Coursebook Analysis

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To fulfil the course assignment :
Coursebook Analysis
Guided By:
Miss Ana Hening Kusuma Werdarini, S.S., M.A.

Disusun Oleh :

Created By :

Luthfia Hanifa

English Language Department



This study evaluates the “My Next Words Grade 6 - Student's Book for
Elementary School” to ascertain its effectiveness as a teaching media for English
as a Foreign Language (EFL). The evaluation focuses on aligning the coursebook
with learners' needs and the objectives of the language program. Using
established criteria from Cunningsworth, Stevick, and Sheldon, the analysis
reveals that the coursebook effectively integrates daily vocabulary and illustrative
exercises to enhance basic language skills. It offers clear instructions and
Participating activities that support both theoretical understanding and practical
implementation. According to the results, the coursebook fulfills the educational
demands of elementary school pupils, promotes active learning, and is in line with
pedagogical objectives.

Keywords : Coursebook, Coursebook Evaluation


In the teaching process, one of the most important tools for teachers is the
Coursebook.1 In fact, many schools require their students to have a coursebook for
each subject. Because in the regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 8 of
2016 concerning books used by the education unit that the coursebook is the main
operational tool for curriculum implementation.2 In today's technological era,
students are increasingly interested in gadgets, television, and social media. This
leads to high expectations for coursebooks that make learning easy, fun, inspiring,
and Interesting.

Coursebook evaluation is crucial to ensure that the coursebook meets students'

needs and teaching objectives. From the evaluation, we can find out the strengths
and weaknesses of the coursebook, and this determines whether the coursebook is
suitable to meet the needs of students and support the teaching objectives. In its
selection, it should be noted that The coursebook's aims should be as similar as

Iakovos Tsiplakides, Selecting an English Coursebook: Theory and Practice, Theory and
Practice in Language Studies 1, no. 7 (July 2011): 758-764
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, Nomor 8 Tahun 2016.

possible to the teacher's aims, and both should strive to meet the learners'
requirements to the greatest extent possible.

Teachers need to consider the compatibility with the curriculum and

syllabus of the lesson, the characteristics and conditions of the students in the
school. Richards (2001:42) specifies that textbooks are standardized in order to
complement learning objectives, to be a tool that makes teaching and learning
efficient and effective.3 To find out whether the textbook is suitable for use, its
effectiveness, and some of its shortcomings. Thus, textbook evaluation is one of
the important steps in selecting and using appropriate materials for language
teaching. Textbooks should meet students' needs, support relevant discussion
topics, and provide balanced instruction for basic English proficiency. This study
aims to assess the coursebook "My Next Words Grade 6 - Student Book for
Elementary School" using evaluation criteria from various experts."


1. Cunningsworth Evaluation Theory

Coursebok should correspond the learners’ needs. They should match the
aims and objectives of language learning program. 4

This book contains many of Exercises that use the daily vocabulary such
as cooked and studied which is basic language, as well as pictures that illustrate
various situations, supporting the development of basic language skills.

Many of the illustrations and exercises are based on interesting pictures

and games, such as connecting past activities words and their corresponding
pictures, completing the sentences based on the picture, there are also some
exercises that require work from the teacher, namely by listening to the teacher's
sentences and then circling the correct picture based on the teacher's sentences.
This is considered to be in accordance with the needs of the students because
coursebooks and interesting teaching methods are easier to make students
understand interesting.
Richard, J.C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing your Coursebook,Oxford : Macmillan Publishers : 1998, p.15-17

Coursebook should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teacher,
they mediate between the target language and the learner.

According to Cunningsworth's theory, the criteria for a good textbook is a

book that gives instructions as clearly as possible like a teacher. In this My Next
Words for Elementary School book, various themes are introduced not only
through written material, but also through pictures and illustrations that make it
easier for students to understand and remember something. Because according to
Richard E. Mayer, images make it easier for someone to remember something. 5

In this book, there are exercises in each chapter, and each chapter has a
different exercise, each exercise is equipped with clear instructions to explain the
student and help them understand the task. At the beginning of the book page,
there is a Framework that shows the learning objectives for each unit or chapter.
This shows that this book has clear instructions and objectives, making it easier
for students to know what to learn.

2. John C. Stevick (1972) Theory

Stevick stated that a Textbook should present a concrete sample language in


In My Next Words for elementary school, there are many vocabularies

from daily life, which focus on basic knowledge for 6th grade elementary school
students.In each chapter, the vocabulary used is Studied, Watched, Will Watch,
Will dance, etc.One of the goals of this book is to develop the potential and
characteristics of students, which is realized by the lack of material in the form of
text, so that students only see pictures and some examples of sentences to be
learned.The teacher's handbook contains more material and guidelines for
teaching each chapter.

3. Leslie Sheldon (1988) Evaluation Theory

Leslie Sheldon (1988) offers broad criteria with a focus on the book's
performance in practical teaching settings.
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia Learning. Cambridge University Press. p. 63-118
John C. Stevick, Memory, Meaning, and Method: Some Psychological Perspectives on Language
Learning (New York: Newbury House, 1972), p. 35.

Design and Organization Criteria

In terms of visual appearance, the cover of this book depicts children

playing, which perfectly describes the elementary school period, which is learning
while playing. This book has a variety of colors so it is very unlikely to make
students feel bored. In each unit or chapter, there are illustrations or pictures that
can attract students' attention more to learn.Buku ini terfokus pada pelajaran
grammar, dalam penggunaan kalimat past ataupun present, namun disaji secara
baik menggunakan gambar, ilustrasi maupun instruksi yang jelas dan menarik.

Instructional Criteria

Many of the activities and exercises used in this book are both written and
practical. The exercises have clear instructions, ensuring students can understand
the purpose of each exercise or chapter without having to be assisted by the
teacher. Students not only learn the material theoretically, but can also practice it
with their classmates through the activities provided in this book and can make
students understand more about the lessons that have been given by the teacher
when in class. This proves that this book has effective activities in facilitating the
learning process.


This study has critically evaluated the “My Next Words Grade 6 -
Student's Book for Elementary School” as a teaching tool for English as a Foreign
Language (EFL), focusing on its equalization with learner needs and language
program objectives. Based on standards criteria by Cunningsworth, Stevick, and
Sheldon, the analysis has brought to light a number of important conclusions
about how well the coursebook integrates everyday vocabulary and illustrative
tasks to improve students' foundational language skills.

The evaluation attaches the big attention the importance of coursebook

selection in meeting educational charges and supporting pedagogical objectives. It
has been established that the “My Next Words Grade 6 - Student's Book for
Elementary School” not only satisfies these requirements but encourages
elementary school students to engage in active learning. Clear instructions and

interesting activities help students learn languages more effectively by facilitating
both theoretical comprehension and real-world application.

Furthermore, insights from educational theorists such as Cunningsworth

emphasize the role of coursebooks in addressing learners' needs and facilitating
effective language acquisition. The coursebook effectively does this through its
thematic approach and vocabulary selection, which highlights the importance of
presenting language in concrete circumstances and the practical implementation of
John C. Stevick's theory.

Furthermore, the coursebook's organizational and design strengths—particularly

in terms of visual appeal and instructional clarity—are validated by Leslie
Sheldon's extensive evaluation criteria. In addition to maintaining students'
interest, the use of interactive exercises and a variety of images emphasizes
learning objectives that are in line with curricular standards..

In conclusion, this study supports the “My Next Words Grade 6 - Student's Book
for Elementary School” as a valuable resource in EFL education, offering a robust
framework for enhancing basic language skills among elementary school students.
By adhering to established evaluation criteria and integrating innovative teaching
methodologies, the coursebook serves as an effective tool in achieving
pedagogical goals and fostering active engagement in language learning.


Cunningsworth, Alan. Choosing Your Coursebook. Oxford: Macmillan

Publishers, 1998.

Mayer, Richard E.. Multimedia Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2001.

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Nomor 8

Tahun 2016 tentang Buku yang Digunakan oleh Satuan Pendidikan.
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia,

Richards, Jack C.. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Stevick, John C.. Memory, Meaning, and Method: Some Psychological

Perspectives on Language Learning. New York: Newbury House, 1972.

Tsiplakides, Iakovos. "Selecting an English Coursebook: Theory and Practice."

Theory and Practice in Language Studies 1, no. 7 (July 2011): 758-764.

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