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Avoiding the Disk Bottleneck in the Data Domain Deduplication File System

Benjamin Zhu
Data Domain, Inc.
Kai Li
Data Domain, Inc. and Princeton University
Hugo Patterson
Data Domain, Inc.
Disk-based deduplication storage has emerged as the new-generation storage system for enterprise data protection to
replace tape libraries. Deduplication removes redundant data segments to compress data into a highly compact form
and makes it economical to store backups on disk instead of tape. A crucial requirement for enterprise data
protection is high throughput, typically over 100 MB/sec, which enables backups to complete quickly. A significant
challenge is to identify and eliminate duplicate data segments at this rate on a low-cost system that cannot afford
enough RAM to store an index of the stored segments and may be forced to access an on-disk index for every input
This paper describes three techniques employed in the production Data Domain deduplication file system to relieve
the disk bottleneck. These techniques include: (1) the Summary Vector, a compact in-memory data structure for
identifying new segments; (2) Stream-Informed Segment Layout, a data layout method to improve on-disk locality
for sequentially accessed segments; and (3) Locality Preserved Caching, which maintains the locality of the
fingerprints of duplicate segments to achieve high cache hit ratios. Together, they can remove 99% of the disk
accesses for deduplication of real world workloads. These techniques enable a modern two-socket dual-core system
to run at 90% CPU utilization with only one shelf of 15 disks and achieve 100 MB/sec for single-stream throughput
and 210 MB/sec for multi-stream throughput.

The traditional solution has been to use tape libraries as

1 Introduction secondary storage devices and to transfer physical tapes
The massive storage requirements for data protection for disaster recovery. Tape cartridges cost a small
have presented a serious problem for data centers. fraction of disk storage systems and they have good
Typically, data centers perform a weekly full backup of sequential transfer rates in the neighborhood of 100
all the data on their primary storage systems to secondary MB/sec. But, managing cartridges is a manual process
storage devices where they keep these backups for weeks that is expensive and error prone. It is quite common for
to months. In addition, they may perform daily restores to fail because a tape cartridge cannot be located
incremental backups that copy only the data which has or has been damaged during handling. Further, random
changed since the last backup. The frequency, type and access performance, needed for data restores, is
retention of backups vary for different kinds of data, but extremely poor. Disk-based storage systems and network
it is common for the secondary storage to hold 10 to 20 replication would be much preferred if they were
times more data than the primary storage. For disaster affordable.
recovery, additional offsite copies may double the During the past few years, disk-based, “deduplication”
secondary storage capacity needed. If the data is storage systems have been introduced for data protection
transferred offsite over a wide area network, the network [QD02, MCM01, KDLT04, Dat05, JDT05]. Such
bandwidth requirement can be enormous. systems compress data by removing duplicate data across
Given the data protection use case, there are two main files and often across all the data in a storage system.
requirements for a secondary storage system storing Some implementations achieve a 20:1 compression ratio
backup data. The first is low cost so that storing backups (total data size divided by physical space used) for 3
and moving copies offsite does not end up costing months of backup data using the daily-incremental and
significantly more than storing the primary data. The weekly-full backup policy. By substantially reducing the
second is high performance so that backups can complete footprint of versioned data, deduplication can make the
in a timely fashion. In many cases, backups must costs of storage on disk and tape comparable and make
complete overnight so the load of performing backups replicating data over a WAN to a remote site for disaster
does not interfere with normal daytime usage. recovery practical.

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 269
The specific deduplication approach varies among compete with high-end tape libraries. Achieving 100
system vendors. Certainly the different approaches vary MB/sec, would require 125 disks doing index lookups in
in how effectively they reduce data. But, the goal of this parallel! This would increase the system cost of
paper is not to investigate how to get the greatest data deduplication storage to an unattainable level.
reduction, but rather how to do deduplication at high
Our key idea is to use a combination of three methods to
speed in order to meet the performance requirement for
reduce the need for on-disk index lookups during the
secondary storage used for data protection.
deduplication process. We present in detail each of the
The most widely used deduplication method for three techniques used in the production Data Domain
secondary storage, which we call Identical Segment deduplication file system. The first is to use a Bloom
Deduplication, breaks a data file or stream into filter, which we call a Summary Vector, as the summary
contiguous segments and eliminates duplicate copies of data structure to test if a data segment is new to the
identical segments. Several emerging commercial system. It avoids wasted lookups for segments that do
systems have used this approach. not exist in the index. The second is to store data
segments and their fingerprints in the same order that
The focus of this paper is to show how to implement a
they occur in a data file or stream. Such Stream-Informed
high-throughput Identical Segment Deduplication
Segment Layout (SISL) creates spatial locality for
storage system at low system cost. The key performance
segment and fingerprint accesses. The third, called
challenge is finding duplicate segments. Given a segment
Locality Preserved Caching, takes advantage of the
size of 8 KB and a performance target of 100 MB/sec, a
segment layout to fetch and cache groups of segment
deduplication system must process approximately 12,000
fingerprints that are likely to be accessed together. A
segments per second.
single disk access can result in many cache hits and thus
An in-memory index of all segment fingerprints could avoid many on-disk index lookups.
easily achieve this performance, but the size of the index
Our evaluation shows that these techniques are effective
would limit system size and increase system cost.
in removing the disk bottleneck in an Identical Segment
Consider a segment size of 8 KB and a segment
Deduplication storage system. For a system running on a
fingerprint size of 20 bytes. Supporting 8 TB worth of
server with two dual-core CPUs with one shelf of 15
unique segments, would require 20 GB just to store the
drives, these techniques can eliminate about 99% of
index lookups for variable-length segments with an
An alternative approach is to maintain an on-disk index average size of about 8 KB. We show that the system
of segment fingerprints and use a cache to accelerate indeed delivers high throughput: achieving over 100
segment index accesses. Unfortunately, a traditional MB/sec for single-stream write and read performance,
cache would not be effective for this workload. Since and over 210 MB/sec for multi-stream write
fingerprint values are random, there is no spatial locality performance. This is an order-of-magnitude throughput
in the segment index accesses. Moreover, because the improvement over the parallel indexing techniques
backup workload streams large data sets through the presented in the Venti system.
system, there is very little temporal locality. Most
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
segments are referenced just once every week during the
presents challenges and observations in designing a
full backup of one particular system. Reference-based
deduplication storage system for data protection. Section
caching algorithms such as LRU do not work well for
3 describes the software architecture of the production
such workloads. The Venti system, for example,
Data Domain deduplication file system. Section 4
implemented such a cache [QD02]. Its combination of
presents our methods for avoiding the disk bottleneck.
index and block caches only improves its write
Section 5 shows our experimental results. Section 6
throughput by about 16% (from 5.6MB/sec to
gives an overview of the related work, and Section 7
6.5MB/sec) even with 8 parallel disk index lookups. The
draws conclusions.
primary reason is due to its low cache hit ratios.
With low cache hit ratios, most index lookups require 2 Challenges and Observations
disk operations. If each index lookup requires a disk
access which may take 10 msec and 8 disks are used for 2.1 Variable vs. Fixed Length Segments
index lookups in parallel, the write throughput will be
about 6.4MB/sec, roughly corresponding to Venti’s An Identical Segment Deduplication system could
throughput of less than 6.5MB/sec with 8 drives. While choose to use either fixed length segments or variable
Venti’s performance may be adequate for the archival length segments created in a content dependent manner.
usage of a small workgroup, it’s a far cry from the Fixed length segments are the same as the fixed-size
throughput goal of deduplicating at 100 MB/sec to blocks of many non-deduplication file systems. For the
purposes of this discussion, extents that are multiples of

270 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
some underlying fixed size unit such as a disk sector are With smaller segments, there are more segments to
the same as fixed-size blocks. manage. Since each segment requires the same metadata
size, smaller segments will require more storage
Variable-length segments can be any number of bytes in
footprint for their metadata, and the segment fingerprints
length within some range. They are the result of
for fewer total user bytes can be cached in a given
partitioning a file or data stream in a content dependent
amount of memory. The segment index is larger. There
manner [Man93, BDH94].
are more updates to the index. To the extent that any data
The main advantage of a fixed segment size is simplicity. structures scale with the number of segments, they will
A conventional file system can create fixed-size blocks limit the overall capacity of the system. Since
in the usual way and a deduplication process can then be commodity servers typically have a hard limit on the
applied to deduplicate those fixed-size blocks or amount of physical memory in a system, the decision on
segments. The approach is effective at deduplicating the segment size can greatly affect the cost of the system.
whole files that are identical because every block of
A well-designed duplication storage system should have
identical files will of course be identical.
the smallest segment size possible given the throughput
In backup applications, single files are backup images and capacity requirements for the product. After several
that are made up of large numbers of component files. iterative design processes, we have chosen to use 8 KB
These files are rarely entirely identical even when they as the average segment size for the variable sized data
are successive backups of the same file system. A single segments in our deduplication storage system.
addition, deletion, or change of any component file can
easily shift the remaining image content. Even if no other 2.3 Performance-Capacity Balance
file has changed, the shift would cause each fixed sized
A secondary storage system used for data protection
segment to be different than it was last time, containing
must support a reasonable balance between capacity and
some bytes from one neighbor and giving up some bytes
performance. Since backups must complete within a
to its other neighbor. The approach of partitioning the
fixed backup window time, a system with a given
data into variable length segments based on content
performance can only backup so much data within the
allows a segment to grow or shrink as needed so the
backup window. Further, given a fixed retention period
remaining segments can be identical to previously stored
for the data being backed up, the storage system needs
only so much capacity to retain the backups that can
Even for storing individual files, variable length complete within the backup window. Conversely, given a
segments have an advantage. Many files are very similar particular storage capacity, backup policy, and
to, but not identical to other versions of the same file. deduplication efficiency, it is possible to compute the
Variable length segments can accommodate these throughput that the system must sustain to justify the
differences and maximize the number of identical capacity. This balance between performance and
segments. capacity motivates the need to achieve good system
performance with only a small number of disk drives.
Because variable length segments are essential for
deduplication of the shifted content of backup images, Assuming a backup policy of weekly fulls and daily
we have chosen them over fixed-length segments. incrementals with a retention period of 15 weeks and a
system that achieves a 20x compression ratio storing
2.2 Segment Size backups for such a policy, as a rough rule of thumb, it
requires approximately as much capacity as the primary
Whether fixed or variable sized, the choice of average
data to store all the backup images. That is, for 1 TB of
segment size is difficult because of its impact on
primary data, the deduplication secondary storage would
compression and performance. The smaller the consume approximately 1 TB of physical capacity to
segments, the more duplicate segments there will be. Put store the 15 weeks of backups.
another way, if there is a small modification to a file, the
smaller the segment, the smaller the new data that must Weekly full backups are commonly done over the
be stored and the more of the file’s bytes will be in weekend with a backup window of 16 hours. The
duplicate segments. Within limits, smaller segments will balance of the weekend is reserved for restarting failed
result in a better compression ratio. backups or making additional copies. Using the rule of
thumb above, 1 TB of capacity can protect
On the other hand, with smaller segments, there are more
approximately 1 TB of primary data. All of that must be
segments to process which reduces performance. At a
backed up within the 16-hour backup window which
minimum, more segments mean more times through the
implies a throughput of about 18 MB/sec per terabyte of
deduplication loop, but it is also likely to mean more on-
disk index lookups.

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 271
Following this logic, a system with a shelf of 15 SATA
drives each with a capacity of 500 GB and a total usable
capacity after RAID, spares, and other overhead of 6 TB
could protect 6 TB of primary storage and must therefore
be able to sustain over 100 MB/sec of deduplication

2.4 Fingerprint vs. Byte Comparisons

An Identical Segment Deduplication storage system
needs a method to determine that two segments are
identical. This could be done with a byte by byte
comparison of the newly written segment with the
previously stored segment. However, such a comparison
is only possible by first reading the previously stored
segment from disk. This would be much more onerous
than looking up a segment in an index and would make it
extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain the
needed throughput. Figure 1: Data Domain File System architecture.

To avoid this overhead, we rely on comparisons of

Figure 1 is a block diagram of DDFS, which is made up
segment fingerprints to determine the identity of a
of a stack of software components. At the top of the
segment. The fingerprint is a collision-resistant hash
stack, DDFS supports multiple access protocols which
value computed over the content of each segment. SHA-
are layered on a common File Services interface.
1 is such a collision-resistant function [NIST95]. At a
Supported protocols include NFS, CIFS, and a virtual
160-bit output value, the probability of fingerprint
tape library interface (VTL).
collision by a pair of different segments is extremely
small, many orders of magnitude smaller than hardware When a data stream enters the system, it goes through
error rates [QD02]. When data corruption occurs, it will one of the standard interfaces to the generic File Services
almost certainly be the result of undetected errors in layer, which manages the name space and file metadata.
RAM, IO busses, network transfers, disk storage devices, The File Services layer forwards write requests to
other hardware components or software errors and not Content Store which manages the data content within a
from a collision. file. Content Store breaks a data stream into segments,
uses Segment Store to perform deduplication, and keeps
3 Deduplication Storage System track of the references for a file. Segment Store does the
Architecture actual work of deduplication. It packs deduplicated
(unique) segments into relatively large units, compresses
To provide the context for presenting our methods for such units using a variation of Ziv-Lempel algorithm to
avoiding the disk bottleneck, this section describes the further compress the data, and then writes the
architecture of the production Data Domain File System, compressed results into containers supported by
DDFS, for which Identical Segment Deduplication is an Container Manager.
integral feature. Note that the methods presented in the
next section are general and can apply to other Identical To read a data stream from the system, a client drives the
Segment Deduplication storage systems. read operation through one of the standard interfaces and
the File Services Layer. Content Store uses the
At the highest level, DDFS breaks a file into variable- references to deduplicated segments to deliver the
length segments in a content dependent manner [Man93, desired data stream to the client. Segment Store
BDH94] and computes a fingerprint for each segment. prefetches, decompresses, reads and caches data
DDFS uses the fingerprints both to identify duplicate segments from Container Manager.
segments and as part of a segment descriptor used to
reference a segment. It represents files as sequences of The following describes the Content Store, Segment
segment fingerprints. During writes, DDFS identifies Store and the Container Manager in detail and discusses
duplicate segments and does its best to store only one our design decisions.
copy of any particular segment. Before storing a new
segment, DDFS uses a variation of the Ziv-Lempel 3.1 Content Store
algorithm to compress the segment [ZL77]. Content Store implements byte-range writes and reads
for deduplicated data objects, where an object is a linear

272 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
sequence of client data bytes and has intrinsic and client-
settable attributes or metadata. An object may be a
conventional file, a backup image of an entire volume or
a tape cartridge.
To write a range of bytes into an object, Content Store
performs several operations.
• Anchoring partitions the byte range into variable-
length segments in a content dependent manner
[Man93, BDH94].
• Segment fingerprinting computes the SHA-1 hash
and generates the segment descriptor based on it.
Each segment descriptor contains per segment
information of at least fingerprint and size
Figure 2: Containers are self-describing, immutable,
• Segment mapping builds the tree of segments that units of storage several megabytes in size. All segments
records the mapping between object byte ranges and are stored in containers.
segment descriptors. The goal is to represent a data
object using references to deduplicated segments.
• Segment lookup finds the container storing the
To read a range of bytes in an object, Content Store requested segment. This operation may trigger disk
traverses the tree of segments created by the segment I/Os to look in the on-disk index, thus it is
mapping operation above to obtain the segment throughput sensitive.
descriptors for the relevant segments. It fetches the
segments from Segment Store and returns the requested • Container retrieval reads the relevant portion of the
byte range to the client. indicated container by invoking the Container
3.2 Segment Store • Container unpacking decompresses the retrieved
Segment Store is essentially a database of segments portion of the container and returns the requested
keyed by their segment descriptors. To support writes, it data segment.
accepts segments with their segment descriptors and
stores them. To support reads, it fetches segments 3.3 Container Manager
designated by their segment descriptors. The Container Manager provides a storage container log
To write a data segment, Segment Store performs several abstraction, not a block abstraction, to Segment Store.
operations. Containers, shown in Figure 2, are self-describing in that
a metadata section includes the segment descriptors for
• Segment filtering determines if a segment is a the stored segments. They are immutable in that new
duplicate. This is the key operation to deduplicate containers can be appended and old containers deleted,
segments and may trigger disk I/Os, thus its but containers cannot be modified once written. When
overhead can significantly impact throughput Segment Store appends a container, the Container
performance. Manager returns a container ID which is unique over the
life of the system.
• Container packing adds segments to be stored to a
container which is the unit of storage in the system. The Container Manager is responsible for allocating,
The packing operation also compresses segment data deallocating, reading, writing and reliably storing
using a variation of the Ziv-Lempel algorithm. A containers. It supports reads of the metadata section or a
container, when fully packed, is appended to the portion of the data section, but it only supports appends
Container Manager. of whole containers. If a container is not full but needs to
• Segment Indexing updates the segment index that be written to disk, it is padded out to its full size.
maps segment descriptors to the container holding Container Manager is built on top of standard block
the segment, after the container has been appended storage. Advanced techniques such as Software RAID-6,
to the Container Manager. continuous data scrubbing, container verification, and
end to end data checks are applied to ensure a high level
To read a data segment, Segment Store performs the
of data integrity and reliability.
following operations.
The container abstraction offers several benefits.

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 273
• The fixed container size makes container allocation
and deallocation easy.
• The large granularity of a container write achieves
high disk throughput utilization.
• A properly sized container size allows efficient full-
stripe RAID writes, which enables an efficient
software RAID implementation at the storage layer.

4 Acceleration Methods
This section presents three methods to accelerate the
deduplication process in our deduplication storage
system: summary vector, stream-informed data layout,
and locality preserved caching. The combination of
these methods allows our system to avoid about 99% of Figure 3: Summary Vector operations. The Summary
the disk I/Os required by a system relying on index Vector can identify most new segments without looking
lookups alone. The following describes each of the three up the segment index. Initially all bits in the array are 0.
techniques in detail. On insertion, shown in (a), bits specified by several
hashes, h1, h2, and h3 of the fingerprint of the segment
are set to 1. On lookup, shown in (b), the bits specified by
4.1 Summary Vector the same hashes are checked. If any are 0, as shown in
The purpose of the Summary Vector is to reduce the this case, the segment cannot be in the system.
number of times that the system goes to disk to look for a
duplicate segment only to find that none exists. One can
think of the Summary Vector as an in-memory,
conservative summary of the segment index. If the As indicated in [FCAB98], the probability of false
Summary Vector indicates a segment is not in the index, positive for an element not in the set, or the false positive
then there is no point in looking further for the segment; rate, can be calculated in a straightforward fashion,
the segment is new and should be stored. On the other given our assumption that hash functions are perfectly
hand, being only an approximation of the index, if the random. After all n elements hashed and inserted into the
Summary Vector indicates the segment is in the index, Bloom filter, the probability that a specific bit is still 0 is
there is a high probability that the segment is actually in kn
 1 kn / m
the segment index, but there is no guarantee.
1  =e .
The Summary Vector implements the following  m
operations: The probability of false positive is then:
• Init() k
• Insert(fingerprint) 1  1  1   1  e m  .
• Lookup(fingerprint)   
We use a Bloom filter to implement the Summary Vector Using this formula, one can derive a particular parameter
in our current design [Blo70]. A Bloom filter uses a to achieve a given false positive rate. For example, to
vector of m bits to summarize the existence information achieve 2% false positive rate, the smallest size of the
about n fingerprints in the segment index. In Init(), Summary Vector is 8 n bits (m/n = 8) and the number
all bits are set to 0. Insert(a) uses k independent of hash functions can be 4 (k = 4).
hashing functions, h 1 , …, hk, each mapping a fingerprint To have a fairly small probability of false positive such
a to [0, m -1] and sets the bits at position h1(a), …, hk (a) as a fraction of a percent, we choose m such that m/n is
to 1. For any fingerprint x, Lookup(x) will check all about 8 for a target goal of n and k around 4 or 5. For
bits at position h 1(x) , …, h k(x) to see if they are all set example, supporting one billion base segments requires
to 1. If any of the bits is 0, then we know x is definitely about 1 GB of memory for the Summary Vector.
not in the segment index. Otherwise, with high
probability, x will be in the segment index, assuming At system shutdown the system writes the Summary
reasonable choices of m, n, and k. Figure 3 illustrates the Vector to disk. At startup, it reads in the saved copy. To
operations of Summary Vector. handle power failures and other kinds of unclean
shutdowns, the system periodically checkpoints the

274 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
Summary Vector to disk. To recover, the system loads the stream. Because multiple streams can write to
the most recent checkpoint of the Summary Vector and Segment Store in parallel, there may be multiple open
then processes the containers appended to the container containers, one for each active stream.
log since the checkpoint, adding the contained segments
The end result is Stream-Informed Segment Layout or
to the Summary Vector.
SISL, because for a data stream, new data segments are
Although several variations of Bloom filters have been stored together in the data sections, and their segment
proposed during the past few years [BM05], we have descriptors are stored together in the metadata section.
chosen the basic Bloom Filter for simplicity and efficient
SISL offers many benefits.
• When multiple segments of the same data stream are
4.2 Stream-Informed Segment Layout written to a container together, many fewer disk I/Os
are needed to reconstruct the stream which helps the
We use Stream-Informed Segment Layout (SISL) to
system achieve high read throughput.
create spatial locality for both segment data and segment
descriptors and to enable Locality Preserved Caching as • Descriptors and compressed data of adjacent new
described in the next section. A stream here is just the segments in the same stream are packed linearly in
sequence of bytes that make up a backup image stored in the metadata and data sections respectively in the
a Content Store object. same container. This packing captures duplicate
locality for future streams resembling this stream,
Our main observation is that in backup applications,
and enables Locality Preserved Caching to work
segments tend to reappear in the same of very similar
sequences with other segments. Consider a 1 MB file
with a hundred or more segments. Every time that file is • The metadata section is stored separately from the
backed up, the same sequence of a hundred segments data section, and is generally much smaller than the
will appear. If the file is modified slightly, there will be data section. For example, a container size of 4 MB,
some new segments, but the rest will appear in the same an average segment size of 8 KB, and a Ziv-Lempel
order. When new data contains a duplicate segment x, compression ratio of 2, yield about 1K segments in a
there is a high probability that other segments in its container, and require a metadata section size of just
locale are duplicates of the neighbors of x. We call this about 64 KB, at a segment descriptor size of 64
property segment duplicate locality. SISL is designed to bytes. The small granularity on container metadata
preserve this locality. section reads allows Locality Preserved Caching in a
highly efficient manner: 1K segments can be cached
Content Store and Segment Store support a stream
using a single small disk I/O. This contrasts to the
abstraction that segregates the segments created for
old way of one on-disk index lookup per segment.
different objects, preserves the logical ordering of
segments within the Content Store object, and dedicates These advantages make SISL an effective mechanism for
containers to hold segments for a single stream in their deduplicating multiple-stream fine-grained data
logical order. The metadata sections of these containers segments. Packing containers in a stream aware fashion
store segment descriptors in their logical order. Multiple distinguishes our system from Venti and many other
streams can be written to Segment Store in parallel, but systems.
the stream abstraction prevents the segments for the
different streams from being jumbled together in a 4.3 Locality Preserved Caching
We use Locality Preserved Caching (LPC) to accelerate
The design decision to make the deduplication storage the process of identifying duplicate segments.
system stream aware is a significant distinction from
other systems such as Venti. A traditional cache does not work well for caching
fingerprints, hashes, or descriptors for duplicate
When an object is opened for writing, Content Store detection because fingerprints are essentially random.
opens a corresponding stream with Segment Store which Since it is difficult to predict the index location for next
in turn assigns a container to the stream. Content Store segment without going through the actual index access
writes ordered batches of segments for the object to the again, the miss ratio of a traditional cache will be
stream. Segment Store packs the new segments into the extremely high.
data section of the dedicated container, performs a
We apply LPC to take advantage of segment duplicate
variation of Ziv-Lempel compression on the data section,
locality so that if a segment is a duplicate, the base
and writes segment descriptors into the metadata section
segment is highly likely cached already. LPC is achieved
of the container. When the container fills up, it appends
it with Container Manager and starts a new container for

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 275
by combining the container abstraction with a segment 4.4 Accelerated Segment Filtering
cache as discussed next.
We have combined all three techniques above in the
For segments that cannot be resolved by the Summary segment filtering phase of our implementation.
Vector and LPC, we resort to looking up the segment in
For an incoming segment for write, the algorithm does
the segment index. We have two goals on this retrieval:
the following:
• Making this retrieval a relatively rare occurrence.
• Checks to see if it is in the segment cache. If it is in
• Whenever the retrieval is made, it benefits segment the cache, the incoming segment is a duplicate.
filtering of future segments in the locale.
• If it is not in the segment cache, check the Summary
LPC implements a segment cache to cache likely base Vector. If it is not in the Summary Vector, the
segment descriptors for future duplicate segments. The segment is new. Write the new segment into the
segment cache maps a segment fingerprint to its current container.
corresponding container ID. Our main idea is to
• If it is in the Summary Vector, lookup the segment
maintain the segment cache by groups of fingerprints.
index for its container Id. If it is in the index, the
On a miss, LPC will fetch the entire metadata section in
incoming segment is a duplicate; insert the metadata
a container, insert all fingerprints in the metadata section
section of the container into the segment cache. If
into the cache, and remove all fingerprints of an old
the segment cache is full, remove the metadata
metadata section from the cache together. This method
section of the least recently used container first.
will preserve the locality of fingerprints of a container in
the cache. • If it is not in the segment index, the segment is new.
Write the new segment into the current container.
The operations for the segment cache are:
We aim to keep the segment index lookup to a minimum
• Init(): Initialize the segment cache.
in segment filtering.
• Insert(container): Iterate through all
segment descriptors in container metadata section,
and insert each descriptor and container ID into the
5 Experimental Results
segment cache. We would like to answer the following questions:
• Remove(container): Iterate through all
• How well does the deduplication storage system
segment descriptors in container metadata section,
work with real world datasets?
and remove each descriptor and container ID from
the segment cache. • How effective are the three techniques in terms of
• Lookup(fingerprint): Find the corresponding reducing disk I/O operations?
container ID for the fingerprint specified.
• What throughput can a deduplication storage system
Descriptors of all segments in a container are added or
using these techniques achieve?
removed from the segment cache at once. Segment
caching is typically triggered by a duplicate segment that For the first question, we will report our results with real
misses in the segment cache, and requires a lookup in the world data from two customer data centers. For the next
segment index. As a side effect of finding the two questions, we conducted experiments with several
corresponding container ID in the segment index, we internal datasets. Our experiments use a Data Domain
prefetch all segment descriptors in this container to the DD580 deduplication storage system as an NFS v3
segment cache. We call this Locality Preserved Caching. server [PJSS*94]. This deduplication system features
The intuition is that base segments in this container are two-socket duel-core CPU’s running at 3 Ghz, a total of
likely to be checked against for future duplicate 8 GB system memory, 2 gigabit NIC cards, and a 15-
segments, based on segment duplicate locality. Our drive disk subsystem running software RAID6 with one
results on real world data have validated this intuition spare drive. We use 1 and 4 backup client computers
overwhelmingly. running NFS v3 client for sending data.
We have implemented the segment cache using a hash
table. When the segment cache is full, containers that are 5.1 Results with Real World Data
ineffective in accelerating segment filtering are leading The system described in this paper has been used at over
candidates for replacement from the segment cache. A 1,000 data centers. The following paragraphs report the
reasonable cache replacement policy is Least-Recently- deduplication results from two data centers, generated
Used (LRU) on cached containers. from the auto-support mechanism of the system.

276 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
F igure 44:: L
ogical/Physica l C
apacities aatt D
ata C
enter A Figure
F igure 55:: C
omp ression R
atios aatt Data
Data Center
Center A

S tandard
M in Max
M ax Average
A verage
deviation on new
on new segments),
segments) , ccumulative
umulative gglobal
lobal ccompression
ompression rratio
Daily g
Daily global
lobal (the ccumulative
(the umu lativ e rratio
atio ooff ddata
ata rreduction
eduction ddueue tto
o dduplicate
1 0.05 74.31
7 4.31 40.63
4 0.63 13.73
1 3.73
c ompression segmen t eelimination),
segment limination), aand nd ccumulative
umulative ttotal
o tal ccompression
D aily llocal
ocal ratio ((the
ratio th e ccumulative
u mulative rratio
atio ooff ddata
ata rreduction
eduction ddue ue tto
1 .58 1.97
1 .97 1.78
1 .78 0.09
0 .09 duplicate ssegment
duplicate egmen t eelimination
limin ation aand nd Z iv-LLempel sstyle
Ziv-Lempel tyle
c ompression
compression on
compression on new
new ssegments)
egmen ts) ooverver ttime.
Table 11:: S
Table Statistics
tatistics oon
n Daily
Daily G
lobal aand
nd D
aily Local
At the
At the end of 3311sstt dday,
end of ay, cumulative
cumu lativ e gglobal
lobal ccompression
C ompression R Ratios
atio s at
at D
ata Center
C enter A
atio rreaches
eaches 222.53
2.53 tto o 11,, aand
nd ccumulative
umu lativ e ttotal
o tal
ompression rratio
atio rreaches
eaches 338.54
8.54 tto
o 11..
Data center
Data center A bbacks
ack s uup
p sstructured
tructured ddatabase
atab ase ddata
ata oover
ver tthe
he T he ddaily
The aily gglobal
lobal ccompression
o mpression rratiosatios cchange
hange qquite
uite a bbit
ourse ofof 31
31 ddays
ays during
during theth e iinitial
n itial ddeployment
eployment ooff a oover
ver ttime,
ime, w hereas tthe
whereas h e ddaily
aily llocal
ocal ccompression
o mpression rratios
atios aare
d eduplication ssystem.
deduplication ystem. T h e bbackup
The ackup ppolicy
olicy iiss tto
o ddo
o ddaily
aily qquite
uite sstable.
table. T able 1 ssummarizes
Table ummarizes tthe he m in imum,
ull bbackups,
ackups, w her e each
where each ffull
ull bbackup
ackup pproduces
roduces oover ver 6600
00 m aximum, aaverage,
maximum, ver age, aand nd sstandard
tandard ddeviation
eviation ooff bboth
oth ddaily
GBB at
at steady
steady sstate.
tate. T h ere aare
There re ttwo
wo eexceptions:
xceptions: gglobal
lobal aandnd ddaily
aily llocal
ocal ccompression
o mpression rratios,
atios, eexcluding
eed ing ((the
the ffirst
irst 66)) ddays
ays aand
nd nnoo bbackup 18tthh) day.
ackup ((18 day.
• During the
During the iinitial
n itial sseeding
eeding pphase until 6tthh dday
hase ((until ay iin
n tthis
h is
xamp le), ddifferent
ifferen t ddata
ata oorr ddifferent
iffer ent ttypes
yp es ooff ddata
ata aare
re Data
Data center
cen ter B bbacks
acks uup pam mixture
ixture ooff sstructured
tructured ddatabase
olled iinto
n to tthe
he bbackup
ackup sset,
et, aass bbackup
ackup aadministrators
dministrators and
and unstructured
unstructured ffile ile ssystem
ystem ddata
ata oover
ver tthe
h e ccourse
ourse ooff 448 8
igure ooutut hhow
ow they
th ey w ant tto
want o uuse
se tthe
he ddeduplication
eduplication days
days during
during the the iinitial
nitial ddeployment
ep loymen t ooff a ddeduplication
ystem. A llow ow rrateate ooff dduplicate
uplicate ssegmentegmen t system
system usingusing bboth
o th full
full and
and incremental
incr emen tal bbackups.
ackups. S Similar
dentification aand nd eelimination
limination iiss ttypically
ypically aassociated
ssociated to
to tthat
h at iin
n ddata
ata ccenter
enter A A,, sseeding
eed ing llasts
asts uuntil h e 6tthh day,
ntil tthe day,
w ith tthe
with he sseeding
eeding pphase.
h ase. and tthere
and h ere aare
r e a ffew
ew ddaysays w ithout bbackups
without ackups ((8 8th, 12-14
35tthh ddays).
35 ays). Outside
Outsid e thesethese days,
days, the
the m maximum
ax imum ddaily aily
• There aare
There re ccertain
ertain ddays 18tthh dday
ays ((18 ay in
in tthis
his example)
ex ample)
logical bbackup
logical ackup ssize
ize iiss aabout
bout 22.1
.1 T B, aand
TB, nd tthe
he ssmallest
mallest ssize
when no
when no backup
backup iiss ggenerated.
ener ated.
is aabout
is bout 550 0 GB.
G B.
Figure 4 sshows
hows the
th e logical
logical ccapacity
apacity ((the
th e aamount
mount ooff ddata
Figure 6 shows
Figure shows the th e llogical
ogical ccapacity
ap acity aand nd tthe
he pphysical
from user
from user oorr backup
backup aapplication
pp lication pperspective)
ersp ectiv e) aand
nd tthe
capacity ooff tthe
capacity he ssystem
ystem oover
ver ttime
ime aatt ddata
ata ccenter
enter B
physical capacity
physical capacity ((theth e aamount
mount ooff ddata ata sstored
tored iin
n ddisk
media) ooff tthe
media) he ssystem
ystem oover
ver ttime
ime aatt ddata
ata ccenter
enter A
A.. At
At the
the eend 8tthh d
nd ooff 448 day,
ay, the
the logical
logical ccapacity
apacity rreaches
eaches aabout
1.4 T B, aand
TB, nd tthehe ccorresponding
orresponding pphysical
hysical ccapacity
ap acity iiss
At the
At the eend 31sstt day,
nd ooff 31 day, tthe
he ddata
ata ccenter
enter hhas
as bbacked
ack ed uupp
bout 33.0 TB.
.0 T B. T The
h e ttotal
otal ccompression
ompr ession rratio
atio iiss 113.71
3.71 tto
o 11..
about 116.9
about 6.9 TB,
TB, and
and tthe
he ccorresponding
orresponding pphysical
hysical ccapacity
is less
less than
than 440
440 GB,
GB, rreaching
eaching a ttotal
otal ccompression
ompression rratio
atio ooff FFigure
igure 7 sshows
hows daily
d aily gglobal
lobal ccompression
ompression rratio,
atio, ddaily
38.54 ttoo 1.
38.54 1. llocal
ocal ccompression
ompression rratio,
atio, ccumulative
umulative gglobal
lobal ccompression
atio, aand
nd ccumulative
umu lative ttotal
otal ccompression
ompr ession rratio
atio oover
v er ttime.
Figure 5 sshows
hows daily
daily global
global ccompression
o mpression rratio
atio ((the
th e ddaily
rate of
of ddata
ata rreduction
eduction ddue ue tto
o dduplicate
uplicate ssegment
egmen t Att tthe
A he eend 8tthh dday,
nd ooff 448 ay, cumulative
cumulative ggloballobal ccompression
elimination), ddaily
elimination), aily llocal
ocal ccompression
ompression rratio
atio ((the
the ddaily
aily rrate
ate reach es 66.85,
reaches .85, w hile ccumulative
while u mulative ttotal
o tal ccompression
ompr ession rreaches
each es
of data
of data rreduction
eduction ddueue tto
o Z iv-Lempel sstyle
Ziv-Lempel tyle ccompression
ompression 13.71.

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 277
F igure 77:: C
omp ression R
atios aatt D
ata C
enter B
F igure 66:: L
ogical/Physica l C
apacities aatt D
ata C
enter B

S tandard eeffective.
ffectiv e. IIndependent
ndependen t ooff sseeding,
eeding, Z iv-LLempel sstyle
Ziv-Lempel tyle
M in Max
M ax Average
A verage ccompression
ompression iiss rrelatively
elatively sstable,
table, giving
giv ing a rreduction
eduction ooff
D aily g
lobal aabout
bout 2 oover
ver ttime.
ime. T he rreal
The eal w orld oobservations
world bserv ations oonn tthe
5 .09 45.16
4 5.16 13.92
1 3.92 9.08
9 .08
compression aapplicability
pplicab ility ooff dduplicate
uplicate ssegment
eg men t eelimination
limination dduring
D aily llocal
1 .40 4.13
4 .13 2.33
2 .33 0.57
0 .57
eed ing aand
nd aafter
f ter sseeding
eed ing aare
re pparticularly
articular ly rrelevant
elevan t iin
c ompression eevaluating
valu ating oour
ur ttechniques
echn iques ttoo rreduce
educe ddisk
isk aaccesses
ccesses bbelow.

Table 22:: S
Table Statistics
tatistics oon
n Daily
Daily G
lobal aand
nd D
aily L
C ompression R Ratios
atio s at
at D
ata Center
C enter B
5. I/O
I/O Savings
Savings with
with Summary
Summary Vector
Vector and
Local Preserved
a it y P Caching
reserved Caching
To determine
To deter min e tthe
he eeffectiveness
ffectiveness ooff tthe
he S Summary
ummary V Vector
E xchange Engineering
E ngineering aand
nd L o cality P
Locality reserved C
Preserved aching , w
Caching, wee eexamine
xamin e tthe
he ssavings
d ata data
d ata ffor
or disk
disk reads
reads toto find
f ind dduplicate
uplicate ssegments
eg ments uusing
sing a
Logical capacity
Logical capac ity (TB)
(TB) 2.76
2 .76 2.54
2 .54
S ummary Vector
Summary Vector aand
nd L o cality P
Locality r eserved C
Preserved ach ing.
P hysica l capacity
capac ity after
d eduplicating ssegments
egments 0.49
0 .49 0.50
0 .50 W
Wee uusese ttwo
wo iinternal
ntern al ddatasets
atasets fforor oour
ur eexperiment.
xperimen t. O ne iiss a
T B) d aily ffull
daily ull bbackup
ackup ooff a ccompany-wide
ompany-wid e Exchange
Exch ange
G lobal compression
compress ion 5.69
5 .69 5.04
5 .04 iinformation
nformation sstore
tore oover
ver a 1135-day
35-day period.
p eriod. T he oother
The ther iiss tthe
P hysica l capacity
capac ity aafter
fter w eekly ffull
weekly ull aand
nd ddaily
aily iincremental
n cremental bbackup
ackup ooff aan n
0 .22 0.261
0 .261
ocal compression
compression (TB)
E ngineer ing ddepartment
Engineering ep artment oover
ver a 1100-day
00-day pperiod.
eriod . Table
Table 3
L ocal compression
compress ion 2.17
2 .17 1.93
ummar izes kkey ey aattributes
ttributes ooff tthese
hese ttwo
wo ddatasets.
T otal compression
compress ion 12.36
12.36 9.75
9 .75
Thesehese iinternal
n ternal ddatasets
atasets aare
re ggenerated
en erated ffrom
rom pproduction
Table 3: C
Table Capacities
apacities aand
nd C
ompression Ratios
Ra tios oon
n u
usagesage (albeit
(albeit iinternal).
nternal) . WWee aalso
lso oobserve
bserve tthat
h at vvarious
E xchange and
and Engineering
Engineering D Datasets
atasets ccompression
ompression rratios
atios pproduced
roduced bbyy tthe
he iinternal
n ternal ddatasets
atasets aare
elatively ssimilar
imilar ttoo tthose
hose ooff real
real world
world examples
Table 2 ssummarizes
Table ummar izes tthe
he m
inimum, m maximum,
ax imum, aaverage,
v erage, eexamined
xamined iin n ssection
ection 55.1.
.1. WWee bbelieve
eliev e tthese
hese iinternal
n ternal
nd standard
standard deviation
d eviation ooff bboth
oth ddaily
aily gglobal
lobal aand
nd ddaily
aily d atasets aare
datasets r e rreasonable
easonable pproxies
roxies ooff rreal eal w orld
ocal ccompression
o mpression rratios,
atios, eexcluding
xcluding sseeding
eeding aand
nd ddays
ays d eploymen ts.
w ithout bbackup.
without ackup. E
Each ach ooff tthe
h e bbackup
ackup ddatasets
atasets iiss ssent
ent tto
o tthe
he ddeduplicating
T he ttwo
wo ssets
ets ooff results
resu lts show
show thatthat tthe
he deduplication
deduplication sstorage
torage system
system w ith a ssingle
with ingle bbackup
ackup sstream.
tream. W ith rrespect
With esp ect
torage ssystem
ystem wworks well
o rk s w with
ell w ith tthe
h e rreal
eal wworld
orld ddatasets.
atasets. ttoo tthe
he ddeduplication
eduplication sstorage
torage ssystem,
ystem, w wee m easure tthe
measure he
Ass expected,
expected, bboth
oth ccumulative
umulative gglobal
lobal aandnd ccumulative
umu lative n umber ooff ddisk
number isk rreads
eads ffor
or ssegment
egment iindexndex llookups
ookups aand nd
otal ccompression
ompression rratios
atios iincrease
ncr ease aass tthe
h e ssystem
ystem hholds
olds llocality
ocality pprefetches
refetch es nneeded
eeded ttoo ffind
ind dduplicates
uplicates dduring
uring w r ite
m ore backup
more backup ddata.
ata. ffor
or four
four cases:

D uring sseeding,
During eed ing, dduplicate
uplicate ssegment
eg ment eelimination
limin ation tends
tends to
to (1 )
(1) w ith nneither
with either S ummary V
Summary ector nnor
Vector or Locality
bee iineffective,
neffective, bbecause
ecause m o st ssegments
most egmen ts aare
r e nnew.
ew. A fter
After P reserved C
Preserved ach ing;
eed ing, despite
d espite tthe
he llarge
arge vvariation
ariation iin
n tthe
he aactual
ctual nnumber,
umb er, (2 )
(2) w ith S
with ummary V
Summary ector oonly;
Vector nly;
d uplicate ssegment
duplicate egment eelimination
limin ation bbecomes
ecomes eextremely
xtr emely
(3 )
(3) w ith L
with ocality P
Locality reserved C
Preserved ach ing oonly;
Caching nly; aand

278 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
(4) with both Summary Vector and Locality versions where each successive version (“generation”) is
Preserved Caching. a somewhat modified copy of the preceding generation
in the series. The generation-to-generation modifications
The results are shown in Table 4.
include: data reordering, deletion of existing data, and
Clearly, the Summary Vector and Locality Preserved addition of new data. Single-client backup over time is
Caching combined have produced an astounding simulated when synthetic data generations from a backup
reduction in disk reads. Summary Vector alone reduces stream are written to the deduplication storage system in
about 16.5% and 18.6% of the index lookup disk I/Os for generation order, where significant amounts of data are
exchange and engineering data respectively. The unchanged day-to-day or week-to-week, but where small
Locality Preserved Caching alone reduces about 82.4% changes continually accumulate. Multi-client backup
and 81% of the index lookup disk I/Os for exchange and over time is simulated when synthetic data generations
engineering data respectively. Together they are able to from multiple streams are written to the deduplication
reduce the index lookup disk I/Os by 98.94% and 99.6% system in parallel, each stream in the generation order.
There are two main advantages of using the synthetic
In general, the Summary Vector is very effective for new dataset. The first is that various compression ratios can
data, and Locality Preserved Caching is highly effective be built into the synthetic model, and usages
for little or moderately changed data. For backup data, approximating various real world deployments can be
the first full backup (seeding equivalent) does not have tested easily in house.
as many duplicate data segments as subsequent full
The second is that one can use relatively inexpensive
backups. As a result, the Summary Vector is effective to
client computers to generate an arbitrarily large amount
avoid disk I/Os for the index lookups during the first full
of synthetic data in memory without disk I/Os and write
backup, whereas Locality Preserved Caching is highly
in one stream to the deduplication system at more than
beneficial for subsequent full backups. This result also
100 MB/s. Multiple cheap client computers can combine
suggests that these two datasets exhibit good duplicate
in multiple streams to saturate the intake of the
deduplication system in a switched network
environment. We find it both much more costly and
5.3 Throughput technically challenging using traditional backup
To determine the throughput of the deduplication storage software, high-end client computers attached to primary
system, we used a synthetic dataset driven by client storage arrays as backup clients, and high–end servers as
computers. The synthetic dataset was developed to media/backup servers to accomplish the same feat.
model backup data from multiple backup cycles from
In our experiments, we choose an average generation
multiple backup streams, where each backup stream can
(daily equivalent) global compression ratio of 30, and an
be generated on the same or a different client computer.
average generation (daily equivalent) local compression
The dataset is made up of synthetic data generated on the ratio of 2 to 1 for each backup stream. These
fly from one or more backup streams. Each backup compression numbers seem possible given the real world
stream is made up of an ordered series of synthetic data examples in section 5.1. We measure throughput for one

Exchange data Engineering data

# disk I/Os % of total # disk I/Os % of total
no Summary Vector and
328,613,503 100.00% 318,236,712 100.00%
no Locality Preserved Caching
Summary Vector only 274,364,788 83.49% 259,135,171 81.43%
Locality Preserved Caching only 57,725,844 17.57% 60,358,875 18.97%
Summary Vector and
3,477,129 1.06% 1,257,316 0.40%
Locality Preserved Caching

Table 4: Index and locality reads. This table shows the number disk reads to perform index lookups or fetches from the
container metadata for the four combinations: with and without the Summary Vector and with and without Locality
Preserved Caching. Without either the Summary Vector or Locality Preserved Caching, there is an index read for every
segment. The Summary Vector avoids these reads for most new segments. Locality Preserved Caching avoids index
lookups for duplicate segments at the cost an extra read to fetch a group of segment fingerprints from the container
metadata for every cache miss for which the segment is found in the index.

USENIX Association FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies 279
Figure 88:: Wr
Figure Write
ite T
h roughput of
of S
ingle B
a ckup Client
Clien t aand
nd Figure 99:: R
Figure Read
ead T
hroughput of
of S
ingle B
ackup Client
C lient and
ackup Clients.
Clients. 4B
ackup Clients

backup sstream
backup tream uusing
sing oone
ne cclient
lien t computer
compu ter and
and 4 backup
treams uusing
sing ttwo
wo client
clien t computers
compu ters for
for write
write aand
nd rread
ead for
fo r 5.44
5. Discussion
100 generations
1 generations ooff tthe
he bbackup
ackup ddatasets. The
atasets. T he rresults
esults aare
re The ttechniques
The echniques ppresented
resented iin n tthis
h is ppaper
ap er aare
re ggeneral
hown in
in F igures 8 and
Figures and 9. m ethods to
methods to iimprove
mprove tthroughput
hroughput pperformance
erforman ce ooff
d eduplication sstorage
deduplication torag e ssystems.
ystems. A lthough our
Although our system
T he deduplication
deduplication ssystem
ystem ddelivers
elivers hhigh
igh wwrite
rite tthroughput
h ro u g h p u t
d ivides a ddata
divides ata sstream
tream iinto
n to ccontent-based
ontent-b ased segments,
segments, these
esults ffor
or bboth
oth ccases.
ases. InIn the
the ssingle
ingle sstream
tream ccase,ase, tthehe
m ethods ccan
methods an aalso
lso aapply
pply tto
o ssystem
ystem uusing
sing ffixed
ixed aaligned
ystem aachieves
ch ieves w rite tthroughput
write hroughput ooff 1110 10 M B/sec ffor
MB/sec or
egmen ts ssuch
uch aass V enti.
g eneration 0 aand
generation nd oover
ver 113113 MB/sec
MB/sec for for ggeneration
eneration 1
hrough 9. 9. In In the
the 4 sstream
tream ccase,
ase, tthe
he ssystem
ystem aachieves
ch iev es A
Ass a side side nnote,
o te, w
wee hhave
ave ccompared
ompar ed tthe he ccompression
ompression rratios
w rite tthroughput
write hroughput ooff 1139
39 M B/sec ffor
MB/sec or ggeneration
ener ation 0 aand nd a o
off a ssystemystem ssegmenting
egmenting ddata ata sstreams
tr eams bbyy ccontents
onten ts ((about
ustained 217
217 M B/sec ffor
MB/sec or ggeneration
eneration 1 tthrough
hrough 99.. 8
8Kbytes Kbytes onon aaverage)
verag e) w ith aanother
with nother ssystem
ystem uusing
sing ffixed
ligned 88Kbytes
Kbytes ssegments
egments oon n tthe
he eengineering
ngin eer ing aand nd
W rite tthroughput
Write hroughput ffor
or ggeneration
en eration 0 iiss llower
ower bbecause
ecause aall
xchange bbackup
ackup ddatasets.
atasets. W Wee ffound
ound tthat
hat tthe
he ffixed
egmen ts aarere nnew
ew and and require
requ ire Z iv-Lempel sstyle
Ziv-Lempel tyle
lignmen t aapproach
pproach ggetsets bbasically
asically nno o gglobal
lobal ccompression
ompression bbyy tthe
he C PU of
CPU of the
the ddeduplication
eduplication ssystem.
global ccompression:
ompression: 11.01) .01) fforor tthe
he eengineering
ngineering data,
The he ssystem
ystem ddelivers
elivers hhigh
igh rread
ead tthroughput
hroughput rresults
esults ffor
or tthe
he w hereas the
whereas the ssystem
ystem w ith ccontent-based
with ontent-based ssegmentation
eg men tation
ingle sstream
tr eam ccase.
ase. T hroughout aall
Throughout ll ggenerations,
enerations, the
the g
getsets a llot
o t ooff gglobal
lob al ccompression
ompr ession ((6.39:1).
6.39:1). T he m
The ain
ystem achieves
ach ieves oover
ver 1100
00 M B/sec rread
MB/sec ead tthroughput.
hroughput. rreason
eason ooff tthe
he ddifference
ifferen ce iiss tthat
h at tthe
he bbackup
ackup ssoftware
oftwar e
reates tthe
h e bbackup
ackup ddataset
ataset w ithout rrealigning
without ealigning ddata
ata aatt ffile
For or tthe
he 4 stream
stream ccase,
ase, tthe
h e rread
ead tthroughput
hroughput iiss 2211 11 M B/sec
MB/sec b oundaries. F
boundaries. or tthe
For he eexchange
x change bbackupackup dataset
dataset w h ere tthe
where he
ffor or generation
generation 00,, 119292 M B/sec ffor
MB/sec or ggeneration
ener ation 11,, 116565 b ackup ssoftware
backup oftware aaligns
ligns ddata
ata aatt iindividual
ndividual m ailboxes, tthe
mailboxes, he
MB/secB/sec for
for ggeneration
ener ation 22,, aand
nd sstay
tay aatt aaround
round 114040 M B/sec
MB/sec g lobal ccompression
global ompr ession ddifference
iff erence iiss llessess ((6.61:1
6.61:1 vvs. s.
fforor ffuture
uture generations.
generations. T Thehe m ain rreason
main eason fforor tthe
he ddecrease
ecr ease 1 0.28:1), tthough
10.28:1), hough there
there iiss a ssignificant
ignifican t ggap.
ap .
off read
read tthroughput
hroughput iin n tthe
he llater
ater ggenerations
enerations iiss tthat
hat ffuture
u ture
g enerations hhave
generations av e m ore dduplicate
more uplicate ddata
ata ssegments
egments tthan
han tthe
he F ragmen tation w
Fragmentation ill bbecome
will ecome m ore ssevere
more evere ffor
or llong
ong tterm
irst few.
f ew. H owever , the
However, th e rread
ead tthroughput
hroughput sstaystays aatt aabout
bout rretention,
eten tion, aand
nd ccan
an rreduce
educe tthe
he effectiveness
effectiven ess ooff L o cality
14040 MB/sec
MB/sec fforor llater
ater ggenerations
en erations bbecause
ecause ooff S tream-
Stream- P reserved C
Preserved aching. W
Caching. Wee hhave
ave iinvestigated
nv estigated m ech anisms tto
mechanisms o
nformed Segment
Segment L ayout aand
Layout nd L ocality P
Locality reserved
Preserved rreduce
educe ffragmentation
rag men tation aandnd ssustain
ustain hhigh
igh w r ite aand
write nd rread
C aching.
Caching. tthroughput.
hroughput. But,Bu t, tthese
hese m ech anisms aare
mechanisms re bbeyond
eyond tthe
he sscope
off tthis
his ppaper.
aper .
Noteote tthat
ha t w r ite tthroughput
write hroughput hhas as hhistorically
istorically bbeen
een vvalued
moreore tthan
han rread
ead tthroughput
hroughput ffor or tthe
he bbackup
ackup uuse se ccase
ase ssince
b ackup has
backup has to to ccomplete
omplete w ith in a sspecified
within p ecified bbackup
ackup 6 Related
Related Wor
w indow ttime
window ime pperiod
eriod aandnd iitt iiss m uch m
much or e ffrequent
more requen t event
even t Much w
Much work
ork on
on ddeduplication
eduplication ffocused
o cused oon
n basic
b asic m
han rrestore.
estore. R ead tthroughput
Read hroughput iiss sstill till vvery
ery iimportant,
mpor tant, aand
nd ccompression
ompression rratios,
atios, nnot
ot oon
n hhigh
igh tthroughput.
specially iinn tthe
h e ccase
ase ooff w ho le ssystem
whole ystem rrestores.
E arly ddeduplication
Early edup lication sstorage
torage ssystems
ystems uusese ffile-level
h ashing to
hashing to ddetect
etect dduplicate
uplicate ffiles
iles aand
nd rreclaim
eclaim ttheir
h eir sstorage
tor age
pace [[ABCC*02,
A BCC*02, TKSK*03,
TKSK*03, KDLT04].
KD LT04]. Since Sin ce ssuch

280 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association
systems also use file hashes to address files. Some call We have shown that Summary Vector can reduce disk
such systems content addressed storage or CAS. Since index lookups by about 17% and Locality Preserved
their deduplication is at file level, such systems can Caching can reduce disk index lookups by over 80%, but
achieve only limited global compression. the combined caching techniques can reduce disk index
lookups by about 99%.
Venti removes duplicate fixed-size data blocks by
comparing their secure hashes [QD02]. It uses a large Stream-Informed Segment Layout is an effective
on-disk index with a straightforward index cache to abstraction to preserve spatial locality and enable
lookup fingerprints. Since fingerprints have no locality, Locality Preserved Caching.
their index cache is not effective. When using 8 disks to
These techniques are general methods to improve
lookup fingerprints in parallel, its throughput is still
throughput performance of deduplication storage
limited to less than 7 MB/sec. Venti used a container
systems. Our techniques for minimizing disk I/Os to
abstraction to layout data on disks, but was stream
achieve good deduplication performance match well
agnostic, and did not apply Stream-Informed Segment
against the industry trend of building many-core
processors. With quad-core CPU’s already available, and
To tolerate shifted contents, modern deduplication eight-core CPU’s just around the corner, it will be a
systems remove redundancies at variable-size data relatively short time before a large-scale deduplication
blocks divided based on their contents. Manber described storage system shows up with 400 ~ 800 MB/sec
a method to determine anchor points of a large file when throughput with a modest amount of physical memory.
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282 FAST ’08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX Association

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