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Criteria Excellent, Advanced Proficient, Above Basic, Average

(10) Average (7) (5)

Attractiveness The overall appearance of the Overall graphic balance and Colors, backgrounds, and/or
logo is pleasing. organization of the logo is text are not used effectively,
Titles, text, colors, and acceptable. but are readable.
graphics are exemplary. There is an appropriate Icons and other graphical
The logo is attractive and balance of easy to read titles, elements don’t seem to serve
stimulates the viewer’s interest. text, colors and graphics. any useful purpose other than
The logo is attractive but for decoration.
promotes limited viewer The logo is unattractive or
interest. distracting.

Layout/Design There is unity and consistency There is adequate unity but Project has text and graphics
among text and graphic some inconsistency among text however; they lack or have too
elements. and graphic elements. much white space. There is
Text and graphic elements are Text and graphic elements are little unity and consistency
arranged to create an arranged but lack appropriate among the text and graphic
organized white space. white space appearing elements.

Creativity Express original idea Light original idea Lacks original idea

Realism Content is evident Content Somewhat evident Lack of content is evident



Craftsmanship The tagline is The tagline is attractive in The tagline is The tagline is
exceptionally terms of neatness. Good acceptably attractive distractingly messy.
attractive in terms of construction and not very though it may be a bit
neatness. messy. messy
Well-constructed and
not messy.

Creativity Tagline is Tagline is creative and a Tagline is creative and The tagline does not
exceptionally creative. good amount of thought some thought was put reflect any degree of
A lot of thought and was put into decorating it. into decorating it. creativity.
effort was used to
make the banner

Originality Exceptional use of Good use of new ideas Average use of new No use of new ideas
new ideas and and originality to create ideas and originality to and originality to
originality to create tagline. create tagline. create tagline.

Grammar There are no There is 1 grammatical There are 2 There are more than 2
grammatical mistake. mistake. grammatical mistake. grammatical mistakes.
• Encode your output in an a4 sized bond paper
• Font Style – Calibre
• Font size – 12
• Margins - 1.5” left, 1.0” right
• Line spacing – 1.15
• Follow the color coding: (Plastic Folder) STEM (Green), GAS A (Yellow), GAS B (Orange), EIM A (Black) and EIM
B (Blue)

#3: TITLE PAGE (40 points)

#4: INTRODUCTION (40 points)
#5: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (40 points)
#6: MARKETING PLAN (40 points)
CATEGORY 40 35 30 20
TITLE PAGE Title page includes Missing 1 of the Missing 2 of the No title page
your name company elements elements
logo, company name
and name of owners

INTRODUCTION Introduction includes Missing 1 of the Missing 2 of the No Introduction

name of the business, section section
address/ location of the
business, name of the
owner and description
of the business.

EXECUTIVE Executive summary Executive summary Executive summary No Executive

SUMMARY summarizes each doesn’t summarize a does not summarize 2 Summary
section of the business section completely or is or more sections of the
plan. less than 1 page business plan
Executive summary is
1-2 pages

MARKETING Describes in detail the Description is lacking Only types of No marketing plan is
PLAN marketing plan. or description of advertising are given. given.
promotional mix is not

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