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TAHUN AJARAN 2023 / 2024
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : V (LIMA)
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis / 13 Juni 2024
Waktu : 10.00 – 12.00

I. Berilah tanda (X) pada huruf A,B,C atau D pada jawaban yang benar!
1. Toni uses his … to eat noodle.
a. nose
b. eyes
c. foot
c. mouth

2. Sania uses her nose to … the flower.

a. eat
b. take
c. smell
d. listen

3. She user her … to take a glass orange juice.

a. hand
b. eyes
c. stomach
d. nose

4. My brother uses his headset to … to the music.

a. look
b. smell
c. listen
d. pick

5. My sister uses her hand to … mango.

a. pick
b. eat
c. smell
d. walk

6. Intan : How do you see your face in the mirror ?

Jesica : I uses my … to see my face in the mirror.
a. nose
b. eyes
c. hand
d. foot

7. We can hear the sound with my …

a. neck
b. hand
c. foot
d. ear

8. Which one is not the body parts ?

a. mouth
b. ear
c. book
d. eyes

9. We can bite (menggigit) an apple with …

a. stomach
b. tongue
c. teeth
d. ear

10. The giraffe is … than deer.

a. shorter
b. taller
c. bigger
d. smaller

11. Donita is … than grandmother.

a. older
b. taller
c. younger
d. longer
12. The deer runs … than snail.
a. faster
b. slower
c. older
d. bigger

13. How is the elephant compared to the rabbit ? It is … than the rabbit.
a. slower
b. smaller
c. faster
d. bigger

14. How is the cow compared to the goat ? It is … than the goat.
a. fatter
b. thinner
c. smaller
d. taller

15. How is the pair of trousers compared to the T-shirt. The pair of trousers is … than T- shirt.
a. cheaper
b. expensive
c. more expensive Rp. 150.000 Rp. 100.000
d. newer


The ruler is the …

a. long
b. longer
c. longes
d. longest


Rp. 100.000 Rp. 150.000 Rp. 200.000

The pair of shoes are the …

a. cheapes
b. cheapest
c. cheap
d. cheaper

Tina Lili Lili’s grandma

Lili’s grandma is the …

a. old
b. older
c. oldest
d. oldes

19. Indonesia Independence Day is on ….

a. August 17th
b. April 21th
c. May 2nd
d. Januari 1st


The pencil is the …

a. shortest
b. short
c. shorter
d. shortes

II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat !

21. “shoulder” artinya …….
22. “stomach” artinya ……
23. “short” artinya ……
24. “lebih besar dari” in English language is .…..
25. “paling tinggi” in English language is ……
26. “paling mahal” in English language is …….
27. the rabbit is …… than the goat.
28. the cow is …… than the hourse.
29. Cici uses her ……. to eat fried chicken.
30. Kartini’s day is on ……….
III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar !

31. Susunlah kata-kata tersebut menjadi kalimat yang benar!

Joni – his hand – to pick – an apple – uses
32. Translate into Indonesian !
The ruler is longer than the pencil
33. Translate into English !
Nenek lebih tua dari pada Cici

Look at the picture ! (for number 24 & 25)

34. Buatlah kalimat perbandingan antara kambing dan tikus ! (in English)
35. Arrange the words according to the picture !
a. mouse – smallest – The – is - the
b. The – biggest – is - elephant - the

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