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UNIT 7: Language and skills test

Name: _________________________________

LANGUAGE 8 In the UK, children under 15 can’t / don’t have to

learn to drive.
Lesson 7.1 Vocabulary 9 My laptop is so slow, I can / need to buy a new
10 Sara is a web designer so she has to / can use
1 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.
a computer for every part of her job.
1 Can you do a of the design on paper so __/10
we can see it clearly? Lesson 7.3 Functional language
a prototype b sketch c function d brief
Business Preliminary
2 We’re going to the new clothes designs in
the Paris store. 3 Choose the correct option a, b or c.
a function b challenge c feedback d launch
3 It’s important to read the . It explains what Let me show you how to book the meeting room. You
the customer wants. by opening the online calendar. 2
a brief b challenge c solution d prototype you choose the date. 3 that you click on the
4 Jon made some so the product is much time. The 4 step is to type in your name and
better. job title. The 5 step is to enter your email
a sketches b feedback c briefs d improvements address. The system will send you an email with
5 The best to a problem is not always the a booking number.
cheapest one.
a launch b solution c purchase d designer 1 a start b complete c do
6 Maria made a of her design to show 2 a When b Then c Once
to customers. 3 a After b Next c Then
a function b solution c prototype d brief 4 a then b complete c next
7 Can you read my ideas and give me some 5 a after b last c once
? __/5
a function b feedback c improvement d solution
8 The of designing good products is Lesson 7.4 Functional language
knowing what customers want and this isn’t always 4 [BP_A2+_Test_07_01.mp3] Listen to the
easy. speaker signalling a problem and choose the
a feedback b solution c challenge d function best way to deal with it from a, b or c.
9 Technology companies apps to make our
lives easier. 1a b c background noise, somewhere quieter
a create b purchase c sketch d challenge 2a b c
10 Some people products because of the 3a b c
design not the price. 4a b c
a sketch b function c improve d purchase 5a b c
__/10 __/5

Lesson 7.2 Grammar Lesson 7.5 Functional language

2 Choose the correct option. 5 Find five mistakes in the slide. Rewrite the slide
to improve it. Make five changes.
1 All customers need to / can pay a 10 percent
deposit to reserve the room. We cannot make
reservations without a deposit. 4-POINT COST-SAVING PLANN:
2 My phone is old so I don’t need to / can’t install Using less paper
apps. Introduce car-sharing system
3 Really good designers have to / can be creative. To replace paper cups
It is a necessary skill nowadays. Turn off computers and the lights
4 You can / have to pay by credit card if you want. _____________________________:
5 Nuria lives in the city centre so she doesn’t need -__________________________________
Use less paper
to / can’t have a car. -__________________________________
Introduce car-sharing system
6 You don’t have to / can’t pay online, but it’s easier. -__________________________________
Replace paper cups
7 My new TV gives me lots of options. I can / have to -__________________________________
Turn off computers and lights
control it on with my voice, the remote control or my
phone. __/5

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UNIT 7: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Short listening
BULATS multiple choice/Business Preliminary Part 1
6 [BP_A2+_Test_07_02.mp3] You will hear eight
short recordings twice. For questions 1–8 choose
the correct answer.

1 What do all hotel guests need to do? don't forget to bring reservation number
a hand in their passports - booking advance
b get a reservation number requirement
- book machine
c book in advance - passport in the booking machine

2 What is the new product?

- smart watch can recognize what game you are playing
- listen to daily advice about your fitness
nobody else has design
a b c

3 What did they discover in their product feedback? neutral

a People didn’t like the design. love the design it is not easy to use
b It was difficult to use. sometimes
c It didn’t always work well.

4 Why can’t the woman attend the meeting? sick yesterday

a She’s going to the doctor’s. another meeting to maintain - man
b She must complete some work. my boss stay to the desk to complete
c She has another meeting.

5 What do people need to bring to the meeting? need to review some initial designs
a the budget details lots of ideas
b new ideas after we know the costs
c initial designs

6 What is the next stage of the project? doing well - complete - seem to work well, create the final version
a make the final product fine designs have be completed
b test the product
c make more designs

7 What is the final stage of the payment process?

a email the recipient first
b enter the amount then
c save as a PDF document the dog is barking

8 What is the problem with the presentation?

a The sound is cutting out. listen to this online can see the slide
b The slides aren’t showing.
c There is background noise.
trying to listen to this online presentation

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UNIT 7: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Reading 1 All people with smartphones spend more than two

hours a day on them.
Business Preliminary Part 4
7 Read an article about mobile phones. For RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
sentences 1–7 choose RIGHT, WRONG or
DOESN’T SAY. 2 Some big tech companies are trying to help people
to use smartphones less.
How to reduce phone time
Raise the problems and lead in ways to reduce phone time RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
Smartphones are a great innovation, but how much time
do you spend on your phone? Be honest! Perhaps 3 There are many mobile apps that help you do
everyone today uses their mobile phone too much. Most exercise.
people spend over two hours a day on them. This is time
we should spend with people or doing other things. So, RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
what can we do about this?
Tech companies' limited efforts 4 People should try to control how often they use
Some big tech companies like Google LLC and Apple Inc. their phone.
have recently promoted features to help people use their
phones less. For example, apps that remind you to stop RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
watching YouTube videos when you could be doing some
exercise! This is good, but they haven’t promoted them 5 It’s good to use your phone to time all your
very much. Probably because they make money from activities.
people using phones!
4 ways to reduce phone time RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
Perhaps we have to do something about it ourselves. Here
are some simple ideas to get you started. Firstly, put your 6 It’s necessary to always stay up to date with
phone on silent at night. It is difficult to stop looking at social media sites.
your phone when it is next to you in bed, making noises
and lighting up. Try charging your phone at night in RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
another room. If you use your phone as an alarm, don’t!
Buy an alarm clock. Secondly, switch off notifications. Do 7 It’s a good idea to use your smartphone while
you need to know about every comment on Facebook or socialising with people.
Instagram immediately? Probably not. Thirdly, try to give
yourself a particular time of the day to look at your social RIGHT WRONG DOESN’T SAY
media. For example, a half hour in the morning and in the __7
evening. If you limit these times, you will feel less
distracted in the real world. And lastly, if you are watching
a film or socialising, put your phone away! This will help
you focus on what you are really doing, and you’ll also
keep your friends!

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UNIT 7: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Writing Write about 60–80 words.

Business Preliminary From: Huỳnh Thi
8 Your colleague is doing a presentation on To: Mary
changing your company website. Look at these Date: 18/6/2024
two slides and write your colleague a short email, Subject: Feedback on the slides on changing the company website
giving feedback on what to change in them to __________________________________________
make them better. Hi Mary,
I hope this email finds you in good health.
am writing to give you feedback on the presentation that you have
made about the website changing.
On the first slide, you have made 2 mistakes. Firstly,

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