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Exercise on seismic assessment of an office building was done by Simplified Structural Evaluation. The
target building is 5-storied hostel building constructed in 1999.The building is located in Dhaka. The
column layout of the building is shown in figure 3.1 and column schedule is shown in figure 3.2. The
summary of the assessment is shown below.

3.1.1 Description of Building

a) Characteristics of the Building:

Some of the important characteristics of the building are given below:

1) Typical office building with frame structure constructed in 1999.

2) No earthquake resisting design was performed.

3) Brick chips concrete (1:1.5:3) was used.

b) Outline of Building

Usage Hostel (Residential) Building

Number of storey 5 (Five)

Structural type R.C. Framed Structure

Foundation type Shallow Foundation

Year of design 1999

Year of construction 1999/2000

Concrete Strength Design strength f’c =21 MPa

Re-bar Yield Stress 275 N/mm2 (MPa)
Clear Height of Building at 2.7 m (2700 mm)
Ground Floor
Concrete Strength Design strength f’c =21 MPa
Re-bar Yield Stress 275 N/mm2 (MPa)
Figure 3.1: Column Layout

Figure 3.1: Beam and Slab Layout

Figure 3.1: Column Schedule

3.1.2 Calculation Steps for Seismic Vulnerability:

Step 1: Calculate floor area and column area
Plinth area = 398 sqm
Total column area, ∑Ac = 30 × 250 × 500 =3750000 mm2

Step 2: Calculate total weight of the building

Unit weight = 12 kN/m2
Total weight,W= 398 × 5 × 12 = 23,880 kN
Step 3: Determine assess direction
Columns are slender in X-direction and Y-direction looks stronger than X-direction.
So, assessment will be done for X-direction
Step 4: Shear strength of column and strength index
Clear height, h0 = 2700 mm
Column width in assessed direction, D = 250mm
Now, h0/D = 10.8 > 6
So, τ = 0.7 Mpa
Shear strength, Qmu = τ × ∑Ac = 2625 kN
Strength index, CBS = Qmu/W= 2625/23880 = 0.11
Step 5: Ductility index
Since there is no seismic hoop in column and also tie spacing is d10@ 250mm c/c which is more than
column least dimension/2
So, the structural frame is Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame (OMRF)
The ductility index can be evaluated by the following 3 (three) methods.
i) FB = R/R0. (3.2-4)
R: Response modification factor based on structure type in BNBC2017Draft [10]
RO : Over strength factor calculated by the past literatures [11]-[17]
Therefore, FB = 3/2.0 = 1.5
ii) FB=Rd (3.2-5)
Rd: Ductility reduction factor defined in Canadian Building Code (NBC2005 [9])
Rd=4.0 : Ductile moment-resisting frame
2.5 ; Moderately ductile moment-resisting frame
1.5 : Moment-resisting frame with conventional construction
Therefore equation 3.2-5 gives,
FB = 1.5.
(iii) FB=*** -** (3.2-6)
Based on ASCE41-13 [8]
(Nakajima san)
Step 6: Time index and Irregularity index
Since Simplified Evaluation is done based on available drawing (i.e. without site visit), so Time Index
(T) may be considered for age of building only. Building constructed in 1999 which is slightly more
than 20 years. But well defined deterioration has not been observed.
So, Time index, T = 1.0
Irregularity index, SD = 1.0

Step 7: Seismic index of structure

Seismic index of structure, IBS = EBS × SD × T
= CBS × FB × SD × T
= 0.11 × 1.5 × 1.0 × 1.0 = 0.165
Step 8: Determination of seismic parameter
Location at Dhaka, So Z = 0.2
Occupancy category = II, So, I = 1.0
Natural period of the building = N/10 = 5/10 = 0.5
Soil type = SC and soil parameter S=1.15, TB = 0.2, TC = 0.6, TD = 2.0
Cs = 2.5 × S = 2.875
Step 9: Seismic demand index of structure
Seismic demand index, IBSO = 0.8 × 2/3 × Z × I × Cs
= 0.8 × 2/3 × 0.2 × 1.0 × 2.875
= 0.307
Step 10: Judgement for seismic vulnerability
So IBS = 0.165. IBSO = 0.307 and 0.5IBS0 = 0.307/2 = 0.154.
Therefore, 0.5IBSO < IBS < IBSO. Lower than seismic demand (Rank SB)
Step 11: Calculate gravity load index and stress margin
Total service load at ground floor, W = 23880 kN
Total column area at ground floor, ∑Ac =3750000mm2
IBD = Gravity load index = W/∑Ac = 6.368MPa
0.7Fc = 14.7MPa and 0.4Fc = 8.4 MPa
Step 12: Judgement for gravity load
From above calculation, IBD<0.4Fc. Therefore gravity load capacity is higher than gravity load
capacity demand. So, the gravity load index ‘Rank DA’
Step 13: Final capacity rank
The combination of Seismic Demand Index (IBS) and Gravity load index (IBD) is SB-DA. Final
capacity rank is ‘B’ and detail evaluation is recommended.


Exercise on seismic assessment of an office building was done by Advanced Simplified Structural
Evaluation. The target building is 5-storied hostel building constructed in 1999.The building is located
in Dhaka. The column layout of the building is shown in figure 3.1 and column schedule is shown in
figure 3.2. The summary of the assessment is shown below.

Figure 3.1: Column Layout

Figure 3.2: Column Schedule
3.2.1 Calculation Steps for Seismic Vulnerability:
Step 1: Calculate floor area and column area
Plinth area = 398 sqm
Total column area, ∑Ac = 30 × 250 × 500 =3750000mm2
Step 2: Calculate total weight of the building
Unit weight = 12 kN/m2
Total weight,W= 398 × 5 × 12 = 23,880 kN
Step 3: Determine assess direction
Columns are slender in X-direction and Y-direction looks stronger than X-direction.
So, assessment will be done for X-direction
Step 4: Shear strength of column and strength index
Select 3 representative group of column – C1, C2 and C3
Axial load of column C1 = 917 kN
0.4×bDFc = 0.4×250×500×21 /1000 = 1050kN 917 kN
The ultimate flexural strength (Mu) is calculated by Eq. 3.2-1 after JBDPA2001 [4].)
Column C1: 250 mm x 500 mm, at ground floor level 10 - 16φ

Select 3 representative group of column – C1, C2 and C3

Ac1 = 250 × 500, n1 = 6; Ac2 = 250 × 500, n2 = 6; Ac1 = 250 × 500, n3 = 4
at = 5×201 = 1005mm2
σy = 400 Mpa
Fc = 20 Mpa (After physical investigation)
b = 500 mm
D = 250 mm
N = 917 kN
Therefore, Mu = 153.0 × 106 N-mm
Qmu1 = 2Mu/h0 = 2× 153.0 × 106 /2700 = 113338 N
Similarly, Qmu2 = 94311 N and Qmu3 = 68018 N

τ = Average shear stress of 3 representative column group

= (n1×Qmu1/ AC1 + n2×Qmu2/ AC2 + n3×Qmu3/ AC3 )/(n1+n2+n3)
= (6×113338/125000 + 6×94311/125000 + 4×68018/125000 )/(6+6+4)
= 0.76MPa
Shear strength, Qmu = τ × ∑Ac = 0.76 × 3750000 = 2850 kN
Strength index, CBS = Qmu/W= 2850/23880 = 0.12
Step 5: Ductility index
Since there is no seismic hoop in column and also tie spacing is d10@ 250mm c/c which is more than
column least dimension/2
So, the structural frame is Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame (OMRF)
The ductility index can be evaluated by the following 3 (three) methods.
i) FB = R/R0. (3.2-4)
R: Response modification factor based on structure type in BNBC2017Draft [10]
RO : Over strength factor calculated by the past literatures [11]-[17]
Therefore, FB = 3/2.0 = 1.5
ii) FB=Rd (3.2-5)
Rd: Ductility reduction factor defined in Canadian Building Code (NBC2005 [9])
Rd=4.0 : Ductile moment-resisting frame
2.5 ; Moderately ductile moment-resisting frame
1.5 : Moment-resisting frame with conventional construction
Since there is no seismic hoop in column and also tie spacing is d10@ 250mm c/c which is more than
column least dimension/2
So, the structural frame is Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame (OMRF). So it can be defined as
moment resisting frame with conventional construction.
Therefore equation 3.2-5 gives, Ductility index, FB = 1.5.
(iii) FB=*** -** (3.2-6)
Based on ASCE41-13 [8]
Step 6: Time index and Irregularity index
Since Simplified Evaluation is done based on available drawing (i.e. without site visit), So Time
Index (T) may be considered for age of building only. Building constructed in 1999 which is slightly
more than or it can be considered 20 years. As cracking, uneven settlement, rust of rebar spalling off
of finishing, deflection of slab or beam is slight or none.
So, Time index, T = 1.0
Irregularity index, SD = 1.0
Step 7: Seismic index of structure
Seismic index of structure, IBS = EBS × SD × T
= CBS × FB × SD × T
= 0.12 × 1.5 × 1.0 × 1.0 = 0.18
Step 8: Determination of seismic parameter
Location at Dhaka, So, Z = 0.2
Occupancy category = II, So, I = 1.0
Natural period of the building = N/10 = 5/10 = 0.5
Soil type = SC and soil parameter S=1.15, TB = 0.2, TC = 0.6, TD = 2.0
Cs = 2.5 × S = 2.875

Step 9: Seismic demand index of structure

Seismic demand index, IBSO = 0.8 × 2/3 × Z × I × Cs
= 0.8 × 2/3 × 0.2 × 1.0 × 2.875
= 0.307
Step 10: Judgement for seismic vulnerability
IBS = 0.18, IBSO = 0.307
Therefore, 0.4IBSO≦ IBS<0.8IBSO : Lower than seismic demand. The seismic index (Rank SC)
Step 11: Calculate gravity load index and stress margin
Total service load at ground floor, W = 23880 kN
Total column area at ground floor, ∑Ac =3750000mm2
IBD = Gravity load index = W/∑Ac = 6.368MPa
0.7Fc = 0.7 × 20 = 14 Mpa and 0.4Fc = 8 Mpa
Step 12: Judgement for gravity load
0.4Fc≦IBD≦0.7Fc : Lower than gravity load capacity demand (Rank DB)
Step 13: Final capacity rank
The combined seismic index and gravity load index by Advanced Simplified Evaluation (ASE) SC-
DB. Therefore, final capacity rank is ‘B’ and detail evaluation is needed.

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