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Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthani

llagers have tought against mining bu the first state to
launch this programme.
citingthe Wildlife Protection Act. In many (d) Improper farming techniques
areas, villagers themselves are protecting are also
responsible for depletion of our biodiversity.
babitats and explicitly rejecting government So many farmers and citizen groupsTLPpOrt
involvement. the Beej Bachao Andolan in T and
a The inhabitants of five villages in the
Navdanya have developed or are using
Aluar district of Rajasthan have declared various crop production methods which
do not use synthetic
about 1.200 hectares of forest area as crops.
chemicals for growing
he "Bhairodev Dakav Sonchuri'. The
(e) The famous Chipko
community has declared their own set of Movement
by the women of Chamoli launched
nules and regulations which do not allow in northern India,
hunting and are protecting the wildlife
saved more than 12,000 sq. km. area of
against any outside encroachments. forests just by hugging the trees when the
ic) Many states have launched the Joint Forest
lumberjacks attempted to cut them.
() By involing local people.
Management programme to involve
By establishing national parks.
local communities in the management and
restoration of degraded forests. Odisha was Community afforestation.


Read the following extracts/sources carefully and 'Sonchuri', declaring their own set of rules and
AnSwer the following questions : regulations which do not allow hunting, and
EXTRACT:1 are protecting the wildlife against any outside
Conservation strategies are not new in encroachments.
our country. We often ignore that in India, EXTRACT:2
forests are also home to some of the traditional Sacred groves - a wealth of diverse and rare
communities. In some areas of India, local species. Nature worship is an age-old tribal
communities are struggling to conserve these belief based on the premise that all creations of
habitats along with government officials, nature have to be protected. Such beliefs have
Tecognising that only this will secure their own preserved several virgin forests in pristine form
long-term livelihood. called Sacred Groves (the forests of God and
1. What is conservation ? Goddesses). These patches of forest or parts of
large forests have been left untouched by the
Ans. Conservation is a careful preservation, protection
and management of natural resOurces or local people and any interference with them is
banned. Certain societies revere a particular tree
environment for present and future use. which they have preserved from time immemorial.
k. State any two conservative measures The Mundas and the Santhal of Chota Nagpur
taken by the Indian Government to protect and
wildlife. region worship mahua (Bassla latifolla)
trees, and the
kadamba (Anthocaphalus cadamba)
Ans. Establishment of national parks and wildlife tribals of Odisha and Bihar worship the tamarind
sanctuaries. (Tamarindus indica) and mango (Mangifera tndica)
"The Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972. trees during weddings. To many of us, peepal and
Projects for protecting specific animals. banyan trees are considered sacred.
3. Local communities play an important role 1, What are Sacred Groves based
In conservatlon of forests and wildlife. is an age-old tribal belief have
Ans. Nature woship that all creations of nature
Explain by glving two examples. on the
N otoctod. Such beliefs have preserved
Ans. In Sariska Tioer Reserve, Rajasthan, villagers to formn called Sacred
have fought against mining by ciling the several virgin forests in pristine virgin forests in
Wildlife Protection Act,In many arcas,vllagers Groves. These are patches ofleft untouched by
themselves are protecting habitats and explicitly pristine form which have interference with them is
the local people and any
rejecting government involvement. called the forests of God
The inhabitants of five villages in the Alwar banned. These are also
and Goddesses'.
district of Rajasthan have declared 1,200
hectares of forest as the Bhairodev Dakav 31-G

EVERGREEN Selff-Study iin Social Science-10

Distingulsh between Reserved forests, Protected forests and
Unclassed forests,
Ans. Reserved Forests

They are
Protected Forests (CBSE, 202
"hey are permanently enrmnrked
either for production or other
(ii) More than 50% of
protected from any further

Almost 1/3rd of the total forest area

They consist oi
wastelands, d Forebstlse
total forest land has been dolcared is
called ans the protected These
forest consist
As reserved forests. forest.
(iii) They are controlled by the govern
areas. of only 16% i
They nre controlled by the government.
(ie) The forests of Jammu and Kashmir, They are owned by
Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, The forests of private individuals, govern
Kerala. Tamil Nadu, West Bengal Punjab, HimachalBihar,Pradesh,Haryana, The forests of
and Maharashtra fall in this and
Rajasthan fall underOdisha and parts of
category. category. this category. Gujarat fal ue

Q.1. Which of the
following conservation
strategies do not
directly involve Importance for biodiversity fr
community participation? life :
(a) Joint Forest We humans along with all
(b) Beej Bachao
Management form a complex web
in which we are
living Cr
of ecologic
(c) Chipko Movement only a part and ya
(d) Demarcation of dependent
on this system for
Ans. ()
Wildlife sanctuaries For example, the plants, animals ar
Q.2. Match the following: organisms re-create the quality cf
1. Reserved breathe, the water we drink and
(a) other forests and waterlands produces our food without which
forests belonging to both government survive.
and private individuals and Forests play a key role in the e
communities. systemn as these are also the :
2. Protected (b) forests are regarded producers on which all other
forests as most valuable as far as the depend.
conservation of forests and (ii) Habitatdestruction, hunting.
wildlife resources. Over-exploitation, environmenta
3. Unclassed (c) forest lands are
protected poisoning and forest fires are a
forests from any further depletion. have led to the decline in India's b
Ans. 1- (b). 2-(c), 3-(a). Over population, inequitable as
0.3. Answer the following questions in about of resources are also responsie
120 words : of biodiversity as well as enNt
() What is biodiversity ? Why is degradation.
Q.4. () Describe how communitis
biodiversity important for human ? conserved and protected for
(i) How have human activities affect the wlldlife in India ?
depletion of flora and fauna ? Explain. () Write a note on good practic
Or conserving forest and wildlik
State any two factors responsible for Or
decline in India's blodlverslty. With the help of three exanp
how communities haveand
Ans. (i) It is the sum total of all the varietles of specles conservation of flora
of plants, animals and microorganisms lilving (CBSE Sept. 2010
on the earth.
EVERGREEN Self-Study in Soc
Chota the trees
Nagpur region by the Mundas and the
which are worshipped in several virgin forests in pristine
for called S
Ans.3. Mahua
The and Kadamba
" Certain societies worship a
which they have preserved
partifromcular t
Ans. Tamarind,and Mango Odisha
of immemorial. For e example, the
worship ant,
worship Bihar
4. during wedding. Santhas Chota Nagpur region
How do the beliefs of the and Kadamba. M
Ans. Nature play
Conservation ofan important local
forests and wildlife
role in the
" Sacred qualities are often
mountain peaks, plants ascribed
are closely protected. In
and animals s u
o be
the worship that allage-old tribalof
is an
belief based villages in Rajasthan, herds around
protected. Such creations nature have (chinkara), nilgai
and peacocks can be
beliefs have preserved an integral part of the
harms them. community and sk
numberfromof tigers
by 6.74% in India has increased Since 2019, the Reserve has also ui
2022, according2967 to the
in 2018 to
3167 in death of 11 elephants.
Cycle of India's Tiger figures the sn
of 1. You are Prabhat Mohanta, a guard
Prime Minister at census, released by Reserve. What according to yu canatabte
Mysuru to mark 50 anyears
1. When eventof in Karnataka's reasons behind the decline iin
in India? why Project
was Project Tiger Tiger'. tigers. Also suggest two ways tonumbe
Ans. "Project Tiger", one of launchea Ans. Hunting and Poaching
tiger population.
in the world, well-publicised wildlife
Tiger was launched in 1973.
" Habitat destruction
as an
effort to save an
been viewed not only Suggestions :
" Conservation Projects like
with equal importance asendangered 'Project Ticer
a means ofspecies, but " Strict punishment to
biotypes sizeable magnitude.
of preserving " Check on number of poachersinand hunte
2. Mention any tourists Reserve
two Tiger Reserves in India 2. What are Reserve
forests ?
along with their location. India has the largest area Which stat
under Resz
Ans. Corbett National Park - forests ?
" Manas Tiger Uttarakhand Ans. These are the forests
3. State any two major
- Assam which are perma
earmarked either for producing timber a
threats to tiger forest produce. These are controlled b
population in India. government. The forests of Jammu and Kas
Ans. " Poaching for
trade Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kerala,
Shrinking habitat Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra lalr:
Growing human population category.
B. Similipal Reserve forest has seen a drastic 3. Do you think setting up of Reserve te
fall in number of tigers. The population has solved the problem of dwindling
once stood at over 100 in 2002 but it has population?
Ans. Yes, the Tiger Reserves have saved the bg
dropped to 16 in 2022, according to the hunters and poachers. They could have be
tiger estimation report released recently. extinct if such measures had not been tak

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EVERGREEN Self-Studyin
Conservationppreserves the ecological diversity "
p and our life support systems - water, air and
even insects are
a place in beginning to
notification under conservation planning. In the
preserves the genetic diversity of plants Wildlife Act of 1980 and
t also 1986, several hundred
d animals for better growth of species and
breding. For example, in agriculture, we are
beetles, and one dragonflybutterflies, moths,
have been added
to the list of
dependent on traditional crop varieties. protected species.
In 1991, for the
Fisheries too are heavily dependent on the first-time plants were also added
to the list, starting with six
maintenance of aquatic biodiversitu. Q.5. Name any three tiger
The conservation projects are now focusing Ans. reserves of India.
blodiversity rather than on a few of
National Park
I components. Justify by giving three State
Corbett National Park
arguments. Uttarakhand
Sunderbans National Park West Bengal
The focuss of conservation projects is no longer
limited to the protuction of wild animals and Bandhavgarh National Park Madhya Pradesh
forests only. Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan
Manas Tiger Reserve Assarn
Periyar Tiger Reserve Kerala


1. Write any three effective practices towards The thrust of the programme was towards
conserving forests and wildlife adopted by protecting the remaining population of certain
the Indian Government. endangered species by banning hunting.
[CBSE Sept. 2010] giving legal protection to their habitats and
restricting trade in wildlife.
Explain any three measures taken by the () Projects for protecting specific animals:
Indian Government to protect wildlife. The central government has also announced
[CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011] several projects for protecing specific animals
) National parks, biosphere and wildlife which were gravely threatened, incuding the
sanctuaries : To protect the biodiversity, tiger, the one-homed rhinoceros, the Kashmir
the Indian government has established 105 stag or hangul, the three types of crocodiles -
national parks, 565 sanctuaries and 18 the freshwater rocodile, the saltwater crocodile
biosphere reserves. and the Gharial, the Asiatic lion and others.
) The lndian WIlAllfe Protection Act : (lv) Forest Policy : India is one of the
The Indian Wildlife Protection Act was countries which has a forest policy since 1894.
1988. The
implernented in 1972, with various provisions It was revised in 1952 and again in
tor protecting habitats. An all India list main plank of the forest policy is
conservation and development of forests.
of protected species was also published.


REEN Self-Study in Social Science-10

How has of forests
Q.20. conservation ?
Q.16. What are
Ans. These are Reserved
the forestsForests
which rare permanently Ans. The famous Chipko moovement in the Hn
successfully resisted
earmarked either for producing timber orbyother anly
has not areas but has also shown
forest produce. These are controlled the
government. The forests of.lammu and Kashmir,
enormously with
afforestationsuccessful.inalgenus sper thal
Andhra Pradesh, Utarakhand, Kerala, Tamil Q.21. Suggest any two ways to Conserve wi
Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra fall in
Q.17. category.
What are
in India.
By establishing
Parks (CBSE 2024
Protected Forests ? Ans. " Sanctuaries. and V,
Ans. Protected Forests aro the forests which are " By launching more projects
protected from any further depletion. These specific animal species.
are controlled by the government. The forests Q.22. VWhat is the prime objective of
Ot Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Tiger'? Name any one step taken
Odisha and Rajasthan fall under this category. government under this.
Q.18. What are Unclassed Forests ? Ans. Prime objective of the 'Project Ting
Ans. Unclassed Forests consist of the forests of north save tigers. Various national parks haa
eastern states and parts of Gujarat fall under this established.
category. two
0.23. Suggest anyof forest.
measuree .
Q.19. Briefly mention the role of the local conservation (CBSE: 2024
Communities of Alwar district of Rajasthan launch various
We need to
In the conservation of forests and wildlife. Ans. like the famous Chipko movemert
Ans. The inhabitants of five villages in the Alwar Himalayas which has not only sur
district of Rajasthan have declared 1,200 rosisted deforestation in several ar
hectares of forest as the Bhairodev Dakav has also shown that community afr
Sonchuri', declaring their own set of rules and with indigenous species can be ero
regulations which do not allow hunting, and successful.
are protecting the wildlife against any " Community afforestation


SHORT all-India list of protected species
of JFM ? published. The thrust of the progra-
Q.1. What are the main objectives
[CBSE Sept. 2012] towards protecting the remaining pc..
Forest Management of certain endangered species by
Ans. (i) Under the Jointcommunities are involved hunting, giving legal protectionwi
programme, local habitats, and restricting trade in
and restoration of
in the management government also an:
degraded forests. (iü) The central
several projects for protecting speh
purpose of the JFM is to protect threatened. inc
(ii) The major grazing, which were gravely rhinoceros, th
from encroachments,
the forests tiger, the one-horned types of
to improve the forests
theft and fire and also approved three
Joint Forest stag or hangul,
crocodile, saltwater crocr
in accordance with freshwater
Asiatic lion, andot
Management plan. the Gharial, the
members of these
national parks, wildlife sanctu"
(iii) In return, the Many to pr
intermediary benefits like non (ii)
bioreserves were established
are entitled to
timber forest produces. conserve the wildlife.
of the conserve ourlo
has been the contributlon Q.3. Why do we need
Q.2. What Act In protectlng
Protectlon wlldlife?
Indian Wildlife backround
Explain. Conservation in the
habitats in India ? 2011) Ans. O populationand
(CBSE Sept. 2010, decline in wildlife
Act was become essential.
Indian Wildlife Protection Act an Self-Studyin
(i) The Under the
ns. in 1972.
implemented EVERGREEN.
the Blanks i (F) Read the information and write a
first timne . (plants / single term :
.1091,for the added to the list of protected
Insects) were Q.1. These are other forests and
starting with six species.
specles,st both government and private
individuals and communities.
Pants Ans. Unclassed forests
lunclassed /protected) forests are
Q.2. These are the forests which are
bythe local communities.
for the purpose of producing maintained
(ncassed other forest produce and for timber and
In India,
programme involves reasons. protective
communities in the management and Ans. Permanent forest estates.
restoration of degraded forests, along with Q.3. This programme depends on the formation
forestdepartment. of local (village) institutions that undertake
Ant Forest Management protection activities mostly on degraded
forest land managed by the forest department.
Ans. Joint Forest Management Programme.

Mention any two factors responsible for Q.9. Name the place/ state where people
depleting our forests and wildlife. have fought against mining by citing the
Wildlife Protection Act.
6) Expansion of agriculture (i) Mining
Ans. Sariska Tiger Reserve - Rajasthan.
Mention any wildlife protection prog
Q.10. What is Chipko Movement ?
The Indian Wildlife Act 1972, Ans. lt was a movement launched by the people of
Mention any one step which was
the Himalayas against deforestation.
undertaken under Indian Wildlife Act to Q.11. Name any two farmers/citizens group
which have shown that adequate levels of
protect the wildlife. diversified crop production without use
Trade in widlife was declared illegal. of synthetic chemicals are possible and
What are permanent forests ? economnically viable.
Reserved and protected forests are known as Ans. Beej Bachao Andolan and Navdanya.
Q.12. What is JFM ?
emanernt forests. Ans. JFM (Joint Forest Management) was a movement
Which state has the largest area under launched to manage and restore degraded forests
permanent forests ? by involving the local communities.
Wstrya Pradesh. Q.13. Name the state which was first to pass the
JFM resolution. (CBSE 2014)
Name any two states which have large
percentage of reserved forests of its forest Ans. Odisha.
aTea. (CBSE 2014] Q.14. Name any two movements which
launched by local communities for the
Jarmmiu and Kashnir (UT) and Andhra Pradesh. protectlon of forests or wildlife.
Name any two states whlch have bulk of Ans. (a) Chipko Movement
ts forests area under protected forests. (b) Narmada Bachao Andolan which the
Punjab and Haryana. Q.15. State the categories under
forests in India are classified.
Name any two states whlch have bulk of " Reserved forests
forests area under unclassed forests. Ans.
" Protected forests
Assam and Tripura. " Unclassed forests

GREEN Selff-Study in Social Science-10

true but Ris true.
Q.6. The Chipko Movement was associated with (I) Ais but R is
A is false The Indian Wildlife
(lv) Assertion:
(CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011)

Ans. (c)
(a) Woman's rights (b) Political rights
(C) Forest conseryation (d) Rights of adivas1s
Which of the following is a part of list of
implemented in 1972

become essential to preserve

and our life support
Reason : Conservation of forest and

(i) Tiger
species ? Ans. (i) More than half of
Q.2. Assertion : been declared the total f
() Butter flies
(ii) Kashmir stag (iu) Indian elephant in India. has
Reason : These
forests are reserved fores b
(a) Only (i) & (i)
(c) Only (i) &(iv) (b) Only (i) & (iv)
(d) All of the mentioned
Ans. (ii)
Assertion : In India, Joint
Ans. (d) above
programme involves local Forest Menage
Q.8. Which of the following is
with reference to area undercorectly matchea
management and restoration
Reason: The programme
of ties
has degradedl
(i) Madhya Pradesh -Permanent forest existence since 1988. been
() Jammu and Kashmir - Reserved forest
(iii) Assam Ans. (i) famous
- Protected forest Q.4. Assertion : The "Chipko
(a) Only (i)
(c) Only (ii) (b) Only (ii)
(d) All of the mentioned in several areas. Modveetomreesre
the Himalayas successfully resisted
above Reason:1Through this, community
speciesaf orWasestze
Ans. (d) campaign with indigenous
Q.9. Complete the enormously successful.
box by choosing the correct
Ans. (a)
(CBSE 2024 (
Largest area under Madhya Pradesh (C) Match the following items in ,
permanent forests A with those in column B and ch
Large percentage of ? the correct answer from the ont
reserved forest given below :
(a) Punjab (b) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Uttar Pradesh Column A Column B
(d) Gujarat
Ans. (b) () Sikkim (a) Reserved Fores
Q.10. WVhich among the following (i) Madhya Pradesh (b) Unclassed Fote
statements is
not correct regarding the Bhairodev
'Sonchuri' ? Dakav (iüi) Andhra Pradesh (c) Permanent Foe
[CBSE 2023 Compt.)
(a) It includes 1200 hectares of forest land. (A) () - (c) (ii) - (a) (iiü) - (b)
(b) The inhabitants of five vilages in the Alwar (B) () - (b) (ii) -(c) (ii) -(a)
district of Rajasthan declared this Sonchuri. (C) () -(b) (i) - (a) (üi) - (c)
(c) They are protecting the wildlife against any
outside encroachments. Ans. (B)
(d) The rules and regulations followed here are (D) Correct the following stateme
declared by the Government and rewrite :
Ans. (d)
Q.1. The famous Chipko
(B) Assertion & movement is assoc
Reasoning Based with forests in North Eastern states.
For question numbers 1 to 4, two
Ans. The famous Chipko movement is associaleo
are given - one labelled as Assertion statements
forests in the Himalayas.
(A) and the Q.2. Reserved and protected forests are
other is labelled as Reason (R). Select the referred to as unclassed forests.
answer to these questions from the codes correct
(), (), Ans. Reserved and protected forests are also r
(H) and (iv) as given below: to as permanent forests.
() Both A and R are true and R ls the
correct Q.3. Almost one-third of the total forest ar
explanation of the assertion. India is under protected forest.
() Both A and R are true and R is not the Ans. Almost one-third of the total forest area in
correct explanation of the assertion. under reserved forest.
EVERGREEN Self-Study in Social Sci

earth which is covered by Forest : Extensive area covered with trees.
Biosphere:Part of the animals.
organismsboth plants
and Wildlife Sanctuary : A reserved area for
unit consisting of the preserving natural beauty. e.g., wildlife.
hing : An integrated
ommunity living
organisms and the physical Biodiversity : It is the sum total of all the varieties
of species of plants, animals and microorganisms
permanently living on the earth.
Reserved Forests : They are
cmarkedeither for
production or other forest Wasteland:Land which is not fit for cultivation.
controlled by the government. Ecological farming: This type of farming
They are
Protected Forests :
They are protected from combines modern innovative techniques with
depletion. They are controlled by the respect for nature and biodiversity. It does
consist of inaccessible
not include chemical inputs or use genetically
(nclassed Forests: They engineered crops. It ensures healthy farming and
, wastelands. They are owned by does not contaminate the environment.
forests or individuals
emment and private

(1 Mark each)

A) Multiple Choice Questions Q.3. More than half of the total forest land of India
has been declared as
Select the correct answer from the given
(a) Reserved Forest (b) Protected Forest
option. (c) Unclassed Forest (d) Classed Forest
When was Indian Wildlife Protection Act Ans. (a)
implemented ? Q.4. Which of the following categories of forests
: 1970 (b) 1972 and waste lands belongs to government,
: 1974 (d) 1976 private individuals, communities?
25. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
(a) Protected forest (b)Reserved forest
2Which of the following was the thrust area of (c) Unclassed forest
the Indian Wildlife Act 1972? (d) Open forest
Ans. (c)
i) Hunting was banned.
Q.5. Which of the following states has the largest
(i) Restricting trade in Wildlife. area under permanent forests?
(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) [CBSE Sept. 2011]
lc) Both (i) and (ii) (d) Neither (i) Nor (ii) (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Assam
s.(c) (c) West Bengal (d) Manipur
Ans. (a)


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