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Proven solutions to ease your
anxiety & get back to yourself.

Confidence & Self-esteem coach
for socially anxious overthinkers
(with anxiety)

Right now, you're at a stage where I was 6 years ago:

aware of your anxiety, knowing it can’t hurt you, but still it
takes over your life.

I remember feeling drained and depressed during this time,

stressed just to get through the days. I tried different
therapists, and while it helped, it still held me back. I wasn’t
enjoying social situations or doing things I loved, and over
time, it crushed my self-esteem.

My therapist told me, “this is just part of who you are,” but I
couldn’t believe that. As toddlers, we explore life with
curiosity, not anxiety. We see obstacles to overcome, not to
worry about.

This led me to take my healing into my own hands and truly

heal from anxiety. After years of trying different methods, I
found the most effective practices, which I now help other
socially anxious overthinkers apply to regain their

A social anxiety-free life is within your reach.

Today, I don’t suffer from anxiety anymore. I go to social

events without worry, make mistakes without guilt, am
myself without fear, and enjoy being a beginner without the
pressure of anxiety.

This all led me to inner peace, many new connections, career

success, and sharing my voice with 500k of you.

But most importantly, it got me back to myself.

Understanding your anxiety is the first crucial step
towards overcoming it.

1. Anxiety is a natural emotion and response to stress,

characterised by feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear about
future events. It can manifest through symptoms like
increased heart rate, rapid breathing, worrying, restlessness,
trouble concentrating, and insomnia. These symptoms can
be overwhelming, often holding you back from daily
activities and personal growth.

2. Think of anxiety as an overprotective friend who senses

danger and tries to shield you. It's not here to make your life
worse; it thinks it's helping. We need to show anxiety that
there’s nothing to fear, which takes effort but is possible!

3. Anxiety can create a vicious cycle. When faced with

anxiety-provoking situations, the instinct is to avoid them for
immediate relief. However, this avoidance only provides
short-term comfort and reinforces the anxiety. The more you
avoid, the more your brain learns to fear these situations,
intensifying the anxiety. Recognising this cycle is crucial.
Let’s break it!

1. Realise You Are Not Your Thoughts, You Are the

Awareness Behind Them:
Understand that your thoughts are not your identity or the
truth. By observing your thoughts without judgment, you
can distance yourself from anxious thinking and gain control
over your reactions.

2. Accept the Anxiety, and Work with Yourself:

Embrace your anxiety instead of fighting it. It needs to be felt
to leave you. Acknowledging its presence allows you to
address it constructively and develop coping strategies
tailored to your needs.

3. Connect with the Present:

It is proven that focussing on the present moment reduces
anxiety. Mindfulness practices like deep breathing or
meditation ground you, making it easier to manage
overwhelming thoughts.

4. Investigate: Knowing Yourself Deeply:

When you truly know who you are, what you can offer, and
what you are good and bad at, it becomes easier to be
yourself in situations. Often, self-awareness can diminish
anxiety by reducing uncertainty and increasing confidence.
5. Expose Yourself to Anxiety-Inducing Situations:
Gradually face your fears in controlled settings can decrease
the anxiety around these situations, break the anxiety cycle,
and build courage.

6. Transform: Building Self-Esteem:

What many don’t know is that anxiety is connected to
having low self-esteem. If you feel unworthy, not good
enough, fear others don’t like you... you can already imagine
the anxiety this will bring into your life. This can impact you
at work, in social situations & how you feel about the future.

But it isn’t just low self-esteem that is at cause for you

anxiety, when we go deeper we discover that to have low
self-esteem we need to have negative beliefs about

This is why with my 1:1 coaching program The

Transformation Code we start by healing our negative self-
image (the beliefs we carry about ourselves) to build self-
esteem and overcome social anxiety once and for all.
The guided pathway for
socially anxious, over-thinkers to grow
gentle confidence & mental peace

12 transformative weeks
8 powerful 1:1 sessions
Access to The Confidence Academy
Your personal Transformation Roadmap
Confidence Meditations
Exclusive text support with Linde


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