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B y :-M aad h av sh arm a 7 th a

What is a Sustainable Lifestyle?
A sustainable lifestyle is a w ay o f life th at
m inim izes neg ative enviro nm ental im p acts. It
m eans im p lem enting sm all ch ang es in yo ur
d aily h abits to benefit th e earth and m aking a
h ug e p o sitive d ifference w ith tim e. T h erefo re,
such h abits h elp co m bat clim ate ch ang e and
o th er p ressing eco lo g ical issues.
Ways to Lead a Sustainable Lifestyle

Use Biodegradable Household Products

 Save Energy
Save water
Use both sides of paper or be paper less
Don’t waste food
Live a tobacco free life
Plant a tree
Grow your own vegetables and fruits
Use Biodegradable Household
Even slight changes toward a sustainable
lifestyle can positively affect the surrounding
environment. Although we have no control
over whether the items we discard are recycled
or used again, we can purchase items that are
biodegradable in nature and made of non-
synthetic materials to minimize the impact.
bio deg radable item s include:

Recycled tissues
Shampoo with natural ingredients
Organic deodorant
Toothbrush made of bamboo
Washcloths made from agave or hemp
Save Energ y
To make a complete shift towards living an eco-friendly
lifestyle, we need to start small and be conscious of the
smallest of details. Your regular electricity consumption can
help you get started with reducing your overall carbon
w ays to save energ y
Turn off any lights that are not in use.
When possible, use natural light
Use an instant water heater.
Consider using solar panels for electricity.
Save w ater
Water is the main source of life on the Earth. Without it,
life would not be possible. Human beings, plants and
animals depend on water for survival. Water is
required to keep us healthy and to protect the
w ays to save w ater
Only run the washing machine and dishwasher
when you have a full load.
Use a low flow shower head and faucet
G o paperless
Going paperless is becoming increasingly popular. The
transition to a paperless lifestyle has never been
simple, thanks to the digital era. Going paperless
reduces your carbon footprint in various ways,
whether you switch to online bank bills or email your
fliers instead of printing them.
W ays to save p ap er
Think before you print.
Take paperless notes.
D o n’t w aste fo o d
Food is a nutritious substance that people or
animals eat or drink or that plants absorb to
maintain life and growth. We should not waste
food because food is very important for us.
We cannot live without food.
W ays fo r saving fo o d
Eat your leftovers.
Store potatoes and onions away from each
Live a to bacco free life
Tobacco use negatively impacts our physical and
mental health. This is particularly true for college
students, who are already facing major health
challenges such as stress. Tobacco use has also been
connected to poor academic performance, high-risk
drinking behavior.
P lant trees
Tree plantation is very necessary because
trees provide oxygen to the environment
and make the air quality better. If more
trees are planted, then the world's
environment will become a safer place
to live in. Tree plantation also reduces
pollution, thus making the life of future
generations secure.
G ro w yo ur o w n veg etables and fruits
Helps Maintain A Healthy Diet.
Saves Money.
Promotes Mindfulness.
Stimulates Happy Hormones.
Burns A Great Number Of Calories.
Reduces The Risk Of Dementia & Alzheimer's.
Overcomes Anxiety & Depression. .
Increases Vitamin D Levels.
biblio g raphy

Environmental Pollution Animation 2 YouT

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