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ANSI N23-2 65 MM O724250 OODS4b4 5 mm ANSI N13.1-1969 American National Standard Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities . Sponsor Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc Approved February 19, 1969 American National Standards Institute, Inc Cipeih b te AEN THGL STHOHES STITT CS aa ser ANSI ND3-1 69 ml 0724150 OOOS4LS 7 Ml American National Standard An American National Standard implies a consensus of those sub- stantially conesrned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users fare cautioned to obtain the latest editions. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the ‘American National Standards Institute. Published by American National Standards Institute, Inc 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Copyright 1970 by the American National Standards Institute, Inc [No portion of this publication may be quoted or reproduced in any form without ‘he written permission of the American National Standards Institute H5C772/6 ANSI N13-2 69 MM 0724250. 00846 9 mm Foreword (The Foreword te ot & Nucle fo American National Standard Gulde to Sampling Airborne Radiosct "Facts, N13. 11968.) Materials in ‘A most important element in the protection of radiation workers is the assessment of airborne radioactive materials in work areas. A primary route for internal deposition of radioactive mater: als is through inhalation of particles and gases, and itis for this reason that attention and care must be given to proper sampling of airborne materials. ‘This standard Is the end result of several successive drafts prepared by a Task Group established under the auspices of Standards Committee N13 (formerly N7), to prepare a Recommendation for the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 85, Subcommittee 2 UISO TC 85/SC 2), with a similar title. The Task Group received many comments from local and for- eign specialists, and these comments were taken into account in the successive drafts. A decision was made to submit a late draft to the membership of N18 with the recommendation that the docu: ment be issued as an American National Standard. Some rather minor changes were made from the document as submitted to ISO TC 85/SC 2, to reflect comments of voting members of N13. ‘The scope of the standard thus reflects primarily the TC 85/SC 2 guidelines in the original directive which restricted the scope to sampling methods, and specifically excluded measurement of the radioactive materials. Some comments were received to the effect that a more comprehensive, in-depth, and theoretical treatment should be given to the topic. Others have suggested that there should be more “recipe” or “cook book" guidance. The Task Group has not taken either extreme position, but has presented information to assist those responsible for taking representative samples. Some interpretation ‘and judgment must be made in many situations which cannot be specifically described. Some guide: lines are made available for these situations. ‘Suggestions for Improvement gained in the use of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018, ‘The Standards Committee on Radiation Protection, N13, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval: 43. W. Healy, Chairman G. Edwin Brown, Jr, Secretary Organication Represented Name of Representative ‘Ameriean Chorical Socaty. ra B. Whitney ‘American Conference of Governmental industrial Higioniats DLE. Van Farowe ‘American Health Physles Society T1. Cherabin ‘American Industial Aygiene Association con Wilbur Speicher ‘American Inaurance Association 2 Hurry W. Rapp, Jr ‘American Muto! Insurance Alllance Willem J ‘Ameriean Nuclear Soslety ‘Amertean Public Health Ae ber ames E. McLaughlin ‘Simon Kinamar Gerald S. Parker (Alt) American Seciaty fo sting and Me LB, Gardner SUA. Dyer (Al) American Society of Mechanical Enginars Hi.3. Lerwou ‘tection of tate and Tere Heath iia G!D. Gorlyie thompson ‘Atorle Industriel Forum es G. Rawin Brown, Te ‘Bleotleal Light and Power Group... arvin Sul Gordon A. Oleon (Ate) Industsal Medical Association ‘Thomas Ray Inattute of Nuclear Materials Management Kon Okolowite Robert O. Budd (Alt) epi bye MELON TIL STHORS STINT CSE) Comet the Eo eT STO ANSI N33-2 64 MM 0724250 COOB4E7 O mm Organieaton Represented International Association of Governinental Labor Ottiials Internation Brotharhood of Electrical Workers Manufacturing Chemlata Aavoclation, Inc National Butoau of Standards National Safety Counc Underwriter’ Laboratories, Inc. Uraniim Operators Asvociation U.S. Atomle Energy Commiseion U.S, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards. U.S, Public Health Service Individual Mombers Name of Representative Mors Kleinfeld ‘Swencicki (Att) ‘Thome P. Loftun (AB) Hugh Henry Sulla. Olebitokl (AN) Leonard H. Hora Haran Beatvold (Alt) IL. Rabieon (A) Edward J. Valle Waltor Coat (alt) John P. ONsill © Walker Daubenspeck (Ait) Sonn Viltot Ronbld Bales (Al) Meetil Bisenbd Donald Fleckenetein John W. Healy Duncan A Holaday Remus O, MeAllister ‘The Task Group (now Subcommittee N13-6 on Sampling of Air and Water) participating in the preparation of this standard consisted of the following personnel: L. C. Schwendiman, Chairman Ronald B. Bales Birney R. Fish Charles W. Gruber Gan Lindsicen Benjemin Linaky HM. Paas, Secretary Morton Lippe, Ralph 1 Mitohall Hary F Schulte Conrad P. Straub Robert ©. Thorburn ANSI NL3-L 69 MM 0724250 0008467 0 Ml Organisation Represented International Association of Governtnental Labor Otticile Internationil Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Manutactaring Chemista-Avacelation, Inc [National Butea of Standards National Safety Couell Underwriter’ Laboratories, Tne. ‘Uranidm Operators Assocation U.S. Atomic Energy Commission U.S, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards, U.S, Public Health Servico Individual Mombery. Name of Representative Morea Kleinttd Robert Swenciekt (Alt) ward J. Lagan, PW. MeDeniel, Mont 0: Mason (Ale) obert Lowvingor ‘Thomea P. Loftus (Al) Hugh F. Haney Sulla. Olea (0) dH, Horn i Bratvold (Al) LW Sent IL. Reblaon (Alt) ‘Baward 3. Valles Walter Coot (att) John P. ONL C.Whalher Daubenspeck (Atty Sohn Villflorth Ronald Balas (Alt) Mert) Bizenbad Donald Flecknataln Youn W. Healy Duncan A. Holaday Romar G. MeAllister ‘The Task Group (now Subcommittes N13-6 on Sampling of Air and Water) participating in the preparation of this standard consisted of the following personnel: L. C, Schwendiman, Chairman Ronald E. Bat Birney I. Pi Charice W. Grober San Lindsien Benjamin Lineky onsite ABIGE WIOL SINRES STITT H. M, Paas, Secretary Morton Lippman Ralph 1. Mitchell Haney F, Schulte Conrad P. Struc Robert C, Phorborn ANSI N23-1 69 MH 0724150 O0084L8 2 mm Contents SECTION 1, Introduction 2, Purpose and Scope 8. Definitions 4, Principles 4.1 General 4.2. Representative Samples 4.2.1 Samples Representative According to Spatial Location 42.1.1 Sampling in a Zone Occupied by Workers “}hfrh2-Sampling from 4 Diet or Exhaust. Stack - 4.2.2 Samples Representative with Respect to Physical and Chemical Composition. 42.2.1 Sampling without Differentiation or Bias as to Particle Size or Kind Sampling with Deliberate Differentiation as to Particle Sizes Particle Size Fractionation due to Anisokinetic Sampling, Sample Distortion die to Chemical Reactions and Related Effects 4.3 Sample Programming 4.8.1 Sensitivity of Detection and Measurement. 4.3.2 Permissible Levels at Point of Sampling 4.313 Radioactivity Decay 4.3.4 Natural Radioactive Materials... 4.3.5 Specifie Nature of the Operation or Process. 5. Methods 51 General 5.2 Particles 5.2.1 Sample Delivery. 5.2.2 Particle Collectors without Significant Size Differentiation Filters. " Cellulose Filters 1.2 Cellulose-Asbestos Filters 2.1.8 Glass-Fiber Filters Synthetic Fiber Filters 2.1.5 Membrane Filters Metallic Filters Related Equipment for Filter Sampling Precipitators Electrostatic Precipitators Thermal Precipitators 5, Related Equipment for Sampling Using Precipitators Gravity Settlers, 6.2.8 Particle Collectors with Size Differentiation Impactors..e Annular impactor 3.1.2 Inertial Two-Stage Samplers Gravity Pre-Collector Capit by the RABIN NATIORL STROHRS USTITEE CSI) Ree es sre PAGE: ANSI N23-3 69 MM 0724250 0008469 4 mm SECTION 5.3 Gases 5.3.1 Sampling and Collection of Specific Constituents General Solid Adsorbents 5.3:1.2.1 General Silica Gel Gas Washing Condensation 5.32 Sampling and Collection without Separation of Specific Constituents 6. Validation of Sampling Effectiveness 7, References to the Text ‘Table ‘Table | Collection Efficiency and Flow Resistance of Selected Air Sampling Filter Media Appendixes Appendix A Guides for Sampling from Ducts and Stacks ‘Al. General. ‘A2, Selection of Sampling Position along Duct or Stack. A3. Sampling Location(s) in the Cross Section of Duet. AB.L Criteria A3.2 Withdrawal Points in the Cross Section to Assure a Representative Sample 43.3 Velocity Distribution and Consequences for Sampling 33.1 Laminar Flow in Duct Sampled ‘A3.3.2 Turbulent Flow in Dust Sampled A34 Sampling Probe Configurations ‘Table Table Al Maximum Flow in Ciroular Duets for Laminar Conditions Figures Pig. AL Velocity Ratio vs Reynolds Number for Smooth Pipes Fig. A2 Single Circular Probe Sampler Fig. A3 Rectangular Slot Probe Sampler Fig. Ad Single Probe Retrievable Filter Fig. AS Multiprobe Sampler for Large Duct or Stack. ‘Appendix B Particle Deposition in Sample Lines Introduction 2, Gravity Deposition B3. Brownian Diffusion B4. Turbulent Deposition B5. Deposition in Elbows in Sample Delivery Lines BG. References to the Text of Appendix B Tables ‘Table BI Length of a Horizontal Tube for 100 Percent. and 0) Percent Deposition due to Gravity ‘Table B2 Length of Tube Within Which 20, 50, and 75 Percent of Particles will Deposit Sprig by he WO, STONES DT ANSI N33. 69 MM 0724150 0008470 0 mm SECTION Pace. ‘Table BS Fraction of Entering Particles which Deposit in a Vertical Sampling 36 Table B4 Fraction of Entering Particles Deposited in a 1,01 em ID 90° Bend in Aluminum Tubing 37 Appendix © Errors due to Anisokinetic Sampling 38 ‘Table ‘Table CL Ratio of Observed to Actual Concentration of Particles when Sampled at Various Fractions and Multiples of Isokinetic Flow... 38 Cop he RIDIN TINA, STAAGIES STITT CSD Pena is srs (oe ANSI NU3-% 69 MM O724250 0008471 2 am American National Standard Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities 1. Introduction ‘The potential hazard from breathing air- borne radioactive materials must be evaluated and controlled through measurements of the levels and nature of the airborne radioactive ‘materials. In zones occupied or to be occupled ‘by workers, the levels of airborne radioactive materials must be determined and compared, with the applicable control level to assure that. workers are not exposed to concentrations ex- ceeding those considered safe. The need for improved facility design, isolation of source of contamination, control of exposure time, or approved respirators may thus be identified. Although the most important and ultimate objective of sampling is to protect individuals from excessive exposure to airborne radio: active materials, other desirable objectives are realized in a welldeveloped sampling and evaluation program. Some of these are: (1) Toprovidethe supporting documentation of working environments which may be re- quired by regulatory bodies. Well-kept records of air contamination levels, along with other data, may assist in supporting or refuting claims of radiation injury by workers or others. (2) ‘To call attention to deteriorating equip- ment, faulty processes, or other conditions leading to loss of effective control of airborne materials in an operation, and to subsequently determine the effectiveness of corrective mea: (3) To measure the release of radioactive ‘materials to the environment through sampling near the point of release. Sampling of effluents will assist in evaluating and controlling expo- sure of the radiation worker at the installation, but the results of effluent sampling are gener- ally of greater Importance in insuring that rE st people in the surrounding environment are not exposed to levels of airborne materials exceed ing established levels. In non-routine incidents, effluent samples are of material worth in est. mating the possible consequences and the necessary corrective action. Sampling should permit integrated radioactive contamination release to the environment to be measured over various time periods. Recommendations by a panel of experts on air sampling included the following specific goals to be achieved through sampling {11:! (a) Detailed studies should be made to char- acterize the nature of acrosols in different types of working environments. (b) The general levels in working spaces should be measured and controlled routinely (c} Provision should be made for rapid detec tion of high levels of contamination during aceldental releases. (d) Bvatuation of individual inhalation should be stressed, 2. Purpose and Scope Ilis the purpose of this standard to set forth the principles which apply in obtaining valid samples of airborne radioactive materials, and to prescribe acceptable methods and materials for gas and particle sampling. The scope of the standard is limited to the collection of samples and does not embrace the measurement of the radioactive materials collected. Exclusion of radiochemical measurement from the scope ‘Numbers in brackets reer to corresponding numbert {in Sacton 7, Raforences to the Twxt. ANSI .N33- 69 MM 0724250 OOOB472 4 mm ‘must not be construed to mean that the mea: surement of samples is of lesser importance than sampling. Accurate measurement and evaluation are vitally necessary, but can be valid only to the extent that the sample ob- ‘tained reflects the existing conditions. ‘The scope of this document is further limited to guides for sampling airborne radioactive ‘materials in installations where work with radioactive materials is conducted, with the primary emphasis on the need to protect the radiation worker. However, its scope docs is ‘clude sampling effluent gases prior to or at the point of release to the atmosphere from the installation. Although the scope thus excludes certain sampling techniques, such as some of those used in environmental and free atmo svhere sampling, the principles defined and ‘most of the methods discussed are in most cases generally applicable. 8, Definitions In this standard the following definitions shall apply: absorbent. A material which takes up a con: stituent through the action of diffusion, allow- ing the constituent to penetrate into the structure of the absorbent, if a solid, or dissolve init, ifa liquid. When chemical reaction takes place during absorption, the process Is called chemisorption, adsorbent. A material, generally a solid, which retains a substance contacting it, through the short range molecular forces which bind the adsorbed material at the surface of the ad sorbent. aerodynamic diameter. Particles of the same diameter but differing densities will have dif: ferent terminal settling velocities. Two par- Utes of different densities are said to have equivalent aerodynamic diameters if their den- sities and diameters are such that the terminal settling velocities are equal, or that they are acted upon by air drag to an equal degree, Since comparisons with unit density materials are frequently made, aerodynamic diameter is the diameter of a unit density sphere with the same settling velocity as the particle in ques- tion. aerosol. A dispersion of solid or liquid parti cles in air or other gases. een le SERON WCLMGL STNEIS NETIUTE GST) Betas AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE TO SAMPLING anisokinetic. A condition which prevails when the velocity of air entering a sampling probe or the collector when held in the airstream is different from the velocity of the airstream being sampled at that point. breathing zone. The breathing zone is identi that region adjacent toa worker's mouth and nostrils from which air is drawing into the Jungs while he performs his assigned work. Air taken from this region will truly represent the air the worker is breathing while he works, whether standing, sitting, or moving. burial. The imbedding of a particle into a filter medium, droplet. A very small quantity of a liquid in the general form of a sphere. ‘grab" sample, A randomly taken, singlo sam- ple removed froma stream over a short interval of time. impaction. A process by which a particle or droplet is removed from an airstream by strik- ing an object held in the airstream. When a particle grazes an object and is thus retained, ‘the term “interception” applies. isokinetic. A condition which prevails when the velocity of air entering a sampling probe or the collector when held in the airstream is identical to the velocity of the airstream being sampled ‘at that point ‘membrane filter. One of several commercially available filter media consisting generally of very thin organie-based films having a range of selectable porosities and controled compos- tion. (Very thin porous metallic filters are also known as membrane filters.) monitor (1) To measure an airborne radioactive con- stituent or the gross content of radioactive ‘material continuously or at a frequency which ‘permits an evaluation of the concentration over ‘an interval of time. (2) The instrumentation or device used in monitoring, particle. An aggregate of molecules, forming a solid or liquid, ranging in size from a few molecular diameters to some tenths of milli meters (several hundred microns) penetration. The complete passage of airborne contaminants through a filter or other col- lector. ANST NDI 69 am 724250 0008473 bom AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES permissible level. ‘That concentration of air borne material which has been established as a local guide or regulation to limit the quan- tity of radioactive materials inhaled. Permiss- blelevel may differ depending upon the nature of the alrborne material the duration of anti cipated exposure, and the protection afforded by special clothing or other barriers, “pseudo-coincidence” counting. A method for measuring the concentration of long-lived aparticle emitters, such as plutonium or its compounds, collected on a filter, with differ- entiation of the a-particle emitters occurring naturally as the decay products of Rn (ra- don), and “Rn (thoron). The detector senses and records the “pseudo-coincidence” of ™Bi Bdecay and its daughter, Po a-decay, thus providing an index to the quantity of #Rn present. The “Po decays with a halflife of 160 ys (microseconds), hence the parent-daugh. ter decay is regarded and utilized as a “pseudo- coincidence”, The same consideration holds true for the "Bi to Po decay. These are members of the #°Rn decay chain. representative. Faithfully showing the quality and characteristics of the entire volume from which a sample is drawn, sample. A representative portion of an atmo: sphere of interest, or one or more separated constituents from’a representative portion of an atmosphere. scrubber. A device for allowing sir and liquid to achieve intimate contact to effect a transfor of gases, liquids, or solids carried in the gas Lo the liquid stream. The liquid may be a static pool through which the gas rises, or may be sprayed into a column or passed through packing. subisokinetic. A condition which prevails whe the velocity of air entering a sampling probe or the collector when held in the airstream is less than the velocity of the airstream being sampled at that point. super-isokinetic. A condition which prevails when the velocity of air ontering a sampling probe or the collector when held in the air- stream is greater than the velocity of the air- stream being sampled at that point. vapor. The gaseous form of materials which are liquid or solids at room temperature, as BICn TION. Umea STII CAS) us mina distinguished from non-condensable gases. (Va- pors are gases but carry the connotation of having been released or volatilized from lig: uuids or solids.) volatile. Having a high vapor pressure at room temperature. 4. Principles 4.1 General. Certain principles must be recog- nized and used as guides if effective sampling Is to be realized. These are discussed in Sec: ton 4 4.2 Representative Samples. A sample must be representative of the bulk stream or volume from which it is taken. “Representative” em- bodies various qualities of the sample. 4.2.1 Samples Representative According to ‘Spatial Location Sampling in a Zone Occupied by Workers. The sample should ideally be drawn from a point or series of points within the breathing zone of the worker. Ideally, the ac: tual sampling point would be closely adjacent to the worker's nostrils and mouth throughout. all his activities. This has been found to be impractical, and some compromises have been, necessary. In work zones in which very radio- toxic materials are processed, such as pluto: nium, polonium, radium, ete, a battery-operated sampler with a collector fastened near the breathing zone is an acceptable compromise, providing adequate sensitivity ean be achieved and worker comfort and safety are not jeop: ardized by wearing the dey In the interest of simplicity, air samples are frequently taken with fixed-position samplers. When fixed sampling positions are used, care must be taken in the selection of the posi and number of samplers in a given work area. ‘The location should be selected to be as close to the breathing zone as is practical without interfering with the work and the worker. ‘Sampling with fixed-position samplers compro- mises to a degree the principle of a sample being representative socording to spatial loca: tion of the sampling point; however, with judi fous placing of the sampling point and cor relation with true breathing zone samplers, the ANSI NL3-2 69 Ml O724250 0008474 & mm fixed position sampler can be useful. Routinely obtained samples from fixed locations will signal changes in general air concentrations and help in determining the source of the con: tamination, When the room yentilation ar- rangement is such that room air is exhausted through one or more ducts, samplers placed at the ventilation duct exits may provide a better integrated average of the air concentration, However, they can be unrepresentative of actual air breathed, particularly if the source of contamination is an isolated leak from one point in the room near a breathing zone. Sev: eral studies of particular work places have called attention to the rather large differences in airborne concentrations which can occur between the breathing zone and points chosen for fixed-position samplers [] ‘Air samplers may be installed slightly above head height and in front of the worker, or they ‘may be installed at the front face of the hood, gloved box, or other enclosure used to contain the radioactive material processed. The col- lector filter is most frequently oriented in a vertical plane to reduce the potential for the collection of larger particles by gravity settling. ‘Although the principle of isokinetic sampling is not achieved in fixed room air samplers, the particles of interest are almost always of suf- ficiently small sizes that anisokinetic sampling errors are not of serious concern. Due consideration should be given to the number, location, and air-moving requirements of samplers during the design of a facility in which radioactive materials are to be pro: cessed. 42,12 Sampling from a Duet or Bxhaust Stack. To withdraw representative samples froma duct or stack requires proper placement of a sufflclent number of sample withdrawal points and good design of sample entry tubes. ‘Arrangements in which the collector can be held in the air stream are to be preferred over those in which delivery lines between sampling points and collector are used. (See 4.2.2.) Some recommended probe configurations and guides locating sample removal points in ducts and stacks are given in Appendix A. ‘The sampling point should be a minimum of five diameters (or five times the major dimen- sion for rectangular ducts) downstream from abrupt changes in flow direction or prominent transitions, Come the ERIC TIGL STANTS HETTTE ST) rite AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE 70 SAMPLING. Sampling without Differentiation or Bias as to Particle Size or Kind. A valid sample must have the same radiochemical and physical composition as the air which would bbe contacted by the worker in the area sam- pled. In addition to the requirement of correct spatial location, the sampler must not fraction- ate by particle size or in other ways distort the physical and chemical properties of the air borne radioactive constituents. This require- ment is frequently difficult to achieve. Filters used as collectors directly in the air sampled will yield a representative sample for very small particles; however, any delivery line through which the sample is carried to the collection device will preferentially remove large particles either through gravitational settling when the flow is too low, or through turbulent impaction when the flow is too high. Density of the particles in the air is also of importance in the fractionation by particle size. Some guides to allow estimates to he made of particle loss in sampling lines due to gravity settling and turbulent flow are presented in Appendix B. ‘A sample obtained with a delivery line and collector which do not discriminate between particles of various sizes oan be evaluated accurately as to radiological significance only after knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of the airborne material is obtained. Separate study may be necessary to establish in given circumstances the size distribution ‘and chemical nature of the airborne material. ‘Changes in the nature of airborne materials must be anticipated with changes in operations. Characterization of the airborne constituents must be performed frequently enough to assure statistically significant information of the na: ture of the airborne material. Sampling with Deliberate Differ entiation as to Particle Sizes. Because know- ledge of particle size distribution is important to a correct evaluation of radiological effects, samplers and collectors may be deliberately designed to identify two or more size fractions of the airborne material, Measurement of the radioactivity associated with each size fraction will permit a determination of the radioactivity which will be preferentially retained in various ovuiht by the eo ett, TNS faba bes AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES portions of the respiratory tract Although not, capable of high resolution, these devices can reasonably well distinguish radioactivity asso- clated with particles which will be retained in the upper respiratory passages, and the much smaller particles which would be accessible to the alveoli of the lung. These sampling devices [2,8,9,10,11} have considerable merit and, in the absence of knowledge of particle sizes in the air sampled, are recommended. Particle Size Fractionation due to Anisokinetio Sampling. Distortion in particle size distributions may occur when the velocity of the sampled air entering the sample probe (or collector, when supported directly in the stream to be sampled) is significantly different from the velocity of the air in the stream sam- pled. When the air drawn through the sampler or collector in the stream is at a much lower velocity than the stream velocity, larger parti- cles will be preferentially collected. When the air velocity through the sample probe and collector is greater than the stream velocity, smaller particles will be preferentially col- lected. The degree to which the fractionation occurs is a function of particle size, density, the particle size distribution, and the differ- ence between the isokinetic velocity and the anisokinetic velocity employed. Except in very unusual situations, particles smaller than an aerodynamic diameter of about five microns are able to follow the streamlines of the air, and the fractionation error is not great. Ap- pendix C presents data showing the error which would be made for various conditions of aniso- kkinetic sampling. Obviously, one must know the sizes and density of particles being sampled before this error can be evaluated, In applica- tions in which particle sizes may be expected to *the Task Group on Lung Dynamics for Committee 1 of the Intemational Commission on Radiological Protec: led paris be asoumed to be 28 percont exhaled, (ud subsequently swallowed), and the remeining 26 per i ie also ‘some detail the phyalcocherical ‘of the particles to estimate the rate of clearence from the deposition site. ITE C1 19 ANSI NL3-1 69 M@™@ 0724150 G008475 T mm Nisa vary, particularly when particles larger than fivemicrons are anticipated, it is recommended that the sampler arrangement be designed to permit near isokinetic flow into the sampler entry probe or through the collector when the collector is facing into the stream sampled, A Potential source of nonrepresentative sampling may thus be avoided. Sample Distortion due to Chemical Reactions and Related Effects. Extreme care must be exercised in extracting a sample from an airstream when the air contains chemically reactive forms of radioactive iso- topes. Reactive vapors such as radioiodine may be largely absorbed on or react with materials which might be considered for sample delivery lines. Materials to be avoided for ‘sampling iodine are rubber, copper, and some plastics. Some collectors, such as impingers, trap ma- terials in a liquid with varying efficiency, de- pending upon the solubility and particle size. Condensate on the inner surfaces of sampling ines may form pockets and act as traps, or provide wetted surfaces to which the material of interest may adhere. In extreme situations traps and pockets may act as effective scrub- bers for the radioactive material transported. ‘When the air to be sampled is nearly satu- rated with water vapor, condensation may occur on the collector itself. Excessive mois- ture may destroy filter media usefulness either by blocking the air passageways through the pores, or by weakening it to a point that it tears or breaks easily. When heavy moisture loadings are anticipated, heated sampling lines will be required to prevent condensation in the lines and to raise the collector temperature well above the dewpoint. All possible interactions which may change the sample quality following the point where it is diverted to the collector must be carefully considered. The chemical form as well as the physical nature of the airborne constituents to be sampled must be known before a repre- sentative sample can be assured, 4.3 Sample Programming. Many factors enter into the design of a sampling program. The sampling program includes the frequency, duration, and volume rate of sampling. In ‘most cases the selection of these three elements in programming will be a compromise between ideal values and those which provide safety ANSI NL3-) 69 M@# 0724150 0008476 1 mm and yet are technically, economically, and conveniently achieved. 43.1 Sensitivity of Detection and Measure. ‘ment. The sensitivity and accuracy of the an- lytical or counting method will determine the minimum volume of air which must be sampled to obtain the requisite accuracy and precision of results, 43.2 Permissible Levels at Point of Sam- pling. The permissible concentration of the radioisotopes of interest will also determine the minimum volume to be sampled. If possible, sample should be large enough to permit onetenth the permissible level to be deter: mined with reliability. In some cases the sample must be sufficiently large to permit the effective measurement of activity levels equal to or less than the ambient. levels isee also 4.3.4). 43.3 Radioactivity Decay. The radioactive half-life of the nuclide to be measured is an important consideration. For short half-life materials the sampling period may be brief, with a large volume throughput, and prompt measurement. An alternative procedure 1s to ‘sample until the radioactive material collected has reached equilibrium. At such time the decay rate is equal to the accumulation rate. Evaluation requires a method of quantitation during or immediately following collection. Longilived materials, being low in radio. activity per unit of mass, may require sam- 1g of large volumes to achieve the necessary degree of accuracy using radiometric analyses. 43.4 Natural Radioactive Materials. The presence of natural radioactive materials of short half-life may mask the presence of sig- nificant quantities of longerlived inaterials, necessitating delays between collection and counting, or repeated counting at subsequent times, or requiring: special methods; for e ample, energy discrimination, pseudo-coin- cidence counting, or particle size discrimina- tion sampling methods such as the annular impactor and particle size selective filter tech- nique 12,13}. (See Such methods must be employed, or rapid radiochemical separations performed, when natural radio- active emitters mask shorter-lived radioiso- topes of interest. Ceerih by te MERON TIDE. STHERS ISTE CSD) Fea eso 19 “4 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE 10 SAMPLING 43.5 Specific Nature of the Operation or Process. The nature of the operation which creates the potential for airborne radioactive materials may influence the sampling program. An operation or process being instituted for the first time may require more frequent and extensive sampling than one wellestablished and proven. The potential for release of radio- active material and the consequences of a cidental air contamination must be considered im establishing frequency and duration of sampling. When the purpose of sampling is to establish the total release of radioactive materials to the environment, the sampling program must be designed to insure obtaining an adequate sample during accidental releases. Under nor- ‘mal operations, intermittent, relatively frequent sampling may be adequate, but when due account is taken of the nonstandard or accident situation, it may be necessary to sample continuously. The relative levels of radioactivity contained in the sample during, fan accidental release must be anticipated. This consideration may influence the volume rate of sample withdrawal for nonstandard situations, In some cases, two separate sa pling systems may be justified, one to obtain a sample during non-routine high level re- leases, the other for day-to-day release evalua tion. The collection method may also be dif- ferent for the two purposes. ‘The unusual conditions following a serious radiation incident must be anticipated when sampling is required for assessing the levels of airborne radioactive materials present in an area affected by the incident. (For example, valid samples must be obtained from a con- tained atmosphere following a reactor ac- eldent) Sampling under adverse conditions must be anticipated and the necessary pro- visions designed into the system, 5. Methods 6.1 General. The two forms of airborne radio- active materials are particles and gases; the articles can be solid or liquid, although par- ticles are more generally considered to be very small fragments of solids. ‘The sampling methods for airborne radioactive material can be discussed according to the applica- tion to gases or particulate material. Prnbn eS. ANSI NU3-2 69 MH 0724150 0008477 3 mm AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES 6.2 Particles 6.2.1 Sample Delivery. Principles concern- ing the removal of a representative portion of contained stream, as from a large duct, have ‘been presented in Seotion 4. The sample line designed according to these principles will deliver a representative sample to the col- lector. For samples drawn from atmosphere such as room air, delivery lines are not re- quired. 6.2.2 Partiele Collectors without Significant Size Differentiation. Various collectors are applicable to sampling airborne radioactive articulate material. Two general categories are: 1} gross particle collectors without signi ficant size differentiation, and 2) particle col- lectors with size differentiation, ‘The careful evaluation of the radiological significance of airborne particles requires a knowledge of particle sizes as well as the chem cal nature of the material. This information may be determined in other than routine sam- pling. After such special studies have charac terized the airborne material, subsequent particle collection without particle size dif. ferentiation may be performed provided that the operation creating the potential for air borne contamination Is not changed signifi cantly. At regular intervals and when any change is anticipated, the airborne material should be characterized as to physical and chemical nature. 5.2.21 Filters. Air filtration is most fre- quently employed in sampling atmospheres for radioactive particles. Filters are preferred because of the simplicity of the procedure and the equipment required. Filter media with a wide range of performance characteristies are commercially available so that a filter suitable to most air sampling programs can usually be found. Collection of particles by @ filter is achieved through one or more of the following mechanisms: diroot interception, impaction, diffusion, and electrostatic attrac: tion, Although properties of the particles, filters, and the sampling conditions determine which of these collection mechanisms may be involved, for most filters impaction and dif fusion are the predominant mechanisms to be considered. Collection by impaction increases with particle size and velocity, whereas dif. Io wertoee staOUES NSTI CASL> ans 15 Nia fusion (Brownian motion) is more effective for very small particles in air at low velocities. For a given filter and a given face velocity there is theoretically a particle size for maxi: mum penetration; particles larger or smaller ‘than this size may be more efficiently collected. Filter efficiencies reported by filter manu- factures are usually based on tests with ap- proximately 0.3 um (micron) particles. ‘This size aerosol can be larger by a factor of two to five than the most penetrating serosol for some media and flow conditions. Reported ef- ficiencies must be regarded as nominal values, and in critical situations more definitive ef: ficiency measurements may be required. Since collection efficiencies so determined may dif- fer from the efficiency for the actual aerosol, attention should be given to possible inaccu- racies arising from this source. A filter effi- ciency of 100 percent is not required, but it is necessary to know the efficiency for the article size and flow rate selected, or to know that the efficioney will be equal to or greater than some minimum acceptable efficiency. In general, if « filter is reported to have a high efficiency, for instance, greater than 99 per- ‘cent, it is less likely that its efficiency will be as sensitive to changes in particle sizes as a lower efficiency filter will be. Although differ: ing figures for filter efficieneles have been reported by various experimenters, the rank- ing is frequently the same. In addition to differing in collection effi ciency, filter media differ with respect to air: flow resistance, wet and dry strength, surface roughness, and ease of chemical dissolution in leaching. ‘These properties may be of greater or lesser significance, and the particular ap- plication must be carefully considered in a choice of filter media, Often the choice of filter ‘must represent a compromise among these fac- tors. Filter selection is usually made from five filler classes: cellulose, cellulose-ashestos, glass fiber, synthetic fiber, and membrane. Characteristics of some typical filter media are shown in Table 1. 5221.1 Cellulose Filters, Cellulose filters of the type common to analytical chem- istry are made from purified cellulose pulp. Consequently, such filters have a low ash con tent and are easily decomposed by chemical treatment (oxidizing acids). They have a rela- tively low resistance to airflow but are sus 2 oat my osm omen mans “ren 50 2 odra TEN ‘Suctovorpea euogay BuosMogE 4 pera MIPERL seta AY Jo SISURITOIOND “seme PLE "| LEWHMOOT. 5 é g VS — (wrgensaiog) a oot it et mnt comme TREE 5 ‘y'sia (wig9 an a10g) g ee 2 z wea é 1s eee ot 0586 L686 ss 569 comes gare t t ven ne om oe sues tee wre sess conmntty ome geotven — =uaemo 3 a 2 § ven gE a em wes res res om meneame oun ._ erg ong 3 : on ks Ores re aT'SS esou as sorseasy-ss0in0e9 g & vga a) a ee a v ~ — Ss Cr aps 2 EERE, ses ss voi ' woe «we 86 eo ou Per ced Le a, ems score 2 oo ws Lr weiiddng woneuieg mand wm ane 7 “rpm sow | Syrana wounse MOL 3 LUTE |= SPOR Ing Fades ary poo[as Jo souNASSEY MOT PUE AUD!YFG woH>>NeD 1 a1ge, Cemriht by te ECM NTL STATS ROTI GID AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES ceptible to increase in flow resistance due to dust loading. Collection efficiency depends significantly on face velocity and these filters ‘must be operated at a velocity of about 100 cm/ sec for good efficiency for 0.3 micron particles. Burial of radioactive particles within the filter medium is significant and, as a result, collu- lose papers are not well suited for detection of alphaemitting radioisotopes by direct, counting. Cellulose filters are strong and are not easily damaged in handling. Among the five filter groups they are the least expensive, Cellulose-Asbestos Filters. When mineral fibers such as asbestos are mixed with cellulose, the resulting filter ex- hibits improved collection cfficiency and greater chemical resistance, Beoause the asbestos content is significant, special chemical treatment is required for filter dissolution. Consequently, —cellulose- asbestos filters are usually restricted to those air monitoring programs where radidchemical separations are not involved. Cellulose-asbes- tos filters are not easily damaged in handling and are widely used in air sampling. Glass-Fiber Filters. Filter mats of fine glass fibers can have high collection efficiency and lower burial losses than cellu- lose-asbestos filters. An outstanding feature of glass-fiber filters is that their increased collection efficiency is not accompanied by in- creased airflow resistance. Glass filters may be used at higher temperatures than cellulose or cellulose-asbestos filters. Relative fragility and low resistance to hydrofluoric acid are the principal shortcomings of this medium. ‘Their general chemical inertness is an advan- tage when digestion is required, since the col- lection material may be dissolved without dis i the filter. 5.22.14 SyntheticPiber Filters. Var- ious organicbased fibers are available and these may be incorporated into fillers having specific properties determined by the filter composition and diameter. Fluorocarbons, polypropylene, nylon, and other fibers may find application as filter media, Membrane Filters. Membrane filters are porous dry gels of cellulose esters, usually produced as acetate or nitrate. Struc: 7 Coneient y te ERCN TIO. THORS STINE C1) ithe a bss ANSI NU3-2 69 MM 0724250 0008479 7 mm moa ture and pore size can be controlled over a wide range by production processes. Filters are commercially available in pore sizes (di ameters) ranging from about 10 nm (millimi crons) to 10 um. These filters are completely soluble in many organic solvents and can be decomposed easily by oxidizing acids. Mem- brane filters with submicron pore diameters have the highest collection efficiency of their four filter surfaces, so that burial losses are minimal. Because of the fragility of membrane filters, they require special support in the filter holder and must be handled with care du coming of these filters is their relatively high resistance to airflow. To obtain the required sample volume may require unreasonably long. sampling periods, or air movers of a type or e that are impractical for the program, Large-pore membrane filters—those with pore diameters greater than 1 um—retain the high surface collection efficiency of submicron fillers but offer considerably lower flow re sistance. Particle penetration through large- pore filters is higher than through cellulose- asbestos or glass-fiber filters. However, large- pore membrane filters are well suited to sam- pling of alpha-particle-emitting radioisotopes, because lower collection efficiency is more than offset by the fact that those particles that are retained are not lost by burial in the ‘medium. 522.16 Metallic Fillers. Filters are available which are very thin films of porous metal. These will find use in speotal applica tions; for example, a pure silver filter may be used to trap particles and molecular iodine simultaneously. Related Equipment for Filter Sampling (1) Filter Support or Holder. The filter ‘media must be supported in a well-designed filter holder. The following features are to be included in the design (a) A porous backing screen or plate. The filter-contacting surface should be smooth, flat, and free from burrs and sharp edges. With some small-area filters, when the strength of the filter medium is adequate the porous back: ing plate may be omitted. (This will be the exception rather than the rule.) ANSI NU3+3 69 M™ 0724250 0008460 3 mm na ess i (b) A compression sealing ring designed to press the perimeter of the filter against the backing support and insure an airtight seal. Various compressible materials, such as plastics and rubber, are useful. Pressure on the seal must be uniform through using well- designed clamps, cams, or other compression closure mechanisms. Leakage can be an im- portant source of error. All filter holders should be checked at the pressure used to in- sure leak tightness. [c) An easily opened and closed filler sup- port to facilitate filter changes. (d) Filter support material that is cor rosion resistant to the atmosphere where the sample is to be taken. (e) A more complex filter support and sealing mechanism for repetitive or continuous samplers with a moving filter. Commercial designs anticipated for use should be care- fully reviewed for the integrity of the filter media sealing, the filter advance mechanism, and their flexibility in programming. (2) Air Movers. Air samples may be drawn through the collector by any of a variety of air movers. The prime requirement is that the air mover deliver the necessary airflow against the resistance of the sampling system. Positive displacement pumps such as the rotary vane type or lobe (gear-type) impeller pumps find ‘great favor since they maintain a nearly con- stant flow even when the pressure drop changes. When the pressure drop across the collector is quite small, centrifugal blowers or high-speed turbine blowers will prove use- ful. This type of air mover must be selected and used with regard for its flowpressure drop characteristics. By the nature of their design, blower-type air movers displace large volumes of air when free-running (operating into very little pressure drop), but the flow decreases materially when they operate against. a pressure drop. (For example, increased pres- sure drop resulting from ambient dust clog- ging the filter will rapidly reduce the flow rate.) Battery-driven pumps of low flows are available for personnel samplers. These com- act pumps, sometimes called “min-pumps,” can be carried by the worker. Venturitype, air-driven aspirators find use in special applications, In locations in which mesh bu te ERIN WRTLOPL STRORRE STEER) 18 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE 0 SAMPLING electrical power may not be available, cyl inders of compressed air or other gas may be used to operate the air aspiration sampler In applications in which mechanical pumps may prove expensive and difficult to main. tain; for example, where highly corrosive gases are to be sampled, a steam-et ejector for obtaining the pressure drop for sampling proves very practical. In an installation in which sampling from ‘many locations is anticipated, a central vacuum. system exclusively for this purpose is recom: mended. The vacuum system should be engi- neered to furnish a vacuum pump and receiver large enough to provide for simultaneous sam: pling at the design rate from all sample col lectors on the system, (3) Flow Measuring Devices. The flow rate ‘must be measured to determine the airborne radioactive material concentration and to insure that the collector is being operated design flow rate. The most frequently used flow instrument is probably the “rota: meter,” a variableorifice device. Venturi meters, fixed orifices, vane anemometers, and pitot tubes may be used within thelr limitations. Flow totalizers, such as displace- ment meters, prove useful when variable sam- pling rates during long periods are anticipated. All devices should be calibrated to the requisite ‘accuracy under the conditions of use, using ‘a standard instrument, Flow measuring instruments should in every ‘case possible be located on the downstream (ower pressure) side of the collector, Particles and vapor deposition in the flow-measuring instrument will not lower the apparent con- centration, and the cleanliness of the flow meter will be essentially maintained. In these cases the flow meter will be metering air at ess than atmospheric pressure. Proper cor- rection to the volume through the collector may thus be required, or accounted for in the (4) Flow Rate Control. Provision must be made for adjusting the sampling rate to the required value. In most instances, a control valve placed in the line between the air mover land the collector will serve this purpose. A bypass valve may be needed when the air mover is operating well below its rating and the additional air intake is required for eool- AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES ing the pump. The bypass valve can be man- ually controlled or may be a ball check valve with adjustable tension on the check valve seating spring. Critical orifices placed in the line down- stream of the collector act to provide a fixed flow, and can be used. Adequate pressure drop to achieve critical flow through the orifice must be assured by the air mover selected. In some cases rates can be varied and con- trolled by changing the pump motor speed. This can be accomplished by adjusting the input voltage on universal-type motors. ‘The gradual buildup of dust on a filter dur- ing a long sampling period acts to decrease the flow through the filter. The significance of this decrease is a function of air mover characteristics and the dust loading on the filter, Averaging the initial and final flow rates during a sampling period may give a reason- ably accurate average if it can be shown that the increase has been linear with time. Flow rate recorders and integrators can be used to establish total sample size, and are recom: mended. Constant-flow regulators are avail able and generally consist of variable resis. tance valves either in series or in parallel with the airflow. When filter resistance increases because of accumulated dust, the valve opens (or closes if in parallel) to maintain the same system resistance and the same airflow until the valve is fully activated and the end of the control period is reached. These devices should be considered for use when airflows are found to vary significantly with time. Precipitators Electrostatic — Precipitators. Electrostatic precipitation removes particulate matter from 2 moving air stream by imparting a charge to particles in the stream and col- lecting them on an oppositely charged surface. As ionic mobility is inversely proportional to particle size, electrostatic precipitation can be made particularly effective in removing very small particles. In most applications, the collec- tor geometry and voltage are selected to insure efficient removal of virtually all particles of interest, Several units covering a range of flows are commercially available. Electrostatic precipitators have the distinct advantage that, sample accumulation is not accompanied by an increase in flow resistance. Samples can be Coprihe byt ME TIL STONES NETTIE SL) itea bse 19 ANSI NU3-1 69 M—@ 0724150 0008481 5 mm Nis. directly counted on the collecting plate with little or no correction for self-absorption. Operating maintenance problems and safety considerations due to the high voltage required often limits their applications to special radio- activeair sampling over short sampling periods. However, they represent a valuable supple- mental tool for radioactive air monitoring programs, Thermal Precipitators. Par- ticle collection with a thermal preci depends upon the force exerted on a particle as it passes through a region between a hot wire anda collector. Thermal precipitators are useful in collecting submicron particles for electron microscopic examination and are gen- erally accepted as giving unbiased samples for particle sizing. However, the required sampling flow rates are low; hence, thermal precipitators find little application in routine air sampling for radioactive particles. Related Equipment for Sam- pling Using Precipitators. Collectors for the electrostatic precipitator are discs or sheets, generally of thin metal. For the thermal pre- cipitator the collector is a small disc. One or more electron microscope grids, with appro- priate films, can be mounted directly under the hot wire. Airflow is usually maintained with an inte- grally incorporated air pump. Flow is critical in these devices and flow measurements are made using one of the methods discussed under The manufacturer's recommenda- tions should be carefully followed. Gravity Settlers. Gravity settlers in the form of open, “fallout” trays are fre quently used downwind from source release points to determine the extent of radioactive surface deposition, With sufficient trays, use- ful information ean be obtained regarding sur- face contamination profiles. However, “fall- out” trays are not directly applicable to de- termination of gross airborne concentration of particulate radioactivity. A shortcoming of “fallout” trays is that sur- face winds may sweep previously deposited particles off the collector. These losses may be reduced by applying an adhesive coating to the tray, by covering the tray with gummed Paper, or by using a water-alcohol solution in PES ie gh by the FEHR LN, TOMES “ANSI N23-2 b9 mM O72¥250 O0084E2 7 Mm nis the tray. Unfortunately, adhesives are subject to weather deterioration so that exposure life {g often limited. Liquids must be replenished to compensate for evaporation. 5.28 Particle Collectors with Size Dif. ferentiation. Separation and collection of particles into size ranges is accomplished by samplers which make use of the inertial pro- perties of the particles and gravity settling. ‘The size distribution of very small particles ‘can be determined by measuring diffusion to the walls due to Browian motion as the par- cles are passed through a tube or channel. Because diffusion coefficionts of particles are so small, the diffusion method is of interest. when particle size distributions comprising particles below sizes of about 0.05 micron are to be differentiated (14). Size differentiating collection will find ap- plication when prior study has determined that a highly significant fraction of large particles present and that a non-differentiating col- lector would materially overestimate the respirable particle concentration. 528.1 Impactors. Impactors [15,16,17, 18,19,20,21) operate on the principle that par- ticles in ‘a moving airstream will impact upon fan object such as an impaction slide placed normally to the airstream, provided the inertia ‘of the particles is sufficfent to overcome the drag exerted by the airstream as it passes around the slide. As the moving particles ap- proach the slide, the smaller particles are carried around the slide by the drag forces of the airstream. By designing an impactor with a series of jets which decrease in size, it Is possible to obtain a size fractionation of an aerosol. Particles which are too small to im: pact on the slide in the last stage can be col- ected on a filter. By proper design it is pos sible to achieve good classification with low wall loss in the instrument. 5.23.11 Annular Impactor. The an- nular impactor is a special single-stage im- actor which attaches to a high-volume sam- pler [12]. This device was designed specifically to collect the larger, more dense alpha-emit- ting particles such as plutonium while collect- ing only a small fraction of the coexisting smaller dust particles carrying radon and thoron daughter products. Although the sep: 20 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE TO SAMPLING aration is not perfect, this collector does per- mit the immediate counting of the collected sample without waiting 6 to 24 hours for the daughter activity to decay, as is done with filter samples. The size of the particles collected is depen: dent on the volume flow rate of the sampler and the slit-width adjustment. It is necessary to coat the impaction surface. with a sticky material to insure efficient retention of large particles fuse of the annular impactor is anticipated, fa study should be made to determine the ef ficiency of collection for the particles of in- terest in the area to be sampled. Inertial TwoStage Samplers. Collectors utilizing inertial properties of par- Llcles have been developed which are designed to separate particles into two fractions (2,8,9, 10,11]. The first fraction consists of the larger size particles which represent those which would normally be retained in the nasal-pass- ‘ages and the bronchial tree. The second size fraction consists of the smaller particles which would penetrate deeply into the lung. ‘The firet stage of some samplers consists of a mini ature cyclone separator sized to remove the larger particles when operated at the design flow. The second-stage collector is a filter. 5.24.18 Gravity PreCollector. A set- tling chamber may be used ahead of a collector to remove the larger particles by gravity sel- tling (8]. The settling section is divided into several shallow, horizontal channels sized in length, breadth, and height such that at the design sampling rate particles larger than some nominal size will settle to the bottom of each of the several channels during the time of passage of air through the section. A signif cant fraction of the smaller particles will also bbe retained, hence a careful evaluation should ‘be made of the performance of the samplers for the application anticipated. 5.3 Gases. Airborne radioactive volatile ma- terials and so-called “permanent” gases such as tritium are frequently important. contamin- ants and their sampling and collection require techniques and methods differing from those ‘used in particle sampling. Two general meth- ‘ods of sampling are: 1) accumulative sampling, ‘or sampling with a collector which removes a ANSI NL3-3 69 mm 0724250 0008483 9 mm AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES the specific constituent from the airstream and retains it during the course of sampling, and 2) sampling without constituent separa: tion and retention, which might be considered sampling with direct measurement. 5.3.1 Sampling and Collection of Specific Constituents General. Sampling with removal and collection of specific constituents requires a detailed knowledge of the chemical and phy- sical properties of the radioactive material of interest, including possible interfering ma- terials such as particulates and accompany: ing nonradioactive gases (acids, organic chemi- cals, ete). The many possible combinations of the properties of the constituents to be mea- sured and the accompanying airborne ma- terials require a careful study in selecting the optimum collector. Gases and vapor com: ponents may be soluble in water, may be highly reactive with certain solutions or dissolve in specific nonaqueous solvents, or may be re- tained on specific solid adsorbents or other specifically prepared media. In general, con- ‘tinuous rather than grab samples are taken when separation and removal of a constituent is required. Sampling rates must be established to insure adequate sensitivity for the radio- assay method selected and must be compatible with the collector performance characteristics. In 63.12 through 5.3.14 the principal col- lectors are briefly considered. Solid Adsorbents 69.121 General, Beds of granular solids may be employed as collectors, Several factors must be carefully considered in the selection of an adsorbent bed. Important to the success of the application are the follow- ing: (1) ‘The adsorbent should be specific and efficient for the radioactive gas or vapor, or the method of measuring the adsorbed radio- active gas or vapor must be capable of eval- ‘uating all adsorbed species. (2) Nonradioactive materials present must not interfere with or destroy the efficiency of the adsorbent. Water vapor, dust, organic compounds, acids, and other’ chemicals may exhaust the capacity or “poison” the bed. Those Gemeah be EON TIE STRERES NET CST) Fra a esr 2 Nisa constituents must be evaluated and removed from the stream, or the sampling rate, time and bed dimensions selected carefully to mini. mize interferences. (3) The method to be employed of final radioactivity measurement. of adsorbed ma- terial must be taken into account. Tf the ad sorbed radioactive gas or vapor is to be mea- sured by positioning the entire bed over a scintillation crystal, questions of geometry, sensitivity, and resolving capability of the sys- tem must be answered. If the adsorbed radio- active material is to be eluted from the col: lector or removed by heating, then the proper washing liquid, volume, rate, temperature, ete, must be determined. (4) The adsorbent temperature must be established and maintained during the sam pling period. For adsorption of some radio- ‘active gases it will be necessary to maintain the adsorbing bed at a low temperature. Some of the more frequently used adsorbers are dis- cussed in through Charcoal. Activated charcoal, ‘generally used as a capsule or bed of granules, is an efficient adsorber of halogens, notably radioiodine. Organic compounds containing iodineare also effectively removed by charcoal, hence charcoal may be used as a collector for organic compounds of iodine as well. High humidity may impair the efficiency of char- coal, particularly for halogenated organic com: pounds. Certain charcoal imprognants have been found which enhance the efficiency and retentivity of charcoal for organie compounds such as methyl iodide, and should be used when organic iodides are anticipated. Retentivity Is also enhanced if the charcoal is maintained at a low temperature. Attention must be given to ‘the potential for particles and nonradioactive ‘organic compounds present in the stream blocking or saturating the active sites on the charcoal. Filter paper in which charcoal grains have been incorporated is sometimes used as a col- lector; however, this and similar media are generally used with a bed of charcoal grains following to insure collection and retention of all the iodine, both that in elemental form and ‘as organic compound vapors. CharcoaLimpreg: nated paper may have variable efficiency and must be evaluated before use. ANSI N23-3 69 MM 724250 0008484 0 mm AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD GUIDE TO SAMPLING 6.1.28 Metal Gauzes, Screens, Beds. Silver and pure copper gauzes are examples of collectors used to remove a specific airborne radioactive vapor. Several (three to six) 100- imesh silver or copper wire screens will effec- tively remove nearly 100 percent of elemental airborne iodine. (They will not retain organic compounds of iodine.) Surfaces must be kept clean and free of grease or corrosion prior to use, These screens are generally preceded by ‘fine pore filter for removing particles and are backed with a charcoal-impregnated filter and charcoal bed, Silica Gel. Silica gel is used as ‘collector, but less commonly than charcoal. Water in the air will compete with other con stituents and will eventually saturate the bed. The collected material may be measured in position on the bed if the energy of the emitted gamma rays is adequate, or the contaminant may be stripped by passing heated air or a suitable solvent through the bed. Airflow rates must be selected to permit adequate time for diffusion to and adsorption in the gel matrix. Water vapor containing tritium as tritium oxide can be collected using silica gel. Water is driven off using a dry, heated airstream, con: densed, and the tritium measured by one of several methods. 5.3.13 Gas Washing. Specific chemical reactions or preferential solubility in liquids ‘may be employed to remove certain radioactive gases and vapors from an airstream sample. ‘The configuration of the sampler is a vessel containing the reacting liquid through which the air sample is passed. For efficient removal of the gascous constituents, the air must be dispersed as fine bubbles by a porous distrib tutor dise or perforated entry port. Packing the vessel or column with an inert ceramic mate- ial, glass beads, or other material of large surface area insures intimate contact and op- timum removal effiefoncy. Airborne particles will also be removed quite efficiently, partic ularly if they are soluble and not submicron in size. Particles should be removed by a filter preceding the liquid trap. ‘An example of a gas washing sampler is the use of a caustic solution (NaOH or KOH) to remove molecular icdine from a gas stream. Airborne ruthenium tetraoxide would also be removed in this gas washer. Efficiency of the Copelp by the RIBIGN NTLOGL STORES STINE CSL) Rebs ear et 2 particular configuration, solution, and flow rate should be established in each case. Effi clencics greater than 99 percent for molecular iodine in caustic should be easily achieved. Condensation. Cold traps may be used to remove volatile radioactive constitu: ents, Although seldom used in routine sam- pling, cold traps may find uses in experimental studies designed to fully characterize all gas- ‘cous constituents of an airstream. For organic volatile compounds, the cold trap may consist of a simple U-tube held in a dry ice bath. For permanent gases such as xenon or krypton it ‘may consist of much more elaborate liquid air trapping systems. The presence of water vapor may pose a problem unless: it is removed in a special collector upstream of the vapor trap. Dewar flasks containing liquid air will be re- quired to keep the sample below the boiling point during transport to the laboratory for analysis, 6.3.2 Sampling and Collection without Sep- aration of Specific Constituents. In some in- stances a sample of air and all contained radioactive constituents may be desired for measurement of trends or relative levels of airborne materials. Examples are noble gas isotopes, tritium, or activated gases near a reactor. The sample may be obtained by using fan evacuated container which can be valved ‘open in the atmosphere of interest, then re: turned to a laboratory for measurement of ‘gross radioactivity or of separate constituents. ‘The sample may also be obtained by passing the stream through the sample vessel until the vessel is completely purged, then closing the inlet and outlet vaives. ‘A flow-through sample vessel may be an ion chamber whose ion current shows the relative radioactivity of material in the gas. Care must bbe taken to keep the gas well above the dew- point in the sampling system and ionization ‘chamber. Gradual buildup of contamination in the chamber should be expected which will be shown as a gradually increasing response with clean air in the chamber. Flow-through chamber samplers may be sim- ilarly monitored by gamma ray scintillation crystal counters or other detectors held adja- cent to or inserted in a well in the chamber ‘wall, Increase of background due to contamina- ‘ion must be expected in these samplers and the AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IN NUCLEAR FACILITIES chamber must be decontaminated to avoid errors from this source. Prior filtering of the airstream will assist in keeping the chamber clean when gaseous constituents alone are to be measured, Because the constituent radioactive ma- terials of interest are not collected and con- centrated in the flow-through or grab sample, insufficient sensitivity of detection may limit or preclude their use. Each situation will have to be evaluated individually to determine the feasibility of the gross sample measurement. 6. Validation of Sampling Effectiveness Air sampling based on skilled application of the principles and methods presented in this, standard should provide the information re- quired to correctly assess and control the air- borne radiological hazard. It is nevertheless prudent to examine all information which might influence the interpretation of the sam- pling results and help corroborate the con- clusions reached from sampling. The ultimate demonstration of effectiveness is obtained through showing that workers in the areas sampled continue to have insignificant body burdens of the isotopes of concern. If routine bioassay samples are analyzed and whole body radioactivity measurements taken, these re- sults can be used to reinforce validity of air sampling measurements. The fecal and urinary excretion levels of these materials or results from whole body counts must be consistent, with the sampling results if the sampling is giving a valid measure of respirable radio- active materials. Routine bioassay results and whole body counts should be carefully studied for possible evidence that sampling may be nonrepresentative or otherwise inadequate. ‘The presence of the isotopes of interest in urine and feces at significant levels should be con- sidered evidence that air sampling, analysis, or interpretation, or a combination thereof, ‘may be in error, or that the worker has been exposed in some other manner than through inhalation. A careful review of the elrcum- stunces surrounding each case may reveal that fan unsuspected source of airborne contaming- ton is occurring or that peculiar flow patterns have caused the sampler to fail to represent. the true breathing zone air. A situation of concern, for example, would be one in which Cony y the ARC TIES STAOAES RTE CAST? roves ise 28 ANSI NU3-1 69 MM 0724150 0008485 2 mm nia a sealed work enclosure such as a gloved box developed a leak, presumably through the gloves, from which contamination might dif: fuse or otherwise be preferentially directed to the breathing zone of the worker, rather than to the sampler. Careful study of the potentials for these non-routine releases, taking clues from the air sampling bioassay and whole bady counter data, should reveal Incipient sources of airborne materials which may otherwise be overlooked. In a corresponding manner the results from sampling a stack or other exhaust from a facil- ity should be consistent with the results ob- tained from air samples drawn downwind or in the vicinity of the facility. Although the interpretation of atmospheric samples is sub- ect to large uncertainties due to meteoro logical variables, it is possible to reinforce the validity of effluent sampling by showing that environmental concentrations are consis: tent with the effluent sampling results 7. References to the Text [1] IAEA Panel on Coordination of National Research in Aerosol Behavior. Recommenda: tions, Working Paper No. 6, Vienna: Interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency, July 10-14, 1967. [2] SCHULTE, H. F. Personal sampling and ‘multiple stage sampling — interpretation of re- sults from personal and static air samplers. Proceedings of Symposium on Radiation Dose Measurements. Stockholm: European Nuclear Bnergy Agency. June 12-16, 1967, pp 495-510. {3] PALMER, G. H. Aerosol Studies and the Relevance of Air Sampling to Personnel Ex- ‘posure in a Plutonium Laboratory. Presented at Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif, June 14-17, 1965, [4] LANGMEAD, W. A. The objectives of air monitoring and the interpretation of air sam- pling results. Proceedings of Symposium on Radiation Dose Measurements. Stockholm: European Nuclear Energy Agency, June 12-16, 1967, pp 475-495. {5] SHERWOOD, R. J. On the interpretation of air sampling for radioactive particles. American Industrial Hygiene Association. Journal, vol 27, no. 2, Mar-Apr 1966, pp 98-109. arias —<— GANST NL3-2 69 mm 0724350 000848 4 {6} Task Group on Lung Dynamics for Com- mittee II of the International Commission ‘on Radiological Protection. Deposition and retention models for internal dosimetry of the human respiratory tract, Health Physics, vol 12, no. 2, Feb 1966, pp 173-207. (7 Report of International Commission on Radiological Protection Committee 1, vol 3. Health Physics, 1960. (8] LIPPMAN, M.; HARRIS, W. B. Size selec- tive samplers for estimating “respirable” dust concentrations. Health Physics, vol 8, no. 2, Mar-Apr 1962, pp 155-162, [9] HARRIS, W, B; RISENBUD, M. Dust sampler which simulates upper and lower lung deposition. AMA Archives of Industrial Hy- giene und Occupational Medicine, vol 8, no. 5, Nov 1953, pp 446-452, (10) MAY, K, Ry DRURTT, H. M. The Pre- impinger—a selective acroaol sampler. British ‘Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol 10, no. 3. July 1953, pp 142-151. [11] HYAT, B.C. SCHULTE, I, F.; JENSEN, ©. Ri MITCHELL, R. N,; PERRAN, G. H. A study of two-stage air samplers designed to simulate the upper and lower respiratory tract. Proceedings of the 13th International Con- ‘gress on Occupational Health. New York: July 25-29, 1960, pp 486-508. [12] TAIT, G. W. C. Determining concentra. tion of airborne plutonium dust, Nucleonies, vol 14, no. 1, Jan 1956, pp 53-38. (13) BILLARD, F.; MIRIBEL; PRADEL, J. Controle de 1a Contamination Atmospherique bar “Double Mandarin,” CBA No. 2085. Saclay, France: Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 1961. ECA TL STAC HIDE) [14] THOMAS, J. W. Distribution of radio activity on a polydisperse aerosol by the di fusion method. Health Physics, vol 12, no. 6, June 1966, pp 785-768, [15] ANDERSEN, A. A. A sampler for res piratory health hazard assessment. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol 27. no. 2, Mar-Apr 1968, pp 160-165, (16) MITCHEL, R. [; PILCHER, J. M. Im- proved cascade impactor for measuring aero- sol particle sizes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol 51, no. 9, Sept 1959, pp 1039- 1042, U7] MERCER, T. Ls TILLERY, M. 1; BAL: LEW, C. W. A Cascade Impactor Operating at Low Volumetric Flow Rates, Report LF Albuquerque, N-M.: Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 1962 [18] HOUNAM, R. F.; SHERWOOD, R. V. ‘The centripeter: a device for determining the concentration and size distribution of aero: sols, American Industrial Hygiene Associa- tion Journal, vol 26, no. 2 Mar-Apr 1965, pp 122-131, [19] MAY, K. R. The cascade impactor: an instrument for sampling coarse aerosols. Journal of Seientific Instruments, vol 2: no. 10, Oct 1945, pp 187-195. [20] RANZ, W. 8. WONG, J. B. Jet Impactors for determining the particle size distribution of aerosols. AMA Archives of Industrial Hy- giene and Occupational Medicine, vol 5, no. 5, May 1952, pp 464-477. [21] LIPPMAN, M. Review of cascade impa tors for particle size analysis and a new call: bration for the casella cascade impactor. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol 20, no. 5, Oct 1959, pp 406-416, ANSI NU3-% 65 MH O724150 0008487 & mm Appendixes lies are not a part of American National Standard Guide to Sampling Airborne Radisactive Materials in ‘Nuclear Facilities, N13.1-1969, but are included for information purposes only.) Appendix A Guides for Sampling from Duets and Stacks Al. General Representative particle samples from ducts and large stacks can be assured only by care- ful selection of the sampling point, with at- tention given to the design of the probe and sampler arrangement. Even with complete awareness of the many conditions which must be realized to obtain a representative sample, the person responsible for the design must almost always arrive at a compromise. The compromise is frequently one between select: ing the best location for sampling from a tech- nical standpoint, and one which is accessible. ‘This is particularly true in sampling radio: active materials from ducts and stacks, be- cause in some cases radiation levels near the “best” sample point may preclude installing a well-designed sampler at that point, Other deterrents may be faced in selecting the best technically based location. While one may determine that a wholly representative sample can be obtained only from the exit of a very tall stack, the practical considerations gen- erally require that a sample be drawn from a point in the stack, not at the exit. ‘An obvious recommendation is that long sample delivery lines be avoided, yot to ob- tain samples which permit a frequent or con- tinuous measurement of particulate radio active materials in a duct or stack requires that the sample be drawn from the stack to a collector which can be evaluated continuously or intermittently by a radiation detector. When this is a requirement, particular care must be taken in evaluating the possible sampling errors. eit by a SAIC NTE STAGES DETTE CAST) Aris bis oe 26 Although good judgment must be exercised in every case, the best available information on errors in sampling should be utilized to minimize the error and to arrive at an estimate of the possible magnitude of the error. Ap- pendixes A, B, and C are provided to assist in the design of samplers. One of the most important considerations emphasized in Appendix B on deposition errors in sampling lines and Appendix C on anisokinetic sampling errors, is the particle size and density of the radioactive material in the stream. One must always know or make a judicious estimate of the particle sizes pres- ent or of interest before he can determine how serious a compromise he has made in the design of a sampler. A sampling arrangement which at all times will insure a representative sample of all sizes of particles along with the require- ments of proper frequency and sensitivity is very difficult to achieve in most cases. When compromises from the ideal are required, the degree to which a sample may be in error should be estimated and a determination made to see if this is tolerable for the particu- lar use of the data obtained. The sampling requirements must be identi- fied and specified early in the design of « new facility. This is extremely important and can- not be overemphasized. Lack of foresight in this respect will almost always result in com- promises which cannot be tolerated. Sampling requirements must be regarded as being as important as any other phase of a facility de- sign and should be developed accordingly. In the early stages of design of a new facili the data regarding the nature of the particles ANSI Nb3-4 69 MM 0724150 0008488 6 mm Nia to be sampled and the flow characteristics in ‘each duct or stack may not be known. In these cases one must provide for possible changes as more adequate information develops during the operation of the facility A2, Selection of Sampling Position along Duct or Stack ‘The point at which a duct or stack should be entered for sampling should be selected afler taking into account several factors. In the region immediately downstream from bends or severe transitions, flow patterns may ‘be markedly distorted. These locations should be avoided. Some particle segregatiop, may ‘occur according to size if particles are greater than about five microns, duc to inertial effects. ‘Secondly, establishing the correct* Sainpling rate for isokinetic flow (if required) at such positions may be difficult due to cross cur rents or other preferred motions of flow set up by the transition or bends. Generally, the distance from the transition or elbow to the point of sampling should be a minimum of five and preferably ten or more diameters downstream. In some cases this distance may ‘be inadequate. (it is recommended that the velocity distribution be measured at the an- ticipated section to determine that flow is fully developed and mixing completp.(This evaluation is particularly important when the distribution is caused by duets joining the stream sampled, particularly where duct flow rates are low (low Re). Such side streams may be contributing particles to the air stream sampled, and a large distance downstream is required to distribute these entering particles uniformly. In extreme cases, for example, when several large streams join a discharge stack through separate entries at the stack base, it would be wise to evaluate the particle dis: tribution at the selected sample station in the duct or stack before finally selecting the with: drawal point or points from the stream. Sep- arate sampling of each contributing stream may provide a more reliable measurement of particulate materials. @ Ifa choice can be made between sampling trom a vertical or horizontal run of duct, the APPENDIX A factor which can easily be overlooked is that of changes in the quality of the particles and gases carried in the air stream as the air moves along the passage. Changes can occur from reactions between gases to form solid particles, particles may be wet or dry depend: ing upon the temperature and moisture load: ing: they may agglomerata. if concentrations ‘are high enough (not too likely in most situa- tions), contaminated corrosion products from walls ‘of ducts or the stack may enter the stream, or earlier-deposited material may break off and enter the air stream. The like: Mihood of these complexities occurring must be considered in establishing « sampling loca: tion. The most obvious solution is to provide ‘a sampling location at a point as far down- stream as possible. In the case of a stack or duet discharging to the atmosphere, the sam- pling station should be at or near the release point if these effects are anticipated. In many ceases the probability of the suggested situa. tions ocourring may be low. A3. Sampling Location(s) in the Cross Section of Duct AB.L Criteria. The criteria for a point or points from which a sample will be taken are: (1) The particle and gascous composition is representative at the point in the cross section selected, or enough points in the cross section are sampled essentially simultaneously or se: ‘quentially to provide an average, representa: tive sample. (2) The velocity and flow distribution in the duct at this cross section should be known so that the rate of sampling ean be chosen to pro- vide near-isokinetie sampling for particles larger than about two to five microns. (See Appendix ©.) 3.2 Withdrawal Points in the Cross Section to Assure a Representative Sample. With some attention given to selection of the point along fa duct or stack where entry is made for ob- taining a sample, the possibilities for non- uniform particle composition at this cross section are greatly reduced. However, to fur- vertical run should be favored. Stratification", ther insure thal the sample represents the of particles due to gravity settling may thus be avoided. ope bth REI ATION SARE ASTUTE 1) Reto ah 26 average composition, samples should generally be drawn from several points, the number de- ANSI ND3-2 69 MM O724150 0008489 T mm APPENDIX pending upon the shape and cross sectional area of the duct. For ducts less than eight inches in diameter (20 em) one sample point is adequate: a better arrangement is that of two sampling points, each at @ point of average velocity. For larger circular ducts and st ks the ‘minimum number of points should be as fol: lows: Duct Minimum Number Diameter in inches of Points 2 6 1 812 2 W138 3 20-28 4 30—48 5 50 and larger 6 Each withdrawal point in cireular ducts should be centered in an equal annular area of size equal to the cross sectional area divided by the number of probes. Withdrawal points may be on a diameter or, preferably, spaced to obtain samples from the total cross section. Square and rectangular duets should be sampled from points in the eross section repre: senting approximately equal area. The number of sample withdrawal points should be as fol- lows: Suggested Number Duct Area ‘of Points Less than 0.5 sa ft 1 1 2sqtt 4 2-25 saft 6-12 > 2eqtt 20 Fewer withdrawal points may be used if careful studies show that uniformity of compo: sition exists throughout the cross section of the duct. Some practical difficulties arise in ning a sample delivery system which simultaneously samples many positions in a ross section. Total sample volume require: ments may be so small that distributing this total flow among many probes may result in impractically small diameter probe nozzle entry diameters to achieve near-isokinetic flow. Ducts in which the flow varies widely from point to point would ideally require that a different entry velocity be maintained for every withdrawal point. A study of velocity distribution at the cross section will show at Comite PABIOA NTLOGL STAOSHOS HST GST) fmf hse we 27 what points in the cross section probes of equal flow can be positioned. Probes centered in equal velocity regions ean then be brought to a common delivery line for obtaining the com- posite samples. In some cases two or more arrays of probes will be needed to properly sample a large cross section, each array being Joined to a soparate sample delivery line. It sometimes proves advantageous to design ‘sampling probe system to withdraw a signifi- cantly larger volume rate sample than that needed for analysis. An appropriate fraction can then be drawn from the larger delivery ine carrying the bulk sample. However, all the requirements for obtaining a representa- tive secondary sample from the bulk sample would have to be realized. Two flow rates would require measuring, and the chances for particle loss through deposition would be en- hanced. In general, the primary-secondary sampling arrangement should be avoided. When simultaneous samples are required for different purposes, the primary-secondary sampling system is justifiable. An example is, one in which three purposes are to be achieved from samples on an essentially continuous bi (D An integrated sample representing an aliquot of the total material present during a 24-hour or longer period, (2) A sample taken for a continuous or inter- mittent particle radioactivity monitor, () A sample taken for measuring the in. stantancous radioactive material passing through the duct, both gaseous and particulate, as for example, a direct gamma ray or ioniza- tion chamber measurement on a portion of the stream, A3.3 Velocity Distribution and Consequences for Sampling. The velocity distribution across ‘a duct or stuck cross section must be known, preferably through direct velocity traverses At the section chosen for the sampling station. ‘The velocity distribution must be known for ‘two reasons. The first is to establish the rate of sample withdrawal to maintain isokinetic flow for a sample probe inserted at a given point in the duct or stack. The second is to provide the information to permit the inte- Grated flow of radioactive material through the system to be determined from the sample taken, ANSI NL3-3 9 MM 0724250 0008490 & mm wast Direct velocity traverses are preferred; how: ever, for design purposes, calculated or tabled velocity distributions and the point at which the average velocity occurs in the cross section are useful. Data is provided in this Appendix to help establish the point of average flow and to show the shape of the velocity profile. A33.1 Laminar Flow in Duct Sampled. For laminar flow (Re = 2100) in circular ducts the flow profile is a parabolic distribution of velocities; the maximum velocity occurs on the duct axis, and the average velocily is one: half the centerline flow. The average velocity occurs at about 0.7 the radial distance from the axis of the duct to the wall. A sample drawn from this point through the inlet of the probe ata velocity equal to the average velocity in the duct will furnish a valid sample, assuming that particles and gases are homogeneously distributed across the section sampled. Center- line sampling in small diameter ducts requiring but one probe is also justifiable. For larger duets, centerline sampling is justified if it has been shown that the centerline position repre- sents an average pasition for the concentration ‘of airborne material to be sampled. The iso- kinetie sampling velocity should be twice the average velocity for centerline sampling in laminar flow situations. This can be verified in a careful velocity traverse. In Table AI velocities and flows are listed al which Re = 2100. At greater velocities and flows, turbulent flow will likely exist. For square and rectangular ducts it is recom- mended that a velocity profile study always be made to establish the flow distribution pat- tern. The point or points at which the average flow rate occurs oan be determined. Tf the duct is of such size that two or more sample with: drawal points are indicated as outlined in A3.2, the withdrawal points should be prefer ably located near the positions of average vel- city in the cross section, ‘Table AL Maximum Flow in Cireular Duets for Laminar Conditions 2300) 0.0012 g/em? ne DP aaeenneenene ee ——— “Average Valoctsy te Give Ro = 2100 Volume Rate Inside Diameter of Duct = Inches Centimeters ‘Riese em/eoo emi/owc—_10/min >. 7s ages 5 126 ose = oho BuIT ear 5 152 oes = ane 3778 00 8 208 ost = iss OB 0 254 oat iad 82a 2 508 oa 1037525. is ios, 025, @ wi 2140 2 boa 029 62 tae 2877 2 sro oar 82 i6aD2.00 20 0 013 41 18820 3 org on 34 BAT 2 1018 010 31 24300 EE EEE ee eee 28 Seas ANSI N23-2 69 mm 0724250 0008492 8 mm APPENDIX For large ducts where representative sam- pling requires several sample withdrawal oints, the withdrawal points should be spaced insofar as practical at points of equal velocity. ‘Should these points not represent adequately the total duct cross section, then additional probes on other isovelocity lines should be provided and a separate sample drawn from these probes. ASA2 Turbulent Flow in Duct Sampled. As the flow becomes more turbulent, the vel- ‘city becomes more nearly uniform across the duct. This is shown for circular ducts in Fig. AL. ‘A34 Sampling Probe Configurations. Sam- pling probe configurations cannot be readily standardized because of the wide range of con- ditions in which they may be applied. As earlier indicated, and as shown in Appendix B, deposition losses can be significant for a Nia. wide range of sampling rates, particle sizes, moisture content, and so on. For these reason and in the absence of well-defined conditions, a sample-removing probe which exposes the collector directly to the stream to be sampled will always be preferred. When the collector must be placed at a point in the line through which a sample is drawn, an evaluation of particle losses in the system must be made. In Figs. A2, A3, Ad, and A5, some probe con: figurations are shawn which may be used with: in the limitations indicated earlier, and with acknowledgement that deposition may be sig nificant in particular applications. A. com: mon feature of the probes shown is the pro: vision for removing them readily for replace: ‘ment, cleaning, or evaluating the deposition losses. A second common feature is the avoid ance of abrupt changes in flow direetion, there: by minimizing inertial impaction of particles. Probe designs not incorporating these two fea tures should be avoided. Fig. AL ‘Velocity Ratio vs Reynolds Number for Smooth Pipes* Vay/Yaaxe 10? 102 ty te ERO TNL STRERES ETE CST) ah seats hse CChiton, and Kiekpatrck, Copytight 1988 by MeGraw-Hi 29

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