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Forms of literature: 1. Prose 2.


1. Everyday Writing
2. Language is straight forward
3. Sentences / Paragraphs
4. Grammar is important
5. No limitation in using words
6. Easy to understand
7. May or may not use creativity

1. Typically used for expressing something special in an artistic way
2. Language is more expressive and decorative
3. Line / Stanza
4. Grammar isn’t important
5. Limitation in using words
6. We should digest the word to understand the meaning
7. Use creativity and is artistic

Rhyme: Words in a line of a poem end in same sound.

Parody: Imitation of a poem in a satirical way with a ridiculous meaning.
Poem: A piece of writing in which the expressions of feeling and ideas is given
1.Personification: To give the characteristics of a human being to a non-human

2.Alliteration: The reportion of the consonant sound at the beginnings of words.

3.Simile: Object A is like object B.

4.Metaphor: Object A is object B.

5.Symbol: Object A represents object B.

6.Paradox: A self-contractionary statement that is or may be true.

7.Metonymy: Object A replaced with Object B/ The name of object or concept is

replaced with a closely related word or suggested by the original word.

8.Synecdoche: A part of something is used to refer to the whole.

9.Allusion: Is used by writers to add a famous quote from books, mythology, life
events or poetry in to their writings.

10.Imagery: Mental picture captured in your mind about something.

A. Visual B. Auditory C. Tactile D. Olfactory E. Gustatory F. Kinetic

11.Assonance: Reception of vowel sounds in words of a line.

Unit 2
*Growing Pain

*A Child Half-Asleep
1.Stealthily parting the small-hours silence: Alliteration “S”
2. a hardly-embodied figment of his brain: Personification

He sits on a stool
Staring into the fire Shows that time is meaningless
His dummy dangling

Conclusion of the poems: In dream Childs and Adults points of view are the same.
Unit 3
*What Has Happened to Lulu
Rhyme: ABCB
1.Why is her window wide, mother: Alliteration “W”
2.An old rag-doll, money-box: Symbolize Lulu’s innocence and abandoned
+The girl asks too many questions to get something out.
+Curtain Flapping: Shows she just escaped.
+Do is used due to the fact that children live at the moment.
Unit 4
Rhyme: ABCB
1.Time’s chalice and its limpid useless tears: Personification
2.Our sighs are exhalations of the earth: Metaphor
3.Our footprints leave a track across the snow: Personification
4.Our nostrils took the wind to be our breath: Personification
5.Our hearts are massive towers of delight: Metaphor
+Mummy cloth: Keep secrets between us.

At Parting:
1.Only Our love can store such a food: Personification
2.Heaven could give no more: Personification
+Imitation of memories shows happiness.

*To Lucasta, Going to the Wars

Tell me not (Sweet) I am unkind,

That from the nunnery
Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind
To war and arms I fly.

True, a new mistress now I chase,

The first foe in the field;
And with a stronger faith embrace
A sword, a horse, a shield.

Yet this inconstancy is such

As you too shall adore;
I could not love thee (Dear) so much,
Lov’d I not Honour more.
1.Paradox / Harsh
2. The first foe in the field: Alliteration
Unit 6
*The Rag Doll
+Dull watching her at night: Looking at her like a mother.
+child has no sympathy
+Human must practice love as the dull does even with a linen heart.
+When even humans don’t like each other, you can’t expect much from a dull.

*Boy at The Window

1.Personification: The snowman is personified in the second stanza of the poem.
He is given human attributes like feeling, crying, and even dying. Another instance
of personification is found in stanza one, between lines 3 and 4. Here, the narrator
gives the wind animate attributes as well.
2.Allusion: Line 8 of stanza one spots an allusion. The poet persona refers to the
Christian faith when he speaks of “Adam” and “Paradise.” According to
Christianity, “Adam” is the first man who disobeyed God and was cast out of the
garden Eden, also called “Paradise.”
3.Alliteration: The first line of the poem spots alliteration. The consonant sound
“s” repeats in the words “seeing,” “snowman” and “standing.” This serves as a
good hook for the poem.
4.Simile: Simile appears in the last line of stanza one. Here, the persona compares
the look in the snowman’s eyes, from the boy’s point of view, to what must have
been the look in Adam’s eyes when God sent him out of “Paradise.”
+Humans are alone
+In the second stanza we have a shift from negative feel of first stanza to positive
Unit 8
*Construction site
Rhyme: AB CA AB CB
+Space: Distance between people.
+In the air: Not built yet, empty.
+Symmetry of hearts: To become / Existence

Unit 9
Take over: cooperating with others.
First Text of Warming Up: Little bird and hawk: Contradiction
Mushrooms: Metaphor for women.
World: Metonymy
+Overnight: In one night we can take control
+Nobody sees us: Men don’t see and care about the women.
+ Nobody betrays us: no one can deceive us.

Supreme: High Value
Biding: Waiting
Flies: Workers class
Unit 10
*Water picture:
1. Pond & Park / Long & Hang: Alliteration & Assonance
2. A flags wages like a fishhook: Simile & Assonance
3. The arched stone bridge is an eye with underlid in the water: Metaphor /
Personification / Visual Imagery
4. Treetops deploy a haze of cherry bloom for roots: personification
5. Peanut Munching children: Auditory Imagery
6. A swan kisses herself: Personification
7. Water-windows / Folds like a fan: Alliteration
8. Tree limbs tangle the bridge: Assonance
9. Bridge folds like a fan: Smilie
10. Bent & Legs: Assonance
11. Head & Hat: Alliteration
12. Baby & Taken: Assonance
13. Bloom & Roots: Assonance
14. Barking on their backs: Alliteration
15. Bottom a Bunch: Alliteration & Assonance
16. Hissing & Kissing: Alliteration
+scene is troubled: swan made a wave and reflection was disturbed.

Question 4.

Chimney Bouncing/ Birds Coast/ A swan kisses/ Tree-limbs tangle/ The bridge
Folds/ A flag wags/ Water-window splinter

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