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Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion: corrosion and stress corrosion cracking in
combustion gas condensates
W.M.M. Huijbregts R.G.I. Leferink
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To cite this document:
W.M.M. Huijbregts R.G.I. Leferink, (2004),"Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion: corrosion and
stress corrosion cracking in combustion gas condensates", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 51 Iss 3 pp. 173 - 188
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Yao-Nan Chang, (1986),"Sulphur dew-point corrosion resistant mechanism of austenitic stainless steels", Anti-Corrosion
Methods and Materials, Vol. 33 Iss 8 pp. 4-6 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eb020466
R.G.I. Leferink, W.M.M. Huijbregts, (2002),"Nitrate stress corrosion cracking in waste heat recovery boilers", Anti-Corrosion
Methods and Materials, Vol. 49 Iss 2 pp. 118-126 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00035590210419362
J. Bordzilowski, K. Darowicki, (1998),"Anti-corrosion protection of chimneys and flue gas ducts", Anti-Corrosion Methods and
Materials, Vol. 45 Iss 6 pp. 388-396 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00035599810236243

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1. Introduction
Latest advances in the
Corrosion arising from condensing gases has been
understanding of acid a problem in industry for many years. The basics of
corrosion due to condensing gases are well
dewpoint corrosion: understood, and it might be expected, therefore,
corrosion and stress that this type of attack should not occur. However,
the many different combinations of operating
corrosion cracking temperature and chemical stoichiometry of
combustion reactions, combined with
in combustion gas constructional features of a combustor design, can
condensates lead to many possible corrosion reactions.
In recent years, many corrosion problems have
arisen from condensing gases. When there is a risk
W.M.M. Huijbregts and of condensation, the designer should have the
answers on the following questions:
R.G.I. Leferink .
Which condensed liquid can be formed?
(The dewpoints of the various gases should be
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What amount of condensed liquid can be
The authors . What concentration of corrosive liquid can be
W.M.M. Huijbregts is based at Huijbregts Corrosion
Consultancy, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
What is the corrosion resistance of the
R.G.I. Leferink is based at KEMA, Arnhem, The Netherlands. material in the environment to be expected?
These aspects should be considered at an early
Keywords stage of a new or modified design as such
Corrosion, Stress (materials), Gases consideration will reduce drastically the likelihood
of premature failure or the necessity for later
Abstract modifications of the design.
Corrosion failures due to condensing flue gases containing H2O, A brief overview of the basic chemical and
SO3, NOx and HCl still occur more often than might be expected. physical processes taking place during
The corrosion failures can be of several types: general corrosion, condensation is presented below; then some
pitting attack and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). The chemistry examples and their analysis are discussed to
of condensing gases is discussed, and some examples of illustrate the types of situation in which
corrosion in large-scale installations are presented, including
combustion gas condensation corrosion may occur
blast stoves for steel production, heat recovery steam
and what measures can be taken to avoid or
generators, and waste incineration boilers. The use of thermal
insulation inside boiler casings can result in nitrate SCC when mitigate attack. Specific examples associated with
the flue gas contains high concentrations of NOx. Nitric acid from condensation in blast stoves for steel production,
flue gas can react with carbon steel and insulation material heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) and
forming ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate. Both materials waste incineration boilers are considered.
have hygroscopic properties and are very corrosive, even above
the water dewpoint of the gases.

Electronic access 2. Dew points of H2O, NO2 and SO3

The Emerald Research Register for this journal is
available at Descriptions and calculation methods of
www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister condensation have been published quite
extensively in the works of: Hoftyzer and Kwanten
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
(1972), Kiang (1981), Land (1977), Perry and
www.emeraldinsight.com/0003-5599.htm Chilton (1973), Ullmann’s Encyclopaedia of
Industrial Chemistry (2001), Verhoff and
Banchero (1974), and Weast (1988).
The basis for all calculations is the definition of
the dewpoint: this is the temperature to which a
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · pp. 173–188 given parcel of air should be cooled, at constant
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited · ISSN 0003-5599 pressure and water content, to reach a state at
DOI 10.1108/00035590410533129 which the saturation vapour pressure is equal to
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

the actual vapour pressure. Any further cooling the flue gas. As a result, the corrosion rate of
will result in the formation of liquid (dew) or solid steelwork and wall tubes will be low, even when the
(frost/ice). droplets are acidic. However, if the gas velocities
In its simplest form, when dealing with clean air, become high, or local flow disturbances occur,
the dewpoint may be directly plotted from the droplets may be pushed onto the metal walls and a
water vapour pressure tables ( Weast, 1988) as thin liquid film may be formed. On the other hand,
shown in Figure 1. in a rather clean gas, such as in gas-fired units,
When other gaseous species are present, such as super-saturation can take place, resulting in film
SO3, SO2, HCl or NO2, the dewpoint will deviate condensation on cool walls or heat exchanger
from the ideal dewpoint line. Dewpoint in the tubes. Acid deposition can be quite high under
presence of these gases can be calculated by means certain conditions.
of the equations of Kiang (1981), Perry and To get an impression of the deposition rates
Chilton (1973), and Verhoff and Banchero (1974). to be expected under mist formation conditions
In Figures 2-5, examples of calculated dewpoints and no supersaturating conditions, Land (1977)
are presented for SO3, SO2, HCl and NO2. produced Figure 6. The calculation method
Only in cases of very low HCl and NO2 levels of Land is based on heat transfer and mass
can the calculated dewpoints be lower than the flow equations. As Land (1977) mentioned:
water dewpoint. In practice, this does not “In practice we may expect to find curves
occur, and the water dewpoint should be used. laying anywhere between the two extremes”.
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This can be seen in Figures 4 and 5, where a If calculations are to be made of the expected
straight water dewpoint line is used for low corrosion rates for a new boiler design, it is
HCl and NO2 levels. strongly advised that the worst case be assumed,
i.e. that film condensation will occur.
Following the Land calculation method,
3. Amount of condensed acid deposition rates of sulphuric and nitric acids have
been calculated for the gas conditions presented in
When the temperature drops below the dewpoint, Table I. The results of these calculations are shown
sulphuric acid, nitric acid and water begin to in Figures 7 and 8. As there are some uncertainties
condense, either as small fog droplets or as a film in the exact figures for heat transfer coefficients of
(Land, 1977). In flue gas, condensation droplets sulphuric and nitric acids, the results should be
can be formed easily on particles that act as considered as estimations. Land compared his
condensation nuclei. A common example calculations on sulphuric acid with experimental
of condensation nuclei that can cause mist measurements and the results were very
condensation in coal fired boilers and waste satisfactory.
incinerators are fly ash particles. If a mist is The calculated deposition rate of sulphuric
formed, most of the droplets are carried away with and nitric acids for both gases A and B are 0.0073

Figure 1 The water vapour pressures from the water vapour table

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 2 Dewpoint behaviour of SO3 at various water contents of the gas, calculated from the formula of Verhoff
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Figure 3 Dewpoint behaviour of SO2 at various water contents of the gas, calculated from the formula of Kiang. The SO2 dewpoints for
all gases are lower than the water dewpoint of the gases

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 4 Dewpoint behaviour of HCl at various water contents of the gas, calculated from the formula of Kiang and the water
vapour table
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Figure 5 Dewpoint behaviour of NO2 at various water contents of the gas, calculated from the formula of Perry and the water
vapour table

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 6 Theoretical curves for the rate of acid deposition according to the calculations of Land (Perry and Chilton, 1973; Land, 1977)
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Table I Conditions assumed for the calculation of acid The equilibrium vapour pressure diagram of
deposition: gas flow, 4 m/s; tube diameter, 4 m; gas temperature, Hoftyzer and Kwanten (1972) can be used,
1308C as shown in Figure 10. The gas pressures are
Gas A Gas B given in mm Hg. A pressure of 1 mm Hg
SO3 (vppm) 0.15 – pressure is equal to 1,316 vppm or
NO2 (vppm) – 200 0.13 volume per cent.
H2O (volume per cent) 6.5 6.5 Nitric acid is in equilibrium with NO and NO2
according to the formula:
NO þ NO2 þ H2 O þ O2 $ 2HNO3
and 9.7 mg/m2/s, respectively, in case of film flow.
At a lower NO2 content, e.g. 20 vppm NO2 the When 200 vppm NO2 and 200 vppm NO are
deposition rate of nitric acid is proportionally present, the reaction will result in 400 vppm
lower and lies at a level of maximum 0.97 mg/m2/s (0.305 mm Hg) HNO3. The water dew point and
in case of film flow. Additionally, note that at a the NO2 dewpoint of the gas are 38 and 408C,
temperature near the dewpoint of 388C the respectively. In the range of 10-200 vppm NO2
deposition rate is minimal. (0.015 and 0.305 mm Hg HNO3 vapour pressure),
the concentration of the condensed HNO3 will be
in the range of 17-40 per cent. These figures can be
4. Concentration of the first condensed derived from Figure 10 by following the 408C line
until it intersects with the mentioned HNO3
vapour pressures.
The concentration of the sulphuric acid can be The nitric acid concentration in the liquid
derived from the boiling lines in the phase diagram will be high, even at low NO2 concentrations
of SO3-H2O in Figure 9. (17 up to 40 wt per cent). Such concentrations
At a dew point of 958C, the condensed result in extremely acidic conditions with pH values
sulphuric acid has a concentration of 67 per cent. of 20.4 and 20.8, respectively. Fortunately, at
At lower temperatures, the concentration low NO2 contents (as usual in modern HRSGs)
decreases according to the boiling line, but at 608C the deposition rate will be rather low. For a
the concentration is still 43 per cent, a very gas with 10 vppm NO2 the deposition rate of
corrosive liquid that will result in uniform 17 per cent nitric acid will be 0.45 mg/m2/s. At a
corrosion of carbon steel. temperature of 388C (near the dewpoint) the
It is more complicated to determine the deposition rate will be minimal, as can be seen in
concentration of the condensed nitric acid. Figure 8.
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 7 Acid deposition rates in case of sulphuric acid condensation of gas A

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Figure 8 Acid deposition rates in case of nitric acid condensation of gas B

5. Stress corrosion cracking in blast stoves temperatures may be as high as 1,5508C.

of blast furnaces in the steel production NOx formation is a particular concern at these
industry high temperatures.
In older blast stoves where the dome
In steel production, combustion air for a blast temperature was below 1,3408C, NOx was
furnace is preheated in a blast stove. The stove is not formed in large amounts. However, as a
filled with bricks that are heated with the natural result of the high levels of NOx in modern
gas burners. Air for the blast furnace is preheated blast stoves, nitrate stress corrosion cracking
by passing it over the hot bricks. Typical (SCC) has been identified as the cause of
dimensions of modern blast stove are a diameter of several failures (Blekkenhorst et al., 1980;
10.7 m and a height of 46.4 m. Maximum dome Bohnenkamp et al., 1983; Buhler and Kalfa, 1981;
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 9 Phase diagram of sulphuric acid (Land, 1977) (PH2O+PH2SO4 ¼ 0.1 atm)
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Figure 10 Vapour pressures of nitric acid and water as a function of acid strength and temperature

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Harp et al., 1985, 1990; Kalfa and Buhler, 1985; the shell, nitrate levels of 4.5 g/kg were found.
Sucker et al., 1981). Sulphate and chloride were also present, however,
The blast stoves are insulated on the inside of though their levels were considerably lower, at 0.6
the casings by means of a brick lining. No and 0.1 g/kg, respectively. Near the gas side, the
insulation is used on the outside of the stove shells. amounts of nitrate, sulphate and chloride in the
Buhler and Kalfa (1981) noticed the first failures bricks reached levels of 0.7, 5.6 and 0.1 g/kg,
in the blast stoves cause by nitrate SCC in as far respectively (Buhler and Kalfa, 1981).
back as 1965. Initially the cause of the cracking In literature references, the composition of the
was ascribed to the formation of nitric acid blast-stove environment regarding SO2, SO3 and
because of the high amounts of NO2 in the gas. H2O levels was not mentioned. The dewpoint in
Blekkenhorst et al. (1980) described the conditions all relevant references is 678C. Because sulphates
and the corrosion process in the stoves as follows. are found in the deposits it is most likely that
During the firing of the stove, the NO sulphuric acid will condense in the insulation near
concentration increases by the endothermic the gas side at first. In the cooler locations near the
reaction: shell, NO2 will condense as nitric acid below the
nitric acid dewpoint, or it may dissolve in the
N2 þ O2 , 2NO
condensed water below the water dewpoint.
Harp et al. (1985) analysed the condensed
Pressurising the stove at the beginning of the blast
liquid and the deposits at the stove shell. In the
period causes diffusion of NO into the insulation
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condensed liquid both ammonium and nitrate ions

towards the steel shell. During the blast period,
were found even though the gas itself did not
the NO concentration will decrease, due to the
contain ammonium ions or ammonia. They
oxidation of NO2 and its diffusion back into the
concluded that the ammonium must have been
combustion chamber. At the start of the next blast
formed from the reduction of nitrate when steel
period, the NO2 concentration will increase
corrodes in the concentrated nitric acid
because of the higher NO concentration and the
environment according to the following reactions:
build-up of pressure according to the reaction:
Anodic corrosion reaction: Fe ! Fe2þ þ 2e2
1 Cathodic reaction: NO2 3 þ 9H þ 8e !
NO þ O2 , NO2
2 3H2 O þ NH3
To prove this hypothesis, Harp exposed steel
Below 6508C the rate of NO2 formation is samples in wet NO and NO2-containing gas at
significant. The formation of NO2 is fastest in the temperatures above the dewpoint. The gas
coldest area of the stove, e.g. on the steel shell. atmospheres he used contained 75 vppm NO and
During the blast period, the temperature of the 25 vppm NO2 and dewpoints of 30, 45 and 608C
steel shell will easily fall below the water dewpoint were created by using different amounts of water.
and NO2 will dissolve in the water and form nitric Carbon steel samples were exposed in these
acid in the reaction: gases at temperatures of 64, 80 and 1258C for 1
1 week. In gas with dewpoints of 45 and 608C,
2NO2 þ H2 O þ O2 ) 2HNO3 ammonium nitrate deposits were formed on the
specimens exposed at 648C. No deposit formation
According to Blekkenhorst, the formation of nitric occurred at 80 and 1258C. Figure 11 was
acid and the dissolution of various compounds constructed on the basis of these results.
from the insulation material into the acidic When the shell is warmed above the water
condensate, yield a nitrate solution causing SCC of dewpoint, the ammonium nitrate will still contain
the stove shell. Although Blekkenhorst mentioned water, because of its hygroscopic properties. In dry
that reaction products of nitric acid with the conditions, ammonium nitrate is not corrosive, but
insulation could be responsible for the nitrate below 1608C it starts to absorb water and highly
solution that causes SCC, he did not mention concentrated nitrate liquid films can be formed.
which cations might be present. However, because Figure 12 shows the solubility of ammonium
of the presence of a brick line in the stove, calcium nitrate at increasing temperature (Ullmann’s
nitrate solution, a well-known test environment for Encyclopaedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2001).
SCC experiments, could be one of the products. According to Harp et al. (1985) above 1208C, the
The experience with the hot blast stoves is that water content is too small (less than 5 per cent) to
the NO2 content in the gas would be expected to cause SCC. Therefore, the ammonium nitrate
be approximately 80 vppm (Blekkenhorst et al., saturation line in Figure 11 is drawn as a dotted
1980; Harp et al., 1985, 1990). Nitrate line above 1208C.
concentrations in the condensed liquid would As the blast stoves are filled with bricks and
range from 1 to 100 g/l. In the insulation layer near there is a cemented brick lining at the shell, the
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

presence of calcium nitrate cannot be excluded. shown in Table II and Figures 13 (Ullmann’s
Calcium nitrate has hygroscopic properties similar Encyclopaedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2001).
to those of ammonium nitrate. However, contrary Thus, if calcium nitrate hydrate is heated from
to the behaviour of ammonium nitrate, the room temperature it will lose a discrete number of
Ca(NO3)2 will absorb specific quantities of water water molecules per molecule of calcium nitrate.
according to the specific hydrate proportions. The solubility of calcium nitrate is very high, as can
Data for the system Ca(NO3)22 X H2O) are be seen in Table III.
From these data, it can be calculated that if
Figure 11 Conditions for the formation of ammonium nitrate containing liquid
water is released as a liquid, the associated calcium
nitrate will dissolve easily, creating a highly
concentrated calcium nitrate solution. For
instance: Ca(NO3)2·2H2O will loose two
molecules of H2O at 51.68C (Table II), and in this
small amount of water, very much Ca(NO3)2 can
be dissolved (Table III).
With regard to SCC, it is known that it is not
really important which cations of nitrate are
present. Nitrate SCC is known to occur in
solutions containing calcium nitrate, ammonium
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nitrate, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, lithium

nitrate and nitric acid (ASM Handbook, 1986).
Thus, if nitrates are present in combination
with stressed carbon steel there is a high risk
of SCC.

6. SCC in HRSGs
In the early 1990s, several HRSGs of combined
cycle power plants in The Netherlands, suffered
tube failures. Cracks were mostly found in the low-
temperature heat exchangers (typically operating
at temperatures between 70 and 908C). In general,
Figure 12 Solubility of ammonium nitrate versus temperature
the exchangers had been fabricated from steel
St35.8, a standard low-carbon steel for
construction purposes. Most cracking occurred in
bends and finned tubes where mechanical stresses
were relatively high. Microscopic analysis of
samples revealed that intergranular corrosion had
occurred and it was frequently reported that
complete grains of material had become detached.
Nitrate SCC was identified as the cause of the
failures (Figure 14).
On an average, the gas composition in a HRSG
around 1990 was: 18 volume per cent CO2,
50 vppm NO2 and 6.5 volume per cent H2O.
In general, a small amount of sulphur-containing
odorant, tetrahydrothiofene (THT) is added to
natural gas for safety reasons. In addition, small
amounts of sulphur-containing components also
can be present in the combustion air. This will
cause a small content of SO3 in the flue gas of at
least 0.15 vppm. From Figure 2 it can be
concluded that the dewpoint for a gas containing
6.5 per cent water will be 958C.
Thus, small amounts of sulphuric acid can
condense in the HRSG. In most installations
keeping the temperature above the sulphuric acid
dew point as much as possible prevents the
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Table II Data for the system Ca(NO3)2-X H2O

Transition point
and temperature (8C) Content of Ca(NO3)2 (wt per cent) Range Stable hydrate formula mp (8C)
E 2 28.7 42.9
E– A Ca(NO3)2·4H2O 42.7
A þ 42.6 70.8 –
A –B Ca(NO3)2·3H2O 51.1
B þ 50.6 77.2
B–C Ca(NO3)2·2H2O –
C þ 51.6 78.1
above C Ca(NO3)2 561
bpb þ151 79.0

Water vapor pressure over saturated solution with solid Ca(NO3)2·4H2O

Temperature (8C) 0 10 20 30 40
Pressure (kPa) 0.36 0.69 1.25 1.99 2.63
Notes: aE ¼ cryohydric point; bBoiling point (101.3 kPa) of the saturated solution
Source: Ullmann (2001) see chapter Nitrates and nitrites, 3, calcium nitrate, Table 6
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Figure 13 Properties of a saturated solution of calcium nitrate in water

formation of sulphuric acid. However, during start presence of sulphur salts in the intake air. If air filters
up and shutdown operations, the temperature will are fitted, these salts can be removed from the air.
inevitably fall below the sulphuric acid or water However, during atmospheric fog conditions, small
dew points and condensation will occur. moisture droplets precipitate onto the filters. Salts
As a consequence, a small amount of uniform in the air filter dissolve in these droplets. If the fog
corrosion by the sulphuric acid cannot always be conditions persist for a longer period, the air filter
avoided. In addition, in the case of high NOx will become saturated with water and salt-
contents, nitric acid and concentrated ammonium containing droplets can be sucked into the
nitrate liquid films will be formed in a way that is combustion air entering the gas turbine.
very similar to the case in blast furnace stoves. In a gas, containing 50 vppm NO2 and
It was discovered that in deposits found near 6.5 per cent water (a typical high NO2-containing
cracked pipes on failed exchangers, both sulphates GT exhaust composition) the calculated NO2
and nitrates were present. The large amount of dewpoint (32.78C) is lower than the water
sulphate in the deposits was explained by the dewpoint (388C). Hence, the water dewpoint
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Table III Solubility of calcium nitrates small particles (aerosols, smaller than 5 mm in
Solubility (g/l) diameter) could slip through the filter. The major
Temperature (8C) Ca(NO3)2·4H2O Ca(NO3)2 components of aerosols in The Netherlands,
monitored over a 10-year period, were reported as
0 2,660 –
being: 7 mg/m3 SO22 3 2
4 ; 3 mg/m NO3 ; 3 mg/m
18 – 1,210 þ 3 2
30 6,600 –
NH4 and 2 mg/m Cl (present as NaCl). These
100 3,760 amounts were low. However, gas turbines use vast
quantities of air for cooling and burning the
Source: Weast (1988)
natural gas. This means that a considerable
amount of ammonium nitrate can enter the
should be considered as the temperature at which recovery boiler in some of the Dutch HRSGs
the first condensation takes place (Figure 5). (in rural regions of The Netherlands).
During the operation of HRSGs, the temperature Ammonium nitrate deposits have been found in
at the flue gas stack should be at least 708C, which the cooler parts of recovery boilers, close to the
will preclude the condensation of water and nitric stack. Under normal conditions, the flue gas will
be cooled to about 808C. However, at 1708C,
acid. Only during shutdown conditions can gas
ammonium nitrate is already solid and is most
dissolve in the water droplets to form nitric acid,
likely to be deposited on the tube walls. Because
but in this case, the concentration of the nitric acid
ammonium nitrate will not leave the recovery
will be about 25 per cent (Figure 10).
Downloaded by New York University At 17:17 16 April 2015 (PT)

boiler in a vapour state, it will accumulate over

Therefore, the most realistic mechanism for
time on the heat exchanger surfaces near the
nitrate SCC in the HRSGs in The Netherlands
discharge to the stack. Ammonium nitrate is
before 1995 was the dissolution of NO2 in hygroscopic and is easy soluble in water (1.183 kg/l
condensing sulphuric acid and in aerosols. By at 08C and 8.710 kg/l at 1008C) (Figure 12).
increasing the inlet temperature above the According to Harp et al. (1985), and as per the
sulphuric acid dewpoint, formation of sulphuric- experiences in the blast stoves, ammonium nitrate
nitric acid mixtures was more or less prevented. with more than 5 per cent water (below 1208C) can
In 1999, a number of new failures occurred in be assumed to be corrosive.
HRSGs (Leferink and Huijbregts, 2002). At the water dewpoint (388C) a liquid film
Ammonium nitrate was found in large amounts in containing up to 75 per cent ammonium nitrate can
the HRSGs in the eastern part of The be expected on the wall. At 608C, the ammonium
Netherlands. The combustion air for affected gas nitrate concentration of the liquid can increase to as
turbines was filtered before it was used to burn the much as 80 per cent (10 mol/l). In these
fuel and to cool turbine components. However, environments intergranular corrosion of carbon

Figure 14 Overview of an area where SCC occurred

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

steel and low alloyed steel will occur, initiating the The sulphuric-nitric acid mixture will still be
stress-assisted intergranular corrosion or SCC. formed in the insulation at a depth of 13.8 and
In some HRSGs, thermal insulation material is 20 cm.
mounted on the inside of the casing. The .
Because the operational conditions are not
advantage is a lower metal temperature of the stable (gas and casing temperatures will move
casing. This will reduce the risk of creep damage to within a certain range dictated by the actual
casing steel, and hence less expensive materials can operating conditions), the temperature decay
be used. However, there is a temperature gradient lines through the depth of the insulation will
between the inside and outside of the insulation, as change as well. Over time, the insulation
shown schematically in Figure 15. The dewpoints material will accumulate sulphuric and nitric
of water and of gases containing NO2 and SO3 are acids and their reaction products with carbon
shown. From their locations, the dewpoints of steel and with insulation material itself.
sulphuric acid, nitric acid and water can be found The most likely reaction products to be found
graphically. In Figure 15, the location of the dew include nitrate and sulphate salts of iron,
points for start-up and for normal operation are calcium and ammonia.
plotted for an insulation layer 25 cm in thickness.
According to Harp et al. (1985), ammonium
In the startup situation, the temperature at the
nitrate will no longer be corrosive above a
casing will be below the water dewpoint.
temperature of 1208C because the water content is
At NO2 contents lower than 150 vppm, NO2
too low (i.e. less than 5 per cent). Calcium nitrate
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and NO will dissolve in water, forming nitric

will lose all its water of crystallisation at
acid. At very high NO2 contents, nitric acid
temperatures greater than 51.58C. However,
will start to form above the water dewpoint in
because temperatures in the insulation are as low
the insulation at a depth from the casing of
as 508C (Figure 15), even during normal operating
about 3 cm. The SO3 present in the gas will
conditions, the acidic nitrate salt solutions can
start condensing as sulphuric acid is at a depth
corrode the outer shell continuously.
of 16.3 cm (at 0.15 vppm SO3) or 21.3 cm (at
1.5 vppm SO3). NO2 can dissolve in the
sulphuric acid, resulting in sulphuric-nitric
acid mixtures. 7. Corrosion in a waste incineration plant
At normal operations, the casing temperature
will be above the dewpoints of water and NO2 In a newly build waste incinerator the waste
and condensation will not occur. (Refuse derived fuel) was burnt on a discontinuous

Figure 15 Schematic view of the condensation processes in the insulation for a startup and a normal operation condition

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

moving grate. Because of the variable fuel The whole building was cleaned with water to
composition the occurrence of overpressure peaks remove the acid products.
can be considered unavoidable. However, because The flue gas concentration in the building
the casing of the boiler was not completely airtight, because of the leakage in the casing and the
flue gas and flyash was pushed into the boiler overpressure peaks can be approximated with
house (de Weijer and Huijbregts, 2003). During some calculations. In these calculations, the
the start-up period of the plant a seal in a water- following parameters were considered: under
feed pipeline broke and a large amount of pressure in the boiler, the value of the pressure
condensed steam entered the boiler house. peaks and the period of the overpressures, the
The seal was repaired and the plant started cross-sections of the leaks and the ventilation in the
building. In the direct neighbourhood of the
operation again. After approximately 2 weeks of
leakage a higher flue gas concentration will be
further operation, very severe corrosion was
present than at the walls of the building.
noticed on the galvanised gangways, steel building
The increase of the flue gas concentration in the
components, aluminium sheetings and processing
building can be calculated by means of the
lines. The spring discs, from which the boiler was
suspended, suffered from SCC because of the acid
mist in the top of the boiler house directly after the C ¼ leakage=ventilation £ ðt=ð1 þ tÞÞ
steam leakage. All springs had to be replaced.
The ultimate composition of the flue gas in the
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The normal condition in the boiler house is a

dry warm atmosphere and condensation is not building, together with the various dewpoints, are
noticeable. Figure 16 shows some photographs presented in Table IV.
In the thickness of the insulation layer between
taken just after the incident in the new plant.
the membrane wall and the aluminium sheeting,
the temperature decreased from about 3008C to
Figure 16 Corroded aluminium isolation plates and steel valves
about 458C. The temperature in the boiler hall was
about 308C when the boiler was in operation. SO3
and HCl in the escaped flue gas were the corrosive
gases to be considered (Figure 17).
The SO3 concentration decreased because of
dilution in the isolation area from a maximum of
18 vppm at the membrane wall down to the
calculated value of 0.033 vppm (diluted flue gas in
the boiler house). The calculated dewpoints for
these concentrations are 146 and 588C,
respectively. Because of the temperature decay and
the more or less linear dilution in the insulation,
the sulphuric acid droplets could be formed at
about 758C and at a depth of 3 cm in the
insulation. From Figure 9, it can be found that the
sulphuric acid concentration at 758C is 60 per
cent. Thus, condensation of sulphuric acid could
occur readily before the flue gas reached the
aluminium sheeting.
The dewpoints of the hydrochloric acid in the
flue gas at the casing (membrane wall) and in the

Table IV Composition of the boiler gas, the environment in the boiler house and
various dewpoints
Gas Waste incineration plant Boiler house
SO3 (vppm) 18 0.033
SO2 (vppm) 140 0.260
HCl (vppm) 871 1.6
H2O (volume per cent) 125 mbar (12.5 per cent) 7.2 mbar (0.72 per cent)
Dewpoint H2O (8C) 54 4.5
Dewpoint SO3 (8C) 146 58
Dewpoint SO2 (8C) 48 2
Dewpoint HCl (8C) 42 1

Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 17 Temperature decay over the insulation outside the membrane wall with the various dewpoints
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boiler house were very low. The hydrochloric acid After exposure, the steels were examined with an
concentrations in undiluted flue gas on an average optical microscope. When the intergranular
were about 871 and 1.6 vppm in the boiler house corrosion was more than three grains deep, the
atmosphere. The dewpoints at the corresponding steel was considered to be sensitive for
water vapour pressures were 58 and 18C. intergranular corrosion in the environment.
Hydrochloric acid would not condense in the A clear correlation was found between the
insulation beneath the aluminium sheets. Dry steel composition and the molar ammonium
hydrochloric acid was present in the boiler house nitrate in which the corrosion became three
as gas and was removed by the boiler house grains deep.
ventilators. For all tested steels, C-steel, 15Mo3,
However, as soon as the boiler house was filled 13CrMo44, 10CrMo910 and 12 per cent Cr steel
with steam the escaped hydrochloric acid could the correlation was:
dissolve instantaneously in the water droplets.
The ventilators would not remove these acid Critical percentage ammonium nitrate
droplets. The acid remained in the boiler house
¼ 6Mo þ 2Cr þ 1Mn þ 8 2 12Si 2 8Cu 2 1C
and condensed as a film over the entire installation
inside the boiler house. This explained the severity ðR2 ¼ 0:85Þ
of observed corrosion damage.

The correlation between the measured and

calculated critical nitrate percentages is given in
8. Material choice in relation to nitrate Figure 18.
stress corrosion cracking After the results of this study were published,
samples steels that had failed due to nitrate SCC
The use of carbon steels in conditions where there were obtained from several sources. The steels
is a risk of condensation in the presence of nitrates were analysed for their chemical composition, and
or NOx means that there is a substantial critical ammonium nitrate concentrations were
probability that SCC is likely to occur sooner or calculated. The results of these calculations appear
later. SCC due to nitrates is nearly always in Table V.
associated with intergranular corrosion. Leferink It is obvious that all the steel samples from the
and Huijbregts (2002) studied the resistance of failed constructions had a low resistance to
several ferritic steels to intergranular corrosion intergranular corrosion according to the
in ammonium nitrate solutions in the range of ammonium nitrate correlation formula.
2-35 wt per cent at 908C for a period of 100 h. Additionally, the difference in resistance between
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

Figure 18 Correlation between the measured and calculated critical nitrate concentrations of steels tested in ammonium nitrate
solutions of varying nitrate concentrations
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Table V Steels from in service failures

Chemical analysis of the steels Calculated critical

Number Steel Cr Cu Mo C Mn Si per cent nitrate
1a C-steel 0.08 0.21 0.02 0.11 0.61 0.31 3.4
2 15Mo3 0.08 0.14 0.25 0.17 0.67 0.22 6.4
3 15Mo3 0.14 0.18 0.27 0.15 0.61 0.23 6.2
4 C-steel 0.07 0.2 0.02 0.12 0.46 0.22 4.4
5 C-steel 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.11 0.48 0.25 5.2
6a 15Mo3 0.08 0.32 0.33 0.12 0.61 0.21 5.6
7 C-steel 0.07 0.14 0.01 0.08 0.49 0.15 5.7
8 C-steel 0.08 0.52 0.03 0.05 1.17 0.14 3.6
9 C-steel 0.058 0.42 0.052 0.05 1.09 0.17 4.1
10 C-steel 0.036 0.44 0.03 0.05 1.11 0.17 3.9
11 C-steel 0.036 0.44 0.03 0.05 1.12 0.17 4.0
12 C-steel 0.036 0.48 0.03 0.06 1.16 0.15 3.8
13 C-steel 0.036 0.33 0.03 0.06 1.23 0.19 5.8
14 C-steel 0.036 0.25 0.03 0.07 1.07 0.34 3.2
15 C-steel 0.02 0.021 0.002 0.13 0.959 0.342 4.6
16 C-steel 0.03 0.024 0.006 0.111 1.19 0.193 6.7
17 C-steel 0.1 0.11 0.03 0.07 0.49 0.17 5.9
Note: aSteels were tested in ammonium nitrate

the carbon steels and 15Mo3 steel to intergranular which generate condensing gases makes it
corrosion in nitrate solutions was minimal. necessary to think carefully about the
operational regimes (both on and off line), and
of the possible risk of acid condensation
9. Conclusions attack.
Even though knowledge on condensation of
Condensation of nitric acid can cause SCC of
corrosive gases is well available in literature, carbon steel. However, reaction products of
design failures due to condensation nitric acid with the steel or insulation also can
phenomena still occur in technical result in the formation of corrosive
installations. The operation of equipment, ammonium or calcium nitrates.
Latest advances in the understanding of acid dewpoint corrosion Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
W.M.M. Huijbregts and R.G.I. Leferink Volume 51 · Number 3 · 2004 · 173–188

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