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Authentication & Authorization

1. POST /api/auth/register: Register a new user.

2. POST /api/auth/login: User login.
3. POST /api/auth/logout: User logout.
4. POST /api/auth/refresh-token: Refresh authentication token.
5. POST /api/auth/change-password: Change user password.
6. POST /api/auth/forgot-password: Initiate password reset process.
7. POST /api/auth/reset-password: Reset password using token.

1. GET /api/users: Get all users (Admin only).
2. GET /api/users/ Get a specific user by ID.
3. PUT /api/users/ Update user information.
4. DELETE /api/users/ Delete a user.
1. GET /api/products: Get all products.
2. GET /api/products/ Get a specific product by ID.
3. POST /api/products: Create a new product (Admin only).
4. PUT /api/products/ Update a product (Admin only).
5. DELETE /api/products/ Delete a product (Admin only).
1. GET /api/categories: Get all categories.
2. GET /api/categories/ Get a specific category by ID.
3. POST /api/categories: Create a new category (Admin only).
4. PUT /api/categories/ Update a category (Admin only).
5. DELETE /api/categories/ Delete a category (Admin only).
a. GET /api/orders: Get all orders (Admin only).
b. GET /api/orders/user/ Get all orders for a specific user.
c. GET /api/orders/ Get a specific order by ID.
d. POST /api/orders: Create a new order.
e. PUT /api/orders/ Update an order (Admin only).
f. DELETE /api/orders/ Delete an order (Admin only).
1. GET /api/cart: Get the current user's cart.
2. POST /api/cart: Add an item to the cart.
3. PUT /api/cart/ Update an item in the cart.
4. DELETE /api/cart/ Remove an item from the cart.
1. POST /api/payments: Process a payment.
2. GET /api/payments/
3. : Get payment details by ID.
1. GET /api/reviews/product/ Get all reviews for a product.
2. POST /api/reviews/product/ Add a review for a product.
3. PUT /api/reviews/ Update a review.
4. DELETE /api/reviews/ Delete a review.
1. GET /api/shipping/options: Get available shipping options.
2. POST /api/shipping/track: Track a shipment.
1. GET /api/addresses: Get all addresses for the current user.
2. POST /api/addresses: Add a new address.
3. PUT /api/addresses/ : Update an address.
4. DELETE /api/addresses/ : Delete an address.
Discounts & Coupons
1. GET /api/coupons: Get all coupons (Admin only).
2. POST /api/coupons: Create a new coupon (Admin only).
3. PUT /api/coupons/ : Update a coupon (Admin only).
4. DELETE /api/coupons/: Delete a coupon (Admin only).
5. POST /api/coupons/apply: Apply a coupon to the current cart.
Analytics & Reports
GET /api/analytics/sales: Get sales analytics (Admin only).
GET /api/analytics/users: Get user analytics (Admin only).
1. GET /api/notifications: Get all notifications for the current user.
2. POST /api/notifications: Create a new notification (Admin only).
3. PUT /api/notifications/ Update a notification (Admin only).
4. DELETE /api/notifications/ Delete a notification (Admin only).
1. GET /api/wishlist: Get the current user's wishlist.
2. POST /api/wishlist: Add an item to the wishlist.
3. DELETE /api/wishlist/ Remove an item from the wishlist.

Support & Feedback

● POST /api/support/ticket: Create a new support ticket.
● GET /api/support/tickets: Get all support tickets (Admin only).
● GET /api/support/tickets/user/: Get support tickets for a specific user.
● PUT /api/support/ticket/: Update a support ticket.
● DELETE /api/support/ticket/: Delete a support ticket.

● GET /api/promotions: Get all promotions (Admin only).
● POST /api/promotions: Create a new promotion (Admin only).
● PUT /api/promotions/: Update a promotion (Admin only).
● DELETE /api/promotions/: Delete a promotion (Admin only).

Returns & Refunds

● POST /api/returns: Initiate a return request.
● GET /api/returns: Get all return requests (Admin only).
● GET /api/returns/user/: Get return requests for a specific user.
● PUT /api/returns/: Update a return request (Admin only).
● DELETE /api/returns/: Cancel a return request.
● POST /api/refunds: Process a refund (Admin only).
● GET /api/refunds: Get all refunds (Admin only).
● GET /api/refunds/user/: Get refunds for a specific user.

● GET /api/subscriptions: Get all subscriptions (Admin only).
● GET /api/subscriptions/user/: Get subscriptions for a specific user.
● POST /api/subscriptions: Create a new subscription.
● PUT /api/subscriptions/: Update a subscription.
● DELETE /api/subscriptions/: Cancel a subscription.

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