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Potoson, Baleno, Masbate

Name: ____________________ Date: ______________

Grade: __________________ Score: _____________
1. Who gave the name “Felipinas” to the Philippine archipelago?

a. Ferdinand Magellan c. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

b. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi d. Sebastian Cabot

2. Which describes the products coming from the east?

a. cheap but high high quality

b. could be used in European factories

c. could easily reach the European markets

d. could be cold to European markets in a high price

3. Which is NOT an aim of the Spaniards for colonizing the Philippines?

a. to have more wealth c. to spread Christianity

b. to have peace d. to be powerful

4. How did Legaspi show his gratitude to the natives of Samar and Leyte for providing food to his

a. He named the place Felipinas.

b. He lessened their taxes.

c. He gave the natives money.

d. He taught the natives how to fight.

5. What was the right given to any Spaniard to collect a tribute over a piece of land as a reward for his

a. tributo c. cedula personal

b. encomienda d. polo y servicio

6. What part of the total tax collected in the encomienda system went to the church during the
Spanish period?

a. 1/8 b. 1/4 c. 1/3 d. ½

7. At what age were Filipinos started to be taxed by the Spaniards during the Spanish time?

a. 13 years old c. 18 years old

b. 15 years old d. 21 years old

8. What was the first lesson in the newly opened schools about during the colonization of the

a. Baybayin c. Language

b. Christianity d. Politics
9. Where did the first missionaries land in the Philippines?

a. Cebu b. Legazpi c. Panay d. Samar

10. What benefit did the Filipinos get from reduccion?

a. They became very religious.

b. They realized the value of having a permanent residence.

c. They became more obedient to the Spanish officials.

d. They became sociable.

11. Which was true about the education established by the Spaniards in the Philippines?

a. Vocational education was not encouraged by the Spanish missionaries.

b. Daughters of rich families were the only ones allowed to study in universities.

c. Men and women were allowed to study in universities.

d. Boys and girls have the same school.

12. What language did the missionaries use in teaching the gospel?

a. English b. Foreign c. Native d. Spanish

13. What was the compulsory sale of products raised by the Filipinos to the government?

a. Bandala b. Samboangan c. Tribute d. Vinta

14. Who was the encomendero of Lisbon in Silang, Cavite?

a. Carlos Lakandula c. Pedro Mojica

b. Diego de Villalobos d. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

15. Which proves that the primary aim of Spain in colonizing the Philippines is to spread Christianity?

a. The expedition leaders followed the orders of the missionaries.

b. All of Spain’s expeditions were accompanied by Christian missionaries.

c. All the lands colonized by the Spain were named after saints.

d. Churches were built in all colonies of Spain.

16. Which is true about the trade routes during the 15th century?

a. The traders from the Europe passed by the Egypt only.

b. The traders should choose only one trade route.

c. There are three trade routes used by the traders.

d. Europeans were only ones to use the trader routes.

17. Who supervised local elections during the colonization of the Philippines?

a. colonizers b. friars c. missionaries d. women

18. What characteristic was shown by the natives who welcomed Magellan and his man bringing
some food?

a. cheerful b. friendly c. proud d. intelligent

19. They are the community workers.

a. falla b. polistas c. polo d. spirit

20. Which helped the navigators search for new lands?

a. The number of geographers increased.

b. Modern inventions were used in geography.

c. More incentives were given to the explorers.

d. Schools for the sailor were established.

21. Who wrote the first Spanish-native language dictionary?

a. early Filipinos c. colonizers

b. government officials d. missionaries

22. Who was the head of Manila when it was colonized by the Spaniards?

a. Rajah Bilano c. Rajah Sulayman

b. Rajah Kolambu d. Rajah Tupas

23. How did the Spaniards and the Filipinos celebrate their friendship?

a. celebrating mass c. celebrating blood compact

b. celebrating feast d. celebrating a baptism

24. Why was there a need for Europeans to look for another trade route?

a. Higher fees were being charged form cargo ships.

b. The routes have become congested.

c. The trade routes were closed.

d. The trade routes were lessened.

25. Why did Magellan name the island of the Chammoros as Landrones Island?

a. The natives stole their boat.

b. The natives were hospitable.

c. The natives were a happy group of people.

d. The natives went hiding as soon as they saw the Spaniards.

26. Which gave Spain the right to own lands to be colonized located at the west of the Demarcation
Line set by the Papa Bull?

a. Atlantic Treaty c. Treaty of Europe

b. Moluccas Treaty d. Treaty of Tordesillas

27. It means community work.

a. public b. polo c. polistas d. encomienda

28. Which helped Balboa to sail around the world?

a. The discovery of the Cape of Good Hope.

b. The discovery of the New World.

c. The discovery of the Pacific Ocean.

d. Sailing on Cape Verde

29. Who was the colonizer of Manila?

a. Ruy Lopez de Legazpi c. Juan de Salcedo

b. Martin de Goiti d. Alvaro de Saadvedra

30. What was the oldest Spanish city in the Philippines established in 1565?

a. Bohol b. Cebu c. Manila d. Panay

31. What was the name given to Manila when it was colonized by the Spaniards?

a. Ciudad del SantisimoNombre de Jesus

b. Insigne y Siempre Real Ciudad

c. Ciudad del Siempre Real

d. Insigne y SiempreNombre de Jesus

32. What was the special tax used to crush the Moro raids in Zamboanga?

a. Bandala b. Samboangan c. Tribute d. Vinta

33. The polo y servicio was favourable only to the _________.

a. Americans b. Spaniards c. Chinese d. Filipinos

34. All of these are reasons why the people resisted the forced labour except one.

a. The livelihood activities of the people were neglected.

b. Men were not separated from their families.

c. Filipinos developed a dislike for manual labour because they were forced to this without pay.

d. Filipinos disliked manual labour.

35. Who was the first to discover the route going to the East from Africa?

a. Bartolome Diaz c. Vasco de Gama

b. Vasco de Balboa d. Amerigo Vespucci

36. Why did Magellan, a Portuguese, offer his service to the King of Spain?

a. The King of Spain asked only a small portion of what Magellan will get.

b. The King of Spain believed Magellan’s plan.

c. The King of Portugal mocked Magellan.

d. Magellan has a physical defect.

37. Where did the Spaniards go when they ran out of food in Cebu?

a. Bohol b. Cebu c. Leyte d. Manila

38. It is an instrument used by the Spaniards for determining direction.

a. portolani b. compass c. astrolabe d. map

39. What device is used for measuring the elevation of the pole star above the sea horizon?

a. globe b. astrolabe c. portolani d. sailing charts

40. Which one is not a missionary?

a. Jesuit b. Dominican c. Augustinian d. Christian

41. What is the equivalent of 1 real?

a. 12 centavos b. 12 and half centavos c. 13 centavos d. 14 centavos

42. Why did Pope Alexander VI pass a Papa bull on the division of lands to be discovered and have
been discovered Portugal and Spain?

a. to prevent misunderstanding between Portugal and Spain

b. to equalize the member of colonies between Portugal and Spain

c. to make travel faster to the lands assigned to them

d. to give them opportunities to choose the place they want to go

43. This was the exemptions from polo which costs 1 1/2 reales a day of supposed absence from

a. falla b. private c. public d. spirit

44. Which ship in Magellan’s expedition returned to San Lucas, Spain?

a. Trinidad b. Concepcion c. Victoria d. San Antonio

45. With whom did the missionaries live during their stay to spread Christianity?

a. colonizers b. friars c. government officials d. soldiers

46. What was the collection imposed upon the Filipinos by the Spaniards which could be paid in cash
or in kind?

a. tributo b. encomienda c. cedula personal d. polo y servicio

47. When was the encomienda system abolished?

a. 1884 b. 1885 c. 1886 d. 1887

48. Who was the head of the first group of missionaries who came to the Philippines?

a. Father Divino c. Father Primitivo

b. Father Gregory d. Father Urdaneta

49. Who were exempted in the forced labour?

a. community leaders c. eldest son

b. community helpers d. a and

50. Which shows that the natives accept Christianity?

a. They had a blood compact.

b. They were baptized as Christians.

c. They joined the expeditions.

d. The natives invited the Spaniards to their homes.



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