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Potoson, Baleno, Masbate

NAME: _________________________________________ DATE: _________

GRADE: __________________________________________ SCORE: _______

DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a commitment that eventually defines a lifestyle.

a. compassion b. generosity c. respect d.
2. She describes herself as follows “By blood, I am Albanian; by citizenship, an Indian;
by faith I am a Catholic nun.”
a. Mother Teresa b. Roselle Ambubuyog c. Anne Frank d. Mariah
3.How can we conserve water?
a. Taking shower three times a day.
b. Staying in the shower for 45 minutes.
c. Using the left over from a bath to water plants.
d. Turn on the faucet even when not in use.
4. He was a Baptist minister and social activist who played a significant role in the
American civil rights movement.
a. Martin Luther King, Jr. b. Shakespeare c. Poe d. Socrates
5. How do you respect the rights of others?
a. You always say bad words to others.
b. You throw garbage at your neighbor’s yard.
c. You do not get jealous or envious to your classmates who excel in class.
d. You talk to others in a harsh way.
6. It is a song by the Beatles released as a single in 1965.
a. Help b. Break c. Lucky d. Time
7. Which statement is not true?
a. Our world is truly uncertain and full of danger.
b. Your parents are always around to protect you from harm and danger.
c. At times that you are alone you must learn to protect yourself.
d. You must have presence of mind and decide for yourself.
8. What religion is based on the teachings of Buddha?
a. Catholicism b. Buddhism c. Christian d. Iglesia
10. Which of the following is considered as a horrible situation?
a. Someone asked you the right way to the park.
b. An old man asked you about the time.
c. Someone rings you doorbell to deliver a mall.
d. On your way to school, someone forces to bring you to his car.
11. What will you do when someone suspicious is walking towards you?
a. Invite him to walk with you.
b. Just ignore that suspicious person.
c. Cross the street or change directions, you have to trust your instincts.
d. Talk to the person and ask him what he wants.
12. What will happen if you panic in times of danger?
a. It will help you think. b. It will make things worse.
c. It will be so much fun. d. It will protect you from danger.
13. It is dark due to nationwide blackout. When you entered your house, you smelled
gas coming from the kitchen. What is the best thing you can do?
a. Light candle to see what is happening in the kitchen.
b. Turn on the oven or stove.
c. Use flashlight to see what is happening and ask an adult to assist you.
d. all of the above
14. She said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
a. Mother Teresa b. Roselle Ambubuyog c. Anne Frank d. Mariah Carey
15.What is the best thing you can do in case of fire?
a. Stay inside the house and yell for help.
b. Get out of the building as fast as you can
c. Stay in the bathroom because there is water.
d. Cry out loud to call attention.
16. He said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.”
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Shakespeare c. Poe d. Socrates
17. A beggar is asking for alms and you only have just enough money for your snack.
What will you do?
a. Give him money so he will not bother you.
b. I will not give him money because he might be a member of a syndicate.
c. I will just give him biscuits/sandwich instead of money.
d. Just ignore him.
18. Your neighbor threw the garbage in front of your yard. What will you do?
a. Don’t mind it.
b. Tell your neighbor that what he did was not proper.
c. Tell your other neighbors about his wrong deeds.
d. Shout at your neighbor house.
19. Your classmates are inviting you to watch a movie after your class in the afternoon.
You haven’t asked permission from your parents. What will you do?
a. I will join them and explain later.
b. Join them but keep it secretly.
c. I will turn down politely and go home instead.
d. I will just ignore their invitation.
20. Which statement is true?
a. It is the duty of the parents only to keep the home and surroundings clean.
b. The policeman is in charge of the safety of the household.
c. play until late at night outside your home.
d. As you grow older, it is your responsibility to help ensure safety in the house.
21.Your parents went to Baguio for a business transaction for a week and left the
responsibility of taking care of the plants in the garden. Since it is your birthday, what
will you do?
a. Invite your classmates to sleep in our house for one week to celebrate your
b. Lock the house and go out with your friends.
c. Be responsible enough to know your duties and follow your parents’
d. all of these
22. Your classmate is bullying you whenever your teacher is out of the classroom.
What will you do?
a. Ignore him. c. I will fight back at him.
b. Tell the teacher to help you out d. Cry out loud.
in this situation.
23. You have an assignment that needed to be submitted the following day. But due
to some unexpected circumstances, you weren’t able to finish your homework. What will
you do?
a. Tell the teacher that you forgot it and will submit it the next day.
b. Get your classmate’s work, copy it at once, and submit it to your teacher.
c. Tell your teacher the truth why you were not able to do your work.
d. Tell your teacher to just give you grade and you will submit your work the
following day.
24.Your classmate lost her money. She has no food for recess. What is the best thing
to do?
a. Share your baon with her.
b. Tell her that it’s her fault.
c. Ignore her.
d. Keep your baon so that she can’t ask from you.
25. He is a teacher and social worker from Cavite City and founder and head of the
Dynamic Teen Company.
a. Anderson Cooper b. Shakespeare c. Efren Penaflorida d.
26. Your classmate, who is also your neighbor, is always absent in your class. You
know that he cuts classes and goes only to the computer shop to play games. If her
mother asks you about her, what will you do?
a. I will tell the truth to her mother.
b. I will say, “I don’t know.”
c. I will keep quiet.
d. I will say, “She is doing great in class.”
27. Which of the following will you do best if your parents are NOT home?
a. Keep doors and windows locked and keep the garage door closed to avoid
strangers from entering.
b. Invite friends to stay with you in the house.
c. If troubles arise, call your neighbor for protection.
d. If someone calls, tell her/him that your parents are not around.
28. You caught some of your classmates involved in cheating in a major exam. Some
of them are even your close friend. What is the best thing to do?
a. Report it to your teacher.
b. Just ignore it because they are your friends.
c. Copy their answers.
d.Tell your teacher to give you perfect score because you caught your
classmates cheating in a major exam.
29. Who wrote “The Road Not Taken”?
a. Frost b. Shakespeare c. Plato d. Socrates
30. It means to see ourselves the way we truly are.
a. responsibility b. self-esteem c. virtue d. self-
awareness31. Which of the following uses of fire extinguisher is incorrect?
a. Pull the trigger.
b. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
c. Squeeze the handle.
d. Sweep foam from side to side.
32. Who founded the Heal the world Foundation?
a. Michael Jackson b. Shakespeare c. Frost d. Socrates
33. You have no assignments and you skip classes often. Your teacher gave you an
average of grade of 74%. What will you do?
a. Accept the grade of 74% and change your attitude to improve your grade next
b. Go to the Guidance office and report your teacher.
c. Tell your mother to talk to the Principal to change your grade.
d. Give a gift to your teacher to change your grade.
34. Your classmate wants to copy your assignment because she was absent yesterday
and was not able to do it. What will you do?
a. Let her copy your assignment because she wants to have a grade.
b. Let her copy your assignment in exchange of something.
c. Teach her first and let her do the assignment.
d. all of these
35. It is one of the results of dirty environment.
a. sickness b. clean air c. clean water d. none of these
36. What is the advantage of having a clean environment?
a. People cannot concentrate well.
b. It helps us become healthy because bacteria seldom survive in a clean
c. It can make us sick.
d. It is not nice to look at.
37. What is the simple step we can take to protect life and property if there is flood?
a. Assemble a disaster supply kit. c. Do not listen to news.
b. Do not pack extra clothing. d. Wait until the water rises.
38. What can you do during an earthquake if you are indoors?
a. Stand in an open doorway or get under the table.
b. Turn on the stoves and heaters.
c. Stay near the windows or mirrors.
d. none of these
39. What can you do during an earthquake if you are outdoors?
a. Stay from narrow streets. b. Avoid elevators.
c. Stay from buildings. d. Stay from power lines.
40. It is a sudden tremor or a shaking of the earth’s surface because of forces at work
within the globe.
a. Earthquake b. Floods c. Thunder d. Lightning

II- Arrange the words in order to get the correct message.

41. My sense of sight tells me I can

playground up trash the on pick

42. My sense of touch tells me I can

care help animals for all

43. My sense of taste tells me I can

with good others share food

44. My sense of smell tells me I can

grass for flowers care things all growing and

45. My sense of hearing tells me I can

music listen too that’s loud to for my not ears

III- Match column A with the Column B. Write the letter of your answer in the blank.

________1. Littered banana peelings a. coughing

________2. Scattered trash in backyard b. stomachache
________3. Soiled plates in kitchen c. broken back
________4. Dirty comfort room d. skin rashes
________5. Dusty room e. invites ants in the house


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