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Understanding the Difference between

Responsive and Adaptive Design

Santosh Lakade 🚀

Performance Marketing Specialist | Google AdWords Specialist | YouTube Content Creator |

Microsoft Ads Professional | Growth Hacker | Data Analyst | Paid Media Specialist | GA4 | GTM
| Influencer Marketing Strategist
43 articles Follow
July 10, 2023
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In today's digital age, having a well-designed website is crucial for businesses to

effectively engage with their online audience. Two popular approaches to web design
are responsive design and adaptive design. While both aim to enhance the user
experience across various devices, they differ in their methodology and implementation.
In this blog post, we will explore the differences between responsive and adaptive
design to help you understand which approach might be best for your website.

Responsive Design:

Responsive design is an approach that aims to create a website that seamlessly adapts
to different screen sizes and resolutions. It uses fluid grids, flexible images, and CSS
media queries to adjust the layout and content based on the user's device. With
responsive design, the website's elements automatically resize and reposition to fit the
screen, providing a consistent and optimized experience across all devices. Whether the
user accesses the site on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, the content is
displayed in a user-friendly and visually appealing manner.
Adaptive Design:

Adaptive design, also known as dynamic serving, takes a different approach. Instead of
relying on fluid layouts, adaptive design involves creating multiple versions of a website,
each tailored to specific device types or screen resolutions. When a user accesses the
site, the server detects the device type and serves the appropriate version of the site.
This approach allows for more granular control over the user experience, as designers
can optimize the layout and content for specific devices. Adaptive design often involves
creating separate templates or stylesheets for different device categories, such as
desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Key Differences:

1. Flexibility: Responsive design offers a more flexible and fluid approach, as the
website automatically adjusts to the user's device screen size. Adaptive design, on
the other hand, provides more control and customization by delivering specific
versions of the site based on the detected device.
2. Development Complexity: Responsive design typically requires a single
codebase and design implementation, making it more straightforward to develop
and maintain. Adaptive design, however, can be more complex and time-
consuming to create, as it involves designing and developing multiple versions of
the site.
3. Device Optimization: While both approaches aim to optimize the user
experience, adaptive design allows for greater customization based on specific
device capabilities and limitations. Responsive design provides a more consistent
experience across devices, but it may not fully leverage the unique features of
each device.
4. Future-Proofing: Responsive design is often considered more future-proof, as it
can adapt to new devices and screen sizes without requiring major redesigns.
Adaptive design may require updates or new versions as new device categories
or resolutions emerge.

Choosing the Right Approach:

The choice between responsive and adaptive design depends on various factors,
including the target audience, project requirements, and budget. Responsive design is
generally recommended for most websites, as it provides a consistent and flexible user
experience across devices. Adaptive design may be more suitable for specific use cases
where device-specific optimization is critical, such as complex web applications or
content-heavy sites.

Both responsive and adaptive design approaches have their merits, offering solutions to
address the ever-growing variety of devices and screen sizes. While responsive design
provides a fluid and consistent user experience, adaptive design allows for more
customization and device optimization. Understanding the differences between these
two approaches can help you make an informed decision when designing or revamping
your website, ensuring an optimal user experience across various devices and screen

Gaming AI
Create versatile, immersive, responsive and adaptive game
experiences with our advanced AI.

Explore More

Smarter Games With Our Smarter AI

Artificial Intelligence’s foray into the gaming industry in recent years has
enabled the creation of more AI-driven games contributing to engaging and
immersive gaming experiences.

AI has become a more significant part of the gaming industry, from

appearing in video games to becoming an indispensable part of game
development. Today, AI games increasingly place the game experience
control in the hands of the player, whose behavior shapes the
gaming experience.

Currently, AI has made itself an integral tool in the gaming industry and is
used to:

 Control Non-Player Character (NPC) behavior during games.

 Design and balance game levels and generate new content.

 Include virtual assistants to help and guide players during the game.

 Enable assistants to use NLP to respond to players’ requests.

 Personalize gameplay for gaming individuals according to their style

and preferences.

 Improve the quality of the game and make more varieties available.

 Moderate platform content to eliminate in-game abuse and enable

positive and safe user interactions.

Opporture’s Gaming AI: Enabling Exciting Gaming Possibilities
Prepare to conquer the gaming industry with Opporture’s cutting-edge AI-
powered solutions. AI dominates the gaming business sector rather than
the gaming experience sector in the gaming industry. Seize these
monetizing opportunities as AI rapidly blends with real-world experiences.
As AI-powered tools become more omnipresent, this trend will only
continue with an upward graph. Get set to unlock the future of immersive
gaming with Opporture’s Gaming AI.

What You Gain With Opporture

Player Churn Analytics

Discover the first signs of player churn with predictive analytics and
increase a player’s revenue contribution. Leverage player behavior and
logs to derive useful insights on gamer retention.
Facial Emotion Detection
Detect player emotions and personalize gameplay according to the player’s
mood and personality. Improve the gaming experience and maximize the
fun quotient by leveraging biometric facial detection algorithms.
Player Sentiment Analysis
Gain an understanding of player sentiments from an accurate analysis of
player reviews using NLP. Categorize reviews by subjects like game speed
concerns, quality of gameplay, characters involved, etc., and refine your
game development and retention strategies.
Realistic NPCs
Added depth and complexity with AI algorithms to make the gaming
experience more engaging for Non-Player Characters who use Gaming AI
the most.
Procedural Content Generation
New and diverse experiences for players with AI algorithms that generate
difficulty levels, quests, maps, and tasks to reduce development costs
and time.
Game Balancing & Testing
Gameplay scenario simulations, hidden bug discovery, and game
mechanics enhancements using AI-powered testing. With AI, multi-player
games can be balanced to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for
all players.
Futuristic Innovations
More adaptable, immersive, and interactive gaming environments with AI-
powered innovations such as AR, VR, and Mixed Reality.
Data Mining
Implementation of data mining on player behavior to understand how users
play the games, what part they play the most, and what makes them stop
playing. It allows developers to identify monetization opportunities and
improve gameplay.
Player Segmentation
Use machine learning algorithms to cluster players into segments based on
different features and criteria. Analyze user behavior more effectively and
experience data-driven decision-making.
Toxic Behavior Detection

Using NLP, analyze chat messages, discover player relationships and

correlations and detect toxic behavior. Make your platform a safe and
reliable environment for your users.

Modern web design gives us three options to use: Responsive, Adaptive, and
Standalone Design, although standalone has fallen into disuse.

Responsive Design lets designers show content based on the browser space
available. This allows consistency between what a site shows on a desktop and
what it shows on a handheld device. Responsive design is the “traditional”
option and remains the more popular approach to date.

Pros Cons

 Uniform & seamless = good UX.  Less screen size design control.
 Abundance of templates to use.  Elements can move around
 SEO friendly.  Advertisements lost on screen.
 Often easier to implement  Longer mobile download times.

Adaptive Design, developed in 2011, is more involved in that the designer

has several fixed layout sizes. It offers an alternative to the “one-size-
stretches-to-all” approach.

Pros Cons

 Labor-intensive to create – most adaptive designs

are retrofitting traditional sites to make them
 Allows designers to build the best UX
more accessible.
for the appropriate device.
 Tablets and netbooks can have trouble with site
 Mobile devices can sense their user’s
configuration tending to be smartphone- or desktop-
 Designers can optimize advertisements
 Challenging to SEO — Search engines have trouble
based on user data from smart devices.
appreciating identical content on multiple sites.

Choosing between a responsive and an adaptive design takes careful

consideration. While it might be prudent to stick to a responsive design for the
sake of expedience (saving cost, improving SEO, and keeping users content
with a seamless experience between devices), it’s crucial to check the pros and
cons of both designs in full. Adaptive design can tune in more to users’
varying needs in the field; thus, it’s vital to keep a finger on the pulse of

We might best picture these changes as evolution. Charles Darwin noted that
the individuals in a species that survive aren’t the strongest or smartest, but
those most adaptable to change. We have only the dinosaurs to consider in
light of that.
Think about your product or service. Does it access users in a specific setting?
What is it about their behavior that you can use to keep them informed and
engaged? Remember, it’s not just mobile devices that are getting smarter. In
our homes and offices, we have more than traditional desktops. Now, a wide
range of smart devices sense and react to the environment, from clocks and
heaters to a host of devices that comprise the “Internet of Things”. It’s an age
that’s full of smarter objects. We must design with that smartness increasingly
in mind.

Sure, responsive and adaptive game experiences are increasingly important as games
target a wider range of platforms and devices, from mobile phones to consoles to PCs.
Here are some case studies showcasing effective implementation:

1. "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt":

 CD Projekt Red, the developer of "The Witcher 3," created a game that offered
both responsive gameplay and adaptive narrative choices. The game dynamically
adjusted its difficulty level based on player skill and decisions made throughout
the game. This allowed players of varying skill levels to enjoy the game without
feeling overwhelmed or bored.

2. "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey":

 Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" introduced a dynamic world system that

responded to player actions. The game's adaptive narrative adjusted the storyline
and character interactions based on the player's choices, creating a personalized
gaming experience. Additionally, the game's difficulty scaled based on the
player's progression and skill level.

3. "Batman: Arkham Knight":

 Rocksteady Studios incorporated responsive gameplay mechanics in "Batman:

Arkham Knight" by providing players with a variety of tools and gadgets to
approach combat and stealth encounters. The game's adaptive enemy AI
adjusted their tactics and behaviors based on the player's actions, providing a
challenging and engaging experience regardless of the player's skill level.

4. "Divinity: Original Sin 2":

 Larian Studios implemented adaptive storytelling and gameplay mechanics in
"Divinity: Original Sin 2." The game featured a dynamic dialogue system that
responded to player choices, leading to branching storylines and multiple
endings. Additionally, the game's adaptive difficulty adjusted enemy encounters
and challenges based on the player's party composition and progress.

5. "Celeste":

 Developed by Matt Makes Games, "Celeste" is a platformer that offers a

responsive difficulty system. The game gradually increases the challenge level as
players progress through levels, ensuring a rewarding experience for both casual
and hardcore gamers. Additionally, the game provides optional assist modes that
allow players to adjust the difficulty according to their preferences.

These case studies demonstrate how developers have successfully implemented

responsive and adaptive elements in their games to provide engaging and personalized
experiences for players.

Creating responsive and adaptive game experiences involves tailoring gameplay

elements to the player's actions, preferences, and skill level, enhancing immersion and
enjoyment. Let's delve into how user interactions can shape these experiences:

1. Personalized Difficulty Levels:

 Games like "Dark Souls" and "Celeste" adjust difficulty based on player
performance. If a player repeatedly fails at a certain section, the game may offer
hints, reduce enemy aggression, or provide extra resources to help them

2. Dynamic Narrative Choices:

 In narrative-driven games like "The Walking Dead" series by Telltale Games,

player choices significantly impact the storyline and character relationships. These
decisions lead to branching narratives, creating a personalized gaming
experience tailored to each player's choices.

3. Adaptive AI and Enemy Behavior:

 Games like "Left 4 Dead" and "F.E.A.R." feature adaptive enemy AI that reacts to
player tactics. Enemies may flank, retreat, or call for reinforcements based on the
player's actions, making each encounter dynamic and challenging.

4. Responsive Control Schemes:

 Mobile games often adapt control schemes based on device capabilities and
player preferences. Some games offer multiple control options, such as touch
controls, tilt controls, or gamepad support, allowing players to choose the
method that suits them best.

5. Procedural Content Generation:

 Games like "Minecraft" and "No Man's Sky" generate environments and content
procedurally, ensuring each playthrough is unique. This adaptability keeps the
experience fresh and encourages exploration and experimentation.

6. Contextual Tutorials and Guidance:

 Games like "Portal" and "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" provide
contextual tutorials and guidance that adapt to the player's progress. Instead of
overwhelming players with information upfront, these games introduce
mechanics gradually as players encounter relevant situations.

7. Player-Driven Storytelling:

 Sandbox games like "Grand Theft Auto V" and "The Sims" allow players to create
their own narratives through emergent gameplay. The game world responds to
player actions, shaping the story based on their decisions and interactions.

By incorporating these responsive and adaptive elements, game developers can create
immersive and engaging experiences that cater to the individual preferences and
abilities of players.
23 Case Studies and Real-World
Examples of How Business
Intelligence Keeps Top Companies
Andy Morris | Principal Product Marketing Specialist
April 16, 2021

Business intelligence (BI) provides data that helps companies make timely
and informed decisions. We explain how implementing BI software can give
companies of any size a competitive edge. Plus, we share examples of how
some of the most tech savvy companies are using BI.

What Is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Business intelligence refers to the technology that enables businesses to
organize, analyze and contextualize business data from around the company.
BI includes multiple tools and techniques to transform raw data into
meaningful and actionable information.

BI systems have four main parts:

1. A data warehouse stores company information from a variety of sources
in a centralized and accessible location.
2. Business analytics or data management tools mine and analyze data in
the data warehouse.
3. Business performance management (BPM) tools monitor and analyze
progress towards business goals.
4. A user interface (usually an interactive dashboard with data visualization
reporting tools) provides quick access the information.
German market research firm Statista estimates the volume of data created
worldwide by 2024 will be 149 zettabytes. This vast amount of data, or "big
data," has made business intelligence systems relevant for companies that
want to harness its power for a competitive advantage. Many BI systems use
artificial intelligence (AI) and other capabilities as a part of business analytics.

Key Takeaways:
 Business intelligence offers a wide variety of tools and techniques to support
reliable and accurate decision-making.
 The most successful companies use BI to make sense of ever-increasing
amounts of data in a fast and economical way.
 BI-based, data-driven decision-making helps companies stay relevant and

Where Is BI Used?
Sales, marketing, finance and operations departments use business
intelligence. Tasks include quantitative analysis, measuring performance
against business goals, gleaning customer insights and sharing data to
identify new opportunities.
Here are examples of how various teams and departments use
business intelligence.
 Data scientists and analysts:
Analysts are BI power users, and they use centralized company data paired
with powerful analytics tools to understand where opportunities for
improvement exist and what strategic recommendations to propose to
company leadership.

 Finance:
By blending financial data with operations, marketing and sales data, users
can pull insights from which decisions can be acted upon and understand
factors that impact profit and loss.

 Marketing:
Business intelligence tools help marketers track campaign metrics from a
central digital space. BI systems can provide real-time campaign tracking,
measure each effort’s performance and plan for future campaigns. This data
gives marketing teams more visibility into overall performance and provides
contextual visuals for sharing with the company.

 Sales:
Sales data analysts and operation managers often use BI dashboards and
key performance indicators (KPIs) for quick access to complex information like
discount analysis, customer profitability and customer lifetime value. Sales
managers monitor revenue targets, sales rep performance along with the
status of the sales pipeline using dashboards with reports and data

 Operations:
To save time and resources, managers can access and analyze data
like supply chain metrics to find ways to optimize processes. Business
intelligence can also ensure that service level agreements are met and help
improve distribution routes.

In a genuinely data-driven company, every department and employee can

take advantage of BI-generated insights.
What Is the Value of Business Intelligence?
Business intelligence's highest value is its ability to support data-driven
decisions. BI transforms pools of raw data into useful information that informs
decisions and leads to actions that yield positive bottom-line impact.

BI systems drive decisions based on historical, current and

potential future data.
 Descriptive analytics:
These analytics reveal what has happened or is happening and are part of
dashboards, business reporting, data warehousing and scorecards. When
managed well, you’ll have a better understanding of problem areas in your
business and can find opportunities to improve.

 Predictive analytics:
These advanced analytics use data mining, predictive modeling, and machine
learning to help make projections of future events and assess the likelihood
that something will happen.

 Prescriptive analytics:
These analytics reveal why you should take a particular action. Prescriptive
analytics enable optimization, simulation, decision modeling and provide the
best possible analysis for business decisions and actions.

BI software gathers sales, production, financial and many other business data
sources. Many companies use industry data to benchmark performance
against competitors.

The Benefits of Business Intelligence

Benefit Description

Advanced interactive dashboard representations of data using simple user interfaces offer the a
visualize information in a graphical format to understand data more insightfully.
Benefit Description

The ability to manage and meld access to various data sources provides a 360-degree view of yo
and your company that is not possible in a siloed data environment.

Tools enable data-informed improvements in various business functions like marketing, finance,
operations, finance, support, HR and customer care individually and together.

BI applications work online and in mobile environments. Tools improve system performance so
distribute more information to targeted users faster. In multi-terabyte data warehouses, these t
excellent query performance.

Many systems offer user scalability to support advanced reporting and analysis. Dashboards and
available to many users, not just restricted to the organization's data analysts or executives.

Speed and BI can perform faster reporting, analysis and planning because of access to global data. The syst
Competitive Edge capabilities make it possible to react to market or other conditions quickly.

Reports can be highly customized, and KPIs monitored using more than one data source. Real-ti
Trusted Data and
reports offer relevant data, which helps organizations, and their employees make better decisio
reports provide insights, access, accuracy, and relevance.

BI processes vast amounts of data to forecast, budget, plan, and stay current. Competitive analy
Analysis and
companies understand the competition and benchmark competitor performance. This business
enables product and service differentiation.

Decision-Making Companies gain a competitive edge when they can leverage the existing data at the right time to
Support accurate decisions faster.

Efficiency and A 360-degree view of all activities helps companies identify issues, improve operations, increase
Benefit Description

Productivity turn, increase revenue.

BI can help you identify what services or products you're lacking and improve customer satisfacti
Customer necessary changes. Reports help you understand customer behavior, develop user personas, an
Satisfaction data on the customer's feedback to make corrective changes and improve customer service and

Using BI data, you can assess team members' strengths and weaknesses and assign relevant trai
to support success. BI tools can automatically recognize positive behavior while regularly trackin
contributions and improvement.

BI insight into the corporation's raw data will help decision-makers analyze cost-saving opportun
Savings excess inventory, human resource redundancies, marketing overages, too many vendors or was

Savings and BI tools can analyze any discrepancies, inefficiencies, or errors. BI helps to increase profit margin
Profitability insights that lead to future sales and guide where to spend future budgets.

BI assists companies in gaining a competitive edge by helping them find new opportunities and b
Strategic and KPI
strategies. Use the data to identify market trends and help improve profit margins for the comp
based on tracking established KPIs ensure the enterprise stays on course to match or exceed go

Business intelligence has many benefits and can be a useful tool to achieve
positive outcomes for your business.

Case Studies: Real-World Examples of

Business Intelligence at Work
Fast, data-informed decision-making can drive success. High customer
expectations, global competition and narrow profit margins mean many
organizations, regardless of size or sector, look to BI for a competitive

What is an example of business intelligence? Using data to serve up

personalized ads based on browsing history, providing contextual KPI data
access for all employees and centralizing data from across the business into
one digital ecosystem so processes can be more thoroughly reviewed are all
examples of business intelligence. Here are some case studies that show
some ways BI is making a difference for companies around the world:

1. BI Increases Company Revenue is the leading internet shopping mall in Korea with 13 million

 Challenge: With more than 1 million site visitors daily, company

executives wanted to understand why customers abandon shopping
 Solution: The assistant general manager of the marketing planning
team implemented customer experience analytics, the first online
behavioral analysis system applied in Korea. The manager used the
information to understand customer behavior and implement targeted
marketing and transform the website.
 Results: With the insights from the new BI analytics program, there was
an increase in customer loyalty after one year and an increase of $10
million in sales. The changes came from identifying the causes of
shopping cart abandonment, such as a long checkout process and
unexpected delivery times and remedying the situation.
2. Cementos Argos: BI Improves Financial Efficiency
Cementos Argos is a cement company with operations in the U.S.,
Central and South America and the Caribbean.

 Challenge: The company looked for an overall competitive advantage

and a way to support better decision-making.
 Solution: Cementos Argos created a dedicated business analytics
center. The company invested in experienced business analysts and
data science teams and used BI to leverage data.
 Results: The company standardized the finance process and applied
big data to gain more in-depth insight into customer behavior which
yielded a higher profitability level.
3. Baylis & Harding: BI Provides Decision Making Process
Baylis & Harding is a wholesale distributor specializing in world-class
toiletries and gift sets found in major and independent resellers.

 Challenge: The company needed to give managers and executives

greater visibility into financial, customer and sales data to make better
decisions and expand the business.
 Solution: Managers and executives used business intelligence tools to
create standard and ad hoc reports.
 Results: Company executives and managers now have instant access
to the business data they need to act proactively. They can create
custom dashboards with KPIs relevant to their areas of focus and share
the goals and performance details with their teams without having to
request a custom report from IT.
4. Sabre Airline Solutions: BI Accelerates Business Insights
Sabre Airline Solutions provides booking tools, revenue management,
web and mobile itinerary tools, as well as other technology, for airlines,
hotels and other companies in the travel industry.

 Challenge: The travel industry is remarkably fast paced. And Sabre's

clients needed advanced tools that could provide real-time data on
customer behavior and actions.
 Solution: Sabre developed an enterprise travel data warehouse
(ETDW) to hold its enormous amounts of data. Sabre executive
dashboards provide near real-time insights in user-friendly
environments with a 360-degree overview of business health,
reservations, operational performance and ticketing.
 Results: The scalable infrastructure, graphic user interface, data
aggregation and ability to work collaboratively have led to more revenue
and increased client satisfaction.
5. Spear Education: BI Streamlines Internal Processes and
Spear Education is a leader in continuing education for dentists.
 Challenges: Spear's phone system was lacking functionality that could
make its customer service reps work more efficiently and provide better
customer service. For example, their phone system didn’t record calls
and wasn’t connected to a customer relationship management (CRM)
 Solution: After some research, Spear connected its call center software
with its BI solution to maintain more thorough customer interaction
records and provide a complete view of customer interactions.
 Results: After implementing a new solution for their contact center,
Spear increased agent efficiency and saved the company 35 hours of
rep time per week. Spear's agents now reinvest that time by placing
4,000 more outbound calls every week.
6. Univision: BI Increases Market Spend Efficiency
Univision is an American Spanish-language, free-to-air television
network. It’s the largest provider of Spanish-language content in the

 Challenge: Univision wanted more visibility into its data to unify and
focus on targeted ad campaigns.
 Solution: Programmatic TV is an automated and data-driven approach
to buying and delivering ads against video content on television,
including ads served across the web, mobile devices and connected
TVs, as well as linear TV ads served across set-top boxes. With BI
powered with information from applications like Facebook, Google
Analytics and Adobe Analytics, the company can obtain more value
from its programmatic advertising.
 Results: Univision achieved an 80% growth in yield during the first
quarter after implementing business intelligence.
7. New York Shipping Exchange: BI Reduces IT Dependency
New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) is a shipping-technology
company working to improve the process of shipping overseas.

 Challenge: To make sense of overall company performance, NYSHEX

would manually extract data from its proprietary application and various
cloud apps and then import it into Excel. This was a laborious process
and few people had access to the data, and most of the requests for
reports fell on the engineering team to execute.
 Solution: NYSHEX invested in BI, centralized its data into one system
and gave the entire company access empowering those with no coding
knowledge to dive deep into analysis.
 Results: Thanks to business intelligence and other efforts, in 2019, the
company more than tripled its volume shipping between Asia and U.S.
8. Stitch Fix: BI Connects Departments, Data and Processes
Stitch Fix provides online personal clothing and accessory styling
services. The company uses recommendation algorithms and data
science to personalize clothing items based on size, budget and style.

 Challenge: The company wants to reduce returns, keep repeat

customers and generate word-of-mouth business with
recommendations from customers to their friends and family.
 Solution: Stitch Fix collects data within BI throughout the buying
process, meaning the more a customer shops with Stitch Fix, the better
the styling team comprehends their taste in clothing. The company hired
astrophysicists to decode the different personal style components—
intricate work that would be impossible without the powerful analytics of
 Results: Using business intelligence to profile buyers and their
preferences, the company, which started in 2011, reported a customer
base of 3.4 million in 2020 and revenues of $1.7 billion in fiscal year
9. SKF: BI Streamlines Manufacturing Processes
SKF is a Sweden-based global manufacturer and supplier of bearings,
seals, mechatronics and lubrication systems with 17,000 distributor

 Challenge: SKF's broad geographic coverage and product diversity

required consistent market size and product demand forecasting to
adjust its manufacturing. The company needed to simplify the complex
Excel files used to produce a demand forecast.
 Solution: Management realized it needed to implement a business
intelligence to serve as a single source of reliable information.
Maintaining the system is easier than trying to manage everything with
Excel, and now employees don’t have to rely on outdated spreadsheets
and can access simple-to-understand reports and dashboards.
 Results: By centralizing data assets into a single system, SFK was
quickly able to share data and analyses between several departments
— including sales, manufacturing planning, application engineering,
business development and management. SKF now combines demand
forecasts between departments and has improved the planning process.
10. Expedia: BI Builds Customer Satisfaction
Expedia is the parent company of some top-tier travel companies,
including Expedia, Hotwire and TripAdvisor.

 Challenge: Customer satisfaction is essential to the company's mission,

strategy and success. The online experience should mirror a good trip
experience, but the company had no visibility into the voice of the
 Solution: The company had mountains of data they were manually
aggregating, leaving little time for analysis. Using business intelligence,
the customer satisfaction group was able to analyze customer data from
across the company and link results with 10 objectives related directly to
corporate initiatives. Owners of those KPIs build, manage and analyze
data to discover trends or patterns.
 Results: The customer service team can see how well it is doing
against KPIs in real-time and take corrective steps if necessary. Plus,
other departments can use the data. For example, a travel manager can
use BI to discover high volumes of unused tickets or offline booking and
create strategies to adjust behavior and increase overall savings.

Use Cases: Examples of Business

Intelligence Strategies Prominent
Companies Use
The most successful companies use BI to drive revenue, customer loyalty,
operational effectiveness, ad delivery, drive shareholder value, predict
customer behavior and develop new business opportunities.
Examples of How Leading Companies Use BI to Propel Their
What companies use business intelligence? From financial institutions like
American Express to social media giant Facebook and outdoor retailer REI,
the most advanced and successful companies in the world leverage BI. Here’s
how some are using BI to power their prosperity.

11. American Express:

Business intelligence is instrumental in the finance industry. American
Express has been using the technology to develop new payment
service products and market offers to customers. The company's
experiments in the Australian market have rendered it capable of
identifying up to 24% of all Australian users who will close their
accounts within four months. Using that information, American Express
takes steps to retain customers. BI also helps the company accurately
detect fraud and protect customers whose card data may be

12. Chipotle Mexican Grill:

The restaurant chain has more than 2,400 restaurants worldwide. It
implemented BI to track operational effectiveness. Chipotle can now
monitor every restaurant's operational efficiency and serve up detailed
information in dashboards. By standardizing the reporting and working
from the same data ecosystem, Chipotle was able to make uniform KPIs
for benchmarking and sharing improvement and success stories. That
solution saves thousands of hours for the company.

13. Coca-Cola:
With 35 million Twitter followers and a whopping 105 million Facebook
fans, Coca-Cola benefits from its social media data. Using AI-powered
image-recognition technology, the company can tell when photographs
of its drinks post online. This data, paired with the power of BI, gives the
company important insights into who is drinking their beverages, where
they are and why they mention the brand online. The information helps
serve consumers more targeted advertising, which is four times more
likely than a general ad to result in a click.
14. Delta Airlines:
Big data and BI support customer service and differentiate the Delta
experience. Flight attendants now have the tools to personally thank
and recognize valued corporate travelers. Positive customer experience
coupled with thoughtful programs help position Delta as a leader in the
business travel space. While any Delta customer can receive personal
recognition, the airline goes the extra mile to serve corporate travelers
and its medallion members. This enhancement provides more
opportunities to thank flyers and build customer loyalty.

15. Ellie Mae:

The company processes 35% of U.S. mortgage applications. Record
low-interest rates created a high demand for loan processing. To make
data more accessible for lenders, Ellie Mae developed a hosted data
warehouse model that allows lenders to analyze data by connecting a
BI application directly to their systems without replicating the data to a
local data warehouse. Capital market teammates can use that data to
navigate volatile markets, allowing them to provide excellent service and
process loans for their customers.

16. Lowe's:
The home improvement company uses business intelligence to merge
what the customer tells them with actual behavior occurring online and
in the store. They use this data to discover deeper insights that lead to
better product assortment and staffing at specific store locations. The
process of data analysis drives sales and also serves the customer. For
instance, Lowe's uses predictive analytics to load trucks specific to
individual zip codes, so the right store gets the right type and amount of

17. Netflix:
The online entertainment company's 148 million subscribers give it a
massive BI advantage. How does Netflix use business intelligence?
Netflix uses data in multiple ways. One example is how the company
formulates and validates original programming ideas based on
previously viewed programs. Netflix also uses business intelligence to
get people to engage with its content. The service is so good at targeted
content promotion that its recommendation system drives over 80% of
streamed content.

18. REI:
REI uses its business intelligence platform for customer segmentation
analysis, which helps inform decisions like member lifecycle
management, shipping methods and product category assortments. BI-
based decisions also inform member acquisition initiatives with detailed
demographics on factors such as gender to personalize ads. The
insights from BI help determine everything from how to display content
on the website and how to segment email campaigns.

19. Starbucks:
Through its popular loyalty card program and mobile application,
Starbucks owns individual purchase data from millions of customers.
Using this information and BI tools, the company predicts purchases
and sends individual offers of what customers will likely prefer via their
app and email. This system draws existing customers into its stores
more frequently and increases sales volumes.

20. Tesla:
The innovative automotive company uses BI to connect their cars
wirelessly to their corporate offices to collect data for analysis. This
approach links the carmaker to the customer and anticipates and
corrects problems such as component damage, traffic or road hazard
data. The result is a high customer satisfaction score and better-
informed decisions on future upgrades and products.

21. Twitter:
The social media company deploys BI with AI to fight inappropriate and
potentially dangerous content on its platform. Algorithms rather than
human users identify 95% of suspended terrorism-related accounts.

BI and AI also support fine-tuning to improve the overall user

experience. Twitter personnel and its business intelligence tools monitor
live video feeds and categorize them based on subject matter. They use
this data to enhance search capabilities, and help algorithms identify
videos users might be interested in viewing.

22. Uber:
The company uses business intelligence to determine multiple core
aspects of its business. An example is surge pricing. Algorithms monitor
traffic conditions, journey times, driver availability and customer demand
in real-time, meaning prices adjust as demand rises and traffic
conditions change. Dynamic pricing in real-time action is akin to what
airlines and hotel chains use to adjust cost based on need.

23. Walmart:
The retail behemoth uses BI to understand how online behavior
influences online and in-store activity. By analyzing simulations,
Walmart can understand customer purchasing patterns, for example,
how many eyeglass exams and glasses are sold in a single day, and
pinpoint the busiest times during each day or month.

How to Improve Your Business Intelligence

to Make Your Company a Leader
BI and tools like AI may seem complicated. However, current user interfaces
are straightforward and easy to use. So even smaller companies can take
advantage of data to make profitable and positive decisions.

Examples of Business Intelligence Tools and Techniques

What are examples of business intelligence tools? Predictive modeling, data
mining and contextual dashboards or KPIs are just some of the most common
BI tools. Here are more tools and how they’re used.

 Analytics:
A BI technique that probes data to extract trends and insights from historical
and current findings to drive valuable data-driven decisions.
 Dashboards:
Interactive collections of role-relevant data are typically stocked with intuitive
data visualizations, KPIs, analytics metrics and other data points that play a
role in decision-making.

 Data mining:
This practice uses statistics, database systems and machine learning to
uncover patterns in large datasets. Data mining also requires pre-processing
of data. End-users use data mining to create models that reveal patterns.

 Extract Transfer Load (ETL):

This tool extracts data from data-sources, transforms it, cleans it in
preparation for reports and analysis and loads it into a data warehouse.

 Model visualization:
The model visualization technique transforms facts into charts, histograms
and other visuals to support correct insight interpretation.

 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP):

OLAP is a technique for solving analytical problems with multiple dimensions
from various perspectives. OLAP is useful for completing tasks such as
performing CRM data analysis, financial forecasting and budgets.

 Predictive modeling:
A BI technique that utilizes statistical methods to generate probabilities and
trend models. With this technique, predicting a value for specific data sets and
attributes using many statistical models is possible.

 Reporting:
Reporting involves gathering data using various tools and software to mine
insights. This tool provides observations and suggestions about trends to
simplify decision-making.

 Scorecards:
Visual tools, such as BI dashboards and scorecards, provide a quick and
concise way to measure KPIs and indicate how a company is progressing to
meet its goals.
Examples of Business Intelligence Trends
BI is continually evolving and improving, but four trends – artificial intelligence,
cloud analytics, collaborative BI and embedded BI – are changing how
companies are using expansive data sets and making decisions far easier.

 Artificial intelligence:
AI and machine learning emulate complex tasks executed by human brains.
This capability drives real-time data analysis and dashboard reporting.

 Cloud analytics:
BI applications in the cloud are replacing on-site installations. More
businesses are shifting to this technology to analyze data on demand and
enrich decision-making.

 Embedded BI:
When BI software is integrated into another business application, it’s
called embedded BI or embedded analytics. Some of the benefits of
embedded BI include enhanced reporting functionalities, and it’s been shown
to improve sales and increase customer retention.

Many companies look to cloud-based or software-as-a-service (SaaS) instead

of on-premise software to keep up with growing warehousing requirements
and faster implementations. A growing trend is the use of mobile BI to take
advantage of the proliferation of mobile devices.

Examples of Business Intelligence Software and Systems

BI software and systems provide options suited to specific business needs.
They include comprehensive platforms, data visualization, embedded
software applications, location intelligence software and self-service software
built for non-tech users.

Here are some examples of the latest BI software and systems:

 Business intelligence platforms:
These are comprehensive analytics tools that data analysts use to connect to
data warehouses or databases. The platforms require a certain level of coding
or data preparation knowledge. These solutions offer analysts the ability to
manipulate data to discover insights. Some options provide predictive
analytics, big data analytics and the ability to ingest unstructured data.

 Data visualization software:

Suited to track KPIs and other vital metrics, data visualization software allow
users to build dashboards to track company goals and metrics in real-time to
see where to make changes to achieve goals. Data visualization software
accommodates multiple KPI dashboards so that each team can set up their

 Embedded business intelligence software:

This software allows BI solutions to integrate within business process portals
or applications or portals. Embedded BI provides capabilities such as
reporting, interactive dashboards, data analysis, predictive analytics and

 Location intelligence software:

This BI software allows for insights based on spatial data and maps. Similarly,
a user can find patterns in sales or financial data with a BI platform; analysts
can use this software to determine the ideal location to open their next retail
store, warehouse or restaurant.

 Self-service business intelligence software:

Self-service business intelligence tools require no coding knowledge to take
advantage of business end-users. These solutions often provide prebuilt
templates for data queries and drag-and-drop functionality to build
dashboards. Users like HR managers, sales representatives and marketers
use this product to make data-driven decisions.

#1 Cloud ERP
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How NetSuite Improves and Increases the
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BI tools can have an enormous impact on your business. They can help you
improve your inventory control, better manage your supply chain, identify and
remove bottlenecks in your operations and automate routine tasks. But for BI
tools to be most effective, you first have to centralize data that’s stored in
multiple disparate systems.

NetSuite business intelligence tools take the data stored in your enterprise
resource planning (ERP) software and provides built-in, real-time dashboards
with powerful reporting and analysis features. By centralizing data from your
supply chain, warehouse, CRM and other areas with an ERP, NetSuite
business intelligence tools can help you identify issues, trends and
opportunities, along with the ability to then drill down to the underlying data for
even further insight.

It’s likely your business has large amounts of data that could be used to boost
your profitability. The challenge is organizing and structuring your data in such
a way that you can then glean insights. From there, you need to create clear,
concise and actionable reports and data visualizations and distributing them to
key stakeholders on your team. None of this can be done without advanced
software, such as ERP products that collect and manage all your data.
Riot Games boosts its software
development cycle with Slack
“Slack has had a dramatic effect on engineering productivity at
Riot. We’ve seen a reduction in iteration-cycle and bug-resolution
times and increases in feature delivery velocity since moving to

Byron DoverSoftware Engineering Manager and Team Captain of IT

Applications, Riot Games


 Shipping quality code faster with build and release pipelines in Slack
 Keeping developer teams productive and aligned with custom Slack apps
and integrations
 Solve support issues faster while improving service reliability
 Slack for software development and beyond
 Customer summary

CONTACT SALES TEAM Try Slack for free

Key lessons from deploying Slack at Riot Games

Byron Dover, an engineering manager and team captain of IT

applications at Riot Games, shares his playbook on managing software
development in Slack:

1. Adopt best-in-class Slack apps like Sentry and PagerDuty to reduce

incident resolution time.
2. Give your developers a “single pane of glass” into their build pipelines to
reduce context switching and time wasted.
3. Automate support intake and on-call assignments so the rest of the
development team can stay focused on feature delivery.
4. Leverage buttons, dialogs and workflows to enable your developers to
take action directly from Slack.
5. Balance use of public-channel and direct-message integrations to improve
focus and reduce noise.
Riot Games is the studio behind the mega-hit League of Legends,
officially the most-played personal computer game in the world, and a
key driver behind the explosive growth of electronic sports, or e-
sports. At a game development company with thousands of employees
in dozens of offices around the globe, strong alignment and
communication are key to hitting important release dates and keeping
millions of players happy.

Riot Games has used Slack, the channel-based messaging platform,

for in-house communications since 2015, and it became one of the
first Slack Enterprise Grid customers in 2017. Today, more than 8,000
of its employees and partners collaborate in Slack channels—digital
spaces to send messages and files—and rely on nearly 1,000 different
apps in Slack. Software engineering teams at the company also use a
variety of custom and off-the-shelf Slack bots to test, deploy, plan,
and manage operations within a Slack workspace.

At our annual Slack Frontiers conference, Riot Games gave us a tour

of how it uses Slack to bring beloved computer games to life for fans
all over the world.
Shipping quality code faster with build and
release pipelines in Slack
One of Riot’s releases is Legends of Runeterra, a digital collectible
card game that supports PC, Android and iOS devices. Making sure
new software versions are available to players simultaneously across
all three platforms takes serious coordination, which is why the
company’s build and release process is a complex one
involving Docker and Jenkins software tools.

Riot engineers have developed custom Slack apps to provide visibility

into game builds and deploys in real time. Whenever a Legends of
Runeterra build starts, a new message is posted into a Slack channel.
If a build fails, an alert is automatically posted that includes a detailed
accounting of what went wrong. It even @mentions the developer
responsible for the last code change to begin immediate triage.
Riot also uses interactive buttons to surface specific actions
available to developers, offering shortcuts to the context they need to
solve problems quickly. Clicking a button to view error logs is much
more efficient than switching between myriad different continuous
integration tools to better understand the status of their releases.
“Slack has had a dramatic effect on engineering productivity at Riot.
We’ve seen a reduction in iteration-cycle and bug-resolution times and
increases in feature delivery velocity since moving to Slack.”
Byron DoverSoftware Engineering Manager and Team Captain of IT
Applications, Riot Games

Keeping developer teams productive and

aligned with custom Slack apps and
Another game from Riot, Teamfight Tactics, also supports PC, Android
and iOS cross-play and benefits from sharing much of the same build
and release infrastructure. To reduce noise in Slack channels shared
by large developer teams, Riot engineers have developed a Slack app
called Game Build and Deploy (aka “GBaD Bot”) that sends them direct
messages when they break a game build and lets them know once
they’ve fixed the issue. This keeps individual build notifications out of
public channels but still reaps the benefits of the automated build and
deploy applications.

GBaD Bot for Riot games in Slack

GBaD BotAPP10:55 AM

Rahul Khanna , Your Check-in Failed to Build

Build log for CL 3108961



CID : Feedback? #ask-lol-build-deploy

GBaD BotAPP11:00 AM

Rahul Khanna , Your Check-in Fixed The Build.

Build log for CL 3108973

Project: Code_CI

CID : Feedback? #ask-lol-build-deploy

Riot Games continues to develop its own Slack integrations, with

some teams even publishing game artifacts directly to private Slack
channels. Teams can then conduct real-time reviews and provide any
feedback using Slack threads.

Riot Games UI in Slack

RDX Support (Test)APP10:55 AM

Karandeep Singh has created a new ticket from tmp-rdx-support-bot

I can’t merge my blueprint

I can’t merge my blueprint





Created By

Karandeep Singh

Assigned To


RDX Ticket Queue | Today at 10:04 AM

Solve support issues faster while improving

service reliability
To augment its on-call support teams, one of Riot’s most popular Slack
apps is for developer team support. The app listens for specific emoji
reactions on messages in support channels, which then kicks off a
triage workflow. Reporters are prompted to categorize an issue based
on the original message, and the Slack app uses that information to
automatically notify the correct on-call engineer with an @mention.
This all happens in a threaded reply, where the conversation can
continue between the two Rioters as usual.

Riot Games Slack Channel with PoroBot

PoroBot STG is here to help

Fathima Parveen10:55 AM

joined tmp-poro-techblog.

PoroBot STGAPP11:00 AM

Thank you for choosing PoroBot!

PoroBot is a handy helper for managing your Slack Channel

Send a welcome message to users

Create a ticket from user messages in your channel

Sync messages and attachments from Slack with created tickets

Configure automatic responses for common asks in your channel

PoroBot is currently in beta. If you invited the bot by mistake, please use the



Riot has also started building Slack bots that use artificial
intelligence. One of the latest is PoroBot, which helps manage
incoming support requests. PoroBot is trained to recognize questions
asked in Slack channels, where it triages and classifies support
tickets and provides answers previously provided by the relevant on-
call team. Behind the scenes, the app leverages a natural-language
machine learning model for pattern recognition and classification.

Riot Games has developed a number of custom bots and apps to

integrate its software tools, but it also sees plenty of benefit from
using the following apps from the Slack App Directory:

 Sentry provides expert robust crash analytics and diagnostics and

integrates directly with Riot Games’s operations and monitoring channels.
The app automatically captures an enormous amount of valuable
information when a player experiences a game crash, including
screenshots and the actions that occurred directly before the crash.
Those event summaries are automatically posted to actively monitored
Slack channels where on-call engineers can use buttons to assign them to
colleagues, click to learn more, or resolve incidents directly.

Sentry use at Riot Games

sentryAPP10:55 AM









LOL-GAMESERVER-PUBLIC-1YF via Game server crash | Today at 3:13 AM

 PagerDuty routes alerts to dedicated notification channels created for

each team at Riot. From there, teams can escalate as needed to a
channel shared across all workspaces, which is actively monitored by
their global network operations center.

PagerDuty app use at Riot Games

PagerDutyAPP10:55 AM

Triggered:#100028: Competitive is having issues bringing...

Assigned:Sandeep Mishra

Service:RDX Operabiility (OP) - Team

Dial-in Number:++15558675309




More actions...
 Jira and ServiceNow capture Slack conversation threads associated
with the outages, for future reference.

Slack for software development and beyond

Developing video games isn’t just about shipping code; it involves
humans working together to design and create incredible player
experiences. This naturally entails a lot of complexity, and that’s
where Slack comes in—giving Riot Games employees a robust shared
place for their most important work.

Channels let Riot mirror its organization in a digital workspace, while

Slack’s powerful APIs allow it to deeply integrate its game delivery
engine in Slack. No matter how many tools you use at whichever stage
of development, Riot Games shows how Slack can bring them

Many game development companies utilize responsive and adaptive game experiences
to enhance player engagement and enjoyment. Here are some notable companies
known for employing these techniques:

1. Ubisoft:

 Ubisoft is renowned for its open-world games like the "Assassin's Creed" series
and "Far Cry" series, which feature dynamic environments and adaptive gameplay
mechanics. They often incorporate responsive AI, player-driven narratives, and
personalized difficulty levels to create immersive gaming experiences.

2. CD Projekt Red:

 CD Projekt Red, the developer behind "The Witcher" series and "Cyberpunk
2077," is known for its narrative-driven games with adaptive storytelling. They
implement responsive dialogue systems, dynamic questlines, and player-driven
choices that shape the game world and characters' reactions.

3. Rockstar Games:
 Rockstar Games, famous for titles like the "Grand Theft Auto" series and "Red
Dead Redemption," excels in creating immersive open-world experiences. They
employ responsive AI, dynamic events, and player-driven narratives to deliver rich
and living game worlds that react to player actions.

4. Nintendo:

 Nintendo, with franchises like "The Legend of Zelda," "Super Mario," and "Animal
Crossing," focuses on creating games with responsive and adaptive gameplay
elements. They often introduce innovative mechanics and adaptive difficulty
levels that cater to players of all skill levels and preferences.

5. Naughty Dog:

 Naughty Dog, known for story-driven titles like the "Uncharted" series and "The
Last of Us," implements adaptive narratives and responsive gameplay mechanics.
Their games feature dynamic character interactions, player-driven choices, and
contextual tutorials that adapt to the player's progress.

6. Larian Studios:

 Larian Studios, the developer behind the "Divinity" series, emphasizes adaptive
storytelling and gameplay mechanics in their RPGs. They incorporate dynamic
dialogue systems, procedural content generation, and player-driven narratives to
create personalized gaming experiences.

7. Valve Corporation:

 Valve, known for games like "Half-Life," "Portal," and "Dota 2," leverages
responsive AI, procedural level generation, and player-driven storytelling in their
titles. They prioritize player agency and emergent gameplay, allowing for varied
and adaptive experiences.

These companies, among others, demonstrate a commitment to creating responsive

and adaptive game experiences that cater to the diverse preferences and abilities of
Several companies leverage intelligent systems to understand user behavior, particularly
in the gaming industry where player engagement and satisfaction are paramount. Here
are some notable companies known for using intelligent systems to understand user

1. Electronic Arts (EA):

 EA employs sophisticated data analytics and machine learning algorithms to

analyze player behavior in games like "FIFA," "Madden NFL," and "Apex Legends."
By tracking player actions, preferences, and engagement patterns, EA can tailor
in-game experiences, optimize matchmaking, and personalize content to
enhance player satisfaction.

2. Activision Blizzard:

 Activision Blizzard utilizes data analytics and AI-driven systems to understand

player behavior across its portfolio of games, including "Call of Duty," "World of
Warcraft," and "Overwatch." These systems help the company identify trends,
optimize game balance, and deliver targeted content updates to keep players

3. Tencent Games:

 Tencent, one of the world's largest gaming companies, integrates intelligent

systems into games like "Honor of Kings," "League of Legends," and "PUBG
Mobile." These systems analyze player data to optimize matchmaking, detect
cheating or toxic behavior, and personalize in-game offers and rewards.

4. Supercell:

 Supercell, the developer behind popular mobile games like "Clash of Clans" and
"Clash Royale," leverages intelligent systems to understand player behavior and
preferences. By analyzing gameplay data, Supercell can fine-tune game
mechanics, optimize monetization strategies, and deliver targeted content
updates to keep players engaged.

5. Roblox Corporation:
 Roblox Corporation utilizes data analytics and machine learning to understand
user behavior on its platform, which hosts millions of user-generated games. By
analyzing player interactions and preferences, Roblox can improve game
discovery, optimize the user experience, and provide personalized
recommendations to players.

6. NetEase Games:

 NetEase Games, a leading Chinese gaming company, employs intelligent systems

to analyze player behavior in games like "Knives Out," "Onmyoji," and "Identity
V." These systems help NetEase Games understand player preferences, optimize
game balance, and deliver targeted marketing campaigns to enhance player

7. Epic Games:

 Epic Games, the developer of "Fortnite," utilizes data analytics and AI-driven
systems to understand player behavior and engagement patterns in its massively
popular battle royale game. By analyzing player data, Epic Games can optimize
game balance, develop targeted marketing campaigns, and deliver personalized
in-game experiences to players.

These companies showcase how intelligent systems can be used to understand user
behavior in the gaming industry, enabling them to create more engaging and
personalized experiences for players.

Nintendo Co., Ltd.[b] is a Japanese multinational video game company headquartered in Kyoto,
Japan. It develops, publishes and releases both video games and video game consoles.
Nintendo was founded in 1889 as Nintendo Koppai[c] by craftsman Fusajiro Yamauchi and originally
produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. After venturing into various lines of business during
the 1960s and acquiring a legal status as a public company, Nintendo distributed its first console,
the Color TV-Game, in 1977. It gained international recognition with the release of Donkey Kong in
1981 and the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Mario Bros. in 1985.
Since then, Nintendo has produced some of the most successful consoles in the video game
industry, such as the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Nintendo DS,
the Wii, and the Switch. It has created and/or published numerous major franchises,
including Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Star
Fox, Pokémon, Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Splatoon, and
Nintendo's mascot, Mario, is internationally recognized. The company has sold more than 5.592
billion video games and over 836 million hardware units globally, as of March 2023.
Nintendo has multiple subsidiaries in Japan and abroad, in addition to business partners such
as HAL Laboratory, Intelligent Systems, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company. Nintendo and its
staff have received awards including Emmy Awards for Technology & Engineering, Game
Awards, Game Developers Choice Awards, and British Academy Games Awards. It is one of the
wealthiest and most valuable companies in the Japanese market.
Nintendo was founded as Nintendo Koppai[d] on 23 September 1889[8] by craftsman Fusajiro
Yamauchi in Shimogyō-ku, Kyoto, Japan,

Public Company
Incorporated: 1889 as Marufuku Company, Ltd.
Employees: 2,280
Sales: ¥471.42 billion (US$3.95 billion)
Stock Exchanges: Tokyo Osaka Kyoto
SICs: 3944 Games, Toys, and Children’s Vehicles

Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a toy and home-entertainment concern

that is famous worldwide for its popular home video games.
Nintendo’s products moved in the mid-1980s from the relative
obscurity of the amusement arcade to change the concept of
home entertainment in both Japan and the United States.
Nintendo’s main U.S. product, the Nintendo Entertainment
System (NES), and its Japanese counterpart, the Family
Computer (Famicom), were embraced by the consumers of
both nations with an enthusiasm normally granted to short-term
fads. In Japan one in three households bought a Famicom, and
sales trends in the United States pointed toward a similarly
spectacular distribution rate for the NES. Nintendo’s success
proved to be no mere fad. What kept Nintendo Mania, as it was
known in the United States, from going the way of other toy
booms was Nintendo’s ability to maintain customer interest in
its arcade-quality home video games over a long period of time.
Nintendo’s products and its marketing methods—which
featured restraint, an obsessive interest in quality control, and
an effective public relations scheme—gave it, according to a
Nintendo executive quoted in Business Week in 1987, “a boom
with no bust.”

Nintendo was founded as the Marufuku Company, Ltd., in

Kyoto, Japan, in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, the great
grandfather of the current president of Nintendo. Marufuku
made playing cards for the Japanese game of Hanafuda, which
is said to have had its origin in Tarot cards. In 1907 Marufuku
introduced the first Western-style playing cards in Japan.
Marufuku first made the Western-style cards for
Russian prisoners of war during the Russo-Japanese War of
1904 to 1905 when the soldiers wore out the decks they had
brought from Russia.

Innovative Performance of Nintendo

Aug 1, 2012•

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