion 40,150-152 (1989)

evenly and t h e oxidation layer was scaly. No materials can b e Technology and Mr. 0. Lehtonen from Tampella LTD Boiler
rejected based on these short time test because the growth Division for profitable discussions and specially Mr. E . Koski-
mechanism of the oxidation layer is not known as a function of Lammi for the experimental work he has carried out.
The alloyed steels are very resistant to corrosion during the
waste burning conditions. T h e only worrying thing when using References
alloyed steels was the pitting corrosion o n the metal surface.
The test specimen of Sandvik 7RE10 was corroded less than [l]A . Jahkola: Municipal solid wastes as additional fuel in fluidized-
th e other test materials in these circumstances. bed boilers, The Finnish Flame Days, 5.-6. 5. 1982.
In summary it can be said of the test experiments that prop- [2] R. Rasch: Aufbereitungs-Technik 10 (1969) 237.
erly pre-treated municipal solid waste is suitable as an addi- [3] M. Hirsch, R. Rasch: Aufbereitungs-Technik 9 (1968) 614.
[4] J . Halfdanarson, K . Hauffee: Werkst. Korros. 24 (1973) 8.
tional fuel in fluidized-bed boilers and that the combustion can [5] H. Boettger, F. Umland: Werkst. Korros. 25 (1974) 80.
b e realized in a manner that meets even high environmental [6] Tampella, HTKK: Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste in
requirements. Fluidized-bed Combuster, Report for the Finnish Ministry of
Trade and Industry, No 800270, Otaniemi: 1983.


The authors wish to thank Prof. A . Jahkola from Laborat-

ory of the Power Plant Engineering, Helsinki University of (Received: October 18,1988) W 2617

Low temperature corrosion in domestic refuse

boilers monitored with cooled corrosion probes and
test heat exchangers
Uberwachung der Niedertemperaturkorrosionin Mullverbrennungsanlagen mit Hilfe von
gekuhlten KorrosionsmeBsonden und Warmetauschern

Piet Jansen*

Corrosion properties of materials for utilizing o f flue gas energy by Die Korrosionseigenschaften von bei der Warmeriickgewinnungaus
cooling the gas below the acid dew point have been studied with Verbrennungsgasen durch Kuhlen unter dem Taupunkt verwendeten
cooled corrosion probes. The U-tube corrosion probe is found to be a Werkstoffen wurde mit Hilfe von gekuhlten KorrosionsmeBsonden
reliable method where tests can be done in the actual plant environ- untersucht. Die U-rohrformige Probe ist ein zuverlassiges Mittel zur
ment. Results from one domestic refuse boiler plant with severe low Durchfuhrung von Versuchen in der Anlage selbst. Ergebnisse aus
temperature corrosion problems are reported and the results einer Kesselanlage einer Miillverbrennung mit starker Niedertempe-
described indicating a minimum temperature of 75 "C to avoid corro- raturkorrosion werden mitgeteilt, wobei aufgrund der Ergebnisse eine
sion. Mindesttemperatur von 75 "C eingehalten werden mu& um Korrosion
Another set of results is reported with flue gas cleaning and cooling zu vermeiden.
in an experimental heat exchanger. Unalloyed steel is found to show Eine weitere Reihe von Ergebnissen stammt aus dem Bereich der
the same level of corrosion in both raw uncleaned and cleaned flue Verbrennungsgasreinigung und -kiihlung in einem experimentellen
gas. AISI 316 and 254 SMO stainless steels have shown high corrosion Warmetauscher. Danach wird unlegierter Stahl sowohl in ungereinig-
rates in the raw gas but a satisfactory resistance in the cleaned gas. tem Rohgas als auch im gereinigten Verbrennungsgas gleich stark
angegriffen, wahrend die nichtrostenden Stahle AISI 316 und
254SMO zwar im Rohgas stark angegriffen werden, im gereinigten
Gas jedoch befriedigend widerstandsfahig sind.

1 Introduction ers for district heating. With a water temperature of

The energy in domestic and industrial refuse has for many 70-120 "C, high temperature corrosion has been an almost
years in Denmark been utilized in refuse fired hot water boil- unknown problem in these boilers. Instead the relatively low
water temperature has caused problems with low temparature
* The Danish Corrosion Centre, Park All6 345, DK-2605 Broendby. corrosion.

0043-2822/89/0303-0150$02.50/0 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1989

Werkstoffe und Korrosion 40. 150-152 (1989) Low temperature corrosion 151

In the literature very little has been published on low tem- be used. An oil temperature control unit which allows probe
perature corrosion in refuse fired boilers. As in boilers burning temperatures up to approx. 300 "C has been developed for this
other types of fuel the corrosion environment at low tempera- purpose.
ture is controlled by the amount and the composition of the Up to four individual water cooled probes have been placed
condensed liquid phase on the metal surface. Dewpoint corro- at the point of interest in the boiler or in the flue gas duct
sion in refuse fired boilers from condensation of strong acids, where i.e. heat recovery is planned.
mainly sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid is controlled by The limitation of this method is that it does not allow cool-
the rate of condensation, which depends on: ing of the bulk gas stream. This means that measurements in a
- composition of the refuse (the fuel) boiler economizer with a lower gas temperature require a heat
- acid concentration in the flue gas exchanger which can provide cooling of the flue gas stream
- gas temperature with a controlled surface temperature. For this application an
- dewpoints of acids in the flue gas experimental heat exchanger with four smoke tube passes has
- surface temperature and heat transfer been developed. The corrosion measurements in the heat
- heat exchanger material exchanger are also based on the weight loss after exposure. In
The interaction between all these parameters is not fully this type of experimental heat exchanger, the heat recovery
understood and it is only possible to give a rough estimate of and corrosion rate can be measured. The form of corrosion
the corrosion rate and the temperature where severe corrosion and the fouling of the heat exchanger can be studied as well.
is taking place. This equipment has been used in the tests with heat recovery
The Danish Corrosion Centre has for several years worked by cooling flue gas from municipal refuse fired boilers below
with evaluation of low temperature flue gas heat recovery and 100°C.
corrosion in boilers and industrial heat recovery systems [ l , 21.
This has also led to studies on the corrosion in domestic refuse
fired boilers. From the start it has been the intention to use a 2 Examination of low temperature corrosion in the
corrosion test method operating with the actual plant condi- convective part of the domestic refuse fired boiler at
tions, in order to avoid making estimates on the influence of Amagerforbraendingen
the parameters given in the list.
The effect of exposure time and deposit built up on the In one of the refuse fired boilers at Amagerforbraendingen
corrosion rate has been examined by D.A . Vuughan et al. [3] (Amager Municipal Refuse Incineration Plant), corrosion rate
in refuse fired boilers. They found the effect of deposit built up measurements have been taken in order to establish the cause
to be very strong in the first 100-200 h. T. Condru [4] has of experienced heavy corrosion in the lower part of the con-
found in exhaust flue gas from diesel engines a corrosion rate vective heating tube banks and to give a solution to the prob-
over the first 24 h to be 10 times higher than the rate measured lem. The tube material was unalloyed steel (St.35.8). The
over 200 h. corrosion was measured with 4 water cooled probes installed
The water- or aircooled corrosion probe has been found to in the space between the convective section and the
be the most simple and reliable method for studying the low economizer section where the mean flue gas temperature was
temperature corrosion and fouling. The corrosion probes are 320°C. The probe temperature was set at four different tem-
of the U-tube shape shown in Fig. 1, where the rate of corro- peratures in order to establish a relation between water tem-
sion is determined through loss of weight after exposure. This perature and corrosion rate.
type of corrosion probe has generally proved to be suitable for The results of two series of tests given in Fig. 2 show a
corrosion tests and material evaluations in flue gases, where marked increase in the corrosion rate below 80°C. This is
both heat transfer and controlled surface temperature are of believed to be due to a combined action of condensation of
importance for acid deposition and rate of corrosion. The sen- hydrochloric acid and hygroscopic chloride salts in the fly ash.
sitivity is normally 0.01 mmlyear with an exposure period of
500-1000 h. Tube materials of all types can be exposed. The
corrosion results represent mean values from the exposed
period of time which will include variations in load, fuel, com- 3.0
bustion data etc.
The probe temperature plays an important role for the acid
condensation and the corrosion resistance of the alloy. This - 2.5
requires a reliable temperature controlled cooling system. For P 2.0
temperatures up to approx. llO"C, water can be used. In flue E
gas from industrial furnaces and places where the temperature

2 1.5
level is higher, pressurized water or heat transmission oil must m
g 1.0

--Water out
-Water in
I Connection flange Temp. cooling w a t e r ("C)
-I Fig. 2. Corrosion rates of unalloyed steel in flue gases from a munici-
pal refuse boiler
Fig. 1. Water-cooled corrosion probe Abb. 2. Korrosionsgeschwindigkeiten von unlegiertem Stahl in den
Abb. 1. Wassergekiihlte Korrosionsmeasonde Verbrennungsgasen einer Miillverbrennungsanlage
152 Jansen Werkstoffe und Korrosion 40,150-152 (1989)

From the results it could be concluded that the water inlet Table 1. Typical flue gas analysis, Vestforbraendingen
temperature should be controlled carefully and kept con- Tabelle 1. Typische Analyse der Verbrennungsgase von Vestfor-
stantly above 75°C. This has also been confirmed from prac- braendingen
tice as the lifetime of this part of the boiler now has proved to
be acceptable. The results from Amagerforbraendingen are 0 2 10%
found to be useful as a guideline for other plants in Denmark. H20 6-12%
SO3 5-10 mg/m3, n
SO2 120-300 mg/m3,n
HC1 250-800 mg/m3,n
3 Research on heat recovery and cleaning of flue gas HF 0,5-4 mg/m3, n
from domestic refuse boiler Total particles 2 g/m3, n

Under the Danish Energy Research Programme 1984, The

Danish Corrosion Centre has carried out a project at the
Municipal Refuse Incineration Plant "Vestforbraendingen" Table 2. Materials composition
with heat recovery and cleaning of the flue gas from one of the Tabelle 2. Werkstoffzusammensetzung
hotwater boilers.
The flue gas with a temperature from the boiler of 240°C %C %Cr %Ni %Mo
was cleaned in pilot spray absorption system and cooled in the
experimental tube heat exchanger to 80-100 "C. The corrosion
Unalloyed St. 35.8 0.17 - - -
Stainless SS 2348 0.03 17 12 2.5
rate was measured after each test period of 30 days. Stainless 254 SMO 0.02 20 18 6.1
An analysis of the raw uncleaned flue gas is given in
Table 1.The test heat exchanger was equipped with unalloyed
and stainless steel tubes as given in Table 2.
The experiments have comprised test periods with heat indicate that a higher alloyed stainless steel like 254 SMO does
exchanger water temperatures at 70, 80 and 9O"C, -with and not necessarily give a better corrosion resistance.
without flue gas cleaning. The results of two of the periods at
90°C with and without flue gas cleaning is shown in Fig. 3.
The results show relatively high corrosion rates in unalloyed 4 Concluding remarks
steel both in the raw gas and in the cleaned gas. The two
stainless steel alloys showed almost identical corrosion proper- Low temperature flue gas corrosion and testing of
ties with high corrosion rates in the uncleaned gas and a mar- economizer materials in domestic refuse fired boilers has suc-
kedly better resistance in the cleaned flue gas. The results cessfully been studied with conventional cooled corrosion
probes over a period of 500-1000 h. The water cooled U-tube
1.0 I I 1 corrosion probe is found to be the best way to examine not
only the corrosion rates but also the effect of fouling and the
-_ combined effect of fouling and corrosion in actual plant condi-
0.8 -- Increased heat recovery and flue gas cleaning are new areas
where more knowledge about low temperature flue gas corro-
-_ sion is necessary for selecting the optimum combination of
L materials, operation temperatures and conditions.
.0.6 --
For the examination of proposed heat recovery systems
where the flue gas is cooled below the acid dewpoint or down
I __ to the water dewpoint the described experimental heat
VI exchanger was shown to be useful. Combined with a compu-
2 0.4 --
terized datalogger €or recording plant and heat exchanger
operation data it makes it possible to describe the actual vary-

ing and complex operation conditions which would be almost

impossible to reproduce in laboratory scale.

........... 1_2)
0 I I '., ...,-....a_
..... ,
~ I t
[I] P.J. Jansen, P. F. Eenholt: Corrosion and fouling in district heat-
0 1 2 3 4 5 ing boilers with energy recovery to 80°C, Dewpoint Corrosion,
PASS Ellis Honvood, Chichester (1985).
[2] P. J. Junsen, J. V. Hansen: Dewpoint corrosion under heat trans-
Fig. 3. Results of corrosion rate measurements at Vestforbraen- fer conditions in flue gases. 10th Scandinavian Corrosion Con-
dingen with cleaned (0)and uncleaned ( X ) flue gas. Inlet gas temper- gress, Stockholm (1986).
ature 180-220 "C and outlet gas temperature 5-15 "C above the actual [3] D. A . Vaughun, H. H. Krause, W. K . Boyd: Fireside corrosion in
water temperature of 80°C municipal incinerators versus refuse composition, Materials Per-
Abb. 3. In der Mullverbrennungsanlage Vestforbraendingen gemes- formance, vol. 14, May 1975.
sene Korrosionsgeschwindigkeitenmit (0)gereinigtem und ( X ) unge- [4] T. Condru: Low temperature gas heat recovery. CIMA, Wasaw
reinigtem Verbrennungsgas. Gaseingangstemperatur 180-2OO0C, Congress (1987).
Ausgangstemperatur 5-15 "C oberhalb der Wassertemperatur von
80 "C (Received: January 9,1989) W 2628

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