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Ministry of Education

National University of Panama

Colon Regional Center

Bachelor’s Degree in English



Presentation N°1

Barriers to ICT integration into Teachers Classroom


Daniel Cole


Dunklin Xenia 3-747-476

Jimenez Irian 3-727-1859

Fonseca Karen 3-745-1751


Saturday, June 3rd, 2023.


The integration of technology in the educational system has an increasingly significant

demand. Because it prepares students for a world in which technology is key for
professional growth and opportunities. That said, there are many barriers that prevent full
ICT integration.

Cost of technology

Finding funds to implement and maintain technology in the classroom is one of the main
challenges of technology integration in schools because they always depend on the
budgetary allocations of the government education system. Without their help, ICT
integration is costly.

ICT implementation is not only about teachers' professional development, but also about
important factors such as technological equipment and connectivity, as well as data security
and access to digital resources and support. Lack of access not only at school but also at
home is a barrier that discourages teacher initiative, as not all students have access to
equipment and connectivity. Not all students have the ability to afford a technological
device. And teachers have to adapt to what the school provides, since many of these centers
do not have computer equipment in their classrooms, nor access to connectivity.

Teacher knowledge and professional development

The integration of ICT in education depends mainly on the knowledge and self-efficacy of
teachers because they are the first line of education for the students. Unfortunately, our
educational system lacks pedagogical training for teachers, which means that teachers have
an insufficient source to obtain the knowledge and information corresponding to the
implementation of ICT in the classroom. This is why it is a challenge for many of them,
who do not have the knowledge, experience and organizational capacity to apply them in
the classroom. Those who are more likely to integrate ICT are those who have more
experience, confidence and a positive attitude in their ability to use ICT. So, teacher
training plays a key role in determining whether or not teachers use ICT.

Some common teacher barriers are lack of teacher confidence, lack of teacher competence
and resistance to change.

Lack of technical support

Most teachers who decide to implement the use of technology in their teaching are limited
by their own means, resources and knowledge. As a result, implementation is often affected
by a lack of technical support and training at a time when teachers, with little knowledge,
are trying to take the necessary steps to implement technology in the classroom.

Both teachers and students need support from IT professionals when it comes to
maintaining, fixing and setting up technology in the classroom. So, if the education system
wants teachers to implement the use of ICT in their teaching they should focus on
pedagogical and professional development trainings.

Keeping students safe online

Another barrier that difficult ICT integration in the classroom setting is the concern for
students’ online safety. Online safety is key when providing students with an adequate
educational digital environment for learning and growing. When unsupervised students
may not take precautions and use technology in an inappropriate manner. As a
consequence, these actions may lead them to possible online dangers like the risk of having
their personal information stolen, falling for scams, vulnerability caused by cyberattacks
and harm to their mental health caused by cyberbullying. Furthermore, lack of preventive
methods such as monitoring software for tracking students’ computers activity and
keyboard blocking for specific trigger words will allow students to easily access or come
across harmful content, such as violent media and adult content.

On the other hand, lack of online safety can take away from the students learning process.
Because they will easily get distracted since there are no restrictions as which sites they
may visit during their classes. This means they have full access to social media, chat rooms,
online games, YouTube and text messaging platforms, for example WhatsApp.

Lack of effective training

Known as one of the most common barriers of ICT integration in the classroom
environment. Many teachers and professors have encountered themselves with this barrier
due to the lack of skills on how to use and apply ICT to their teaching methodology. This
happens because educational institutions tend to focus more on providing teachers with
software and platforms to apply to their classes rather than focusing on providing
professors with proper training programs so they can acquire the necessary skills needed to
manage said platforms and software. That said professors should also be taught strategies
on how to successfully merge this knowledge and skills with their teaching style and
subject overall. Because ICT skills by themselves mean nothing if teachers lack the ability
to fully incorporate them in their classes and better their teaching process and their students
learning process.

Keeping up with changes

Technology never stops evolving. This is why keeping up to date with the changes is a must
for teachers in order to avoid technology illiteracy. ICT helps a lot when it comes to
improving the teaching process. These tools enhance the productivity in your classes and
they also allow your students to express their creativity and develop their thinking skills.
Additionally said skills will also help to prepare them for this rapid digital world.

There is no denying that ICT integration to the education process can be intimidating, but it
is not necessary for teachers to become fully tech savvy, just for them to have a basic or
good knowledge of these tools and to be open to change cause resistance and a negative
attitude towards technology is nothing more than a setback that will also affect your
In conclusion, ICT integration into a teacher’s classroom is fully affected by these six
barriers. These barriers are closely linked together because, you see, a professor with proper
training by their institution still won’t be able to fully integrate ICT without technical
support. Removing one or a couple of these barriers wouldn’t be enough. Instead, school
principals, professors and even students should collaborate to solve every single one of
these barriers.


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